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Matrix Computations: Theory and Numerical Methods

Projectors and Factorization

John Leth
Department of Electronic Systems,
Aalborg University,
Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth
Example Projectors
Complementary projectors Example
Complementary projectors
Orthogonal projectors Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an orthogonal projectors The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
Construction of an orthogonal projector
Construction of an
orthogonal projector

QR Factorization
QR Factorization
The full QR factorization
The full QR factorization Example of how to use the
Example of how to use the QR factorization QR factorization

Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Modified Gram-Schmidt

Modified Gram-Schmidt Operation count

A remark
Operation count
Cholesky Factorization
A remark
Existence and uniqueness

Cholesky Factorization
Existence and uniqueness

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

Definition 3 Projectors
A projector (or projection matrix) is an idempotent matrix P, that is, Example
Complementary projectors

P2 = P
Orthogonal projectors
(hence P is square) The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
orthogonal projector

QR Factorization
The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the
QR factorization

Modified Gram-Schmidt
Operation count
A remark

Cholesky Factorization
Existence and uniqueness

(a) An oblique projection (b) An orthogonal projection

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

4 Example
Complementary projectors

Example Orthogonal projectors

The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
" # " # orthogonal projector
1 0 0 1 0 0
QR Factorization
P= 0 1 0 =⇒ P 2 = 0 1 0 idempotent The full QR factorization
0 0 0 0 0 0 Example of how to use the
QR factorization
" # " #
0 1 0 1 0 0 Gram-Schmidt
P= 1 0 0 =⇒ P 2 = 0 1 0 not idempotent Orthogonalization
Modified Gram-Schmidt
0 0 0 0 0 0 Operation count
A remark

Cholesky Factorization
Existence and uniqueness

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Complementary projectors

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

Let P be a projector then Projectors

(I − P)2 = I + P 2 − 2P = I − P 5 Complementary projectors
Orthogonal projectors

hence I − P is also a projector, called the complementary projector. The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
The word “complementary” comes from the facts that Construction of an
orthogonal projector
1 range(P) = null(I − P) QR Factorization
2 range(I − P) = null(P) The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the
3 null(P) ∩ range(P) = range(I − P) ∩ range(P) = {0} QR factorization

Which implies that Orthogonalization
Modified Gram-Schmidt
Any vector x can be written uniquely as: Operation count
x = x1 + x2 with x1 ∈ range(P) and x2 ∈ range(I − P) A remark

(in fact x1 = Px and x2 = (I − P)x ) Cholesky Factorization

Existence and uniqueness
By definition this implies that the subspaces range(I − P) and range(P) are

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Orthogonal projectors

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

Complementary projectors
6 Orthogonal projectors
Definition The SVD and EVD of an
A projector P which is also hermitian (P = P∗) is called an orthogonal orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
projector. orthogonal projector

The word “orthogonal” comes from the fact that range(I − P) and range(P) QR Factorization
The full QR factorization
are orthogonal:
Example of how to use the
QR factorization

∗ def ∗ ∗ ∗ 2
u v = ((I − P)x ) Pz = x (I − P)Pz = x (P − P )z = 0 Gram-Schmidt
Modified Gram-Schmidt
That is, if we write x = x1 + x2 with x1 ∈ range(P) and x2 ∈ range(I − P), Operation count
then x1 ⊥x2 . A remark

Cholesky Factorization
Existence and uniqueness

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
The SVD and EVD of an orthogonal projectors

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
Let P be an m × m projector, and assume that range(I − P) and range(P) are
John Leth
Let {q1 , . . . , qm } be any orthonormal basis for Cm such that Projectors
Complementary projectors
span{q1 , . . . , qn } = range(P) Orthogonal projectors

span{qn+1 , . . . , qm } = range(I − P) = null(P) 7 The SVD and EVD of an

orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
Then with the unitary matrix Q = [q1 · · · qm ] we obtain orthogonal projector

