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Construction Materials Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers

Construction Materials 165 June 2012 Issue CM3

Volume 165 Issue CM3 Pages 145–159
Dimension stone design – partial safety Paper 1000018
Received 23/03/2010 Accepted 20/12/2011
factors: a reliability based approach Keywords: design methods & aids/risk & probability
Camposinhos analysis

ice | proceedings ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Dimension stone design – Rui de Sousa

partial safety factors: a Camposinhos
reliability based approach
Digitally signed by Rui de Sousa Camposinhos
DN: c=PT, st=Porto, l=Porto, o=Instituto Superior
de Engenharia do Porto, ou=501540709,, cn=Rui de Sousa
Rui S. Camposinhos PhD Date: 2012.07.11 18:31:34 +01'00'
Coordinator Professor at ISEP, Polytechnic of Porto, School of Engineering,
Porto, Portugal

Today’s thin stone veneers must be designed to resist, besides their self-weight, high wind pressures and induced
seismic forces. They must accommodate hygrometric differential movement, deflection, vibration and creep, etc.
When available, code requirements do not provide an accurate or realistic safety factor for the specific type of anchor
and or stone used in a project. Global safety factors that are recommended by stone industry associations are
imprecise and used as rules of thumb. Limit state design has replaced the older concept of allowable stress design in
most forms of civil engineering. As a result, all modern buildings are designed in accordance with a code which is
based on limit state theory for all man-made materials, yet there is an astonishing nonexistence of 9natural stone9. In
this paper partial factors of safety are proposed depending on the types and on the coefficients of variation of the
distributions of resistances. Their values are determined using structural reliability analysis for the load and resistance
factor design format according to Eurocode 1990. Aging and stone resistance decay is outside the scope of the article,
yet some guidance is provided on the influence of stone durability on stone cladding performance. An application
example is used to illustrate both methods, and conclusions are drawn.

Notation g ageing factor

FS global safety factor mR mean resistance
kR constant mS mean load effect
kS constant sadm maximum (allowable) stress acting on the
l span length slab
MRd design resisting bending moment per unit of sRk characteristic value of the stone strength
width sstr flexural bending strength from tests.
Pf probability of failure
R resistance or capacity
Rk characteristic resistance
r system reliability
S resulting stress or demand action 1. Introduction
Sk characteristic load effect Dimension stone has its own unique qualities that distinguish it
t slab thickness from ‘man-made’ materials. It is not manufactured; blocks are
VR coefficient of variation for R removed from the quarry, slabs are cut from these blocks and
VS coefficient of variation for S then sawn into the final stone parts to be mounted either with
w service value of the wind pressure face finishing or not. Each block is different and each slab is
X random variable different. A skilful combination or matching of dimension
Xjk characteristic value of the basic resistance stone blocks, veneer panels, tops, etc., beautifully combines
variable natural stone’s variety with man’s design. In contrast to the
Xjd design values of the basic resistance vari- uniformity of materials produced by machines or assembly
able lines, dimension stone’s naturally varied appearance is a
Z random variable magnificent work of art and the term ‘uniformity of material’,
b reliability index if applied to natural stone, has a relative meaning.
cd design factor of safety
cf partial safety factor Today’s thin stone veneers must be designed to resist, besides
ck characteristic factor the self weight, high wind pressures and induced seismic forces.

