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Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
1 Match the words 1–10 to the 3 Choose the correct word in each
definitions a–j. sentence.
1 ___ cousin 1 Being Jewish / German was not very
2 ___ apartment important for Otto.
3 ___ believe 2 Hitler became President / Chancellor of
4 ___ government Germany in January 1933.
5 ___ distressed 3 Anne and Margot’s special name for their
6 ___ attic father was Pim / Jim.
7 ___ liberate 4 The company Pectacon sold spices / gold.
8 ___ product 5 In 1941, Jews could not go outside after
9 ___ synagogue eight o’clock in the morning / evening.
10 ___ list 6 Peter van Pels liked to spend his evenings
in the warehouse / attic.
a the room under the roof of a house 7 The families from the annexe were taken to
b to feel sure that something is true a Gestapo office / prison for the first night.
c a building where Jewish people meet 8 Anne died before / after Margot.
d a group of rooms to live in, on one floor of a 9 The British / Russians liberated Auschwitz.
larger building 10 After the Second World War, Otto visited
e something that people make or grow to sell and helped Hanneli / Sanne.
f very unhappy or worried
    20 marks 
g to make somebody or something free
h the child of your aunt or uncle
4 Complete the text with the
i a lot of names or other pieces of information
following words.
that you write or say
j the group of people who control a country acted apartment cheerful film forbidden
Jewish instruments music parks plays
    20 marks 
During 1941 and 1942, life for Anne and her
2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? family was not easy. _______________ people
1 ___ Otto fought for Germany in the First were _______________ to go to beaches,
World War. swimming pools, _______________, hotels, and
2 ___ Some groups of Nazi soldiers were many other places. But the Franks tried to stay
called ‘storm troopers’. _______________ and busy. Anne and her
3 ___ Omi Frank went to live with Otto and friend Jacque organized _______________
Edith in Amsterdam. nights at the Franks’ _______________. Otto
4 ___ After the arrival of the Nazis in the and Edith invited friends who could play
Netherlands, life for the Jews changed _______________, and they had
immediately. _______________ evenings. Anne, Margot, and
5 ___ Anne’s room in the annexe was next to their friends also _______________ in children’s
her parents’ room. _______________.
6 ___ Anne enjoyed learning about history.     20 marks 
7 ___ In her diary, Anne used the name
‘Franzi’ for Fritz Pfeffer.
8 ___ There were no gas chambers in
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
9 ___ Anne’s diaries were published in a
book called My Secret Life.
10 ___ The annexe at 263 Prinsengracht was
destroyed in the 1960s.
    20 marks 



Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
5 Put the events in order.
a ___ Anne was given a diary.
b ___ The Franks went into hiding.
c ___ The world economy crashed.
d ___ The Anne Frank House opened.
e ___ Anne died in a concentration camp.
f ___ The Franks moved to Amsterdam.
g ___ Anne’s diaries were published.
h ___ The Nazis invaded the Netherlands.
i ___ The Second World War ended.
j ___ The Nazis discovered the annexe.
    20 marks 

    Total marks 



Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
1 5
1 h 1 c
2 d 2 f
3 b 3 h
4 j 4 a
5 f 5 b
6 a 6 j
7 g 7 e
8 e 8 i
9 c 9 g
10 i 10 d
1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 T
6 T
7 F
8 T
9 F
10 F

1 Jewish
2 Chancellor
3 Pim
4 spices
5 evening
6 warehouse
7 office
8 after
9 Russians
10 Hanneli

During 1941 and 1942, life for Anne and her
family was not easy. Jewish people were
forbidden to go to beaches, swimming pools,
parks, hotels, and many other places. But the
Franks tried to stay cheerful and busy. Anne and
her friend Jacque organized film nights at the
Franks’ apartment. Otto and Edith invited friends
who could play instruments, and they had music
evenings. Anne, Margot, and their friends also
acted in children’s plays.



Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
9 The Anne Frank Memorial Park is in _____.
Choose the best answer. a  Germany
b  Poland
1 Anne Frank was born in _____.
c  Israel
a  Hamburg
d  the Netherlands
b  Brussels
c  Frankfurt 10 After the Second World War, Otto went to
d  Aachen live in _____, in Switzerland.
a  Lausanne
2 Aachen is in the _____ of Germany.
b  Basel
a  north
c  Geneva
b  south
d  Bern
c  east
d  west     20 marks 

3 The Frank family lived in _____,

in Amsterdam. PEOPLE
a  Merwedeplein
Choose the best answer.
b  Markenplein
c  Meerhuizenplein 11 Anne was _____ than her sister Margot.
d  Muntplein a  three years younger
b  five years younger
4 In summer 1937, Anne and Margot went to c  two years older
the beach at _____. d  four years older
a  Zeebrugge
b  Middlekerke 12 Otto and Edith Frank were both _____.
c  Breskens a  quiet and serious
d  Nieuwpoort b  from poor families
c  uneducated
5 ‘Kristallnacht’ happened in _____. d  intelligent
a  the Netherlands
b  Germany 13 Hanneli Goslar knew Anne because _____.
c  Belgium a  their fathers worked together
d  all the countries where there were Nazis b  they went to the same kindergarten
c  they lived in the same building
6 Otto tried to move his family to _____. d  their families went to the same
a  Switzerland synagogue
b  Ireland
c  Canada 14 On a Saturday afternoon, Otto and Edith
d  the US Frank liked to _____.
a  see their friends
7 The camp of Westerbork was in _____. b  go to the cinema
a  Belgium c  take a train to the coast
b  the Netherlands d  read quietly
c  Luxembourg
d  Denmark 15 Hendrika Kuperus was Anne’s _____.
a  neighbour
8 Auschwitz concentration camp was in b  doctor
_____. c  teacher
a  Poland d  dentist
b  Austria
c  Czechoslovakia
d  Germany



Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
16 When Anne was eleven years old, she
22 Otto worked for the company Opekta, which
dreamed of becoming a _____.
made _____.
a  policewoman
a  parts for cars
b  doctor
b  products for making jam
c  translator
c  jewellery
d  film star
d  furniture
17 In the annexe, Peter van Pels _____.
23 Anne was often unable to do sport at school,
a  argued with his parents every day
because she had problems with her
b  spent a lot of time with Anne
shoulder and her _____.
c  never talked to anyone
a  eyes
d  did a lot of the cooking
b  back
18 _____ bought food for the families in c  legs
the annexe. d  heart
a  Jan Gies
24 Otto saved his businesses by _____.
b  Mr Kleiman
a  moving them to a new building
c  Bep and Miep
b  having company directors who were
d  Mr and Mrs Kugler
not Jews
19 Fritz Pfeffer, who came to live in the annexe, c  giving money to the Nazis
was _____. d  using a Jewish bank
a  Otto’s business partner
25 The Nazi’s ideas were known as ‘the
b  Margot’s teacher
c  Miep’s dentist
a  final solution
d  Edith’s cousin
b  end solution
20 Karl Josef Silberbauer came to the annexe c  final answer
to _____. d  big answer
a  look for anyone who was hiding there
26 The annexe was _____ of the building on
b  borrow money
c  help the families escape
a  at the top
d  warn the families that they were
b  on the left side
in danger
c  at the back
    20 marks  d  at the front
27 Bep’s father built _____ to hide the entrance
FACTS to the annexe.
a  a cupboard
Choose the best answer.
b  a wall
21 Adolf Hitler became popular because he c  a bookcase
_____. d  an extra room
a  gave some land to every German family
b  won back land that had been lost in the 28 Next to the annexe building, there was a
First World War beautiful _____, which the families could
c  made Germany rich again see from the attic window.
d  promised that his party would make a  square
Germany stronger, and a better place b  park
to live c  church
d  tree



Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
29 Otto was the only person from the annexe 36 to draw an ‘X’ on a piece of paper to help
who did not _____. choose the political party that controls
a  die in Germany a country
b  die before the end of the war a  direct
c  go to a concentration camp b  vote
d  become seriously ill in a camp c  publish
d  manage
30 After the war, all the people who had helped
the Jewish families in the annexe _____. 37 a big building where people keep things
a  wrote a book together before they sell them
b  were given money by the Dutch a  camp
government b  garage
c  stayed in the Netherlands c  factory
d  got special awards d  warehouse
    20 marks  38 something made from a plant; you can put it
in food to give it a stronger taste
b  butter
Choose the best answer. c  spice
31 something in front of a window which you d  soup
can move to cover it or to make a room dark 39 to start fighting or hurting somebody
a  fence or something
b  sheet a  throw
c  curtain b  attack
d  blanket c  hate
32 to change what somebody has said or d  damage
written in one language to another language 40 a thing like a wall that is made of pieces of
a  inform wood or metal
b  translate a  fence
c  control b  bookcase
d  accept c  branch
33 to do something when you are happy for a d  roof
special reason or because it is a special day     20 marks 
a  wave
b  celebrate
c  kiss
d  dance Choose the best answer.
34 how a country spends its money and makes, 41 On 12th June 1929, _____.
buys, and sells things a  Hitler became leader of the Nazis
a  burglary b  the Nazis invaded Poland
b  history c  Anne Frank was born
c  control d  the Franks moved to Amsterdam
d  economy
42 On 1st April 1933, the Nazis told people to
35 having no hope and ready to do anything to stop _____.
get what you want a  buying products that had not been made
a  desperate
b  terrified in Germany
c  grateful b  publishing books by Jews
d  calm c  speaking to Jews



Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
d  using Jewish shops and businesses     Total marks 

43 In summer 1933, Otto _____.

a  began a new job in Amsterdam
b  moved with his family to Aachen
c  became ill and lost his job
d  joined a political party to stop the Nazis
44 In 1939, Julius Hollander left Germany
and _____.
a  was put in a concentration camp
b  went to live in the US
c  joined the British army
d  started a business in Norway
45 On 16th July 1941, the Franks had a happy
day when they _____.
a  saw a play in the theatre
b  all bought some new clothes
c  went to Miep and Jan’s wedding
d  had a birthday party for Margot
46 On 6th July 1942, the Franks _____.
a  were told that they had to leave
their apartment
b  started looking for a hiding place
c  went to stay the night at Bep’s house
d  went to live in the annexe
47 During the winter of 1943, Anne _____.
a  stopped writing her diary
b  tried to leave the annexe
c  saw her friend Sanne
d  became very ill
48 On 25th August 1944, the Allies _____.
a  liberated Paris
b  invaded the Netherlands
c  freed the prisoners at Mauthausen
d  began dropping bombs over Germany
49 In early 1945, Anne _____.
a  was moved to the same camp as
her mother
b  was beaten by two guards
c  was sent to the gas chamber
d  died from typhus
50 In 1963, Otto _____.
a  wrote a book about his family
b  gave Anne’s diaries to the Dutch
c  started the Anne Frank Foundation
d  died at his home in Switzerland
    20 marks 



Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
1 c 41 c
2 d 42 d
3 a 43 a
4 b 44 b
5 b 45 c
6 d 46 d
7 b 47 d
8 a 48 a
9 c 49 d
10 b 50 c