QR Factorization
h i
I 0 def The full QR factorization
PQ = [q1 · · · qn 0 · · · 0] ⇒ Q PQ = n

= Σ. Example of how to use the
0 0 QR factorization

That is we have constructed an SVD (and EVD) of P: Orthogonalization
Modified Gram-Schmidt
h i
I 0 Operation count
P = QΣQ , ∗
Σ= n , Q = [q1 · · · qm ]. A remark
0 0
Cholesky Factorization
Existence and uniqueness
Which also show that P is an orthogonal projector, and that it has a particular
nice reduced SVD

P = Q̂ Q̂ ∗ , Q̂ = [q1 · · · qn ].

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Construction of an orthogonal projector

Matrix Computations:
Let {a1 , . . . , an } be a set of linear independent vectors in Cm . Theory and Numerical
John Leth
Construct an orthogonal projector P onto the subspace span{a1 , . . . , an }.
Let A = [a1 · · · an ] then the above may be stated equivalently as Example
Complementary projectors
Construct an orthogonal projector P onto the subspace range(A). Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an
Let b be any vector and y its orthogonal projection onto range(A) (that is orthogonal projectors
8 Construction of an
y = Pb), then orthogonal projector

QR Factorization
ai∗ (b − y ) = 0 for i = 1, . . . , n The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the
QR factorization

Modified Gram-Schmidt
Operation count
A remark

Cholesky Factorization
Existence and uniqueness

Figure: Orthogonal projection

Dept. of Electronic Systems,
Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Construction of an orthogonal projector

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
Let {a1 , . . . , an } be a set of linear independent vectors in Cm . Methods
John Leth
Construct an orthogonal projector P onto the subspace span{a1 , . . . , an }.
Let A = [a1 · · · an ] then the above may be stated equivalently as Example
Complementary projectors
Construct an orthogonal projector P onto the subspace range(A). Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
Let b be any vector and y its orthogonal projection onto range(A) (that is 8 Construction of an
y = Pb), then orthogonal projector

QR Factorization
ai∗ (b − y ) = 0 for i = 1, . . . , n The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the
QR factorization
or compactly written
∗ def ∗ ∗ ∗
0 = A (b − y ) = A (b − Ax ) = A b − A Ax . Modified Gram-Schmidt
Operation count
A remark
Cholesky Factorization

A∗ Ax = A∗ b ⇒ x = (A∗ A)−1 A∗ b ⇒ y = Ax = A(A∗ A)−1 A∗ b Existence and uniqueness

That is, the (orthogonal) projection P is given by

P = A(A∗ A)−1 A∗ . (or = AA∗ ) if {a1 , . . . , an } is orthonormal.

Dept. of Electronic Systems,
Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
QR Factorization
Introduction and the reduced QR factorization

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
Let A = [a1 · · · an ] be an m × n matrix (m ≥ n) with full rank n, and consider Methods
the subspaces John Leth

span{a1 } ⊂ span{a1 , a2 } ⊂ · · · span{a1 , . . . , an }
Complementary projectors
The idea of QR factorization is the construction of a sequence of orthonormal Orthogonal projectors
vectors q1 , q2 , . . . , qn such that The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
span{q1 , . . . , qi } = span{a1 , . . . , ai } for all i = 1, . . . , n. orthogonal projector

9 QR Factorization
This yields the following relation (the reduced QR factorization of A) The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the
QR factorization
A = Q̂ R̂
with Q̂ an m × n matrix with orthonormal columns and R̂ and n × n Modified Gram-Schmidt
Operation count
upper-triangular matrix;
A remark
  Cholesky Factorization
r11 r12 ··· r1n
Existence and uniqueness
 .. .. 
r22 . . 
Q̂ = [q1 · · · qn ], R̂ =  rii ̸= 0

.. .. 
 
