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ACTIVITY 1 UNIT 8 Rationale for mock exam


• Platform for production – What are you making? Why? How will it be effective?
• Understanding the commission – Explain the purpose of the commission – what am I being
asked to do? Understand the client, themes, target audience, restrictions of TA
• Secondary research – Look at different websites which are like your product, state the
website, identify specific cinematic ideas, WWW/EBI, ,
change ,
• Ideas generation – The ideas of 3 different videos I could produce, guideline 100 words
• Primary research – Start with statement you want to achieve, Questionnaire stats –
figures, use for the 3 ideas – the questions should like to this, small ask of specific
questions, summarise research and what I’ve learnt
• Final plans – Explain which idea will go ahead, expand on chosen idea, justify final

I am working for this media campaign called “Action on climate change”. Action on climate change
is a Uk group and it’s a commissioning a media campaign to encourage changes in environmental
policies from the government. Action on climate change is looking for me to create and make a
promotional video which will be approximately 2 minutes. It will be this length because climate
change is a sensitive subject which is used to raise awareness of environmental issues which has
been causing an increase in climate change. Furthermore, this will give a viewpoint in which
climate change will affect us in the future. Action on Climate Change wants me to produce this 2-
minute promotional video because its aim is to educate and inform their target audience about
how climate change may affect us in the future. This will be aimed to people of the younger
generation and people that are the ages between 40–50-year-olds.
According to the brief which is shown down below with the facts and figures, it also states that the
primary target audience for this project is the younger generation, especially people who are at
the voting age. Because of this, it will mean that they will be notified by politicians of how
environmental issues are affecting the world around us and how this will be acted on in the
upcoming future. This is important for people to know as the subject of climate change is always
appearing on TV, Radio, social media, Newspapers, internet, environmental companies and so on.
The age bracket in which Action for Climate Change falls into is the younger generations who will
become voters once they are adults which means that they can vote in future elections. This has a
substantial effect which is important because younger generations need to know that we need to
make a change and this needs to happen on a quicker pace. Our secondary target audience fits
into government policy makers which are 40–50-year-olds which has been stated in the
introduction. Government policymakers collaborate with the government on how to make
changes on environmental concerns. The demographics in which I want to target at will be
working class/middle class. If government policy makers have no interest in solving this issue and
acting upon it, this will affect the planet and us as human being will be at somewhat risk. The
specific gender demographic will be based around both male and female. However, the focus will
be on males as shown in my primary research because there were more males than females in
which answered my questionnaire on Climate change. The places shown in the video – locations
will be based in the Uk. Once our promotional video is released it will be placed onto UK television
channels such as Channel 4 and ITV. This will achieve by getting this message across to people in
the UK and they are channels that are popular in the Uk which means that the message will most
likely be spread to more people across the Uk, meaning the video will be more likely to be
When reading this brief, I realised that I needed to identify what my target audience knows about
this issue of Climate Change and what would interest them about it. For me to find out more
about my target audience, I carried out a questionnaire to the whole of my Media class to find out
the statistics on the questionnaire which were relating to the brief to know what they know about
climate change and what actions can done in the future to help the problem. The first question I
asked was, ‘What gender are you?’ The data that have brought back by the questionnaire filled by
everyone in my media class were that 66% were male and 33% were female meaning that our
target audience is aimed more to males than females however my overall target audience I want
to meet at is aimed at men and women who over voting age which will be including people that
are 18+ and younger as in the next question people are older than the age of 18. This allows me to
understand who I need to attract the promotional video towards. As the majority of the
respondents on the questionnaire are a male target audience, I would recommend this
promotional video to be aimed to them meaning our target audience is aimed to males as well as
the females. The promotional video will include a male character being featured in the video as
the main character.

The next question is ‘How old are you?’ all respondents said that they are under 18. This question
was to show that the main target audience is young people and teenagers, this indicates what our
promotional video is about, involving young people under 18 raising awareness about climate
change and how it will affect their future meaning the promotional video will including younger
people and not adults considering its targeted at a younger demographic. Question 2 stated is
‘How old are you? The results came up to be that 80% of the respondents were under the age of
18 and 20% fitted in the age bracket of 18-24. This question was to represent that the primary
target audience is young people and teenagers.

