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Industrial Technology Program

Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) Course Syllabus in GE 107 - ETHICS

Date Enhanced: February 2023
I. Capiz State University

Vision: Center of Academic Excellence Delivering Quality Service to all.

Mission: Capiz State University is committed to provide advance knowledge and innovation; develop skills, talents and values; undertake
relevant research, development and extension services; promote entrepreneurship and environmental consciousness; and enhance
industry collaboration and linkages with partner agencies.

Goals: Globally competitive graduates

Institutionalized research culture
Responsive and sustainable extension services
Maximized profit of viable agro-industrial business ventures
Effective and efficient administration

Core Values: God- Centered

Transparency and Accountability and;
Dedication to quality Service

Guiding Principles: Academic Freedom

Academic Standards
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Institutional Learning Outcomes:

A CapSU Graduate is a knowledgeable, innovator, researcher, master of change, a leader entrepreneur, environmentalist, and effective
collaborator in their respective fields of discipline.

College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology CREATES Graduates who are:

 C- Collaborative
 R- Research Oriented and Innovative
 E- Effective in the specialized field
 A- Academically and intellectually prepared
 T- Technologically/technically equipped
 E- Entrepreneurship Driven
 S- Socially Aware, environmentally conscious and service oriented.

II. Campus: Main Campus

III. Program/Degree: Bachelor of Industrial Technology

IV. Program Outcomes:

A. Common to all programs in all types of schools. The graduates have the ability to:
a) Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice
b) Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
c) Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
d) Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility
e) Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”
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B. Common to Bachelor of Industrial Technology Students of CapSU

a) Apply knowledge of basic mathematics and sciences to solve technical problems
b) Conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) Develop/Innovative a system, component or process to meet desired need within constraints such as economic, environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability in accordance with standards.
d) Recognize the need for and engage in life-long learning.
e) Apply techniques, skills and modern technical practices

V. Course Title: GE 107 - Ethics

Pre-requisites: NONE

VI. Semester/School Year Offered: 2nd Semester A.Y. 2022-2023

VII. Course Description:

This course module is on Ethics. This will not just tell you what is right and wrong, it will help you in determining it for yourself. More
specifically, it will present you with conceptual and analytic tools that will hopefully guide you in your ethical thinking. The Commission on Higher
Education had mandated that Ethics be a general education course required for all college students. As stated in Memorandum Order No. 20, series of
2013, the fundamental purpose of higher education is not only to develop knowledgeable and competent graduates in a particular field, but also well-
rounded individuals who appreciate in a general sense, are open minded because of it, secure in their identities as individuals and as Filipinos, and
cognizant of their role in the life of the nation and the larger community. Ethics then is one of the courses that will ideally contribute to the
development of your intellectual competencies, and civic capacities, and to the development of your ability to comprehend the complexities of the
social and natural realities around us, as well as your ability to think through the ethical and social implications of a given course of actions. This
course module aimed to be fruitful to the pursuit of this ideal.

VIII. Course Credit/Unit: 3 units (3 hours every week for 18 weeks or 54 hours in a semester)

IX. Course/Subject Outcome:

Course Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes:
COURSE OUTCOMES Program Outcomes
A. Common to all Programs B. Common to Bachelor of
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Industrial Technology
in all types of school
students of CapSU

After the completion of the course, the student should be able to: a b c d e a b c d e

CO1 Acquire theory of knowledge, skills and understanding in the

course Ethics;
CO2 Identify the ethical aspect of human life and the scope of ethical

CO3 Define and explain the terms that are relevant to ethical thinking; E I E D I I D I I E

CO4 Evaluate the difficulties that are involved in maintaining certain

commonly-held notions on ethics.
Where: I – Introductory E – Enabling D – Demonstrated

X. Course Design Matrix

References /
Most Essential Learning Time
Topics Learner’s Activities Assessment Task Instructional
Outcome (MELO) Frame
Course Overview - To know each other in the class Class sharing and Compare the Student Handbook 1 hour
and learn the expectations for introduction of oneself; different
Classroom Policies the course; expectations about University Code
Students will engage in the subject/course
General Orientation - Recall course rules and sharing their expectations; Ethics: Foundations
University’s VMGO, classroom policies/grading Reflect the policies of Moral Valuation
College’s Program system; Open forum on class rules, and rules to your by: Oscar G.
Outcomes, Course policies and grading system; daily and personal Bulaong Jr.
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Outline, Expected - Learn short background about experiences Mark Joseph T.