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

Most of the time, the stone must accommodate hygrometric One reason that stone safety factors are more conservative is
differential movement, deflection, vibration and creep of the that stone is a natural material and not a closely controlled
support concrete structure, in addition to weathering and manufactured product. The physical properties of stone, even
deterioration of the actual cladding stones. for the same quarry, can vary widely. Some stones also lose
strength after repeated heating-cooling and freeze–thaw cycles.
When available, code requirements do not provide an accurate Some gain or lose strength when they are saturated.
or realistic safety factor for the specific type of anchor and/or
stone used in a project. In fact, safety factors for stone have The durability of any stone type is closely related to weath-
always been and are still used as rules of thumb compared with ering, which is a complex interaction of physical, chemical and
actual safety factors for ‘uniform’ materials such as steel or even biological processes. Thus, stone cladding durability
concrete. Testing the mechanical and physical properties of assessment is not an easy task. This issue is outside the scope of
man-made materials produced under controlled conditions, the article, yet other references are provided.
such as steel or concrete, are a common procedure. Natural
stone, however, has a broader range of material properties and Although attempts have been made to improve design methods
thus limits this testing procedure to only some tests, either in based on allowable stresses to obtain a better definition of load
type or quantity. Furthermore, other ‘nature-made’ materials, and resistance, these attempts have not succeeded since, in
such as timber, are much more suitable to this testing context practice, all the data and results are dispersed. It must be said
than natural stone products. that these global safety factors have been incorrect and
persistently misunderstood; these factors are sometimes derived
2. State of the art from mean values of material strength, disregarding their
The design method based on allowable stresses has been and, it dispersion against some probabilistic value of loads or actions.
can be said, still is the most commonly used method for
dimension stone. This method, itself, contains no rules for It must be emphasised that the dispersion of a material’s
defining these allowable stresses. properties is rather important even for elements considered
similar. The need to use a statistical approach for studying the
Traditionally, safety factors have been applied by comparing problem of structural safety in dimension stone design is obvious.
the ratio of the ‘design’ strength to the ‘design’ stress (load)
with standard or accepted values for the stone and/or the Over the past five decades, there has been a gradual move
situation which is being designed. These safety values are towards LSD or load/resistance factor design for the so-called
subjective by taking into account the rupture stresses of the ‘man-made’ construction materials. Limit state design requires
stone itself. In Europe there are very few recommendations the ‘structure’ to meet two principal criteria: the ultimate limit
about safety factors in dimension stone design and they all state and the serviceability limit state. A limit state is a set of
cover an allowable stress design approach (AFNOR, 2000; performance criteria (e.g. vibration levels, deflection, strength,
BSI, 2010). stability, buckling, twisting, collapse) that must be met when
the structure is subject to loads or any type of direct or indirect
Global safety factors recommended by standards (ASTM, action. This approach applies factors to each design assump-
2010a, 2010b) range from 3 to 12 and are followed by stone tion component in order to accommodate unknowns.
industry associations (ILI, 1998; Marble Institute of America,
2007). Yet it must be said that safety factors are intended to Limit state design has replaced the older concept of allowable
account for applied load variations; section size variations; stress design in most civil engineering aspects. As a result, all
material strength variations; loss of strength through time; and modern buildings are designed in accordance with a code based
workmanship errors. The use of safety factors is given in all on the limit state theory. For example, in the UK steel
engineering practices; the method of determining the factor structures are designed in accordance with BS 5950, and
size, however, is a subject of ongoing discussion among reinforced concrete structures with BS 8110, both of which are
architects and engineers. codes based on the limit state theory. Australia, Canada,
China, France, Indonesia and New Zealand (and many other
When comparing equivalent values in modern codes, although countries) utilise the limit state theory to develop their design
partial safety factors for limit state design (LSD) are inferior to codes. In the purest sense, it is now considered inappropriate to
the so-called allowable stress design (ASD) factors, this does discuss safety factors when working with LSD, as there are
not necessarily mean that the latter result in greater safety concerns that this may lead to confusion.
(Beall, 1990; Camposinhos, 2009; Camposinhos and Cam-
posinhos, 2009, 2012; Ellingwood and Coombs, 1930; Lewis, In 1975, the Commission of the European Communities
2007). decided on an action programme in the construction sector

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

to eliminate technical obstacles hampering trade and the itself, but also with the fabrication, erection, transportation,
harmonisation of technical specifications. Within this action loading and analysis method.
programme, the European Commission took the initiative of
establishing a set of harmonised technical rules for the In any case, selecting and testing stone is the critical element in
structural design of construction works: the Eurocodes. The thin stone façade projects. Hence, civil engineers and architects
main goals were and still are as listed here. do not have suitable guidance and assistance when designing
stonework structural applications according to the limit state
(a) To provide a common understanding about structural design principle.
design between owners, operators and users, designers,
contractors and manufacturers of construction products. 2.1 The factors to be weighed
(b) To provide common design criteria and methods to fulfil
When assessing civil engineering structures, the capability of a
the specified requirements for mechanical resistance,
designed system to respond to project requirements or to meet
stability and resistance to fire, including aspects of
user demands must be assessed but without overlooking some
durability and economy.
basic but fundamental principles.
(c) To facilitate the marketing and use of structural
components and kits in European Union (EU) member
Although limit state design does not seek to identify the overall
safety factor applicable to each design case, it is often calculated
(d) To facilitate the marketing and use of materials and
by engineers for ease of comparison with the traditional
constituent products, whose properties are included in
allowable stress design, particularly in areas where limit state
design calculations, in EU member states.
design is applied to ensure safety according to statistical
(e) To be a common basis for research and development, as
concepts and, thus, to establish design rules or even a code.
the Eurocodes offer the opportunity for pan-European
research for their future editions, leading to substantial
Discussions on basic requirements for this purpose have been
savings in research costs.
held at diverse instances (Ditlevesen and Madsen, 1996;
(f) To allow the preparation of common design aids and
Melchers, 1999; Virlogeux and Walraven, 1999; Walraven,
2004). There are principles that should be regarded in a design
code or in establishing design principles. These same principles
Simply stated, the action programme aims to promote
are dealt with in the following sections.
European civil engineering firms, contractors, designers and
product manufacturers in their worldwide activities and to
increase their competitiveness. 3. Risk and reliability analysis
A defined level of risk has to be accepted subject to economic
Nearly all the Eurocodes have already been introduced, thereby and social constraints in order to define or to establish the point
establishing a set of common technical rules for the design of at which a system ceases to operate even with a certain degree of
buildings and civil engineering works which will ultimately subjectivity – this decision in itself involves uncertainty and
replace the individual rules of the various member states. There decision makers must balance the benefits against costs.
are 10 structural Eurocodes covering the design of structures
made of concrete (EC2), Steel, (EC3), composite steel and In fact a system can fail to perform its intended function for
concrete (EC4), timber (EC5), masonry (EC6) and aluminium one or more reasons, such as natural hazards or lower
(EC9). The other Eurocodes cover the basis of structural design performance than predicted. Failures may even include such
(BS-EN 1990; BSI, 2006), geotechnical design (EC7) and the rare events as the collapse of major structures. Although the
design of structures for earthquake resistance (EC8; CEN, 2004). assurance of a system’s safety is primarily a task of engineers,
the accepted levels of risk are subject to economic and social
Astonishingly, ‘natural stone’ has been practically overlooked constraints and in this way social issues play an important role
by this programme, bearing in mind that current rules in nearly in the analysis of civil engineering systems, because these
all, if not all, countries may be considered archaic or at least systems are more directly involved with the public than are
obsolete. other engineering systems.

