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E. R. B r o w n 1 a n d K e e Y.

F o o I

Evaluation of Variability in Resilient Modulus Test Results

(ASTM D 4123)

REFERENCE: Brown, E. R. and Foo, K. Y., "Evaluation of Vari. ness design procedure is directly related to the accuracy and
ability in Resilient Modulus Test Results (ASTM D 4123)," Journal precision in measuring the resilient modulus of the asphalt mix-
of Testing and Evaluation, JTEVA, Vol. 19, No, 1, Jan. 1991, pp.
1-13. ture. The accuracy and precision are also important in areas
where resilient modulus is used as an index for evaluating strip-
ABSTRACT: Samples of asphalt mixture were evaluated in the lab- ping, fatigue, and low temperature cracking of asphalt mixtures,
oratory under various conditions to evaluate the repeatability of the Items that affect the accuracy and precision of ASTM D 4123
resilient modulus test and the effect of stress on the measured resilient are not well understood; thus research is needed.
modulus. Some samples were prepared in the laboratory, others were
obtained from in-place pavements that had been subjected to traffic.
The independent variables included stress, test temperature, and
maximum aggregate size. Objectives
Tests were repeated a number of times, and the data were analyzed
by Statistical Analysis System (SAS) to investigate their repeatability. The principle objective of this paper was to evaluate the re-
This study quantified the repeatability of the ASTM D 4123 resilient
peatability of the ASTM D 4123 procedure using the resilient
modulus test as a function of stiffness. The repeatability of ASTM
D 4123 is low. A significant increase in the number of samples or modulus test equipment shown in Fig. 1. The repeatability mea-
number of measurements is required to improve the repeatability. sured in this study is for one operator using one type of test
Tests conducted at different stresses showed the resilient modulus to equipment in one laboratory. Repeatability evaluation involving
be stress sensitive. This indicated that stress should be specified in comparison of test results from different operators using different
the test procedure. A correction factor was established for stresses
differing from the recommended stress (15% of tensile strength) for pieces of equipment in different laboratories was not studied
test temperatures of 25 and 40°C. here.
Another objective was to evaluate the effect of stress on re-
KEY WORDS: resilient modulus, asphalt mixes, repeatability, vari- silient modulus. The effect of stress can then be accounted in
ance, standard error, coefficient of variation measured resilient modulus values to standardize test results.

Introduction Scope
The test procedures used in this study were those outlined in
Background ASTM D 4123. The machine used was an H&V resilient modulus
In recent years, there has been a change in philosophy in device (Fig. 1), which is a pneumatic device generating load
flexible pavement design from the more empirical approach to pulses. The device was set to apply repeated 1 Hz haversquare
the mechanistic approach based on elastic theory [1-3]. Proposed load waveform with a load duration of 0.1 s and a rest period
by the American Association of State Highway and Transpor- of 0.9 s on test samples. LVDTs were used to measure defor-
tation Officials (AASHTO) [1] in 1986, this mechanistic ap- mation. Test transducers (load cell and LVDTs) were connected
proach in the form of layered elastic theory is being used by to a two-channel oscillographic strip-chart recorder.
increasing numbers of highway agencies. Elastic theory based Three mixes (A, B, and C), each having a maximum aggregate
design methods require as input the elastic properties of pave- size of 25.4 mm (1 in.), 19.0 m m (3//4 in.), and 12.7 mm (1/
ment materials. Resilient modulus of asphalt mixtures, measured respectively were used in this study. Five specimens were fab-
in the indirect tensile mode (ASTM D 4123), is the most popular ricated from each mix at optimum asphalt content established
form of stress-strain measurement used to evaluate elastic prop- by Marshall mix design criteria using a gyratory compactive effort
erties. The resilient modulus along with other information is then (set at 1° rotation angle, 30 revolutions, and 1380 kN/m2) equiv-
used as input to the elastic theories model to generate an opti- alent to 75 blows of Marshall procedure. Fourteen field mixes
mum thickness design. Therefore the effectiveness of the thick- were obtained from cores taken from four pavements which con-
tained several layers of asphalt concrete. Each core was separated
Manuscript received 10/30/89; accepted for publication 5/22/90. into the various pavement layers, and each layer was identified
1National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn University, AL as one field mix. Three cores were obtained from each pavement,
36849. giving three specimens for each field mix.
© t991 by the American Society for Testing and Materials 0090-3973/91/0001-0001 $02.50


is limited information on the precision of this test as presented

in A S T M D 4123 or as published in other literature.

Review and Analysis of Resilient Modulus Test

(ASTM D 4123)
ASTM D 4123 recommends that a total of three laboratory
fabricated specimens or three cores be tested to determine the
resilient modulus of an asphalt mix. Each of the specimens or
cores is tested twice (the orientation of the specimen of the
second test is 90 ° from the first test), producing a total of six
measured resilient modulus values. The average of" these six re-
silient modulus values is reported as the resilient modulus of the
asphalt mix at that particular test temperature. Since A S T M
D 4123 averages resilient modulus values measured from three
specimens and at two orientations, it introduces three sources of
error or variation (cr], cr~ and try). Experimental error (cr~ is
associated with random error that occurs in the measurement of
resilient modulus. Orientation variation ( ~ ) is associated with
the variation of resilient modulus values at different orientations
in a specimen. Sample variation (try) is associated with the vari-
ation of resilient modulus values of different samples. The com-
bined effect of these three sources of variation produces the
variation in resilient modulus (tr~ST~). If the resilient modulus at
different orientations of a specimen remains constant (~r~ = 0)
and specimens from one mix are identical (tr~ = 0), then the
variation in resilient modulus (ASTM D 4123) equals the ex-
perimental error (Cr~STM = cry). For materials such as rubber,
fiberglass, and other homogeneous materials, cr~ and cr~ would
approach zero. However, for asphalt mixtures which are not
homogeneous, the cr~ and cr~ errors are likely to be relatively
Statistical analysis of data developed in this study will provide
information needed to estimate the variation in resilient mod-
ulus. The process by which the variation in resilient modulus was
estimated through the three sources of variation is shown sche-
matically in Fig. 2.
Experimental error (tr]) is primarily a function of the resilient
FIG. 1--Resilient modulus test equipment. modulus equipment and operator, tr~ was estimated by analyzing
a number of repetitions of resilient modulus values measured at
the same orientation of the same specimen. The variation in the
Literature Review
measured resilient modulus values was attributed to ~r~ since the
measurements were taken at the same orientation of the same
Stiffness Moduli
specimen (tr~ and ~ = 0). Next, resilient modulus was measured
Flexible pavement design methods based on elastic theories at different orientations of the same specimen, and the variation
require that the elastic properties of the pavement materials be in the measured resilient modulus values was calculated. The
known [1-3]. Mamlouk and Sarofim [4] concluded from their calculated variation (~r~o~)was attributed to the combined effect
work that among the common methods of measurement of elastic of ~ and cr~ since the measured values were taken from the same
properties of asphalt mixes (Young's, shear, bulk, complex, dy- sample (cr~ = 0). Orientation variation (~r~) was estimated by
namic, double punch, resilient, and Shell nomograph moduli), Cr~o~ - try. Finally, resilient modulus was measured for different
the resilient modulus is more appropriate for use in multilayer specimens at different orientations, and the variation (tr~) in the
elastic theories. Different test methods and equipment have been measured resilient modulus values was calculated. ~r~owas at-
developed and employed to measure these different moduli. tributed to the combined effect of the three sources of variations.
Some of the tests employed are triaxial tests (constant and re- Sample variation (~r~) was estimated by cry, - tr~ - ~r~.
peated cyclic loads), cyclic ftexural test, indirect tensile tests The variation in resilient modulus (~rAsTM)-"can be estimated
(constant and repeated cyclic load), and creep test. Baladi and from the three sources of variation. If only one resilient modulus
Harichandran [5] indicated that resilient modulus measurement measurement at one orientation of one sample was recom-
by the indirect tensile test is the most promising in terms of mended, then the formula for variation in resilient modulus is
repeatability. Resilient modulus measured in the indirect tensile given by
mode (ASTM D 4123) has been selected by most engineers as
the way to measure the resilient modulus of asphalt mixes. There