Outcomes and Grading ethics; Share knowledge about the Calano
System subject/course. Oral Assessment Albert M. Lagliva
Familiarize the VMGO Michael Ner E.
Jesus Deogracias Z.

Lesson 1 – Value Identify the ethical aspects of Activity 1. Quiz Ethics: Foundations 8 hours
human life and the scope of Make a list of: of Moral Valuation
ethical thinking; a. Obligations we are Comprehensive Test by: Oscar G.
expected to fulfill. b. Bulaong Jr.
Prohibitions we are required Essay Mark Joseph T.
to respect. c. Ideals we are Calano
encouraged to meet Multiple Choice Test Albert M. Lagliva
Then, discuss whether these Michael Ner E.
are ethical in nature or not. Oral Assessment Mariano
Define and explain the terms Jesus Deogracias Z.
Lesson 2 - Sources of Activity 2. Principe
Authority that are relevant to ethical
Look for a newspaper article Ethics: Freedom,
that tackles an ethical issue. Choice,
Consider the following Consequences,
questions: Virtue, Principle,
What makes the issue a Fairness, Justice and
matter of ethics? Responsibility by:
What is your own ethical Marc Oliver D.
judgement on this case? Pasco V. Fullente
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What are your reasons for Suarez

this judgement? Agustin Martin G.
Lesson 3 - Senses of the Evaluate the difficulties that are Activity 3.
Self involved in maintaining certain Imagine that you are a
commonly-held notions on legislator. What rules or
ethics; laws that currently prohibit
certain acts or practices
would you want to amend or
repeal? Also, are there
certain acts or practices
currently permitted by the
law that you would want to
Comment on this statement:
“What I believe must be
true if I feel very strongly
about it.”

Lesson 1 - The Principle Discuss the basic principles of Activity 1. Quiz Ethics: Foundations 9 hours
of Utility utilitarian ethics; Go online and look for an of Moral Valuation
instance where animal rights Comprehensive Test by: Oscar G.
and welfare can be Bulaong Jr.
considered an issue. What is Essay Mark Joseph T.
the issue that you have Calano
identified? Choose at least Multiple Choice Test Albert M. Lagliva
three issue and detail your Michael Ner E.
findings and opinion below. Oral Assessment Mariano
Make a slogan about animal Jesus Deogracias Z.
rights in a short bond paper Principe
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and elaborate further what is

all about the slogan in Ethics: Freedom,
another sheet of bond paper. Choice,
Lesson 2 - Principle of Distinguish between two Activity 2. Virtue, Principle,
the Greatest Number utilitarian models: the A. In view of Bentham’s Fairness, Justice and
quantitative model of Jeremy and Mill’s assertion of the Responsibility by:
Bentham and the qualitative greatest happiness of the Marc Oliver D.
model of John Stuart Mill; greatest number, do you Pasco V. Fullente
think that animal rights and Suarez
welfare should even be a Agustin Martin G.
concern in the Philippines Rodriguez
where millions of Filipinos
below the poverty threshold
are struggling to have a
decent life. Why yes or why
not? Is the concern for
animal rights and welfare a
first world problem?
B. Make a campaign in any
form (advertisement, video
clips, streamer, posters,
banners, slogan, etc.) on
how moral rights are being
Lesson 3 - Justice and Apply Utilitarianism in taken care of and protected.
Moral Rights understanding and evaluating
local and international scenarios; Activity 3.
Consider other topics within
the realm of animal rights
and welfare. Select one
topic which is different from
your answers in Activity 1
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and make an essay about the

topic you’ve chosen then
give an initial presentation
of the significance of
discussing this topic.
B. Consider too if trees and
other elements of nature
should also be given rights.
(Please check the paper of
Christopher Stone entitled
“Should Trees Have
Standing?” and make your
personal reflection related to
justice from the topic.