Dept. of Electronic Systems,
Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
QR Factorization
The full QR factorization

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical

Definition John Leth

A QR factorization of A ∈ Cm×n (m ≥ n) is a factorization Projectors


A = QR Complementary projectors
Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an
where orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
▶ Q ∈ Cm×m is unitary. orthogonal projector

▶ R ∈ Cm×n is upper triangular. QR Factorization

10 The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the
The existence and uniqueness of a QR factorization is answered by: QR factorization

Theorem Orthogonalization
Let A ∈ Cm×n (m ≥ n). Modified Gram-Schmidt
Operation count
▶ A has a QR factorization A remark

▶ If A has full rank then it has a unique reduced QR factorization, with R Cholesky Factorization
having positive diagonal entries. Existence and uniqueness

Similar definition and result holds for m ≤ n

(By duality)

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
QR Factorization
Example of how to use the QR factorization

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

For given A ∈ Cm×n and b ∈ Cm solve for x : Complementary projectors
Orthogonal projectors
b = Ax . The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
Note that Q ∗ b = Rx with A = QR. orthogonal projector

▶ Compute a QR factorization A = QR QR Factorization

The full QR factorization
▶ Compute Q∗b 11 Example of how to use the
QR factorization
▶ Solve Q ∗ b = Rx .
We still need to know how to compute a QR factorization: One way is given
Modified Gram-Schmidt
by the Operation count
A remark
Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure.
Cholesky Factorization
Existence and uniqueness

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
QR Factorization
Example of how to use the QR factorization

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

The QR Algorithm is one of the jewels of numerical analysis Example
Complementary projectors
Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
orthogonal projector

QR Factorization
The full QR factorization
12 Example of how to use the
QR factorization

Modified Gram-Schmidt
Operation count
A remark

Cholesky Factorization
Under suitable conditions (see Lecture 28) the QR Algorithm will converge to Existence and uniqueness

a Schur form (upper triangular) for the matrix A

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
Classical Gram-Schmidt

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
For a given m × n matrix A = [a1 . . . an ] with QR factorization A = QR, one Methods
John Leth
may find the columns qi of Q = [q1 · · · qn ] and the entries rij of R = [rij ] by
means of the classical Gram-Schmidt iteration Projectors
Complementary projectors
Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an
Construction of Q = [q1 · · · qn ] orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
orthogonal projector
For i =1 to n
QR Factorization

vi = ai − (q1∗ ai )q1 − · · · − (qi−1 ai )qi−1 The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the
= ai − (q1 q1∗ )ai − · · · − (qi−1 qi−1

)ai QR factorization

13 Gram-Schmidt
qi = vi /||vi ||2 Orthogonalization
Modified Gram-Schmidt
Construction of R = [rij ] Operation count
A remark

qi∗ aj i≠ j, Cholesky Factorization
rij = Existence and uniqueness
||vi ||2 i = j.

The classical Gram-Schmidt iteration is unstable (it is sensitive to the effect of

rounding errors on a computer)
Dept. of Electronic Systems,
Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
Modified Gram-Schmidt

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

The classical Gram-Schmidt iteration can be written on matrix form as: Example
Complementary projectors

q1 = P1 a1 /||P1 a1 ||, q2 = P2 a2 /||P2 a2 ||, · · · , qn = Pn an /||Pn an ||, Orthogonal projectors

The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
where Construction of an
orthogonal projector

P1 = I, QR Factorization
The full QR factorization

Pi = I − Q̂i−1 Q̂i−1 , Q̂i−1 = [q1 · · · , qi−1 ], i ≥ 2. Example of how to use the
QR factorization

The modified Gram-Schmidt iteration computes each Pi by a sequence of Orthogonalization
i − 1 projections of rank m − 1: 14 Modified Gram-Schmidt
Operation count

Pi = (I − qi−1 qi−1 ) · · · (I − q1 q1∗ ) = P⊥qi−1 · · · P⊥q1 , A remark

Cholesky Factorization
with (I − qq ∗ ) the orthogonal projection onto the subspace orthogonal to q. Existence and uniqueness

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
Operation count

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

Complementary projectors
Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
Construction of an
orthogonal projector
Figure: Algorithm for reduced QR factorization
QR Factorization
The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the

Theorem QR factorization

The Gram-Schmidt algorithm require ∼ 2mn2 flops to compute a QR Gram-Schmidt

factorization of an m × n matrix Modified Gram-Schmidt
15 Operation count
▶ Each addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or square root counts A remark

as one flop. Cholesky Factorization

▶ The symbol ∼ means Existence and uniqueness

lim (number of flops)/2mn2 = 1.