Creating the 2-minute video will help to indicate what our promotional video is all about, involving
young people under 18 raising awareness about climate change and how it will affect their future
and how it is affecting us right now. Question 3 I had asked everyone on the questionnaire: ‘Have
you heard of climate change?’ This was to definitely make sure that all respondents are aware of
this continuing crisis, and they know the meaning and effects of it before they answer the rest of
the questions. With this being said, 100% of respondents said yes, this helped me to understand
that the respondents understand and know about climate change and know what is going on with
our planet. This is to ensure that the younger generation can help the planet become a better
place for them.

The next question was, ‘How important is climate change to you?’ with this question I made it
crucial to answer because I used a rating scale using stars (there was 10 of them) so they could
rate from 1 to 10 how important climate change is important to them. The overall rating for this
was 7.83/10 which is very high as it is very close to 8/10 meaning that climate change is a big and
serious thing for everyone even to people at the age of 18 and under. These figures show how
young people care about environmental issues and how the plant may affect them in the future.

With question 5, I asked the everyone ‘Do you think climate change is affecting you, or will it
affect you in the future?’, 66% answered yes, 33% answered no. With this question I asked the
respondents, if they answer yes then, it will come up as a leading question for them answer
question 6, if no they are able to skip question 6 and answer question 7. The question was if yes
how is climate change affecting you as an individual? This is to help me to understand the target
audience and if they care about how climate change is affecting our planet.

Next, I asked, ‘Do you think anything could be done about climate change?’, and 100% of the
people who answered the questionnaire say yes. This helps us to understand that our target
audience knows that we can tackle the target audience as a whole. The whole purpose of this
question is important as climate change has been around for many years but it hasn’t be acted on
very well hence why people still talk about it.
Question 8 was created to see how the growing problem of climate change has a meaningful
impact on young people as well as people over the voting age. After investigating my data, I was
giving the respondents their own way of explaining how to tackle the issue. Question 8 asked,
what do you think can be done to tackle climate change? ‘Many of them said slowing down the
use of cars, stop polluting the air, reduce pollution, stop fossil fuels, and use renewable energy etc.

In question 9, I asked how people should change which included to be 60% saying use eclectic cars
and 20% saying we should switch to renewable energy and 20% said less fossil fuels.

With Question 10, I asked, ‘Do you think the government is doing anything about climate
change?’. By gathering all my data from the questionnaire 80% responded no, much of our target
audience feel like the government have failed to talk about climate change and are not bothered
to make a change. Young people are made aware of this global problem although as a campaign
we would like to support young generations and people across the UK to make a change, and act.

The next question being question 11, I asked in which of the following platforms have you heard
about climate change. I used the examples of TV, radio, social media, internet,
school/college/university, newspapers, or all of the above and 100% of all the respondents have
voted for all of the above meaning that the world is being educated by climate change and how it
is affecting the world and how important it is for us in our life to know about it.

Question 12, I stated which type of video would be most effective. The examples I gave were
comedic, educational, optimistic, pessimistic. 80% of respondents said educational and 20% said
pessimistic. This would mean that the promotional video in which its targeted at will come across
as an educational video to spire people to act on climate change.

Question 13 asked all the respondents how the following things have affected climate change. It
was measured between strongly, moderately, slightly, nothing or unsure. 100% of the respondents
said that greenhouse gasses were affecting climate change. Land use was rated to be 33% on
strongly, 33% moderately, 16% on slightly and 16% on nothing. Melting of ice was rated to be
16%strongly, 66% moderately and 16% nothing. The sun was said that 83% said strongly and 16%
said slightly. Last of all deforestation, the respondent’s data was shown to be that 66% said
strongly and 33% moderately. This means that the highest rate was greenhouse gasses which will
be most talked about.