American standards apply different factors of safety, by type of It must be noted that defining a system’s inability to perform
stone, in an attempt to account for the variability of strength adequately, thus leading to failure, is not an easy task,
and other mentioned factors. This is not a limit state approach particularly in the case of non-reversible failures.
but has developed due to its pragmatic approach in addressing Determining the stage at which a system ceases to perform
many of the unknowns, not only related with the material adequately is, to a certain degree, subjective.

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

To analyse a system’s risk of failure, one must clearly identify the factor is greater than an accepted minimum value, which can be
input to the system and its consequent response. In the case of a based on experience or on design-imposed prescriptions. If a
building, structural safety depends on the maximum load that may safety factor of 1?33 is regarded as low, the engineer should
be imposed during the building’s lifetime, and also on the load- redesign the slab through two different procedures: increasing the
carrying capacity, or strength, of the structure or its components. thickness and thus its capacity; decreasing the distance between
This is a general problem which is also related to dimension stone supports and, consequently, reducing induced wind stress.
cladding design with mechanical anchorage. In fact, predicting the
maximum load and actual strength of stone cladding is subject to Because the nominal values of both resistance R* and action S*
the same uncertainties; one cannot ensure its absolute safety, and cannot be assessed with certainty, the capacity and demand
engineers have to rely on some probabilistic concept indicating the functions, R*, S* must be considered as probability functions.
likelihood that the available strength will adequately withstand the Hence, the safety factor, given by the ratio F5R/S of two
maximum load over the lifetime of the façade cladding system. random variables ,R ; S. is also a random variable.

The said reliability is defined as the probabilistic assessment of The system’s inadequacy to meet the required demand,
the likelihood that a given system will perform adequately for a measured by the probability of failure, is associated with the
specified period of time under known operating conditions or, portion of the safety margin distribution whereby it becomes
more simply stated, a system’s reliability is defined as the less than zero. That is, a given structural element will be
probability of non-failure during a system’s specified lifetime. considered to have failed if its resistance or capacity, R, is less
The risk, on the other hand, is defined as the probability of than the resulting stress or demand action, S. The structural
failure under the same conditions. element’s failure probability can be stated as follows:

As such, the risk of a system’s inability to meet the respective 3. Pf ~P ðRƒS Þ~P ððR{SÞƒ0Þ
demand is defined as the probability of failure, Pf, during the
specified system’s lifetime under specified operating conditions.
System reliability, denoted by r in Equation 1, is the Defining fS(s) and fR(r) as the probability density independent
(complementary) probability of non-failure: of the functions of demand S and capacity, R, the probability,
Pf, of system failure is given by:
1. r~1{Pf
ð s§r
? ð
4. Pf ~P ðRƒS Þ~ fR (r)fS (s) dr:ds
A system’s capability to perform under given requirements can {? {?
be defined in the present case using the terms ‘load’ or ‘action’
[It is preferable to use the term ‘action’ instead of ‘load’ since taking into account that for any random variable, X, the
any load is always an action and the opposite is not totally and cumulative distribution function is given by:
properly applicable.] and ‘strength’ or ‘capacity’.
3.1 Measures of reliability 5. Fx (x)~P ðX Þƒx~ fx (y) dy
As already mentioned, assessing risk and safety in cladding {?
design is traditionally based on ‘allowable factors of safety’;
these are estimated from previous experience regarding the
behaviour of a particular fixing system or from observed Provided x>y, it follows that for the common but special case
behaviour of similar systems. A common safety factor measure when S and R are independent, that Equation 4 can be written
applied by designers is the ratio between the assumed nominal in the single integral form, since there is no physical meaning in
values of the material strength, say resistance, R*, and action, S*: defining the distributions to negative values of x:

R ð
2. F ~ 6. Pf ~PðRƒSÞ~ FR (x)fS (x) dx

For example, if the allowable stress in a dimension stone slab is

4?0 MPa and the design stress, due to wind load, is 3?0 MPa, the This is also known as a ‘convolution integral’ whose meaning
conventional safety factor is 1?33. The engineer may assume that may be easily explained by reference to Figure 1. FR (x) is the
the designed slab thickness is satisfactory if the calculated safety probability that x>y or the probability that the actual

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

ðm {mS Þ
resistance R of an element or member is less than a specific less than the mean at a distance higher than qRffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
value, x, thus representing failure. By representing all values of s2R zs2S
measured in standard deviations.
x, namely by taking an integral over all x, the total failure
probability is obtained. This is also shown in Figure 2 where
the density functions fR and fS are drawn.
3.2 Reliability index
Consider Equation 9 rewritten in the following form:
For only some distributions of R and S it is possible to integrate the  
convolution integral in Equation 6 analytically. An example is mZ
10. Pf ~W { ~Wð{bÞ
when both are normal random variables with means mRand mS and sZ
correspondingly variances s2R and s2S . The safety margin given by
Z5R-S has a mean and variance given by well-known rules for where b is the so-called reliability index, the most frequently
addition (subtraction) of normal random variables: used reliability measures of structures, for example, BS EC
1990 (BSI, 2006). It should be emphasised that this reliability
7. mZ ~mR {mS index is completely equivalent to the probability of failure Pf
whatever method is used for its calculation, for which it may be
explicitly expressed:
8. s2Z ~s2R zs2S
11. b~{W{1 ðPf Þ