Lesson 1 - Thomas Recognize how Thomas Aquinas Activity 1. Quiz Ethics: Foundations 9 hours
Aquinas made use of ancient Greek Go online and look for an of Moral Valuation
concepts to provide a rational instance of what might be Comprehensive Test by: Oscar G.
grounding to an ethical theory “fake news”. See whether Bulaong Jr.
based on the Christian faith; you are able to determine Essay Mark Joseph T.
the veracity of the news Calano
report. Detail your findings Multiple Choice Test Albert M. Lagliva
and opinion in a form of Michael Ner E.
collage including the “fake Oral Assessment Mariano
news” Jesus Deogracias Z.
Lesson 2 - The Greek Principe
Identify the natural law in Activity 2.
Heritage distinction from, but also in IN view of Aquinas Ethics: Freedom,
relation to, the other types of law assertion that reason is what Choice,
mentioned by Aquinas: eternal makes us uniquely human Consequences,
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law, human law and divine law; and that being reasonable Virtue, Principle,
open up both an epistemic Fairness, Justice and
concern for truth and also a Responsibility by:
social corn of being in Marc Oliver D.
relation with others. Make Pasco V. Fullente
an essay/article out of this. Suarez
Lesson 3 - The Essence Agustin Martin G.
Apply the precepts of the natural Article 3.
and Varieties of Law Rodriguez
law to contemporary moral A. Make a short poem about
concerns; fake news.
B. Make a slogan about the
natural law.
C. Make a collage about the
idea of being good.


Lesson 1 - Duty and Discuss the basic principles of Activity 1. Quiz Ethics: Foundations 9 hours
Agency Deontology; Consider topics in the field of Moral Valuation
of business ethics. Select Comprehensive Test by: Oscar G.
one and give a presentation Bulaong Jr.
of the significance of the Essay Mark Joseph T.
chosen topic to you and to Calano
the society. Multiple Choice Test Albert M. Lagliva
Michael Ner E.
Activity 2. Oral Assessment Mariano
Lesson 2 - Autonomy Apply the concepts of Agency
Go online and search for Jesus Deogracias Z.
and Autonomy to one’s moral
news or articles on whistle Principe
blowers. Then identify the
crime or the unethical act Ethics: Freedom,
they are exposing as well as Choice,
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the perpetrators of the Consequences,

crime. Detail your findings Virtue, Principle,
and opinion in s short essay. Fairness, Justice and
Responsibility by:
Lesson 3 - Evaluate actions using the Activity 3. Marc Oliver D.
Universalizability universalizability test; Suppose you are already Pasco V. Fullente
working in a company and Suarez
your boss tells you that you Agustin Martin G.
should offer a bribe to a Rodriguez
government agent to obtain
permit to build and operate
a factory in a province.
What would you do? What
are your alternatives if you
believe that it is wrong to
bribe government agencies?

Activity 4.
Create an illustration where
in the basic principles of
deontology can be found.

Lesson 1 - Happiness and Discuss the meaning and basic Activity 1. Quiz Ethics: Foundations 9 hours
Ultimate Purpose principles of virtue ethics; Go online and list down of Moral Valuation
articles/write-ups that can Comprehensive Test by: Oscar G.
help you understand the Bulaong Jr.
different issues on Essay Mark Joseph T.
pornography. Identify also Calano
the reasons why Multiple Choice Test Albert M. Lagliva
pornography become a Michael Ner E.
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social phenomenon. Oral Assessment Mariano

Jesus Deogracias Z.
Lesson 2 - Virtue as Distinguish virtuous acts from Activity 2. Principe
Excellence non-virtuous acts; Discuss in a form of any art Ethics: Freedom,
work that you know the Choice,
possible implications Consequences,
(negative or positive) of the Virtue, Principle,
patronage of pornography to Fairness, Justice and
the development of one’s Responsibility by:
character. Marc Oliver D.
Lesson 3 - Moral Virtue Apply Aristotle’s ethics in Pasco V. Fullente
and Mesotes understanding the Filipino Activity 3. Suarez
character; Search an issue within the Agustin Martin G.
scope of sexual ethics and Rodriguez
explain how this might
affect/influence the
development of one’s
virtuous character.

