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Social Media Channels and Blog

A Term Paper

Presented to the Department of Nursing

St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban Inc.

Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Campetic, 6501 Palo, Leyte

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Purposive Communication


Rick Warren A. Cesar

Katherine Nica A. Corral

Ma. Lia Fatima D. De Veyra

Alyza Leizyl B. Delgado

Dannah Denise O. Denoso

Ara Mae C. Gongora

Nelarmie Rose M. Ladrera

Jill A. Macariola

Sharmine M. Nodalo

March 2023


The researchers would like to express his/her sincere gratitude to all the persons who

helped in making this research study a success. His/ her earnest appreciation is especially given


Ms. Gloria Gariando, his/her Purposive Communication teacher for her expertise,

patience, unselfish and untiring effort in helping the researcher enhance his/her knowledge and

skills in writing this term paper;

BSN 1A students of S.Y. 2022-2023, for their strong presence of friendship and


His/her loving and ever supportive family, for their valuable and continuous faith, moral

and spiritual support which helped a lot in the completion of this study, and;

The almighty Father, above all, for His divine wisdom and consent that made this

endeavor possible.

Rick Warren A. Cesar

Katherine Nica A. Corral

Ma. Lia Fatima D. De Veyra

Alyza Leizyl B. Delgado

Dannah Denise O. Denoso

Ara Mae C. Gongora

Nelarmie Rose M. Ladrera

Jill A. Macariola

Sharmine M. Nodalo


This term paper aims to discuss social media channels and blog as these various

platforms allow users to engage in conversations, share information, and create digital content.

The paper begins by introducing the definitions and histories of social media channels and blog.

The paper then delves into the various types of social media channels, such as Facebook,

Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Weblog, or blog. In addition, blog as social media channel

were further discussed. The components of a blog, its common types, how to write a blog, its

examples, advantages, and disadvantages were also presented. Having this platform has been

incredibly helpful for everyone as it has allowed them to develop their identities, gain

knowledge, and even utilize it as a tool or strategy to assist their businesses. Social media

channels and blogging are potent tools that may benefit both individuals and organizations, and

their significance in the digital world is set to increase over the next few years. No matter how

informal or professional the material may be, these channels have developed into incredibly

significant platforms for the spread of knowledge. Thus, it could be considered one of the tools

that contributes to communication.



I. Introduction………………………………………………………………….….…….………...

1.1 Social Media Channels………………………………………….………………...

1.2 Blog…………………………………………………………….…………….…... 1

II. Body……………………………...………………………………………………….….……...

2.1 Social Media Channel……………………………………………………………. 3

2.1a Different Types of Social Media Channels…………………………….…………3

2.2 Blog as a Social Media Channel………………………………………….………4

2.2a Components of a Blog…………………………………………………….………4

2.2b Common Types of Blogs………………………………………………………….5

2.2c Steps on How to Write a Blog……………………………………………….……6

2.2d Examples of Blogs…………………………………………………………….….8

2.2e Advantages of Blogging ………………………………………………………….9

2.2f Disadvantages of Blogging……………………………………………………….9

III. Conclusion………………….…………………………………………………………...


IV. Bibliography………….…………………………………………………………….….…....12


1.1 Social Media Channels

The term "communication" can also refer to the use of internet-based social media. By

utilizing the various platforms that social media offers, users can engage in conversations, share

information, and create digital content. It can provide various benefits, including possibilities to

advertise one's business, opportunities to create relationships, share one's abilities, educate

oneself, and engage digitally with one's family.

The first known use of social media occurred on May 24, 1844, when a series of

electronic dots and dashes were typed by hand on a telegraph machine, as stated in the article

"The Evolution of Social Media: How Did It Begin and Where Could It Go Next?" But, in 1987,

the National Science Foundation launched the NSFNET, a more robust digital network

implemented on a national scale and acted as an immediate forerunner to the internet. A decade

later, in 1997, the very first legitimate website for social networking was made available to the


1.2 Blog

A blog is a website or page that is part of a bigger website. Articles are typically

presented in a conversational tone, and they may be accompanied by visuals or videos. Blog

refers to writing, photography, and other media that are self-published online. Blogs were

originally called weblogs, which were websites that consisted of a series of entries arranged in

reverse chronological order, so the newest posts appeared at the top. They were frequently

updated with new information about various topics.


