P1 - 4 - Circular Measure (Notes)

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Circular Measure (P1)

Consider a circle with centre O and radius r.

The angle subtended at O by an arc length r is defined as 1 radian.

Relation between degree and radian.

The angle subtended O by the circumference

Exercise 1
1. Convert the following to radians
(i) 90° (ii) 45° (iii) 60°
2. Convert the following radian measurement to degrees.
5π 2π
(i) 6 (ii) 3 (iii) 0.6
3. A circle has radius 5cm. An arc has length 2cm. What angle does the arc subtended at
the centre? Express your answer in radians and in degrees?
4. A sector of a circle of radius 10cm has angle 40° . Convert 40° to radians, and hence
find the arc length of the sector.
Circular Measure (P1)

Arc length and area of sector

For any circle,

1. An arc AB of a circle, centre O and radius 6cm, has length l cm. Given that the chord
AB has length 6cm; find the value of l giving your answer in terms of π .
2. The chord AB of a circle, centre O and radius 10cm, has length 18.65cm and subtends an
angle of θ radians at O.
(a) Show that θ=2. 40
(b) Find the area of the minor sector AOB.

Special angles and Triangles

Area of segment
Circular Measure (P1)

The arc AB of a circle, centre O and radius r cm, is such that angle AOB is 0.5rad. Given that
perimeter of the minor sector AOB is 30cm.
(a) Calculate the value of r.
(b) Show that the area of the minor sector AOB is 36 cm
(c) Calculate the area of the segment enclosed by the chord AB and the minor arc AB.

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