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Beware of side effects when the body lacks sleep

Sleep is an activity to rest the body and mind, if our body lacks sleep it causes side effects
that are bad for the health of the body. Side effects of lack of sleep can appear and interfere
with daily activities. Sleep is a final activity that is mostly done at night. Sleeping activities
can help rest the body and mind because of the activities carried out all day long. There are
many harmful effects of lack of sleep, dr. Ishvara Riddhi P – General Practitioner Primaya
Hospital Bekasi Timur explained it. According to Doctor Riddhi, lack of sleep can reduce the
quality of hormones during intercourse. "Research published in the Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2002, states that people who suffer from "Sleep Apnea"
have low testosterone levels," he said. Illness will easily come when your body is too forced
with activities that force you to stay up late. Many long-term disease risks due to lack of
sleep. Doctor Riddhi advises you to avoid staying up late as much as possible because our
bodies are designed with a balance. There is a time to work and there is also a time to rest or

Side Effects of Lack of Sleep

-Dizziness, Difficulty Concentration and Memory Disorders

-Pale face and dark circles under the eyes

-Irregular eating pattern

-Decreased Endurance

-Easy Sleepy

How to reduce the risk of staying up late:

-Drink more water

-Avoid Greasy and Fast Food

-Consumption of Vitamins and Vegetable Seeds

-Afternoon sport

-Take a warm shower in the morning

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