Blogging started way back in 1994. According to the article “The History of Blogging:

From 1997 Until Now,” most experts agree that the first blog was a site called “Links.net”

created in 1994 by then-student Justin Hall as a place to publish his writings. Due to what Hall

created, others were influenced and started their sites, but they were called “Online Diaries” or

even “Personal Pages” rather than “Blog.” It was only called a “Weblog” when Jorn Barger

coined the so-called term in 1997.

The paper would further give a deeper insight into social media channels, blogs, and how

to write a blog.


2.1 Social Media Channel

According to Dollarhide (2023), social media is a digital technology that promotes the

sharing of content, multimedia, and information through virtual communities and networks. It

encompasses a vast universe of apps and platforms that let users share content, engage in online

interaction, and develop communities. Typically, social media platforms offer user-generated

content and individualized profiles that encourage participation through likes, shares, comments,

and discussions.

Another definition is from Lutkevich and Wigmore (2021), Social media is a collective

term for websites and applications that focus on communication, community-based input,

interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. People use social media to stay in touch and

interact with friends, family and various communities. Businesses use social applications to

market and promote their products and track customer concerns.

2.1a Different Types of Social Media Channels

Facebook. Facebook is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to

connect with friends, work colleagues or people they don't know, online. It allows users

to share pictures, music, videos, and articles, as well as their own thoughts and opinions

with however many people they like.

Instagram. Instagram is a free photo and video sharing. People can upload photos or

videos to their service and share them with their followers or with a select group of


Twitter. Twitter is a free social networking site where users broadcast short posts known

as tweets. These tweets can contain text, videos, photos or links. Twitter's primary

purpose is to connect its users and allow them to share their thoughts with their followers

and others through the use of hashtags. It can be a source of news, entertainment and a

marketing tool for businesses.

YouTube. YouTube is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch online

videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally

created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Web, with visitors

watching around 6 billion hours of video every month.

Weblog or Blog. A blog, short for weblog, is a frequently updated web page used for

personal commentary or business content. Blogs are often interactive and include sections

at the bottom of individual blog posts where readers can leave comments.

Blog as a social media platform will be further discussed in the following context.

2.2 Blog as a Social Media Channel

A weblog or blog is a listing of text, images, or other objects that are arranged in

a chronological order that first started appearing in 1998. Blogs are often maintained and run by

a single individual, updated daily, or contain personal remarks about a topic, a personal ramble,

or an update on the person's life. Weblogs are like a personal journal, offering the user a way to

publicly discuss their life. It provides a personal way to learn more about people, events, places,

and people around the world (Weblog, 2022).

According to Minaev (2022), a blog is an online journal or informational

website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing

first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an

individual subject.

Blog expands as a literary medium; it gives rise to a new and distinct postmodern

vocabulary that enables writers to express themselves in ways never before conceived. It is

characterized by speculative realities and a collaborative and disorderly philosophy. Yet, the

contact between author and reader is unprecedented, passionate, and occasionally violent.

Undeniably, it marks the beginning of journalism's golden age.

2.2a Components of a Blog

Blogs consist of continually updated content in the style of a journal. They may range

from textual updates to video journals. Blogs commonly feature photographs, videos, music, and

audio. The following are the key components of a blog: blog posts (the content of the blog),

reader comments, tags and categories (blog posts are typically organized via categories and

tagged keywords that help readers find posts of interest), archives (entries are organized into

archives that readers can browse by clicking on a specific month, year, or date range), and

related links (important in search engine optimization) are all components of a blog, in addition

to the dashboard (accessible only to the blog authors, usually via a login, provides access to

administrative tasks such as changing the look of the blog design, managing posts, reviewing and

moderating comments from readers, and creating, and editing new posts using a built-in post


2.2b Common Types of Blogs


Affiliate blog. Affiliate marketing is the practice of promoting the goods and services of

a third party on a blog. When a purchase is made through a link on an affiliate blog, a

commission is paid to the blog's owner. This website publishes numerous product

reviews and "best of" lists.