Substituting Equations 7 and 8 in Equation 3 one has:

where b is defined as the inverse distribution function of the
0{mZ standardised normal distribution of the probability of failure.
9. Pf ~P(R{Sƒ0)~P(Zƒ0)~W Note that the negative sign on the right-hand side of Equation
11 is introduced to keep b positive for Pf values of less than 0?5.
W() is the very well-known standard normal distribution from
statistics texts. The random variable Z5R2S is shown in It follows from Equations 9 and 11, based on the assumption
Figure 3 in which the failure region is Z#0.
of a normal distribution for the load effect, S, and resistance,
R, that the reliability index is given by:
It must be remembered that the probability of failure is the
probability of R2S taking negative values. Hence, using mZ
Equations 7, 8 and 9, it follows that this probability is equal to
12. b~
the probability of obtaining, in a normal distribution, values






P(R x)

Figure 1. Basic R–S problem: FR(x), fS(x) representation

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

fR(r)fs(s) Load effect - S Resistance - R

e.g. bending moment e.g. flexural capacity


Area = FR(x)fs(x)dx

FR(x)fs(x) x

x x+dx

Figure 2. Basic R–S problem: fR(x), fS(x) representation

The above result is valid only under the limiting assumptions Let us consider again the dimension stone slab from the
of the normal distribution of both fundamental variables R previous example in which the lateral action-induced stress at
and S. In a more general case, when R and S have a general mid-span has a mean value of mw53?0 MPa and, for example,
‘non-normal’ distribution, the probability of failure Pf cannot a variance of s2w ~1:0 MPa. The bending strength of similar
be determined using Equation 11, but only as the first slabs has been found to have a median value of mR54?0 MPa
estimates. In this case, however, the probability of failure Pf with a coefficient of variation of VR 5 20%. It is preferable to
may be still determined following Equation 6 and/or any evaluate the probability of failure, Pf. The slab self-weight is
specialised software. Although many theoretical procedures not relevant for this effect and thus ignored.
with various degrees of complexity have been developed over
the last few decades, they are not popular with practicing As such, the resistance variance is given by:
engineers. One reason for this unpopularity could be the lack
of user-friendly software, since structural engineers without
formal education in reliability-based design may not be able to . s2R ~ðVR :mR Þ2 ~ð0:20|4:0Þ2 ~0:64 MPa
use these computer programs.

Failure Safety
Z<0 Z>0

z z

Probabilty of failure

0 z

Figure 3. Distribution of safety margin Z 5 R–S

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

Hence: mZ5mR2mS542351 MPa and yet small, probability that some dimension stone slabs, for
instance, will have an inferior strength.
. s2Z ~s2R zs2S ~0:64z1:0~1:64 MPa:
For resistance, the so-called characteristic values, Rk, are
defined on the low side of the mean resistance:
mZ 1
Therefore b~ ~ &1:2806(3) and, according to
sZ 1:64 13. Rk ~mR :ð1{kR :VR Þ
Equation 10, the probability of failure is as follows:

where Rk is the characteristic resistance, mR is the mean

. Pf ~Wð{bÞ~Wð{1:28063Þ&10:0%
resistance, VR is the coefficient of variation for R and kR is a
constant. This is based on the normal distribution in which Rk
is the value of resistance below which only, say, 5% of slab
3.3 Reliability differentiation
samples will fail. Also, for the standardised normal distribution
The differentiation of the degrees of reliability depends on the
function it follows that:
cause and mode of failure, the possible consequences of failure,
the public’s aversion to failure and the expense and level of  
Rk {mR
effort necessary to reduce the risk of failure. It is obvious that 14. 0:05~W {
an element which would be likely to collapse suddenly and
without warning should be designed for a higher degree of ðmR {Rk Þ
and for a 5% ‘one-sided tail’, k0:05 ~ &1:645.
reliability than one whose collapse is preceded by some kind of sR
warning thus permitting some measures to be taken to limit or
avoid consequences. Similarly, there are issues related to the Expression 14 now follows directly, noting that the standard
consequences of failure such as the risk to life, injury, potential deviation can be expressed as sR ~mR :VR .
economic losses, etc., that lead to a different degree of
reliability. Similarly, the characteristic value for the load effect is
estimated on the upper side of the mean:
For reliability rating purposes, Annex B of BS EN 1990 (BSI,
2006) stipulates three classes depending on the failure described
15. Sk ~mS :ð1zkS :VS Þ
in Table 1.
where Sk is the characteristic load effect, mS is the mean load
effect, VS is the coefficient of variation for S and kS is a
In Eurocode 1990, three reliability classes – RC1, RC2 and
RC3 – are associated with the three consequence classes
described in Table 1. A link is established between these classes
If design values are defined, for example, wind velocities, as not
and values for the reliability index, b, concerning ultimate limit
exceeding 98% of the time, a load effect is applied, then
and serviceability limit states for 1 year and 50 year reference
kS<2?0537 if S is normally distributed.
periods. Table 2 illustrates consequences and reliability classes
and values for the reliability index.
In codified design, the percentiles used (such as 5 and 98%
above) either are explicitly specified or may be deduced from
As was shown (Equation 10) the reliability index is a function the characteristic value specified in existing codes or docu-
of the probability of failure. This relation is given in Table 3. ments. Other percentile characteristic values can be obtained in
the manner indicated above for normal distributions, and also
4. Safety factors and characteristic values for non-normal distributions.
The traditional deterministic measures of limit state ‘violation’,
namely the factor of safety and the load factor, can be related The characteristic factor, ck, is defined as the lower 5% fractile of
directly to the probability Pf of limit state violation. the ratio of FR(x) and the upper 5% fractile of FS(x). The design
factor of safety, cd, may be defined as the ratio between the
Generally, some upper range value of applied load or stress is lower 5% fractile of FR(x) and the upper 5% fractile of FS(x).
compared with some lower range value of material strength.
Such values might be termed ‘characteristic’ values, reflecting Through Equation 6 it is possible to relate the safety factors
that in conventional usage (e.g., in design) the load or strength with the probabilities of failure. This relation depends on the
is described only by this value. Thus, for instance, the types and on the coefficients of variation of the distributions of
characteristic tensile strength of dimension stone slabs is the resistances and load effects. For determining these relations,
strength that most (say 95%) slabs will exceed. There is a finite, several types of distributions may be considered. This is the