Run n replications of r e s i l i e n t modulus test
at t h e s a m e o r i e n t a t i o n of t h e s a m e s p e c i m e n .
U s e S A S to e s t i m a t e experimental e r r o r , Or.
s i ......

Run replicates of r e s i l i e n t modulus test at ? t ' Y / "
different orientations b u t on t h e s ~ m e s ~ e c i m e ~ +
& .
U s e S A S to e s t i m a t e ~ or' C a l c u l a t e ~2 = O0r - ~ I'

STEP 3 FIG. 3--Typical recorder output of resilient modulus test.

Run replicates of
resilient modulus test on different
Use SAS to estimate o~sa; C a l c u l a t e 0~ = OZs~ - 0 ~ - O"i,
deformation is not measured, Poisson's ratio was assumed to be
STEP 4 0.35 for all test temperatures.
Determine the variation in r e s i l i e n t modulus
(four r e p e a t a , b i l i t y ) +
ZAST~ = (o+116) + 1a~2/61 + (o3/31 Part One
It is believed that experimental error (~r~) is sensitive to the
FIG. 2--Schematic diagram/or determining Cr2s.m. method of measuring deformation. It is thus important to ensure
that deformation measurement by ASTM D 4123 produces the
Since ASTM D 4123 averages six measured resilient modulus
lowest experimental error ( ~ ) . The ASTM method of placing
values (three specimens, each tested at two orientations), the
spring-loaded LVDTs in direct contact with the sample surface
variation of the mean should be used instead of individual vari-
was studied against two other methods which use a thin mem-
ation. The variation of the mean for the averaged values of two
brane placed between the spring-loaded LVDTs and the sample
orientations of the same specimen = ~ j 2 = ~ / 2 + ~r~/2, and
surface. Figure 4 shows the methods of deformation measure-
the variation of the mean for the averaged values of three spec-
imens of the same mix = ~+~/3 = ~ / 3 + ~ / 3 = ~+2/3 +
A thin membrane was used because it was thought that LVDTs
cry/6 + cry/6. As a result, the variation in resilient modulus is
may be placed on small depressions or on small aggregates on
given by
the sample surface which may increase the variation in the mea-
sured resilient modulus causing a higher experimental error,
o'~-~s+,,= ,+2/Ns + cr]/(UsNo) + ~+/(NsNo) (1)
( ~ ) . The use of a thin membrane placed between the sample
and LVDTs to bridge over these depressions or small aggregates
may lower ~,+. The method with the lowest value of c~ will be
No = number of orientations, and selected as the standard method of deformation measurement in
Ns = number of samples, this study. A lower value of ~r~ will result in a more repeatable
test procedure by decreasing the variation in resilient modulus

2ASTM= ~]/3 + +r]/6 + ¢~/6 (2)

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical technique was

used to estimate the different variations (~,~, ~ , and ~ ) involved
in ASTM D 4123 as described above. This technique is available
in the SAS program [6].
r~ i i
~ /, /
\---SPRING ]
Test Plan
.......... 4.i--
The test procedures used to measure resilient modulus were
outlined in ASTM D 4123. The setup is shown in Fig. 1. A n ?q\,Yv ++I 9
L ................ .2. . . . . . .
H&V resilient modulus device, which is a pneumatic loading ,t I

system generating load pulses, was used as the loading device. SPRIN(} LO,'h[EDLV+! \,/,/\ \ \
The device was set to apply repeated 1 Hz haversquare load
waveform with a load duration of 0.1 s and a rest period of 0.9
\, /
",,, \, /
s on test samples. Only horizontal deformations were measured "\ //
using two spring-loaded LVDTs placed in a diametrical yoke.
Load and deformation were recorded with a two-channel oscil-
lographic strip-chart recorder. Figure 3 is a typical recorder out-
put from a resilient modulus test. From the recorder output, the
total resilient modulus of elasticity was determined. Since vertical FIG. 4--Gpaphical view of method of deformation measurement.


