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A Specialized Subject for Grade 12 STEM Students

Name: ________________________________________ Section: ________________________

Teacher: ______________________________________Date: ___________________________

Chapter 1| The Cell

The cell is the smallest structural unit of a living organism. So, everything that we are able
to do is possible because of the 10 trillion cells present in our body. The number is huge and of
course, the function performed by them is even bigger. In this chapter here, we’ll introduce you to
cells and the parts and its functions.

Learning Activity Sheet #1: Cell Theory: Discovery and Proponents

Learning Targets:
1. I can trace the history and development of cell theory
1. Hoefnagels, M., Biology: The Essentials (2016), p. 48
2. Nowicki,S. Georgia Biology (2008) page 71

Activity No. 1.1. Building Blocks

Close your eyes and picture a brick wall. What is the basic building block of that wall?
What will happen to a house without the wall or the building blocks of the wall? Write your
answer inside the box.

How about the human beings or all the living things? What is the building blocks of this
organisms? Let’s find out!

Cell is the fundamental unit of life. The ideas given by various scientist allow the discovery
and development of cell theory. All things that have life are made up of cells.
These are the general and accepted cell theories proposed by the people of Science.

1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells.
2. Cells are the smallest and basic units of structure and function in living organisms.
3. Cells arise only from previously existing cells.
Guide Question:
1. Why a person must know or have an idea about the cell theory?


He used the three-lens compound microscope to
examine thin slices of cork. He observed that cork
is made of tiny, hollow compartments. The
Robert Hooke
1635-1703 compartments reminded Hooke of small rooms
found in a monastery, and named them cells.

He was making new lenses to examine cloth. As

a result of his creation, he was able to create
Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1632-1723 single-lens microscopes. He described and
discovered single living cells swimming in a drop
of pond water.

1804-1881 He was the first to note that plants are made of

Matthias Jakob Schleiden
cells (1838).

1810-1862 He concluded that all living things are made of

Theodor Schwann
cells (1839).

Rudolf Carl Virchow 1858 He proposed that all cells come from other cells.
Life originated as primitive cells (protocells)
from inorganic and organic molecules in Earth’s
prebiotic oceans some 3.5 to 4 billion years ago.
Aleksandir Oparin 1938
Hypothesize: organic molecules might assembled
in the Earth’s primitive atmosphere in the presence
of strong energy from the isotopes of Earth’s crust.
Test Oparin’s hypothesis by placing a mixture of
inorganic compounds in a closed system,
Stanley Miller 1953
recovered amino acids and other organic
compounds obtaining a similar result
A Specialized Subject for Grade 12 STEM Students

Name: ________________________________________Section: ________________________

Teacher: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Learning Activity Sheet #2: Basic Cell Structures and its Functions

Learning Target/s: I can identify the cell structures and their functions
1. Cell structure and functions. Retrieved June 15, 2017, from
2. Belardo, GM.,General Biology 1 (2016), p. 46-63

Activity No. 2.1 Building Blocks

Close your eyes again. This time, the brick you have imagine from the previous topic must
be slice in half. What might be the thing you will find out? Describe it in the box.

Cell has an intricate and beautiful array of specialized structures that help the cell perform
its function. Yes, cells are building blocks, but they’re the most amazing building blocks in the

The cell plays a vital role in the different day to day processes in the body. But cell is not
complete without the structures that perform very distinct functions on the cells’ duty.
Cell Structures Structure Functions
It is made up of double layer fats that Separate cell from the outside
Plasma/ Cell
forms the outer boundary of the cell environment and controls the entry
and surrounds the cytoplasm. of substances in and out of the cell
Site of many metabolic reactions
It is clear, thick, jellylike material
Cytoplasm and medium where organelles are
that contains large amount of water.
Contains the genetic information
It is found in the centre of the cell
Nucleus and assemble of ribosomes
that have the chromosomes inside.
Nucleolus Found in the middle of the nucleus Makes protein
It is attach on the rough endoplasmic
Ribosomes reticulum and some is free flowing. It Site of protein synthesis
looks like small grain like bodies.
Rough Endoplasmic Use in protein synthesis and
Has ribosomes with it
Reticulum other cell processing
Site of lipid and carbohydrates
Endoplasmic Does not have any ribosomes
Stacks of flat membrane covered Transport vesicle and also use in
Golgi Apparatus
sacs. protein synthesis

Found also in the cytoplasm and are Break down large molecules and
small round structures. the recycling center of the cell
These are small organelles that contain
Peroxisomes peroxide that reduce enzyme catalase. Oxidizes fatty acids, ethanol and
other compounds

Scattered on the cytoplasm and looks Powerhouse of the cell and

like sausage produces ATP

Oval shaped structures containing the Use the energy from the sunlight to
chlorophyll produce glucose

It is a network of filaments and tubules

that extends throughout a cell through the It’s is for the structural support and
cytoplasm, which is all of the material movement of the cell
within a cell except for the nucleus.

It can be tough, flexible and rigid Structural support, protection for

Cell wall
found outside the cell membrane plants and other prokaryotes

Store food and water or any variety

A space within a cell that is empty of of nutrients a cell might need to
Vacuole cytoplasm, lined with a membrane, and survive. They can even store waste
filled with fluid products so the rest of the cell is
protected from contamination
How did you find these tiny bricks? Many but beautifully and intricately made right? Here
is deeper example of a structure with its function carrying out a process.

Cytoplasm is responsible for the cell structure. It fills the

space between the cell membrane and nucleus. Cytosol is the
fluid portion of the cytoplasm wherein the organelles are
suspended. Water is essential in keeping its form as well as to
the different processes in the cells.

