English Assignment 1

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Simple Past Tense Story

The Ghost: A Killer Mystery That Never Be Solved

Once there was a killer so skilled that he left no trace of his
crimes behind. He operated with precision and care, never
leaving a single clue that could lead back to him. The police were
stumped, and the public grew increasingly afraid. Despite their
best efforts, the authorities were unable to catch the killer. He
seemed to have a sixth sense about when the police were closing
in, and he always managed to slip away undetected. His victims
were chosen at random, with no apparent connection between
them. They ranged in age, gender, and background, making it
impossible to predict who he would strike next. The media
dubbed him “The Ghost,” for his ability to disappear without a
trace. They ran countless stories on him, speculating on his
identity and motives, but he remained a mystery. Some people
even began to doubt his existence, believing that the murders
were just a series of unrelated incidents. But the families of the
victims knew better. They felt the pain of their loss every day and
longed for justice. The police continued to investigate, but the
trail always led to dead ends. Years went by, and the killings
eventually stopped. The Ghost had disappeared, leaving no trace
of his whereabouts. Some believed that he had died or been
caught by the police in another city, but no one knew for sure.
The case remained open, a reminder of the killer who had
haunted the city for so long. The police kept files on him, hoping
that someday they would find a clue that would solve the
mystery. But as time went on, it seemed more and more likely
that The Ghost would never be caught. His legend lived on, a
terrifying reminder of the darkness that could lurk in the
shadows of any city.
#Simple past tense verbs used in the story:
Operated / Left / Were stumped / Grew / Caught / Dubbed /
Ran / Believed / Felt / Longed / Led / Went / Disappeared /
Remained / Kept / Continued / Were / Began / Knew /

#The sentences from the story that contain the simple

past tense verbs:
•He operated with precision and care, never leaving a single clue
that could lead back to him. •The police were stumped, and the
public grew increasingly afraid. •Despite their best efforts, the
authorities were unable to catch the killer. •The media dubbed
him “The Ghost,” for his ability to disappear without a trace.
•They ran countless stories on him, speculating on his identity
and motives, but he remained a mystery. •Some people even
began to doubt his existence, believing that the murders were
just a series of unrelated incidents. •The families of the victims
knew better. •The police continued to investigate, but the trail
always led to dead ends. •Years went by, and the killings
eventually stopped. •The case remained open, a reminder of the
killer who had haunted the city for so long. •The police kept files
on him, hoping that someday they would find a clue that would
solve the mystery.

Mr. Edwin English Assignment: | Assignment By:

“Simple Past Tense Story” |
Assignment Date: | M. Wiguna Muhtaribilah
Monday, 13 March 2023 | Class: VIII - I | No. 19

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