( A S T M D 4123). The three methods of deformation measure- A comparison of cr,~os,among the three methods of deformation
ment studied were: in each mix revealed the best way to measure deformation (low-
est cr21). The m e t h o d producing the lowest crt~os, (cr,~ost = trl~ +
• M e t h o d / - - D i r e c t contact between spring-loaded L V D T s
~r~ + tr32)will have the lowest cr21since ~22 and or32r e m a i n e d constant
and sample surface ( A S T M D 4123).
for each mix.
• Method 2 - - A piece of thin paper was placed between the
spring-loaded L V D T s and the sample surface.
• Method 3 - - A piece of aluminum foil was placed b e t w e e n Part T w o
the L V D T s and the sample surface.
The m e t h o d of deformation m e a s u r e m e n t which produced the
Methods 2 and 3 are somewhat crude; however, the results m i n i m u m a~ (determined in Part One) was used as the standard
from these tests should provide some indication of the effect of m e t h o d of deformation m e a s u r e m e n t for the remaining part of
a m e m b r a n e between the L V D T s and the sample. this study. The purpose of Part Two of the test plan was to
The effect of the three methods of deformation m e a s u r e m e n t estimate the variation in resilient modulus ( A S T M D 4123) of
on three laboratory mixes at 25°C was studied. Each mix was laboratory fabricated mixes at 25°C. A n o t h e r purpose was to
represented by five laboratory fabricated specimens. F o r each determine the effect of stress on resilient modulus of laboratory
mix and m e t h o d of deformation measurement, experimental de- mixes at this temperature.
sign # 1 (Table 1) was conducted. F r o m the test results, ~,2ostwas T h r e e l a b o r a t o r y mixes, with each mix represented by five
estimated using SAS. The variation in resilient modulus due to laboratory fabricated specimens, were studied. For each labo-
different stresses was factored out by SAS. The estimated vari- ratory specimen, experimental design # 2 (Table 3) was con-
ation in test results (tr,2,~, = cr~ + cr~ + ~r32) was recorded (Ta- ducted. T h e r e f o r e , for this study, three laboratory mixes were
ble 2). evaluated and each mix was represented by five specimens. The

TABLE 1--Experimental Design 1.

i( :-s ~'- i! Stress 1 it Stress 2 tl Stress 3
II Ill ~]

Orientation I! Orientation ilI Orientation

!! e i 2 3 4 ! 5 i 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4
Ii-_ II i L_
,i {7!
~i z !I i ',!
,i 3 il- i
t I! i ii H
Fi 4 i! i Ii il
I !!
L ii i Ji il
Stress 1 = 10% tensile stress
Stress 2 = 15% tensile stress
Stress 3 = 20% tensile stress
Orientation 1 = 1st random orientation
Orientation 2 = 2nd random orientation
Orientation 3 = 3rd random orientation
Orientation 4 = 4th random orientation
Orientation 5 = 5th random orientation

TABLE 2--Variability of test for Part One of test plan.

Test Data From SAS Estimates Choose

Mix A using Method 1 2

Mix A using Method 2 2
O'test Minimum
Mix A using Method 3 crt2~s,

Mix B using Method 1 trL,

Mix B using Method 2 trL, Minimum cr2
Mix B using Method 3 2

Mix C using Method 1 2

Mix C using Method 2 cr2st Minimum ~r~
Mix C using Method 3 2


TABLE 3--Experimental Design 2.

I}, Stress 1 !! Stress 2 Jl Stress 3 i
Repet- i} II
.on i Orie 1 Orie !i orie
, Orie Z
Oriel Orie
2 ]I

~r li
J! . . . .
Stress 1 = 10% of tensile stress
Stress 2 = 15% of tensile stress
Stress 3 = 20% of tensile stress
Orie 1 = 1st randomly selected orientation
Orie 2 = 2nd randomly selected orientation

tests were conducted at 25°C, two sample orientations, three temperatures (4, 25, and 40°C) were used instead of the one test
stresses, and five repetitions resulting in a total of 450 tests. Each temperature (25°C) used in Part Two. The effect of stress on
repetition was represented by removing and remounting the resilient modulus of field mixes was also analyzed.
LVDTs on the same sample location before the test was re- Fourteen different field mixes (each mix represented by three
peated. samples) were studied. For each sample and test temperature,
A N O V A in SAS was used to factor out the variation due to experimental design #3 (Table 4) was conducted. Therefore, for
different stresses. Experimental error (~r~) was estimated with this study, 14 field mixes were evaluated. Each field mix was
SAS from data measured at five repetitions at the same orien- represented by three samples. The tests were conducted at three
tation and specimen in each mix. Next, the compounded ori- temperatures (4, 25, and 40°C), four sample orientations, three
entation variation and experimental error (Cr2o~)were estimated stresses, and two repetitions. This resulted in a total of 3024
from data measured at different orientations of the same spec- tests.
imen. Orientation variation ( ~ ) was then calculated using the Using the procedure identical to that in Part Two, A N O V A
equation tr~ = error - ~r~. Finally, the compounded effect of sam- in SAS was used to estimate cry, cry, and or32of each field mix
ple variation, orientation variation, and experimental error after factoring out the effect of different stresses.
(tr~) was estimated from data measured from different specimens At each test temperature, a procedure identical to that dis-
of each mix. Sample variation (cry) was calculated from the equa- cussed in Part Two of the test plan was used to factor out the
tion cr32 = cry0 - tr~ - cry. The variation in resilient modulus is differences in measured resilient modulus values due to orien-
given by Eq 2. tation and sample. The factored-out data were then analyzed for
To analyze the effect of stress on resilient modulus, the dif- the effect of stress on resilient modulus. The analysis of the effect
ferences in measured resilient modulus values due to orientations of stress on resilient modulus was conducted at three tempera-
and specimens were factored out before the data were used to tures: 4, 25, and 40°C.
analyze the effect of stress. A regression analysis was performed
with resilient modulus as Y, the dependent variable. The inde- Prediction of Tensile Strength
pendent class variables were sample and orientation and the
independent continuous variable was stress (percent of tensile It was necessary to estimate the tensile strength of asphalt
stress). Equations were developed from these regressions to pre- mixes in order to estimate the applied stress as a percent of tensile
dict resilient modulus at a stress of 15% tensile stress for each strength.
mix evaluated. Each measured resilient modulus value for a given The indirect tensile strength of laboratory mixes was estimated
mix type was divided by the predicted resilient modulus at a from Marshall stability values obtained during mix design. The
stress of 15% of tensile stress. This resulting ratio (MR at X % / indirect tensile strength was assumed to be the Marshall stability
MR at 15 %) will show the expected difference between measured divided by 20 [7]. Based on this estimated tensile strength, the
resilient modulus values at various stresses and that measured corresponding load was applied during resilient modulus testing.
at 15% of tensile stress for typical asphalt mixes. The ratio (MR After resilient modulus tests were completed, the actual indirect
at X%/MR at 15%) for each sample tested was plotted against tensile stress of each sample was obtained in accordance with
stress in percent of tensile stress to evaluate the effect of stress ASTM D 4123 with a displacement rate of 50.8 mm/min and a
on MR for Mix A, Mix B, Mix C, and for a combination of all temperature of 25°C (Fig. 5). Therefore the stress applied during
mixes at the test temperature. modulus testing at 25°C was divided by the actual indirect tensile
strength of the samples to determine stress as a percent of tensile
Part Three
The values of tensile strength of field samples at 25°C were
The purpose of Part Three of the test plan was to estimate the first estimated from indirect tensile strength test results of cores
variation in resilient modulus (~r~s~u) of field mixes. Three test taken adjacent to the field samples. Figure 6 was used to predict


TABLE 4~Experimental Design 3.

ii Stress I i Stress 2 Stress 3 !!