11 a
12 d
13 b
14 a
15 c
16 d
17 b
18 c
19 c
20 a

21 d
22 b
23 c
24 b
25 a
26 c
27 c
28 d
29 b
30 d

31 c
32 b
33 b
34 d
35 a
36 b
37 d
38 c
39 b
40 a



Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
ACTIVITIES  CHAPTER 4  Number the sentences in the
correct order, 1−5.
Think ahead
1 e
1 Look at the front and back cover. What
2 c
are you going to read about in this book?
3 a
Tick five things.
4 b
a family who hide, famous diaries, a terrible time 5 d
in European history, a war, a young girl
 CHAPTER 5  Complete the sentences with the
2 What do you know about Anne Frank? correct words.
Choose the correct words to complete
1 hiding
the sentences.
2 annexe
1 was 3 secret
2 13 4 schoolbag
3 really happened 5 boxes
4 did not have
 CHAPTER 6  Match the sentence halves.
3  RESEARCH  Find out the answer to these
1 d
questions about Anne Frank.
2 a
Students’ own answers 3 b
Chapter check 4 c

 CHAPTER 1  Correct the underlined words.  CHAPTER 7  Tick the two sentences which
1 war are true.
2 Amsterdam / the Netherlands Sentences 2 and 4 are true.
3 sitting room
4 diary / notebook  CHAPTER 8  Choose the correct answers.
1 c
 CHAPTER 2  Are these sentences true 2 c
or false? 3 a
1 false 4 b
2 true
3 true  CHAPTER 9  Number the places in the
4 false correct order, 1−3. Who was with Anne in
5 true each place?
6 false 1 b Westerbork:
Edith, Fritz Pfeffer, Margot, Mr van Pels,
 CHAPTER 3  Match. Mrs van Pels, Otto, Peter
1 e 2 c A women’s camp at Auschwitz:
2 d Edith, Margot, Mrs van Pels
3 b 3 a Bergen-Belsen:
4 c Margot, Mrs van Pels, Hanneli Goslar
5 a
 CHAPTER 10  Correct the underlined words.
1 months
2 diaries
3 English



Stage 3
The Life and Diaries of Anne Frank
 CHAPTER 11  Complete the sentences with Discussion
the correct people. 1 Read the dialogue. Why does each
1 Hanneli person think Anne’s diary is most
2 Miep important? Underline the two questions.
3 Anne’s uncles A thinks the diaries made Anne’s life better.
4 Otto B thinks the diaries help make the world a place
where anyone can live safely.
Focus on vocabulary
1 Complete the sentences with the What do you mean?; What do you think?
correct words.
2 What is your opinion? Tick the reason
1 terrified you think is most important. Discuss
2 cheerful your answer with a partner. Use the
3 invaded questions from exercise 1.
4 guards
Students’ own answers
2 Write the words.
S U R V I V 2

1 Think of books about people’s lives
during war (the books can be published
U 3
in English or your first language).
P C Students’ own answers
C A N A L 5
2 Read this summary of a book by
someone who lived during the Second
T E E N A G E R World War.
3 Read the profile again and answer the
Focus on language questions.

1 Complete the sentences using was or Suggested answers:

were and the correct verbs. 1 The writer’s name was Primo Levi. His book
was called Survival in Auschwitz.
1 was told
2 Before the war, Primo was a
2 were arrested
university student.
3 were moved
3 Because of the war, Primo fights against
4 was planted
the government. He is caught and sent
2  DECODE  Read the text and underline to Auschwitz.
who. Then tick the correct sentences. 4 At the end of the book, Auschwitz is found
by the Russians. Primo has survived.
For Anne and Margot, who both had new friends,
and who quickly began to learn Dutch, life in 4  CREATE  Choose one of the books from
Amsterdam was happy and fun. Their friends exercise 1. For the book you choose,
loved visiting their home. Mrs Frank liked to put find the answers to the questions in
special food on the table for her daughters’ exercise 3. Use the answers to write
friends – and everybody loved Mr Frank, who a summary.
always seemed cheerful.
Students’ own answers
1 b
2 a 5  COLLABORATE  Share your summaries
in small groups. Then, as a group,
discuss why each book is important.
Students’ own answers


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