Question 14 stated, do you think the temperature has been rising. 100% of the people who
answered this questionnaire said yes. This has a significant effect on animals and humans. Going
onto the last question 15, 100% of respondents said the weather is always drastically changing.
I have also conducted some secondary research for the brief. I have used an article of the internet
on . The article was called Global warming and climate
change affects. The data shown by climate change has been shown to be affecting wildlife and
their habitats. This would be in the Antarctic. Animals that have been affected by climate change
include penguins, polar bears, seals etc. It has also stated that sea levels are rising by 0.13
millimeters per year relating to Action on Climate Change, sea levels are rising more than ever
before since records began each year at 3.4mm (about 0.13 in) each year and the seas and oceans
have become more acidic by 26% and pH level has changed by 1%. The sea levels have meant that
melting of ice has been higher than normal. They’re also predicted to be a lot higher in a decade’s
time. Sea levels will rise between 10 and 32 inches (26 and 82). The first country in the world to
make a change with creating a commitment about greenhouse emission was the UK. In 2008, the
Climate Change act discovered which to cut our emission in the UK, by 80% until 2050. The data
shown will help the younger generation to understand how they can promote people of voting age
in ways everyone can change expanding problems of environmental issues and act on climate
change. Because of the drastic change animals are having to move elsewhere just so they survive.
Areas in the world are also having to cope with shortages of food and water due to the climate
change. Other parts of the world are having an increase in rainfall and snow too. Hurricanes are
also on the horizon and could create floods and droughts and create diseases such as malaria.

I will creating a promotional video for Action to climate change. In the video it will be about a little
boy called Charlie in his geography class learning about climate change in his early years of being
in secondary school. He will be I year 7 meaning the ages of the class will be around 11-12 years
old. There will be a teacher who is speaking to the class about how significant climate change is
and the impacts and how things would be if things don’t change in the upcoming future. The
teacher will be shown as a female, and she will explain how the world wouldn’t become a nice
place if things don’t change. The promotional video will start off with a pan of the classroom then
will lead onto a medium shot of Charlie. In this medium shot it will show how Charlie is reacting to
the information his teacher is giving to him. He will look disheartened and upset and he knows if
he doesn’t make a change the world would become terrible. This will then lead onto a jump in
time – 10 years go past and there still has not been any change to anyone or anything changing to
do with climate change. A few hours later there will be a risk of a big flood, and everyone is being
told to go home which has been said on the NEWS – BBC news. Charlie is witnessing this until his
teacher wakes him up from the dream he is having and has been told to wake up.
THE FINAL IDEA- Geography class and why I am using it.
I have chosen to go with this idea because the primary target audience would be most engaged
with the message of the promotional video. This idea is highly relevant to the commission brief for
as this encourages young people and voting age to speak up about climate change and not be
silent. This final idea attracts our audience in a positive way, encouraging young people to act on it
as well across the UK. I think this idea comes up to be creative and will not be shown to be boring
or repetitive and young people could relate to the video sine they have been in secondary school
and have learnt about climate change before. The target audience would be interested in this
video because it is suitable and easy to follow, and they’d have a clear understanding by the end
of the 2 minutes. There will be lighting and colour in the video. Once the future comes into play in
the video the lighting will be light as its jumps from the present to the future. In 10 years’, time
Charlie is seen in his parents’ house. There is an element of the lighting being dark. This is because
he goes into his living room and the Tv is switched on. On the tv it is shown to be a disaster
occurring of a big flood. When he suddenly looks away from the TV, the scene will change back to
the classroom – back to reality. He is confused why he’s in the classroom. At the end of the video,
the narrator will close it by declaring the slogan of “Save earth today to survive tomorrow” and
will be put over all social media platforms.


The purpose of the Action on Climate Change commission is to make a change within Climate
Change in UK government policies and raise awareness of environmental issues such as global
warming and climate change. They are doing this by delivering a media campaign to raise
awareness of people of voting age, young people, and people across the UK. The commission they
have set is approximately 2 minutes promotional video. Action on Climate Change is aiming their
campaign at the politicians and government policy makers as well as young people, and we now
know that our primary target audience is government policy makers, (middle-class men in their
late 40s or 50s), and people of voting age which is 18 and over that live in the UK and young
people. The client for client, Action on Climate Change, is a UK-based pressure group to raise
awareness about environmental issues such as climate change which may affect young people in
the7 future. This group wants us to commission a media campaign, who aims to target people of
voting and younger across the UK. The aim of this organization is to encourage changes in
environmental policy from the UK government and to also raise awareness of the expanding
problem of climate change.