Repetition i} ;[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'.
Orientation -~[ Orientation Orientation :~
i 4 li !
Jl 1 1 2 ' 3 4 ii 1 [ 2 3 i 4 1 1 2 r3 , 4 }i
,f- ............. ,

! il
:: 2 !i i ' - - I I i
. . . . . ~. ± Ji
Stress 1 = 10% of tensile stress
Stress 2 = t5% of tensile stress
Stress 3 = 20% of tensile stress
Orientation 1 = tst randomly selected orientation
Orientation 2 ~ 2nd randomly selected orientation
Orientation 3 = 3rd randomly selected orientation
Orientation 4 = 4th randomly selected orientation

the resilient modulus at 4 and 40°C from the estimated resilient

modulus at 25°(7 [8]. Figure 6 shows that the resilient modulus
at 4°(7 was approximately three times greater than the resilient
modulus at 25°C and approximately 7.5 times greater than that
at 40°C. Based on the predicted tensile strength, the desired
stress (10, 15, or 20% of tensile strength) was applied during
each resilient modulus test. When all resilient modulus tests were
completed, indirect tensile strength tests were conducted on the
actual test samples to obtain the actual tensile strength of samples
at 25°C. The tensile stresses at 4 and 40°C were calculated using
the measured strength at 25°C (Fig. 6).

Sample Information

Laboratory Samples
The aggregate gradations for the three mixes of laboratory
samples are shown in Fig. 7. The optimum asphalt content of
FIG. 5--1ndirect tensile test (ASTM D 4123). each mix established by Marshall mix design criteria using a
gyratory compactor (set at 1° angle, 30 revolutions, and 1380
kN/m 2) was 4.2% for Mix A, 4.8% for Mix B, and 5.8% for Mix
C. This gyratory setting produces a density equivalent to that
with 75 blows of the Marshall hand hammer (Fig. 8). It appeared
that much of the larger aggregate in Mix A was broken when
compacted with the gyratory compactor. This problem is more
z Composite Power Fit, FWD
Witczok ( 1 1 ) . severe with the Marshall hammer and is primarily caused by
1.25o ...... Lee, et ol (,12)
\ Composite P o w e r Fit, Lob compacting large aggregate in a small mold [9].
k 4
x Five samples were pj'epared from each mix. The density test \ • results (ASTM D 1188) and indirect tensile strength test results
Q (ASTM D 4123) of all samples are shown in Table 5.
\ 4
\ \ N
Field Samples
°z 0.500
o The maximum aggregate size, density, and indirect tensile
strength measured from field cores are shown in Table 6.
1-<0.250 The field mixes are identified by a letter of the alphabet, D,
<c followed by two numbers for identification purpose (Mixes A,
0.000 B, and C are laboratory mixes). The first number indicates the
0 10 20 30 40 50
PAVEMENT TEST TEMPERATURE (CELSIUS) pavement site number, the second number indicates the pave-
ment layer. Therefore Mix D42 was identified as a field mix
FIG. 6---Asphalt concrete modulus-temperature relationship. obtained from the second layer of pavement number 4.


100 • M e t h o d 2 - - A piece of thin paper was placed between spring-

cc=.~o MIX A ~' / ] loaded LVDTs and the sample surface
mo~ MIX B /' / • Method 3 - - A piece of aluminum foil was placed between
80. Aa,n-a-AMIX C //,a" /o /
LVDTs and the sample surface.

60- ,,o / /
, The compounded sum of variation was 0-~, ( O ~ t 2 s t = 0 - 2 - ~ - 0-2
+ ~r~). Within each mix 0-~ and 0-I were the same. Therefore the
test method that has the lowest value of 0-2o,,in one mix also has
z the lowest experimental error (0-~) in that mix. From Table 7,
o 40. all three mixes showed that Method 1 has the lowest value of
w ~e~,; Method 1 has the lowest experimental error (0-~). It was
concluded that Method 1 (deformation measurement by ASTM)
is the best method of deformation among the three methods
! i i tllll| i i i iiiii I i i i i i iii I i
0.01 0.1 1 10 ' ' ' ~"100
Results from Part Two of Test Plan
Table 8 shows the experimental errors (0-~), orientation vari-
FIG. 7--Aggregate gradation of laboratory mixes. ation (0-~), sample variation (0-3z), and variation in resilient mod-
ulus (~r~sTM) of the laboratory mixes at 25°C.
Experimental error (0-~) is a function of the test equipment
2.570 and operators. For cr~ = 0 (completely repeatable), all repeated
resilient modulus values measured at any one orientation of a

~ 2.545 MARSHALL specimen must be identical. Orientation variation (0-~) is the
c~ variation in resilient modulus values obtained by testing at dif-
ferent orientations of a specimen. Orientation variation (~r~) is
~ 2.520
I.L related to the specimen homogeneity. For a homogeneous spec-
imen, resilient modulus measured at different orientations of the
LI.I 2 . 4 9 5
13_ specimen would be identical (0-~ = 0). The test results showed
03 that mixes with larger maximum aggregate sizes have higher
~_~2.470 values of 0-~. The data support the obvious fact that the homo-
< geneity of specimens decreases with increasing maximum aggre-
~ 2.445 gate size. The variation in resilient modulus caused by different
orientations is minimal and does not have a significant effect on
the variation. It is the smallest variation among the three sources
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 of variation. Sample variation (~r32) is the variation in resilient
NO OF REVOLUTIONS modulus values obtained by testing different specimens of the
FIG. 8--Gyratory cafibration graph. same mix, and is related to reproducibility of identical test spec-
imens. If it is possible to reproduce identical specimens from a
mix, the resilient modulus of different specimens of the same
Test Results mix would be identical (0-I = 0). It was suspected that mixes
with smaller maximum aggregate size would have a lower resil-
Results from Part One of Test Plan ient modulus value and higher reproducibility (lower cr]). As
suspected, test results showed that the mix with the smallest
The program A N O V A in SAS was used to quantify 0-,2e~,(Table
maximum aggregate size (Mix C) had a higher reproducibility
7) of the three methods of deformation measurement used in
(minimum ~r]) and lower resilient modulus value. It is unclear
the three laboratory mixes at 25°C. The three methods of de-
formation measurement studied were: why Mix A had a lower mean MR and a lower variability than
Mix C. The breaking of the larger aggregate size (Mix A) during
• Method/--Direct contact between spring loaded LVDTs compaction may be a factor.
and sample surface (ASTM D 4123). Useful information can be extracted from the variation in re-