Company or Business blog. Its primary purpose is to provide information relevant to a

company's industry or to update the target audience of any changes to the company. It

could be a section of a company's website or an independent website.

Multimedia blog. This type utilizes a blog format but distributes multimedia content,

such as videos and podcasts, instead of textual articles. In addition, it typically includes a

summary, table of contents, and notable quotes from the video or podcast.

News blog. This blog focuses on recent developments and new products in a certain

industry. Unlike other blogs, news blogs typically do not include personal or opinionated


Niche blog. This type of blog provides information about a particular topic, which is

often tied to the blogger's hobbies, skills, and expertise. This category of blogs includes

book blogs, culinary blogs, and lifestyle blogs.

Personal blog. This type of blog frequently serves as an online journal in which the

blogger communicates his or her thoughts without the purpose of targeting a particular

audience or selling a product. Personal blogs may discuss a variety of themes, including

family events, self-reflection, and professional endeavors.

Reverse blog. Often known as group blogs, this form of blog has several contributors

that submit blog articles on relevant topics, with the blog owner responsible for reviewing

and posting the content.


2.2c Steps on How to Write a Blog

Brainstorming blog topics. When writing a blog article, whether as a guest blogger or

for their own website, they should address topics that bring value to the readers and align

with their interests, in addition to focusing on their area of expertise. Instead of

immediately striving to select the best topic, jot down as many ideas as possible.

Define your audience. Blogger must determine who he or she is writing for. Predicting

the types of readers will help in the creation of material that is intriguing, engaging, and


Create an organized outline. Developing an outline is crucial since it assures that the

writer's content will have a solid foundation upon which to create the blog post.

Write an engaging content. After sketching out the blog post, blogger can start to write,

but keeping in mind that blog posts, like many other sorts of writing, often comprise three

primary elements: an introduction, body text, and conclusion.

Craft an irresistible headline. A compelling headline entices readers and enriches the

blog's design, ensuring that they click on the content in the first place.

Choose a blog template. Composing the blog article may be the blogger’s top focus, but

it must be presented in an engaging manner. Possessing an article with significant visual

appeal is essential for resonating with the intended audience.

Pick relevant images. Similarly, a blogger should enhance his or her blog post with a

few high-quality photographs that illustrate the key ideas. It is essential that the images

provide value to the content, as opposed to functioning as filler. They should pay special

attention to their featured image, since it will be the primary visual underneath their

blog's title and what viewers will see when browsing the articles on the blog's homepage.

Edit and publish. Given the prevalence of common blogging mistakes, bloggers must

rigorously examine their articles for grammatical errors, redundancies, and other

unprofessional content. In addition, they must ensure that each section's ideas flow

cohesively, conveying a clear and intended message to the reader.

2.2d Examples of Blogs

NURSE BARB’S DAILY DOSE. Nurse Barb is a great resource for anyone that needs

medical advice. Nurse Barb translates complicated medical information to help people

find their way toward better health and wellness. Nurse Barb is a women’s health nurse

practitioner who has published award-winning women’s health guides. Her blog provides

an assortment of tips from healthy diet and exercise to breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Although initially targeted towards women, the average reader will find this blog

relevant, such as her tips for managing the common cold.

MINDING THE BEDSIDE. This blog encourages nurses to mind the bedside: meaning

to remain mindful and aware in the presence of the patients that are cared for. It teaches

nurses how to recognize and transform negative emotions, as they are only impermanent

phenomena. It is an excellent read for nurses that are feeling burnt out.