The pitch I am producing is for a pressure group called Action to Climate change which they’re well
known for spreading awareness of climate change. They have asked me to make a video educating
people al abut climate change and the video will be approximately 2 minutes long. This 2-minute
video will be unique and be like no other. The 2-minute video will be upbeat and positive to give
off a good vibe so people will take notice with how important Climate change is. The slogan which
I will be including will be “Save earth today to survive tomorrow” scheme. My idea I will creating a
promotional video which will be about a little boy called Charlie in his geography class learning
about climate change in his early years of being in secondary school. He will be in year 7 meaning
the ages of the class will be around 11-12 years old. There will be a teacher who is speaking to the
class about how significant climate change is and the impacts and how things would be if things
don’t change in the upcoming future. The teacher will be shown as a female, and she will explain
how the world wouldn’t become a nice place if things don’t change. Whilst this is happening the
facts and figures from the primary and secondary research will come into play so my target
audience develops some sort of understanding and be educated about how Climate Change can
affect someone’s life and the planet, we live in. The promotional video will start off with a pan of
the classroom then will lead onto a medium shot of Charlie. In this medium shot it will show how
Charlie is reacting to the information his teacher is giving to him. He will look disheartened and
upset and he knows if he doesn’t make a change the world would become terrible. This will then
lead onto a jump in time – 10 years go past and there still has not been any change to anyone or
anything changing to do with climate change. A few hours later there will be a risk of a big flood,
and everyone is being told to go home which has been said on the NEWS – BBC news. Charlie is
witnessing this until his teacher wakes him up from the dream he is having and has been told to
wake up.  Thank you for listening to my pitch.



As my idea of Charlie being in secondary school there will be 30 students in a Geography classroom
whilst the teacher is at the front of the class teaching about climate change in her geography classroom
revealing the main character Charlie who is 12 years old. A wide shot is a particular technique used on
a camera which tells the audience who is in the scene, where the scene is taken place and when it is
taking place. The location of the film will be based at secondary school in the UK – LODE HEATH SCHOOL
- where all the students are seated in different tables around the room, but Charlie is at the front of
the room, so he is centre of attention and the target audience realises that.

The camera then zooms forward where the teacher is standing, showing an interest in Climate Change
and explain how there needs to be a change with environmental issues. This will be a switch to a wide
shot then close up with the camera. In media this is called cinematography which is used to express the
importance of this message and getting this across to our target audience of people in the UK to make
sure that this 2-minute promotional video will be successful in this instance.

The scene will then move into a medium close up of Charlie looking shocked and upset at the fact that
there is no one acting upon the changes on climate change, and it may get worse in the future, and he
never knew about this till he was taught in class. This will represent the actor’s emotions and facial
expressions. This allows the audience to see the behaviour and emotion that the face of the actor is

The scene fades into Charlie thinking about what would happen in 10 years’ time if there is no change
of environmental issues causing a massive impact on his future. This shot will make the audience feel
like they would want to know what is going to happen next. The use of a close-up shot is to show the
actor’s specific emotion and identify the importance of knowing the purpose for this promotional video.


There will be a transition- next scene will be in medium shot – 10 years later. Charlie is seen in his
parents’ house. There is an element of the lighting being dark. This is because he goes into his living
room and the Tv is switched on. On the tv it is shown to be a disaster occurring of a big flood. When he
suddenly looks away from the TV, the scene will change back to the classroom – back to reality.

Panning vertically into the television, whilst Charlie is about to sit down. A few hours later, on national
television it is announced that there will be an increased risk of flooding due to sea level rising fast than
ever before. The use of panning is by capturing a moving subject that gives the image and gives the
target audience to go into their imagination and it’s like they’re in this situation.


This will be of Charlie’s teacher telling him to wake up. This is in a personal aspect as the audience may
feel like they can connect to Charlie. It also gives a clear understanding of to the audience on what they
should be looking at.