TABLE 5--Density and tensile strength of laboratory samples.

Mix A Mix B Mix C

Density Ten. Str. Density Ten. Str. Density Ten. Str.
Sample (g/cm3) (kN/m2) (g/cm3) (kN/m 2) (g/cm3) (kN/m 2)

1 2.52t 614.72 2.505 815.51 2.473 1016.44

2 2.536 633.14 2.525 1044.80 2.476 1156.30
3 2.546 683.86 2.518 955.10 2.480 1019.68
4 2.543 ___ 2.541 926.33 2.463 1041.76
5 2.558 746.44 2.500 I069.91 2.471 1t33.05


TABLE 6--Maximum aggregate size, density, and tensile strength of field samples.

Core 4 Core 5 Core 8

Size Density Ten. Str. Density Ten. Str. Density Ten. Str.
Mix (ram) (g/cm3) (kN/m z) (g/cm3) (kN/m 2) (g/cm3) (kN/m 2)

D23 19.0 2.338 2.337 400.5 2.348 586.6

D24 19.0 2.356 5"60.'2 2.321 2.322 818.1
D25 25.4 1.724 184.9 1.712 1'79.'5 1.700
D32 12.7 2.26I ... 2.261 341.4 2.253 3"33.'9
D41 19.0 2.361 2.329 541.7 2.38I 580.6
D42 25.4 2.389 603.'8 2.361 2.391 587.8
D43 25.4 2.361 2.362 5'98.'3 2.354 497.4
D44 25.4 2.349 6"65.'6 2.357 2.253 434.6
D45 25.4 2.293 530.3 2.295 5"42.8 2.285
D52 12.7 2.341 ... 362.7 2.357 50)7.'6
1).53 25.4 2.389 344.'6 2.383 272.0
D54 19.0 2.375 332.9 2.32'9 2"82.7 2.389
D55 25.4 21421 2.446 402.9 2.463 3'8;73
D56 25.4 2.393 3"ti).'4 2.434 ... 2.413 372.7

TABLE 7--cr~,~, of laboratory mixes at 25°C.

Or lesl Conclusion

Mix A using Method 1 4.6243 El0 Method 1 has the minimum

Mix A using Method 2 7.8530 El0 experimental error (~)
Mix A using Method 3 6.9996 El0 in Mix A

Mix B using Method I 7.5351 El0 Method 1 has the minimum

Mix B using Method 2 6.6264 E l l experimental error (~)
Mix B using Method 3 1.1499 E l l in Mix B

Mix C using Method 1 3.1486 El0 Method 1 has the minimum

Mix C using Method 2 5.1318 El0 experimental error (~r~)
Mix C using Method 3 5.3698 El0 in Mix C

TABLE 8---o~1, cry, ¢r~, and cras~2 values of laboratory mixes at 25°C.

Mix A Mix B Mix C

Max. Aggr. Size (mm) 25.4 19.0 12.7

Mean MR (kN/m 2) 2 078 190 2 687 302 2 086 739

tr~ 3.437t El0 6.8558 El0 2.6471 El0

cr~ 1.1872 El0 6.7916 E09 5.0151 E09
cr~ 3.7095 El0 1.5917 Ell 2.8177 El0
~rAs~M2 2.0072 El0 6.5615 El0 1.4640 El0

silient modulus ( A S T M D 4123), cr~srM. Standard error (CrAs.rM), O f the three components of variation in resilient modulus,
coefficient of variation (CV = crAs~/Mean M R ) , and acceptable given as ~r~sTM = (cry/6) + (~r~/6) + (Cr~/3), the last term (cry/3)
range of two tests per A S T M C 670 (2.83 × CV) were calculated was the m a j o r contributing c o m p o n e n t . The most effective way
(Table 9). to decrease the variation in resilient modulus or to increase the
If the same o p e r a t o r repeated the A S T M D 4123 test with precision is to minimize the last term ( ~ / 3 ) where 3 is the n u m b e r
specimens from the same batch at the same t e m p e r a t u r e (25°C) of samples tested. T h e term (tr~/n) can be decreased by averaging
using the same machine, the two results should not differ m o r e the resilient modulus values of a larger n u m b e r of test samples,
than 2.83 × CV. It was concluded that resilient modulus mea- n. T h e r e f o r e a tradeoff exists between precision of the test pro-
surement of asphalt mixes does not have a high degree of pre- cedure and the n u m b e r of specimens to be tested. The acceptable
cision. The m a x i m u m expected difference between two test mea- range ( A R ) of two test results can be calculated using the equa-
surements from the same batch of materials by the same o p e r a t o r tions
in the same laboratory using the same machine can be as high
as 20% for Mix A , 27% for Mix B, and 16% for Mix C. A R = C V × 2.83 (3)


TABLE 9--Standard error, CV, and acceptable range of two tests for laboratory mixes
at 25°C.