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

Consequence class Description Example for building works

CC1 Low consequence for loss of human life, or Agricultural buildings, sheds, greenhouses, namely,
negligible economic, social or environmental construction or buildings where people do not
consequences normally enter
CC2 Medium consequence for loss of human life, or Construction for which the consequences of failure are
considerable economic, social or significant, for example, apartment or office buildings,
environmental consequences hotels, schools, access bridges, etc.
CC3 High consequence for loss of human life, or Construction for which the failure consequences are
very important economic, social or severe, stadiums, grandstands, theatres, high-rise
environmental consequences buildings, bridges, dams, etc.

Table 1. Consequence class according to EC 1990 and examples

basis in structural reliability analysis of the load and resistance (a) Persistent situations generally related to the design
factor design format (LRFD). working life of the element in normal use, including
extreme loading conditions from wind, snow, imposed
5. Design situations for stone cladding loads, etc.
(b) Exceptional seismic situations applicable to elements
According to BS EN 1990 (BSI, 2006), after having determined
when subjected to seismic events require a design for
a design working life for a structure or structural component,
protection against earthquake loads.
the action variations and environmental influences during that
period, the structural and material properties must be selected
by taking into account distinct situations within a certain time 5.2 Serviceability limit state design
interval implying inherent hazards or conditions. The structural design criteria used for the serviceability limit
state design are normally based on the limits of deflections or
vibration for normal use. In reality, excessive deformation of a
5.1 Limit state design
dimension stone slab is normally caused by bowing, and
The design procedure using the limit state concept consists of
excessive vibration or noise is caused by a defective anchorage
setting up structural and load models for relevant ultimate and
construction technique. Certain interrelationships may exist
serviceability limit states which are taken into account in the
among the design criteria defined and used separately for
various design situations and load cases in order to verify that
convenience purposes. Criteria are normally defined by
no limit is exceeded when relevant design values for loads or
established practice and economical in-service performance
actions and for material or product properties and for
without excessive routine maintenance or downtime (ASTM,
geometrical properties are used in appropriate structural and
2010a, 2010b; BSI, 2010; Gere, 1988; Lewis, 1995).
load models.
The acceptable limits necessarily depend on the type, mission and
In this context and for the present case, the following design arrangement of the backup structure. Furthermore, in defining
situations may be regarded as relevant for dimension stone such limits, it is normally found that they are less important than
design. the observation of good practices in construction procedures. As

Ultimate limit states Serviceability limit states

Consequences 1 year reference 50 year reference 1 year reference 50 year reference

class Reliability class period period period period

CC1 RC1 4?2 3?3 2?9 1?5

CC2 RC2 4?7 3?8
CC3 RC3 5?2 4?3

Table 2. Differentiation for b values according EC 1990

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

Pf 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029

b 1?282 2?326 3?090 3?719 4?265 4?753 5?199 5?612 5?998

Table 3. Relation between probability of failure, Pf, and reliability

index, b

an example, the limiting values of vertical deflections for slabs in basic variables. Usually the lower value of a material property or
horizontal planes are far from being critical. In fact, good product is unfavourable, and the 5% (lower) fractile is then
judgment by architects, engineers and contractors when specify- considered as the characteristic value. In the case of dimension
ing, designing, engineering and constructing stone and other stone it can be assumed that the theoretical model for the
works that interface with stone is indispensable in order to random behaviour of its property is known, or sufficient data
combine the stone’s known performance characteristics, the may be available to determine such a model. In this case basic
building’s structural behaviour and knowledge of materials and statistical techniques for the determination of the characteristic
construction methods with proven engineering practice. value of stone properties may be indicated: For the flexural
resistance a log-normal distribution is considered appropriate to
5.3 Ultimate limit state design approximate the data from the tests, and the characteristic value,
Ultimate limit state design or load/resistance factor design for Rk, may be obtained as follows:
dimension stone may be applied following a suitable stress   
analysis taking into consideration all the relevant factors 16. Rk ~ exp xln { kp,5% |sln
involving the design life cycle of stone cladding.