This will include shots about how climate change is affecting the world. These will include ideas from
my questionnaire: melting glaciers, wildlife finding new habitats, greenhouse gasses, fossil fuels.

The promotional video will be approximately 2 minutes long. It will send a clear message in the minds
of future voters. It would only take us 2 weeks to film this whole production and 4 weeks to edit. I have
considered a budget and what equipment I will need to create this.

When editing the promotional video I will use Action to Climate Changes logo, their contact details and
social media platforms until the end of the video. To organise and store my files I will use is my own
IMAC computer. This means that the editing software that I will be using is Adobe Premier Pro, which
will be installed onto my IIMAC.


This 2-minute promotional video needs to be edited in the best way it can. Working with both sound
and visuals, an editing software application must provide features that are suitable for this production.
I will be using a professional video editing software which will be added to our budget which will include
Adobe Premier Pro. This will be used because this is a video editing software which gathers small clips
into one scene. This also offers audio editing which I will use for voiceovers instead of using another
audio editing software which will be more time consuming.

The audio quality will be up-to-date and sound smooth because Adobe Premier Pro having high quality
audio effects and transitions. To organise certain file formats, I think the best suitable software will be
Office 365. The cost per month for a subscription is £5.99 per month. Premier pro adobe is £20 for 2

I need to guarantee that all my files and footage is protect from any viruses. I would need to install an
antivirus software feature on my IMAC to prevent any of these issues occurring.

To keep my production efficient, I would need to consider the contributors, locations and equipment.
Action on Climate Change is a UK pressure group, so the budget will be very much limited. I am aiming
to keep my budget low. I want to keep my whole production as efficient as possible because I need to
consider the contributors, locations and equipment. The company I am working for is Action to climate
change which is a pressure group meaning that my budget will need to be low and limited. I need to
think that all the equipment I will need may lower or increase in price. This will mean that I will need to
find equipment that is the most suitable and affordable for the project. I am aiming for all my products
to be scheduled when editing my 2-minute promotional video.

• LOCATION – Lode Heath Secondary School – free

• Volunteers – free
• Adobe – office 365 subscription – 5.99 a month – 12 for 2 months
• Camera cannon - £450
• Microphone – £25
• Premier pro - £20 for 2 months
• Lighting stands - £40
• Anti-virus software - £20 for 2 months
• Big Tripod -£70
• School boy costumes – 15 x 25= £375
• School girl costumes – 15 x 25 =£375
The estimated cost for this whole production will be around £1487

To run this production smoothly, I need to find the right people to include in this production because
it needs to send a big message cross to the world, and it needs to be the right one as Climate change is
an important topic to talk about. I will be contacting young actors to perform in this 2-minute
promotional video. I will need these young actors to live near the location to which I will be recording
in. On social media platforms and the Action to Climate change website I will be sharing everyone who
will be included in this production unless they do not want to be shown I the final video.

For my location, I will be editing the whole production at home. I will also be using my data which will
be put onto my IMAC to cut the costs down. My chosen location to film is Lode Heath Secondary school.
I have chosen this specific location as it has the room and facilities, I need to film this promotional video
for it to be successful. I will be creating a location recce to see if the location is suitable to film.
Beforehand, I will visit these locations to check where and when I can film.

I will be using copyright free sounds. Assets I will include is clips in the video to show how climate
change is affecting the world however I will check to make sure they are safe to use n my production
before using them. I will also include actin for climate changes logo.

I will need to use high quality and efficient equipment for my production for the 2-minute promotional
video. To find the best equipment I have used research for this and have checked to see if there are
cheaper and better alternatives. When I was doing my research, I was seeing if I could hire a voiceover
but knew that buying a microphone and doing the voice over myself would be a cheaper alternative.
I aim for the recording to be done professionally and as working in a crew team. Up above it is shown
in my budget in which equipment I will need for my production and the cost. The costs will come to
around £1487.