Mix A Mix B Mix C

Standard Error (kN/mz) 141 676 256 154 120 996

Coeff. of Variation (%) 6.82 9.53 5.80
Acceptable Range (%) 19.29 26.98 16.41

CV = V~EsTIMR x 100 (4) 1.6

~,_*_*.*__*Y = -O.03217X + 1,485 MIX A
o..po.~2Y = -0.01673X + 1.249 MIX B
q.~D.~D Y = --0.02929X + 1.494 MIX C
O'TEST -- - ~r~/Ns + a~/(NsNo) + cr~,/(NsNo) (1) 1.4 El * Y = -0.02252X + 1.340 ALL MIXES

-.. o~&&~
Substituting Eqs 4 and 1 into Eq 3: o
¢y 1.2 ~ " °,,%

~1.0 oo.
A R = 2 8 3 1 M R x [traiNs + cr~l(NsNo)
+ , ~ l ( N ~ N o ) ] ''~
.,~ 0.8
where n-"
"~ 0.6
No = number of orientations,
N~ = number of samples,
A R = acceptable range, %, and 0.4
MR = mean resilient modulus.
s ......... i'o' ........ 1's' ........ 2'0" . . . . . . 'ds ........ '30
Equation 5 can be used to calculate the acceptable range of FIG. 9--Effect of stress on resilient modulus of laboratory mixes at
two test results when more samples or orientations are tested. 25°C.
For example, quadrupling the testing effort, an increase from 6
to 24 tests (from ASTM's 3 samples at 2 orientations to 6 samples
at 4 orientations), will improve the acceptable range from 19.29
to 12.26% for Mix A, 26.98 to 18.14% for Mix B, and 16.41 to
Results f r o m Part Three o f Test Plan
10.51% for Mix C. It would not be feasible to improve ASTM
D 4123 by using more samples or orientations. Table 11 shows experimental errors (try), variation in resilient
Figure 9 shows the effect of stress on MR of the laboratory modulus caused by different orientations (~r~), and variation in
mixes at 25°C. The Y-axis is given by Y = (MR at X%)/(MR resilient modulus caused by different specimens (~r~Z).There are
at 15%) as shown in Part Two of test plan. The X-axis is the a total of 42 points from 14 field mixes tested at 4, 25, and 40°C
stress in percent of tensile stress. The data show that the equation with measured resilient modulus values ranging from 7 x 1@ to
for the best fit straight line through all data is Y = -0.02252X 1.75 x 107 kN/mL
+ 1.340. Figure 10 is a plot of sample variation (cr32), orientation vari-
The maximum aggregate size, slope, and mean MR of the ation (cry), and experimental error (cry) versus mean MR. At
three mixes are shown in Table 10. Mix A is most sensitive to mean MR less than 6 x 106 kN/m 2, sample variation (cry) has
stress, followed by Mix C, and Mix B is least sensitive to stress. the highest variation, and at mean MR greater than 6 x 106 kN/
It seems that the stiffer the mix, the less sensitive it is to stress. m 2, experimental error has the highest variation. Orientation
When all mixes were analyzed, the slope is -0.02252. Therefore variation (cry) was significantly lower throughout the ranges of
a change in stress from 15% of tensile strength to 10% of tensile mean MR. Since the stress applied during resilient modulus test-
strength will increase the measured MR by 11.26% ([10 - 15] ing remained practically the same, deformation is inversely pro-
x -0.02252). portional to the mean MR (mix stiffness). The amount of de-

TABLE lO---Maximum aggregate size, slope, and mean MR of laboratory mixes.

Max. Aggregate Mean MR

Mix Size (mm) Slope (kN/m2)

Mix A 23.4 -0.03217 2 078 190

Mix B t9.0 -0.01673 2 687 302
Mix C 12.7 -0.02929 2 086 739
All Mixes -0.02252


TABLE l l - - V a r i a n c e s of fieM mixes.

Mix Variances 40°C 25°C 4°C

D23 crY3 2.640 El2 3.790 El2 5.262 E l l

cr~ 1,432 El0 1.010 El0 1.650 E l l
~r~ 1,803 E l l 6.021 E l l 8.416 El2

D24 cr~ 7.932 E l l 4.357 El2 1.029 El0

cr~ 7.328 E09 1.739 E l l 2.750 E09
~r~ 3.664 E l l 4.756 E l l 4.302 El2

D25 ~z3 6.449 E l l 3.950 E l l 1.611 E12

e~ 9.404 E08 3.481 E08 1.619 El0
~r~ 7.543 E09 9.774 El0 3.220 E l l

D32 cr~ 2.291 E l l 6.956 E l l . . .

~r~ 7.943 E07 6.921 E07 . . .
~r~ 1.538 El0 2.656 E l l . . .