Lesson 1 - The Moral Identify the different factors that Activity 1. Quiz Ethics: Foundations 9 hours
Agent and Contexts shape an individual in her moral What is your stand of Moral Valuation
decision-making; regarding the issue “Is Comprehensive Test by: Oscar G.
selling one of your kidneys Bulaong Jr.
to a paying customer Essay Mark Joseph T.
morally defensible?” Write Calano
down your explanation as to Multiple Choice Test Albert M. Lagliva
why yes or why no in essay Michael Ner E.
form. Oral Assessment Mariano
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Jesus Deogracias Z.
Lesson 2 - Moral Internalize the necessary steps Activity 2. Principe
Deliberation toward making informed moral Given the five cross-points
decision; and that make up who you are, Ethics: Freedom,
can you provide an Choice,
explanation why you feel Consequences,
the way that you do toward Virtue, Principle,
the woman who was about Fairness, Justice and
to sell her kidney? A. Responsibility by:
Physical Cross-Point; B. Marc Oliver D.
Interpersonal Cross-Point; Pasco V. Fullente
C. Social Cross-Point; D. Suarez
Historical Cross-Point; and Agustin Martin G.
E. Existential Cross-Point. Rodriguez
Lesson 3 - Self, Society Apply the ethical theories of
and Environment frameworks on moral issues Activity 3.
involving the self, society and Search for at least one
the non-human environment. medical ethical issue then
support the following:
1. Ethical Issue:
2. Source:
3. Explanation:
4. Position/Stand on the
5. Argument for the
6. Argument against the

XI. Criteria for Grading:


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1. Midterm Exam - - - - - - - - - - 40% Final Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - 40% Midterm Grade = 30%

2. Quizzes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25% Quizzes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -25% Final Record = 70%
3. Output/Performance - - - - - - -35% Output/Performance - - - - - - 35% TOTAL GRADE = 100%
100% 100%

XII. Rubrics: (See attached sheet)

XIII. Other Requirements: Attendance, Presented Topics, Quizzes, Reflection Papers, Research Paper Outputs, Recitations, and Major Exam.

XIV. Classroom Policies:

1. ABSENCES. Maximum allowable cuts: 6 absences for 1.5 hours classes or 9 absences for hour classes.
2. DRESS CODE. The prescribed dress code for students of College of Education Department should be strictly observed. A student not
wearing proper attire will be marked absent and not allowed to take quizzes, exam, etc.
3. PLAGIARISM. Each piece of assessable work must be demonstrably the student’s own. In this class, the copying, borrowing, or the
unacknowledged use of another person’s ideas or written language as one’s own whether published or unpublished. Any piece of work
that is plagiarized in whole or in part will not be assessed.
4. STUDENT HANDBOOK will serve as a guide for all. Additional guidelines may be issued by individual faculty to respective classes.

XV. Consultations: The students are encouraged to regularly seek advice to the course facilitator based on the consultation time of the faculty. The
students can set appointment at available time of the course facilitator through email in the account or social media platform
Nobleza A. Caporal or visit her available time Friday, 7:30 to 9:30 in the morning.

XVI. Remarks: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the faculty.

Prepared by:


Course Facilitator
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Noted: Recommending Approval:


Quality Assurance Chairperson BIT Program Chairman



Dean, CEAT
Attachment A: Rubrics for Performance Tasks/ Activity Sheets
Items (Criteria) Score

5 - Exemplary
1. The purpose and focus are clear and consistent.
4 - Proficient
2. The main claim is clear, significant, and challenging.
3 - Approaching Proficiency
3. Organization is purposeful, effective, and appropriate.
2 - Progressing
4. Neat and presentable output.
1 - Beginning
5. On-time submission of output.

6. Information and evidence are accurate, appropriate, and integrated effectively.
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7. Claims and ideas are supported and elaborated.


8. Connections between and among ideas are made.

9. Analysis/synthesis/evaluation/interpretation are effective and consistent.


Attachment B: Rubrics for Class Participation/Oral Examination

Score Score:


1. Complete understanding of topic 5 – Outstanding

2. Proper and effective use of scientific vocabulary and terminology 4 – Very Good

3. Clear, concise and engaging demonstration of knowledge 3 – Good

4. Content effectively communicated 2 – Acceptable/ Meets class standard

5. Exhibit self-explanatory layout 1 – Below Standard



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Attachment C: Rubric for Portfolio/Group (Individual) Work Outputs

Items Score

Tasks were done with quality.

Proper organization, resourcefulness and uniqueness were employed.

The content is congruent to the learning outcomes.

Neatness and aesthetics were adhered.

Reflection statements are profound and clear with supports of evidences and corroborations.

The portfolio/output was complete, clear, and well-organized.

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The portfolio/output was submitted on-time.


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