Pn Pn Pn
Proof: i=1 j=i+1
4m ∼ i=1
(i)4m ∼ 2mn2
Dept. of Electronic Systems,
Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Householder Triangulation
A remark

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

The Gram-Schmidt (GS) algorithm (giving a reduced QR factorization) can be Projectors

view as successive application of elementary triangular matrices Rk on the Example

right of A ∈ Cm×n Complementary projectors

Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an
AR1 R2 · · · Rn = Q̂ triangular orthogonalization orthogonal projectors
Construction of an

with R̂ −1 = R1 R2 · · · Rn .
orthogonal projector

QR Factorization
Another way of computing the (full) QR factorization is by means of
The full QR factorization
Householder Triangulation (HT) which can be view as successive application Example of how to use the
of elementary unitary matrices Rk on the left of A QR factorization

Qn · · · Q2 Q1 A = R orthogonal triangulation
Modified Gram-Schmidt
Operation count
with Q ∗ = Qn · · · Q2 Q1 . 16 A remark

▶ HT is more numerical stable than GS Cholesky Factorization

Existence and uniqueness
▶ The HT algorithm (Alg. 10.1) require ∼ 2mn2 − 2/3n3 flops to compute
a QR factorization of an m × n matrix

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Cholesky Factorization

A hermitian matrix A ∈ Cm×m is positive definite if Matrix Computations:

Theory and Numerical
x ∗ Ax > 0, for all x ̸= 0. John Leth

Note that since A is hermitian Example
Complementary projectors
y ∗ Ax = x ∗ Ay , Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
hence x ∗ Ax ∈ R. Construction of an
orthogonal projector

Definition QR Factorization
A Cholesky factorization of a positive definite A is a factorization The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the

A = R ∗ R,
QR factorization

where R is upper-triangular with positive diagonal. Modified Gram-Schmidt
Operation count
▶ Cholesky factorization involves only half as many operations as Gaussian A remark

elimination (LU factorization). 17 Cholesky Factorization

▶ R = [rij ] can be computed by Existence and uniqueness

q Pi−1 Pi−1
rii = aii − r2 , rij = (aij − rkj rki )/rii , i ≤ j.
k=1 ki k=1

Hence the entries of R can be computed recursively as

Dept. of Electronic Systems,
r11 , r12 , · · · , r1m , r22 , r23 , · · · Aalborg University,
18 Denmark
Cholesky Factorization
Existence and uniqueness

Matrix Computations:
Theory and Numerical
John Leth

Theorem Example
Every positive definite A has a unique Cholesky factorization. Complementary projectors
Orthogonal projectors
The SVD and EVD of an
orthogonal projectors
The factor R in the Cholesky factorization RR ∗ of A are sometimes referred to Construction of an

as the (matrix) square root of A and denoted A1/2 . The notion of a (matrix)
orthogonal projector

QR Factorization
square root can be generalized to positive semi-definite matrices
The full QR factorization
Example of how to use the
QR factorization

Theorem (Horn and Johnson, Theorem 7.2.6 on page 405.) Gram-Schmidt

For every positive semi-definite matrix A and every k ∈ N there exists a unique Modified Gram-Schmidt

positive semi-definite matrix B such that A = B k . Operation count

A remark

Cholesky Factorization

Hence with k = 2 we get A = BB = BB ∗ , so we call B = A1/2 the (matrix)

18 Existence and uniqueness

square root of A.

Dept. of Electronic Systems,

Aalborg University,
18 Denmark

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