HABLA, Mariel O. (2BAF-A) Social Responsibility

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Mariel O.


Social Responsibility to any member of your family

In our home I am the one who’s making the household chores. My Father and mother are in the province so I
am with my older siblings. All of my siblings are working and I and my little brother are the one who’s still
studying. I do all the laundry every end of the week or on my free schedule like Tuesday. I am the one who’s
preparing the meal for everyone in our house. I wash all the dishes after eating and utensils that I use when I
cook. Doing all the household chores and studying is not that easy it is tiring. It is tiring and also draining but
when I think about my siblings who are financing my education. I realize that I have no right to be tired to
think that the one who’s been supporting my education is continuously facing workloads in their everyday life
so what’s my right to complain of being tired just by doing some simple chores and studying. I am also glad
that I can also do something for them in return to their supports. I realize that I have no right to be tired to
think that the one who’s been supporting my education is continuously facing workloads in their everyday life
so what’s my right to complain of being tired just by doing some simple chores and studying. I am also glad
that I can also do something for them in return to their supports.

Social Responsibility to any of your neighbors or peers

I believe I have fulfilled my social responsibility to my neighbors or peers by minimizing noise. It is critical to
keep noise to a minimum, especially early in the morning and late in the evening. We should keep in mind that
we do not both wake up and sleep at the same time as our neighbor. Our neighbor is also working to support
their living and needs to rest and sleep. Even when we are celebrating some events in our home, we try to
keep the noise to a minimum. We are aware that when we have an event, we do not play music so loudly that
our neighbor becomes irritated. We turn off the music or end the event before 9 or 10 p.m. Respecting our
neighbor's time of rest is a small thing, but it may mean a lot to them; do it so that when you are the one who
is resting, you will be treated the same way, and they will not make any loud noises. Making a good
relationship with your neighbor is beneficial because you will not hear any complaints from them. Not that
you want something to happen, but if it does, who knows who will come to your aid?

Social Responsibility to the government

It is our responsibility to follow the law, even if it is simple. By obeying the laws as a young person, you have
demonstrated social responsibility to the government. One example is putting my trash in the proper place
where it belongs. Putting your own trash in the proper place is so simple and easy, but many of us fail to do so
correctly. We are solely to blame for the state of our environment. We must understand that we are
responsible for our garbage. I also voted in the recent election to select our new leader. As I should, I'm
crossing the street in the pedestrian lane.. The government has enacted a law against jaywalking, and many
people have died as a result of it. We are responsible for our lives and must take care of them. The
government is enforcing laws for our protection, so we must simply obey and be good citizens.

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