When creating this 2-minute promotional video, I need to take into the account of all laws, policies and
practices when editing and filming my whole production to create awareness for Climate change. When
creating any sort of promotional video, it is crucial to ask permission for the location you record in, any
footage you use etc. I will need to gain permission for me and my actors to have the right to film so we
do not cause any issues when recording and won’t be time consuming. If I used copyrighted material
without asking for permission I could get into a lot of trouble and the video will be took down and that
would gain Action for Climate change a bad reputation. To prevent this from happening I will be using
copyright free websites to use music and videos. I am required to follow legal consideration by gaining
a software licence to protect my video from being copied. I am also required to give the actors, video
release forms and give permission to release video of them to the world just in case they do not want
to be shown in the video and as they are underage, I need permission so they can be shown in the
video. Actors and crew will be required to have breaks during the production process.
These considerations are crucial. This video will not take account of any discrimination against anybody.
It is important for the cast and the crew to respect and welcome each other in the whole production
and filming process, no inappropriate behaviour and strong language mustn’t be used. Cast and the
crew members need to be treated fairly and equally which is linked to the Human Rights Act 19998.
Our target audience is target at everyone so the demographics of different lifestyles, genders and
ethnicities of young people. When creating this 2-minute promotional video I will make sure that this
is suitable for our target audience. The video will be rated as a U which would be suitable for all ages.
We wot allow any disturbing images or strong language/behaviour.

A risk assessment is to make sure there isn’t anything bad going to happen when the production is
being shot. This to access any hazards and any risks which may appear when the production stages
start. I will need to consider everyone’s safety. When taking risk assessments, it is crucial to see the
extent of the level of risk from high to low and see if it is safe to use the correct equipment. The set
locations I have chosen must be suitable to film because if this isn’t the case I will have to relocate to a
similar location. All equipment will be checked before any filming happens. In this editing process it
may take up to 2 weeks-3 weeks depending how much I need to edit to fit everything together as I want
this to be a high quality 2-minute video. Action to climate change want this to be done by the new
academic year. I will be starting the production in July.



















When creating the 2-minute promotional video I need to make sure all my files stay organised and put
into one place, so it is easy to find. This will make it easier to edit the whole production and less time is
spent trying to find components I need for the video. When this video is completed, I will be sending it
off to other secondary schools within the UK so they can have discussions with the younger generation
about how important climate change is and how it may affect them in the future. I will be contacting
these secondary schools via email so I can include the Action on Climate Change website and social
media platforms, so they are fully aware about what this company does. This will mean that it will be
sending a crucial and positive message to a lot of people in the UK to make a change and to do it quickly.
I will then be contacting ITV, channel 4 and other educational programmes to feature our video on their
platforms. This may cost £500+ which will add to the budget I have of £1487 meaning the overall costs
for this production will be around £2000+.


1 SHOT 1 WIDE SHOT – This is showing where

Charlie’s teacher is standing which is at the
front of the classroom. There are 30 students in
the class ages 11–12-year-olds. Each student in
the class is listening to the teacher explaining
about the ongoing crisis of climate change. This
first shot is established in this way because it
demonstrates what the scene is about and who
is shown within it. This was the whole purpose
of using this technique for the first shot. I have
decided to use voice overs and background
royalty free music throughout the 2-minute
promotional video.
2 SHOT 2 ZOOM MOVEMENT – This shows the
teacher raising awareness on how climate
change might or will affect these students in the
upcoming future and why it is important. The
teacher will explain that if climate change was
not seen too that the outcomes of human lives
will become worse and that environmental
issues will start to gradually increase. This will
then zoom on the teacher explain about the
government policymakers and how they aren’t
acted on Climate change. This will get the
attention of target audience.
In this 2-minute promotional video, the main
character for this will be a 12-year-old called
Charlie. He will be shown to be quite troubled
about the situation of Climate change as he was
never taught about this ongoing crisis until that
lesson. When he is listening to his teacher, on
how that the decision that we make, is what the
outcome we will get. In this shot you will see
Charlies facial expressions of looking upset and
this is shown by his body language and red eyes.
Charlie’s emotions are shown to be
overwhelming for him and wants everyone to be
willing to make a change and to make it quickly.
When using a medium close-up shot, it allows to
demonstrate the actor’s emotions which the
audience can then connect to when watching the
2-minute promotional video. I have chosen to
use a sound effect and royalty free music which
will set the tone which will make the audience
feel sympathetic for him.