In the ‘load’ side wind and seismic forces must be assessed  ln , and standard deviation, sln, of
With the logarithmic mean, x
according actual regulation and codes such as EC1 (CEN, the n tested specimen:
2002) and EC8 (CEN, 2004).
17. x
ln ~ ln xj
For resistance, a set of design rules should be based on clear and n j
scientifically well founded, consistent and coherent theories
corresponding to a good representation of the structural
behaviour and of the respective materials’ physics. It should be sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P 2
simple enough to be handled by practitioners without considerable ln xj { xln
18. sln ~+
problems and lead to conservative and robust designs. However, n{1
in a number of cases and as an alternative, more detailed design
rules may be offered that consume even more calculation time, but
also result in a more economical design. There are some studies Parameter kp,5% is a coefficient whose value depends on the
applying this strategy for designing dimension stone cladding number of tested specimens.
using dowel, type 31, and kerf anchorages (Camposinhos and
Camposinhos, 2009, 2012; Conroy and Hoigard, 2007; Lammert Use of the normal distribution is generally accepted if the
and Hoigard, 2007; Lewis, 1995; Naggatz and Gerns, 2007; quantity of the tested sample is greater than 50, otherwise the
Scavuzzo and Acri, 2000). These studies have shown that a design CEN committee recommends the adjustment of a log-normal
focused on the bending strength of stone panels, to the detriment distribution (CEN, 2006, 2008).
of the anchorage zone, is an unsafe and yet common practice. All
these studies conclude that designing stone cladding systems must
6.1 Partial safety factors
take into account different effects in order to evaluate the effective
stress in the critical region of the anchorage geometry. In these For ultimate limit states, the fundamental combination of the
studies, separate stress concentration factors were proposed to effect of actions takes the following well-known equation:
account for the anchorage zone geometry and the natural stone’s !
m n
specific properties.
cG :Gk 00 z00 cQ : Qk 00 z00 y0j :Qkj
19. Ed ~
i~1 i~1
6. Dimension stone properties
To determine the structural reliability, the properties of materials where Gk and Qk refer to the characteristic values of the actions
together with geometrical data are an important group of the (permanent and variable) and y0,j is the coefficient defining the

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

combination weight value for an action’s particular effect. In the desired level of reliability or ‘target reliability’, is commonly
general, for lateral actions affecting cladding, such as wind understood as ‘code calibration’.
pressure and seismic forces, the coefficients of combination y0,j
are zero and the only permanent load is the slab’s self weight. Thus, for natural stone cladding partial safety factors may be
In this case Equation 19 is expressed as follows: calculated for each consequent class described in Eurocode
1990 and assuming the corresponding probability of failure
20. Ed ~cG :Gk 00 z00 cQ :Qk from EC 1990 in Table 3.

The effect of lateral actions, wind pressure and seismic forces

It must be noted that the plus sign in the above equations can are assumed to be approximated by Weibull distribution with a
only be numerical and applied if the effect of the actions are coefficient of variation equal to 40%. (BSI, 2006; CEN, 2002;
additive for the design variable under analysis. Lammert and Hoigard, 2007). For flexural and tensile strength
stresses, a log-normal distribution is considered.
The safety coefficients are intended to take into account
uncertainties associated with the analysis model and with the Under these assumptions, the partial coefficient of safety for
actions’ intensity variation. They are usually defined in the natural dimension stone design depends on the coefficient of
structural codes for persistent and transient design situations, variation of tensile strength and dimension tolerances for internal
assuming, for the most common cases of building structures and external cladding according to EN 13373 (CEN, 2003).
and for unfavourable effects, the consensual values of 1?5 for
cG and the values of 1?5 or 1?35 for cG depending on the The values of the partial safety factor, cM, described in Table 4,
material and the applicable specification in the Eurocode suite. were determined with the CodeCal algorithm according to
(Faber and Sorensen, 2003; Vrouwenvelder, 2002) recommen-
The partial factors cj for the basic variables Xj, having a dations under the above–mentioned considerations for differ-
favourable effect on structural reliability (on the resistance ent coefficients of variation VR of stone properties and the
side), may be determined as the relation: three consequence classes mentioned in Table 1.

Xj k It is accepted that, in the majority of situations, there are low

21. cj ~
Xj d consequences for loss of human life and low or negligible
economic, social and environmental consequences. However,
where Xjk and Xjd are the characteristic and design values of Table 4 provides partial safety factors for all three levels, CC1 to
the basic resistance variable. CC3, since the risk needs to be evaluated and implicitly
understood by the designer when selecting a reliability index. A
Optimisation methods are available to determine partial safety designer not familiar with the difficulty and unpredictability
and load combination factors corresponding to a predefined underlying the nature of stone design will find it difficult to
safety level. For simple design situations, such as for a decide on an acceptable probability of failure. The coefficient of
permanent and a variable load, this is an easy task when variation, if insufficient testing was performed, can be the first
normal distribution suitably represents the basic variables. step during which designers make an error in their design
assumptions. The designer must be aware that it’s very unlikely
As mentioned earlier, reliability-based design features should be that stone cladding failure will cause high consequences for loss
added to commercially available deterministic software which of human life or important economic, social or environmental
may include techniques such as a fast convolution and curvature- consequences. Such is very unlikely because this class of
based adaptative importance sampling. Among several packages, consequences refers to the collapse of special structures and the
CodeCal (Faber et al., 2004) is a programme made available by coefficients of variation of the natural stone’s properties, such
the Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS) based on the that the partial safety factors for these applications (consequence
structural reliability analysis and on the LDRF format. Through class of CC3) are far from being plausible and affordable.
structural reliability methods, the safety formats of the design
codes – namely design equations, characteristic values, partial It must be emphasised that general situations correspond to a
safety factors and load combination factors – may be chosen consequence class of CC1 and are given a 50 year reference
such that the reliability level of all structures designed according period as the corresponding target index. As such, the
to the design codes is homogeneous and independent of the following formula is applicable: b(50)53?3 with a probability
choice of material and the prevailing loading, operational and of failure of Pf50?5/1000. This value is very close to the
environmental conditions. This process, including the choice of recommendation by Faddy et al. (2003).