WANDERING EARL. Living out of his suitcase with no place to call a permanent

home, Derek Earl Baron uses his blog to show people that long-term travel can be a

realistic lifestyle option – not a far-fetched fantasy. Baron allows his readers to

browse posts by category and country. There are 12 categories to choose from, with

five blog post titles featured under each category. Some of the categories

include Travel Advice, Work & Travel, and Interesting People.

2.2e Advantages of Blogging

 Good for SEO: Blogging is an excellent search engine optimization (SEO) tactic since

search engines adore fresh information. The regularity with which blogs are updated is a

defining characteristic, and new material improves a website's SEO performance.

 Maintains connection with customer: Blog entries may keep your customers and

clients abreast of current events, inform them of new promotions, and give helpful hints.

Customers are more inclined to spend money the more regularly they read your blog and

the more frequently you update valuable information.

 Builds rapport to customer: In addition to allowing, you to demonstrate your

knowledge, so enhancing your authority and competence, a blog also allows readers to

leave comments and connect with you. This helps clients to become acquainted with you

and, ideally, create connections that result in sales.

 Create alternative revenue: Profitable blogs may generate their own income. In

addition to your product or service, blogs may also make cash via advertising and

affiliate items.

2.2f Disadvantages of Blogging


 Time-consuming: The success of a blog depends on repeat visitors, who only return

when there is new content to read. In order to effectively engage readers and improve

SEO, bloggers must produce material many times each week at a minimum.

 Continually demands novel concepts: If the content is not new and compelling, posting

numerous times each week is not effective. Constantly conceptualizing and executing

fresh material may be taxing. The good news is that you do not have to handle everything

on your own. You may employ guest authors or independent contractors. The alternative

is to curate the material of others. You may purchase material with private label rights

(PLR) and adapt it for your blog.

 Pay-out is deferred: One of the most aggravating aspects about blogging is that it is

time-consuming with little initial benefit. It takes time to get traction and a readership.

 Blogging in and of itself won't generate income: submitting an article was sufficient to

attract readers and make cash. A successful blog requires email marketing, extra

incentives like content upgrades, and an active social network like a Facebook group.


Together with the development of contemporary communication has come the emergence

of hundreds of different social platforms that may be utilized in conjunction with a variety of

different approaches to connecting with people. Due to people's participation in online social

activities, individuals are able to communicate with one another and express their thoughts and

views on a common forum. No matter how informal or professional the material may be, these

channels have developed into incredibly significant platforms for the spread of knowledge. Thus,

it could be considered to be one of the tools that contributes to communication.

Blogs have become an integral feature of social media, allowing individuals to express

their creativity and share their knowledge and skills. A blog's essential elements include blog

articles, reader comments, tags and categories, archives, relevant links, and a dashboard allowing

access to administrative duties. Among the various blogs are personal blogs, niche blogs,

multimedia blogs, news blogs, company or business blogs, affiliate blogs, and reverse blogs.

Blogging provides several benefits and drawbacks of these platforms as a result of exposure,

such as enhancing search engine optimization, maintaining customer connections, establishing

client rapport, and generating alternative money streams. Regarding benefits, having this

platform has been incredibly helpful for everyone as it has allowed them to develop their

identities, gain knowledge, and even utilize it as a tool or strategy to assist their businesses.

However, generating repeat visitors can be time-consuming and demands ongoing work.

Blogging is a potent tool that may benefit both individuals and organizations, and its significance

in the digital world is set to increase over the next few years.


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Dollarhide, M. (2023). Social Media: Definition, Effects, and List of Top Apps. Investopedia.

Duermyer, R. (2022, November 29). What Is Blogging? The Balance.


Forsey, C. (2022, September 16). What Is a Blog, & Why Should You Create One.

Gunn, D. (2023, February 5). The History of Blogging: From 1997 Until Now (With Pictures).
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Home - Nurse Barb. (2019, May 8). Nurse Barb. https://nursebarb.com/


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Lutkevich, B., & Wigmore, I. (2021, September 3). social media. WhatIs.com.

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Weblog. (2022, October 18). https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/w/weblog.htm

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