Now other structures play a very important role in a

certain process: inside and outside the cell. Truly, cells are
building blocks, but they’re the most amazing building blocks
in the world!
A Specialized Subject for Grade 12 STEM Students

Name: ________________________________________Section: ________________________

Teacher: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Learning Activity Sheet #3: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Learning Target/s: I can differentiate prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cells by their features
1. Hoefnagels, M., Biology: The Essentials (2016), p. 52-53
2. Belardo, GM.,General Biology 1 (2016), p. 46-63

Activity No. 3.1 Who am I?

Have you asked yourself, Where do I belong? Sometimes, we tend to group ourselves
based on the people who will accept us or by the people which have the same values or talents
with us. But, where can you really find yourself? Draw inside the box a group of people or things
which you might think that you feel belong. It can be in your family, school setting, or group of
friends you have the same vibes with. Be creative!

As you already have the background about the cell and its structures, there are more things
to be understand. Here is another topic that can boost up your interest about the cell and probably,
in the end of this discussion, you can answer where you truly belong.

Prokaryotes are organisms that do not have nucleus. They are commonly 0.1–5.0 µm in
diameter. Some are unicellular and others are multicellular.

Eukaryotes have 10–100 µm in diameter. These are organisms whose cells have complex
and organizes structures with a membrane bound cell nucleus. Plants, protists, fungi and animals
are eukaryotes.
From the given figures
Figure above,
1. Bacterial Cell can you identify which is a prokaryotic cellCell
Figure 2. Animal from a eukaryotic
cell? If your answer is yes, let’s try to find out if your instinct is right.

If you identify Figure 1 as a prokaryotic cell, you are brilliant! As they lack nucleus, the
DNA also are suspended in the cytoplasm and are not enclosed with a membrane. These cells are
found in single-celled organisms like bacteria as shown in the Figure above. This cell is enclosed
with a cell wall protecting it from the surrounding. Also, it has flagella and pili use for locomotion.
The nucleoid is a nucleus like region of the cell where the genetic material is (circular in shape)
kept. The plasmid is a small molecule of DNA which reproduce independently.

Figure 2 is an example of a eukaryotic cell. As shown above, eukaryotic cell like the animal
cell is larger compare to the prokaryotic cell. This type of cell are found mainly in a multicellular

Eukaryotic cell also have other organelles besides the nucleus. An organelle is a structure
found in the cytoplasm that performs a very specific tasks in the cell. Organelles like vacuoles
store substances in the cells. Mitochondria provide energy to the cell, nucleus as the brain and
where the genetic materials are found and many other organelles that allow the eukaryotic cells to
carry out more functions than the prokaryotic cells can.

But have you observed something common from the 2 cell types? Try to write your answer
in the blank below.

________________ is the structure that can be found both in the prokaryotic and eukaryotic
cell that is responsible for the production of proteins.
A Specialized Subject for Grade 12 STEM Students

Name: ________________________________________Section: ________________________

Teacher: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Learning Activity Sheet #4: Plant Cell and Animal Cell

Learning Target/s: I can compare plant cell and animal cell

Reference: Belardo, GM., General Biology 1 (2016), p. 63

Have you ever wondered why plants are green while animals are not or why animals can
move but plants cannot? Try to look on these common appliances you have in your home. TV has
a screen while refrigerator has doors to open. TV is use for entertainment and news- allowing you
to see things around the world with people or figures doing actions or creating sounds visually.
Refrigerator has doors in order keep a cold temperature to store food and preserve it. TV can’t
have doors as it is not for preservation thus refrigerator does not have screen because it is not for
entertainment. Same with plant and animals, there are specific parts that can only be found on each
of the cell which performs a specific function on them only.

Both plant and animal cells are eukaryotic cells. They have true nucleus with DNA and
structures are separated by a nuclear membrane. Both these cell types can reproduce, obtain energy
which enables for maintaining cellular function and growth. Both of them have organelles that are
specialized to perform functions necessary for cell operation. They may have common
characteristics but they also contains differences (Bailey, 2019).

Size: Plant cells range from 10-100 micrometres in length while animal cells range from 10-30

Shape: Animal cells have round or irregular sizes while plant cells are more similar in size
commonly rectangular or cube shaped.

Energy Storage: Plant cells store energy as starch while animal cells is in the form of glycogen.

Differentiation: In animal cells, only stem cells are capable of converting to other cell types.
Most plant cell types are capable of differentiation.

Growth: Animal cells increase in size by increasing in cell numbers. Plant cells mainly increase
cell size by becoming larger. They grow by absorbing more water into the central vacuole.
The abovementioned characteristics are not just the common differences of the 2 cell types.
Try to observe the photos below.

Figure 1. Plant Cell Figure 2. Animal Cell

Figure 1 is an example of plant cell while Figure 2 is an animal cell. Here are the differences based
on the structures:
Cell Wall: Animal cells do not have cell wall while plant cells have a rigid cell because it surrounds the cell
membrane. This is the reason while plant cannot move from one place to another.
Chloroplasts: Plants are autotrophs allowing them to create their own food through the process of
photosynthesis. Animal cells do not have chloroplasts but they have mitochondria that helps in ATP
production through cellular respiration.
Centriole: All animal cells have centrioles whereas only some lower plant forms have centrioles in their
cells (e.g. the male gametes of charophytes, bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, cycads, and ginkgo).
Vacuoles: Animals have one and small vacuoles while plant cells have one central vacuole that take up to
90% of the cell volume. It helps in storing water and maintaining turgidity of the cell.
Lysosomes: Animal cells have clearly defined lysosomes. The presence of lysosomes in plant cells in under

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