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Biodiversity Conservation Research, The BIOTA-FAPESP program is linking a decade

of research on biodiversity into public policy in

Training, and Policy in São Paulo the state of São Paulo.

Carlos A. Joly,1* Ricardo R. Rodrigues,2 Jean Paul Metzger,3 Célio F. B. Haddad,4

Luciano M. Verdade,2 Mariana C. Oliveira,5 Vanderlan S. Bolzani6

ince the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD) in 1992, biodiversity
conservation (the protection of spe- N
cies, ecosystems, and ecological processes)
and restoration (recovery of degraded eco- 0 25 50 100 150 200
systems) have been high priorities for many
countries. Scarce financial resources must be

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optimized, especially in developing countries
considered megadiverse (1), by investing in
programs that combine biodiversity research,
personnel training, and public-policy impact.
We describe an ongoing program in the state
of São Paulo, Brazil, that may be a useful
example of how conservation initiatives with
a solid scientific basis can be achieved.
São Paulo’s rich native biodiversity is Protected area
Watershed division
threatened by changes in land cover and
Priority areas for biodiversity restoration
fragmentation (2, 3). This prompted scien-
tists in 1999 to found the Virtual Institute of
Biodiversity, BIOTA-FAPESP. FAPESP, the Increase in priority
State of São Paulo Research Foundation, is
a nonpolitical, taxpayer-funded foundation, Priority areas for biodiversity restoration in São Paulo. The figure also shows the existing network of state
one of the main funding agencies for scien- parks (red lines) and the state’s division of Water Management Units (gray lines). (See SOM.)
tific and technological research in Brazil,
and a supporter of this program. results on biodiversity in the Neotropics. In forest restoration (as one means of recon-
The program’s scope of research ranges 2002, the program began BIOprospecTA, necting fragments of native vegetation) and
from DNA bar-coding to landscape ecology a venture to search for new bioactive com- selecting areas for new Conservation Units.
and includes taxonomy, phylogeny, and phy- pounds of economic interest that has already There are four governmental decrees and
logeography, as well as human dimensions resulted in three prototype patents. 11 resolutions [see supporting online mate-
of biodiversity conservation, restoration, and rial (SOM)] that quote the BIOTA-FAPESP
sustainable use. During its first 10 years, the Policy Impact guidelines. Before this effort was made,
program supported 94 major research proj- Between 2006 and 2008, BIOTA-FAPESP most policy decisions were based on sec-
ects, described more than 1800 new species, researchers made a concerted effort to syn- ondary data of heterogeneous quality, not
acquired and archived information on over thesize data for use in public-policy-mak- evaluated by a scientific committee.
12,000 species, and made data from 35 major ing. Scientists worked with the state secre- One of the most striking implementa-
biological collections available online, a first tary of the environment and nongovernmen- tions of BIOTA-FAPESP recommendations
for Brazilian biological collections. tal organizations (NGOs) such as Conserva- is a joint resolution of the state secretaries of
In 2001, the program launched an open- tion International, The Nature Conservancy, the environment and of agriculture to estab-
access, electronic, peer-reviewed journal, and the World Wildlife Fund. The synthesis lish an agro-ecological zoning ordinance
Biota Neotropica (4), to publish research was based on more than 151,000 records of that prohibits sugarcane expansion to areas
9405 species (table S1), as well as landscape that are priorities for biodiversity conserva-
Department of Plant Biolgy, Biology Institute, State Uni- structural parameters and biological indices tion and restoration (fig. S2). Acceptance of
versity of Campinas, 13083-970 Campinas, São Paulo (SP), from over 92,000 fragments of native veg- these recommendations may be linked to
Brazil. 2Department of Biological Science, Luiz de Queiroz etation. Two synthesis maps, identifying commercial demands from the international
College of Agriculture, State University of São Paulo, Piraci-
caba, SP, Brazil. 3Department of Ecology, Institute of Bio-
priority areas for restoration (see the figure, ethanol market, which is increasingly requir-
sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. above) and conservation (fig. S1), together ing compliance with environmentally sound
Department of Zoology, Institute of Biosciences, Univer- with other detailed data and guidelines (5), commodity production practices.
sity Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. 5Department have been adopted by São Paulo state as This experience provides an example for
of Botany, Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo,
São Paulo, SP, Brazil 6Department of Organic Chemistry, the legal framework for improving public other regions. Maps showing priority areas
University Estadual Paulista, Araraquara, SP, Brazil. policies on biodiversity conservation and for biodiversity restoration have been pro-
*Author for correspondence. E-mail: restoration, such as prioritizing areas for duced for the entire area originally covered