D41 o-~ 5,982 Eft'/ 4.211 El0 2,442 Ell

~r~ 5.765 E08 5.767 E09 4.093 E l l
cr2 9.654 E09 6.581 El0 3.940 El2

D42 or32 2.287 E09 9.412 El0 7.732 E l l

~r~ 1.231 E08 3.004 El0 1.688 E l l
~ 1.426 El0 1.958 E l l 5.853 El2

D43 crz 1.047 E l l 8.758 E l l 4.834 El2

~rzz 5.708 E08 3.397 E l i 8.592 El1
cr~ 2.544 El0 1.425 E l l 9.758 El2

D44 ~r~ 1.155 E l i 1.167 El2 3.159 El2

cr~ 7.620 E09 2.738 El0 1.531 E l l
cr~ 2.033 El0 1.081 E l i 4.836 El2

D45 cr~ 1.220 El0 4.321 El0 1.080 El2

~r~ 5.379 E09 7.524 El0 1.139 El0
cr~ 2.982 El0 1.904 E l l 3.103 El2

D52 ~ 4.562 E l l 2.095 El2 4.447 El0

o-~ 9,651 E08 3.796 E 0 9 1.192 E t 0
cr~ 1.547 El0 1.006 E l l 1.712 El2

D53 cr~ 5.636 E l l 2.409 El2 1.471 El3

~r~ 3,060 E09 1.241 El0 1.522 E l l
~r~ 5.158 El0 1,265 E l l 1.833 El2

D54 ~r3 1.566 E l i 1.156 El2 6.970 El2

cr~ 3.312 E08 5,707 E09 1.147 E l l
~r~ 6.865 E09 4.129 El0 9.596 E l l

D55 o"I 1.473 El0 6.431 El0 1.129 El2

cr~ 2.285 E09 4.847 El0 3.164 El0
cr~ 1,058 El0 8.850 El0 1.964 El2

D56 ~ 2.524 El0 1.555 E l l 4.493 E l l

cr~ 1.987 E08 5.204 E09 2.947 El0
~r~ 7.070 E09 3.751 El0 2.561 El2

f o r m a t i o n in stiff mixes is t h e r e f o r e very small. T h e e r r o r o f the the acceptable range of two test results according to A S T M C
test e q u i p m e n t in measuring d e f o r m a t i o n at this range increases. 670 = 2.83 × CV.
T h e r e f o r e , as the m e a n M R increases, the influence of ~r~ b e c a m e Figure 11 s h o w e d Cr~sTMincreasing with increasing m e a n M R ,
stronger. while Fig. 12 s h o w e d C V decreasing with increasing m e a n M R .
Figure 11 is a plot o f ~AsrM2 (Cr~sTM = crt2 + cr~ + cry) versus T h e variation (cr~,srM) in the test result using the s a m e o p e r a t o r
m e a n M R . T h e regression e q u a t i o n ~rASTM 2 = M R 14~58 X 97.3673 and m a c h i n e i n c r e a s e d with stiffness o f the mixes. W h e n this
was d e v e l o p e d for data points in the plot. Figure 12, a plot of variation was e x p r e s s e d in p e r c e n t o f m e a n M R ( C V = CrAsTM/
C V and acceptable range o f two test results versus m e a n M R , m e a n M R x 100), it d e c r e a s e s with stiffness o f the mix. Figure
was o b t a i n e d using the e q u a t i o n C V = ~r~s-rM/MR x 100 a n d 12 also shows that the m a x i m u m difference b e t w e e n two r e p e a t e d


10 ~+ test results can be as high as 35% for mixes with stiffness of

3 × 106 kN/mL As the stiffness increases to 1.7 × 107 k N / m 2,
10 t~ * A
** & ix . the m a x i m u m difference of acceptable range decreased to 22%.
10 ~z Figures 13, 14, and 15 are plots of resilient modulus ratio versus
, o • o o; __ stress at 25°C for field mixes with m a x i m u m aggregate size of
(_) 1 0 " 25.4, 19.0, and 12.7 mm, respectively. A straight line was fitted
Z in each figure. The figures showed a decrease in M R with in-
10 '°
Od creasing stress. H o w e v e r , there does not seem to be any cor-
~.~ 10 ~ relation between maximum aggregate size and the slope of the
fitted line (Table 12). The slope measures the sensitivity of M R
10' _ ,o u to stress.
10 ~ * * * * * .SAMPLE VARIATION Figure 16 is a plot of resilient modulus ratio versus stress of ORIENTATION VARIATION all field mixes at 25°C. The slope of the equation is - 0 . 0 2 5 .
10 I i i i i ii"i'l i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i l ~ t t , i ~i i ~ i i i i i i 1 1 i i i i i i ~
T h e r e f o r e a change in stress from 15% of tensile stress to 10%
0.0E+O00 4.0E+006 8.0E+006 1.2E+007 1.6E+007 2.0E+007 of tensile stress will increase the measured M R at 25°C by 12.53%
MEAN MR (kN/sqm) ([10 - 15] × - 0 . 0 2 5 ) . The slope selected for test results on
field samples is very similar to that selected for laboratory sam-
FIG. lO--Sources o f variation in resilient modulus (ASTM D 4123).


{i* MAX. AGG. SIZE = 25.4- m m
10 ~3
"" 1.2 .%a • Y = - 0 . 0 2 4 3 1 X + 1.356


10 t=
Oo rY
q~ 8 1.0
LLJ oo
0 10 " o
Z >~: 0.8
• i .
rF • t
>..~I0 ,o %o
~-,~ 0.6

ooooo y = X 1"4158 , 97..3673 0.4 1", ii , i , i i i l l i i i i ,, 111 ,i i , i l l , i ii i i i i i i i
8 13 18 23 28
1 0 ' lll,ll,l,llllll,lllll,llll),,llllllll~,[llllll,, I STRESS (~ OF TENSILE STRESS)
0.OE+O00 4.0E+006 B.OE+O06 1.2E+007 1.6E+007 2.0E+007
MEAN MR (kN/sqm) FIG. 13--Effect o f stress on M R for 25.4 m m (1 in.) aggregate field
FIG. l l - - Variation in resilient modulus.


,* MAX. AGG. SIZE = t 9 . 0 mm
~ 1.4 Y = -0.02751X + 1.4t9

30, 13:1 1.2

F- • .
n-" 20.
~ 0.8
• .:
.>,. : .: . ;

10. ~0.6

0.4 i I , , , , a , , I i , , a , t , , , t , i i , , i , I a i i i , , , i a i ,

13 18 23 28
0 i i , i i i i J z i i i i i i i i lq i i i , i rT'3~f,i i i i i i i i i |3 i i i i IT
0.0E+000 4.0E+006 B.0E+O06 1.2E+007 1.6E+007 21(3E+007 STRESS (~ OF TENSILE STRESS)
MEAN MR (kN/sqm)
FIG. 14--Effect o f stress on M R for 19.0 m m (3/4 in.) aggregate field
FIG. 1 2 - - C V and acceptable range o f two test results. mixes.


1.6 2.0
$ TEST TEMPERATURE = 2 5 *C ,Y = -0.04226X + 1.668
MAX. AGG. SIZE = 12.7 m m : * ¢ *
"- 1.4
Y = -0.02282X + 1.342 :;,** ~,. , •
, . i./.', 3 :"
Q::: 1.2 . .i.i'..#.,...
". ; : rF 1.5
** , *~ ". .
~1.o . ~" , ' - " d ~ : ' i "
• l " . " • """
.. • ..
~ ~ ~'.'~¢--a~.. ~ " :
. ~ 0.8 ..,T.. 4
.~ 1.0

8 13 18 23 28 0.5 , , i , , , i i , i , , i i , , , , , i , i i , , , , I , 1 1 1 , 1 1 , , , ,
8 13 18 23
FIG. 15--Effect o f stress on MR for 12.7 mm (/2 in.) aggregate field
mixes. FIG. 17--Effect of stress on M R for field mixes at 40°C.