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

Class of consequence
Coefficient of variation of
stone properties VR CC1 CC2 CC3

, 0?1 1?50 1?88 2?40

0?1 to 0?2 2?40 3?48 5?20
0?2 to 0?25 2?90 4?25 6?60
0?25 to 0?30 3?80 5?90 9?80
0?30 to 0?35 4?80 8?20 14?60
0?35 to 0?40 6?10 10?60 19?40

Table 4. Partial safety factors for dimension stone cladding for

three classes of consequences according to EC 1990

7. Partial safety factors where sRk is the characteristic value of the stone strength; cM is
the partial safety factor from Table 4 and g is the ageing factor
7.1 Ageing and stone resistance decay applied to stone resistance decay.
It must be taken into consideration that the physical properties of
stone differ widely between stone groups and even within the
7.3 Example of application
same stone type, and thus it is not evident that all granites are
In the example, a simple case for calculating the minimum
more ‘resistant’ than marbles and that the latter are more resistant
thickness at mid-span of a dimension slab from a fine-sized
than limestone. In fact, the mineral composition, textural
grained granite is presented using both approaches, namely the
differences, varying degrees of hardness and pore/capillary
ASD and the LSD. The slabs span 900 mm kerf anchored in
structure are the main reasons why the same stone shows the
two opposite edges for a service wind load of 1?9 kPa.
same and uniform signs of alteration (Miglio et al., 1999). These
minerals can be broken down, dissolved or converted into new
The flexural strength was determined with three-point load
minerals by a variety of processes such as frost action, thermal
tests carried out on several prism samples. The bending
expansion, wetting and drying, salt decay, etc.
strength and the number of tests are shown in Table 5.

The decay observed in porous stones applied in building

façades is caused, not only by the petrophysical properties of 7.4 Allowable stress design
the stone and climatic conditions, but also by the location of The minimum slab thickness can be obtained from the
the materials on the façade itself and the positioning method. allowable stress criterion after applying a global safety factor
to the ultimate strength obtained from the three-point bending
As mentioned before, durability assessment is beyond the scope of test as given by the following equation:
this article. Nevertheless, some references based on empirical sstr
23. sadm ~
studies are provided. These studies have been carried out to obtain FS
coefficients that take into account the resistance decay of different
types of stone (Bernabéu and Cura, 2007; Grelk et al., 2007; where sadm is the maximum (allowable) stress acting on the
Miglio et al., 1999; Prikryl and Smith, 2007). The resistance decay slab; sstr is the flexural bending strength from tests; and FS is
of each type of stone may be addressed in the limit state design the global safety factor.
approach by multiplying the stone resistance obtained from
laboratory tests by an ageing factor, g, less than 1, depending on As in American standards, a factor of safety may be applied
the expected lifetime of the façade cladding, environment exposure per type of stone in an attempt to account for the variability of
and type of stone (Hansen et al., 2003; Lemvig et al., 2002). strength (among other factors). The global safety factor, FS, is
thus determined accordingly (Gere, 1988; Miglio et al., 1997).
For the coefficient of variation and the type of the tested stone,
7.2 Design value of the stone strength
the value obtained was FS 5 8. The wind-induced stress at the
The design value of the stone strength may be thus expressed
slab’s mid-span cross-section corresponding to the service
according to Equation 22.
working load is given by:
sRk 3|w:l 2
22. sRd ~g: 24. sact ~
cM 4|t2

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

where w is the service value of the wind pressure; l is the span 27. sRk ~sstr :ð1{1:64|VR Þ
length; and t is the slab thickness.

Making Equation 24 equal to Equation 23 the minimum Substituting the corresponding values in Equation 27 we have:
required thickness for the slab is given by:
sRk ~sstr :ð1{1:64|VR Þ
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi .
3|w:FS ~9875|ð1{1:64|0:209Þ~6490:245 kPa
25. t~l :

The design value of flexural strength, sRd, for the tested stone
Substituting the corresponding values into Equation 25 gives: is obtained according to Equation 22:

. sRk 6490:245
. sRd ~g: ~1| ~2238:016 kPa
2: 9
3|w:FS 3|1:9|8
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi cM
t~l : :
~ 0 9| ~ 0:0306 m
4|sstr 4|9875
The design resisting bending moment per unit of width, MRd,
that is to say, around 31 mm. at the slab’s mid-span cross–section will depend on the slab’s
thickness, as follows:
7.5 Limit state design
Different factors are used for different actions (loads) to
reflect the varying degree of uncertainties associated with 28. MRd ~sRd
determining magnitudes and effects. In the case of the wind
dynamic pressure, according to the Eurocode suite, the
partial safety factor, cf, for variable actions must be assumed
The limit state design equation must be applied:
with a value equal to 1?5. Thus, considering the working load
as the characteristic wind pressure, the design bending
29. MRd §MSd
moment per unit of width in the slab’s mid-span cross-
section is given by:
Thus, by substituting Equations 26 and 28 into Equation 29,
the minimum thickness for the slab is obtained by:
w:l 2
MSd ~cf : ~0:1875|1:9|0:92 ~0:288563 kN:m=m
. t§ ~0:027814 m;
The design flexural strength of the slab is obtained by dividing
the characteristic value of the flexural strength by the that is to say, around 28 mm.
correspondent partial safety factor for the stone according to
Table 4 for the relevant class of consequence. Although it may be discussed whether the 3 mm difference in
the calculated thickness may be overlooked, there is a
Given that the quantity of tested specimens is reasonably fundamental difference in the manner in which each thickness
adequate, the characteristic value of the flexural stress is was determined. The issue arising from the ASD approach is
obtained assuming a normal distribution for the tested stone that the designer is looking for a ‘spot’ in a sea of possibilities
values. Thus the characteristic stress value for flexural strength, that he cannot assess to determine the level of risk associated
sRk, may be obtained as follows: with its ‘solution’. In the other calculation method using the

Flexural strength (sstr), coefficient of variation (c.v.) and number of tests (Qty)

Stone FS: MPa c.v. Qty

Granite 9?875 20?9% 51

Table 5. Flexural strength of tested stone

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

limit state design, the solution is not unique and the designer Selecting an appropriate value of b or Pf, that is, the risk
can decide or choose different solutions (thickness) according level, is not an easy matter. A priori values for the structural
to each situation while knowing the associated level of risk. probability of failure, either during the planned lifespan or per
annum, are not readily available. In this paper, some guidance
8. Conclusion measures in the Eurocode suite were followed taking into
In Europe there are very few recommendations about safety account the lower class of consequences.
factors in dimension stone design and they all cover the ASD
approach. Like American standards, they apply different safety The principles outlined above have been applied successfully for
factors per type of stone in an attempt to account for the determining a partial factor safety-checking format for design
variability of strength since this is a practical method of codes applicable to elements of building structures. Some
addressing many of the unknowns and the method of analysis. difficulties were faced in extending the application of code
In current practice, stress checks at mid-span are generally the calibration to some other materials, such as timber and
only calculation carried out to determine the slab’s thickness. masonry. Calibration exercises for these materials have revealed
very high and varied values for safety indexes determined by
Applying a limit state approach requires defining this current design codes. For example, for timber design, generally
variability and uncertainties by frequency distribution curves, the ratio of the mean to nominal resistance is much higher than
which can be achieved through simple and affordable for steel or reinforced concrete members. This difference
laboratory testing. On the other hand, a more rigorous appears to arise from the conservatism of timber design strength
analysis must be carried out to compute the induced stresses rules that must encompass the large variability in material
in the anchorage support areas. Although this is not a properties and member imperfections (Ellingwod, 1997).
straightforward task, research work has been carried out to
validate formulae through computational analysis that permits Traditional stonemasonry skills and knowledge must be
validating specific formulae for the stress analysis of different retained and integrated into modern stonemasonry practice
anchorage systems. Application examples of the indicated so that a depth and breadth of expertise is maintained. Stone
design format have been published (Camposinhos and buildings from past times provide examples of sought-after
Camposinhos, 2009, 2012) with the following concluding skills that are rare, even non-existent today.
Most architectural specifications require that stone meets
In fact, global safety factors based on allowable stresses certain specified, CEN, ASTM or other testing standards
currently used to simplify the design appears to insufficiently before it will be accepted for use. For instances in the
cover all aspects required for a more accurate analysis. In fact, European market, the harmonised standards and CE marking
only in some cases where bending stresses prevail (slabs have important consequences for producers. It is the respon-
spanning more than 1400 mm), the calculated overall thickness sibility of the producer, or more correctly the supplier of the
at mid-span appears to be determinant. final natural stone product, to ensure that the properties of the
product are documented before the product is sold or being
In these studies, the scatter of the tension or flexural test results used in a construction. Since 2006 it has been illegal to sell a
and stress concentrations in the support areas are pointed out product without such documentation, since the period allowed
as the main reasons for unsuccessful installations that have for national implementation of the standard is over.
shown to be dangerous or faulty.
It must be emphasised that the major innovation in the European
It is well known that weathering negatively influences stone standards in contrast to the traditional national standards is that
resistance. The consideration of this matter on probabilistic they are geared to evaluation of conformity and factory
based reliability methods is not an easy task and requires production control. It is now required that the supplier or
further studies. Due to considerable variability of the basic manufacturer of dimension stone products shall be responsible
variables (e.g. environmental influence, actions and stone for the assessment and attestation that the products offered are in
types), this may be empirically addressed by applying adequate conformity with the requirements of European standards. The
coefficients to the stone strength, as referred by other authors. compliance with the requirements of the published standards and
stated values, initial type testing and permanent production
A limit state approach is proposed and many of these control, with registration of result has to be made available.
individual factors are being addressed, either explicitly in the
design or accounted for in the load and resistance factors. The In Canada and the USA, it is generally required that dimension
generalisation of a reliability-based approach is implicit in all stone complies with specified ASTM or other testing standards
countries for all construction materials except for stone. before it is accepted for use.

Construction Materials Dimension stone design –
Volume 165 Issue CM3 partial safety factors: a
reliability based approach

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CEN (2008) EN 13161 Natural stone test methods.
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