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Qtrix Interview Questions

1. Besides the role of a CEO & Rector, how Prof Rooijen holds a range of
international leadership positions including as the long-serving co-Chairman of
the US-based World Association for Co-operative and Work-Integrated
Learning (WACE).

2. How Professor van Rooijen as a rector will help navigate the growth with
ongoing stability into the future as The University goes from strength to

3. Global University Systems (GUS) owns and operates one of the world’s most
diverse networks of higher education institutions, with over 75,000 students in
eight countries and a global presence online.

4. Moving towards the topic “Universities without walls: A vision for 2030,
Why a ten years vision nonw?

5. The EUA is playing critical role towards promoting bologna Process. How
does EUA model operates?

6. Human Creativity and learning has led to the evolution into knowledge
societies. How do you see these knowledge societies in 2030?

7. The strategic plan is back bone of every university which begins with a
vision to discharge its mission statement. How does universities without
walls contribute to this in European world?

8. The World order is changing. Talking about today’s challenges like

economic crisis, social issues, digital transition & major political
developments, how does universities without walls address these challenges
for 2030 universities?

9. The future universities will be ubiquitous & transnational, will there be

question of Sustainability?
10. Talking about universities framework, how does universities without walls
priorities academic freedom, autonomous Institutions, funding &

11. How the unique combination of the mission of learning & teaching,
research, innovation and culture and their fruitful interrelations are the key
characteristics for universities to support the societies?
Lets explore your personal side......Are you ready?

a. Who were you close to? Father or mother?

b. Your favorite sports?
c. How many hours of sleep you take?
d. What was the last gift you gave someone?
e. If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the
f. If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the
g. If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the
h. Which superhero would you want to be and why?
i. Which three famous people would you invite to a dinner party?
j. Three words that describe Maurits?
k. Your favorite book?
l. What scares you?
m. Childish thing do you still enjoy?
n. Your favorite childhood memory?
o. What is success for you?
p. Your favorite color to wear?
q. What would you change about yourself?
r. When was the last time you lied to your children?
s. When did you screw everything up, but no one ever found out it was

11. Have you visited Pakistan or plan to do so?

12. What message would you like to give to ILMA University, its students and
13. What is your feedback about the show and bringing academic & industry
celebrities in the show?

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