TABLE 12--Maximum aggregate size and slope of Conclusions and Recommendations

field mixes.
One source of variation in resilient modulus (ASTM D 4123)
Maximum Aggregate is experimental error ((~2). For the variation in resilient modulus
Size (ram) Slope (ASTM D 4123) to be minimal, the experimental error ((~) has
to be minimal. It was found that the ASTM D 4123 method of
25.4 - 0.0243
19.0 -0.0275 deformation (spring-loaded LVDTs placed in contact with sam-
12.7 -0.0228 ple) has the lowest (~ compared with two other methods of
deformation measurement (using a membrane between the
LVDTs and sample).
1.6 Other sources of variation in resilient modulus (ASTM D 4123)
are (y~ and (y~. It was found that sample variation ((r~) is the most
TEST TEMPERATURE = 25 *C important factor influencing the variation in resilient modulus
Y = -0.02505X + 1.372
~ - 1.4 for mixes with stiffness less than 6 x 106 kN/m 2. Sample variation
II~ * I*
((y~) is a measure of variability within a laboratory for specimens
Q::: 1.2 "" or cores taken from the same asphalt mix. Sample variation
• i * , ((~) values obtained in this study were typically high, showing
significant differences in resilient modulus among samples of the
1.0 ",~* ** * , * p,
same mix. For stiffer mixes (MR greater than 6 x 106 kN/m 2)
with small deformations, the capability of the test machine to
.~ (?.8 measure deformation accurately becomes the major factor for
the variation in resilient modulus (ASTM D 4123). This is re-
I flected by the higher value of experimental error ((~) for mean
MR values greater than 6 x 10~ kN/m 2.
The acceptable range of two test results (2.83 x CV) is another
0.4 i i , , , i i i , i i i , I , i , , i i i i i i i I , , i i i i i i i I i i i measure of the variation in resilient modulus. This study shows
8 13 16 23 28
STRESS (~ OF TENSILE STRESS) that resilient modulus measurement of asphalt mixes by ASTM
D 4123 does not have a high degree of precision. For field mixes,
FIG. 16--Effect o f stress on M R for field mixes at 25°C. the acceptable range of two test results ranges from 35% for a
mix stiffness of 3 x 106 kN/m 2 to 22% at a mix stiffness of 1.7
X 1 0 7 kN/m 2. For the three laboratory mixes whose averaged
pies (-0.0225). Figure 17 is a plot of resilient modulus versus stiffness is 2.3 x 106kN/m 2(2.1 x 106, 2.7 x 106, and 2.1 x
stress of field mixes at 40°C. The slope of the equation is 106 kN/m2), the average acceptable range of two test results is
-0.0423. A change in stress from 15% of tensile stress to 10% 20.89% (19.29, 26.98, and 16.41%). As expected, the variation
of tensile stress will increase the measured MR at 40°C by of field mixes is higher than laboratory mixes.
21.13%. At higher temperature, the effect of stress on MR is It is not feasible to improve the precision of ASTM D 4123
more pronounced. or acceptable range by using more samples and orientations. The
The effect of stress at 4°C was not analyzed because of equip- effect of quadrupling the testing effort (from ASTM D 4123
ment limitations. The maximum stress that could be applied by recommended 6 tests with 3 samples at 2 orientations to 24 tests
the test equipment was in the range of 5 to 10% of tensile stress with 6 samples at 4 orientations) was calculated using Eq 5. The
at 4°C. acceptable range of two test results was improved from 19.29 to


12.26% for Mix A, 26.98 to 18.14% for Mix B, and 16.41 to References
10.51% for Mix C. The time and samples required for a signif-
icant amount of reduction in variation of resilient modulus [1] "AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures,"
(ASTM D 4123) are too large. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offi-
cials, 1972, Chapter III (rev.), 1981.
The amount of stress applied to the sample during testing has [2] Baladi, G. Y., "Characterization of Flexible Pavement: A Case
a significant effect on the measured resilient modulus values. It Study," in Properties of Flexible Pavement Materials, ASTM STP
is recommended to characterize asphalt mixes at a standard stress 807, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
of 15% of tensile stress. Resilient modulus at other stresses can 1983, pp. 164-171.
[3] Kenis, W. J., "Material Characterizations for Rational Pavement
be converted to the standard stress using the relationship ob- Design," in Fatigue and Dynamic Testing of Bituminous Mixtures,
tained in this study. The regression equations obtained for field ASTM STP 561, American Society for Testing and Materials, Phil-
and laboratory mixes tested at 25°C are adelphia, 1973, pp. 132-152.
[4] Mamlouk S. Micheal and Sarofim T. Ramsis, "The Modulus of
Asphalt Mixtures--An Unresolved Dilemma," Transportation Re-
Field Mixes: Y - - 0 . 0 2 5 X + 1.372 search Board, 67th Annual Meeting, 1988.
Laboratory Mixes: Y = - 0 . 0 2 2 5 X + 1.34 [5] Baladi, G. Y. and Harichandran, S. R. "Asphalt Mix Design and
The Indirect Test: A New Horizon."
where Y = (MR at X%)/(MR at 15%) and X = stress as percent [6] SAS Guide, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, N.C., 1979.
of tensile strength. There is no significant difference in the effect [7] Brown, E. R., "Evaluation of Properties of Recycled Asphalt Con-
crete Hot Mix," Dissertation, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Texas
of stress on field and laboratory mixes at 25°C. The combined A&M University, College Station, Tex., 1983.
equation of field and laboratory mixes is Y = - 0 . 0 2 3 8 X + 1.36. [8] Parker, F., Jr., and Elton, D. J., "Methods for Evaluating Resilient
Therefore a change in stress from 15 to 10% of tensile strength Modulus of Paving Materials," Final Report--Vol 1, Project ST-
at 25°C will increase the measured MR by 11.89% [(10 - 15) 2019-7, Auburn University Highway Research Center, Auburn,
Ala., June 1989.
x -0.023785]. For field mixes tested at 40°C, the regression [9] Bassett, C., Master's thesis draft report, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
obtained was Y = -0.04226 + 1.668. A change in stress from Auburn University, Auburn, Ala., May 1989.
15 to 20% of tensile strength will decrease the measured MR b3 [10] "AASHTO Test and Material Specifications," Parts I and II, 13th
21.13% [ ( 2 0 - 15) x -0.4226]. ed., American Association of State Highway and Transportation
This study is limited since only one machine and one operator Officials, 1982.
[11] Witezak, M. W., "Design of Full Depth Air Field Pavements," in
were used. However, the information obtained is useful in es- Proceedings, 3rd InternationalConference on the Structural Design
tablishing variation of resilient modulus values obtained within of Asphalt Pavements, 1972.
any one laboratory. Further work is needed to include a round- [12] Lee, S. W., Mahoney, J. P., and Jackson, N. C., "Verification of
robin study using a number of laboratories, test machines, and Backcaleulation of Pavement Moduli," Transportation Research
operators. Record 1196, Transportation Research Board, 1988.


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