4 SHOT 4 – CLOSE UP – In shot 4 this will transition

which will fade into a close in which Charlie is
thinking about what will happen to climate
change and environmental issues in a decade. If
there is no change in this crisis the world is going
to be negatively impacted. This causes Charlie to
feel threatened and shocked by this because it is
serious and has a big meaning behind it. The
same music will be used from the following shot
but will increase till the end f this shot.
5 SCENE 5 MID SHOT – This scene will be visual,
and it visually shows Charlie sitting Infront of his
tv at this parents house listening to the UK
government policymakers saying how it is too
late on making a change on climate change as no
one has acted upon this crisis. They are
explaining all their ideas and how they are trying
their hardest to act upon this issue and make a
change. This scene may cause confusing as this
will be shown to be 10 years later to which
Charlie will be in his 20s. To help create a tense
atmosphere I will use dim lighting for this. This is
because I want to cause tension for the audience
to understand what’s going on and how they will
predict the next part of the video. This will
convey how serious this subject is and will show
the audience that it needs to be acted upon and
it needs to be acted upon quickly.
6 SHOT 6 TILTING – When using a tilt, you can
see what is going on in the background.
Charlie is witnessing a flood which is being
shown on the TV. The use of using this kind
of technique for cinematography gives a
motion in which someone raising or
lowering something. The tilt will be coming
from Charlie when he is watching TV. His
facial expressions will quickly switch as soon
as he turns onto the TV to see that Climate
change has gotten worse over the 10 years.
He gets upset by this as the government
have failed to act quickly on something that
is very important. The use of the tilt is used
to cause an effect.
7 SHOT 7 – PANNING- This scene will show the
techniques of how to use cinematography to
cause an effect. The reason why I used a panning
effect is because it creates a feel of movement
and captures a particular moving object. This will
happen when Charlie is sat down watching the
TV. He is watching TV for a few hours, and it is
shown that there’s a big flood which is causing
high risk in his area due to climate change.
Everyone has been warned to stay at home.
8 SHOT 8 FREEZE FRAME – Whist Charlie is sat
watching his TV, his emotions start to change
into him being distressed. This is because it is
being told to him via the TV that it is too late to
make a change on climate change. He feels even
more annoyed at the fact that he cannot do
anything about it meaning he feels helpless. As
the messaging is being played, the freeze frame
shot will happen to which will link with the
rhetorical question from my secondary research,
why is no one taking action with climate change?
I have used this shot because I need to spread
the word across to the audience so they will
make a slight change to their lives to help raise
awareness of climate change.
9 SHOT 9 POV SHOT- This will be shown after the
freeze shot. This will be shown from. Black
screen to a POV shot. In this scene we go back to
reality of Charlie being 12 years old dreaming in
class. This is shown to be that the teacher is
trying to get him to pay attention in his
Geography class. This makes the audience feel
like they’ve been o this journey with Charlie and
helps to connect to his character.

10 SHOT 10 EDIT- This scene dissolves from black

to a whole gallery of photos and videos of the
causes and effects of climate change. I am using
this as a part of my production because its using
different shots which catch attention in a short
amount of time. I will be putting all the
components together which will show the start
to be what is happening in the colder parts of
the world involving wildlife losing their habitat,
melting glaciers and ice-free arctic to
deforestation, burning fossil fuels, drought and
extreme weather. It will also state the slogan of
“Save earth today to survive tomorrow”
scheme. This will have a dramatic effect on it
conveying the message of how important
Climate change is and why it needs to be
solved. Then Action to climate changes contact
details will then appear after the slogan. This
allows our target audience to go to go the
company’s website or social media platforms to
find more information on climate change and
what they can do to solve the problem. This
also shows awareness on how climate change
may get worse in the future.

My overall conclusion is that this production needs to be planned and researched. It needs to be
effectively to match the brief. The whole purpose of the campaign needs to be brought across
when making this 2-minute promotional video so it’s sending the right message to the target
audience. I need to make sure that the editing matches with each shot as the contingency’s match.
Its crucial to also use my secondary and primary research to help me with this task.

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