1358 11 JUNE 2010 VOL 328 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

by the Atlantic forest in 17 Brazilian states research-driven initiative—planned, imple- well enough to establish priority areas in
(6). Other Brazilian states have begun long- mented, and coordinated by scientists—in every watershed, and the marine ecosystems
term programs based on the BIOTA-FAPESP contrast with most previous Brazilian con- were not studied in the same depth as con-
guidelines. The Brazilian National Research servation policies. The funding agency, tinental ones. Also, the present distribution
Council (CNPq) is planning a similar initia- FAPESP, has de facto political and adminis- and risk of invasive species have not been
tive and, likewise, the U.S. National Science trative autonomy, which allows it to invest in mapped, and few projects focused on the
Foundation recently launched the program, long-term scientific programs and to ensure human dimensions of biodiversity conser-
Dimensions of Biodiversity. quality through a rigid peer-review standard, vation. These gaps were identified during
which is rare in Brazil. The program is eval- internal and external evaluation in 2009, and
Keys to Success uated by an international committee every 2 are thus priorities in the Science Plan and
What makes a program on biodiversity years (8). Members of the committee repre- Strategies for the Next Decade (see SOM).
conservation simultaneously successful in sent diverse areas of scientific expertise; one
References and Notes
research, training, and policy (7)? Several of the members was from the senior admin- 1. C. R. Margules, R. L. Pressey, Nature 405, 243 (2000).
external factors may have contributed to istration of the secretary of the environment, 2. M. C. Ribeiro, J. P. Metzger, A. C. Martensen, F. J. Ponzoni,
progress thus far: a consolidated network which helped bridge the gap between sci- M. M. Hirota, Biol. Conserv. 142, 1141 (2009).
3. G. Durigan, J. A. Ratter, Edinb. J. Bot. 63, 119 (2006).
of research institutions, graduate programs, entists and policy-makers. The fact that the 4. Biota Neotropica,
and biodiversity researchers in the state of program is fully based on the CBD, which 5. R. R. Rodrigues et al., Diretrizes para a Conservação e

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São Paulo; pressure from commodity mar- provides an undisputed legal framework, is Restauração da Biodiversidade no Estado de São Paulo
kets for certification; increasing social another crucial factor. (Botanical Institute, BIOTA-FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil,
awareness of biodiversity conservation and Strong ties with collaborators are also biota_fapesp.pdf.
demand for scientifically sound policies; the essential. Many technical staff of both the 6. Pacto pela Restauração da Mata Atlántica, www.pacto.
large network of 64 state parks and reserves; state and the NGOs developed student proj-
7. P. Shanley, C. López, Biotropica 41, 535 (2009).
the political will demonstrated by the state ects, supported by the BIOTA-FAPESP pro- 8. Biota,
secretary of the environment in support- gram, and became strong allies in producing 9. Supported by FAPESP and CNPq. We thank M. C. Ribeiro,
ing the program. Political and economic the synthesis and implementing biodiversity M. Keller, and especially M. C. W. de Brito and V. L. R.
stability in Brazil were also important fac- conservation and restoration priorities. Fur- Bononi of the state of São Paulo secretary of the environ-
ment, who provided financial and technical support for
tors that allowed FAPESP to make a crucial, ther research by independent, external eval- workshops organized to produce the synthesis maps.
long-term (10-year) commitment to fund- uators is needed.
ing, providing an average annual budget of The program has not been successful
U.S.$2.5M. in all areas. It failed to translate scientific Supplementary Online Material
But particular aspects of the program advancements into teaching material for use
must also be recognized as important. It is a in schools. It did not study the entire state 10.1126/science.1188639

Resource constraints and peaking of the

Global HIV/AIDS Policy in Transition epidemic should lead to a rebalancing of

health assistance for developing countries.
John Bongaarts,1* and Mead Over2

n 2007, the United Nations Joint Pro- the question of how global health funding infection) (7). Reaching these ambitious
gramme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) con- should be rebalanced between AIDS treat- targets would require the United States to
cluded that “Global HIV incidence likely ment and HIV prevention, as well as other spend half of its current foreign aid budget
peaked in the late 1990s” (1), due to “natural health-care investments. on AIDS treatment by 2016 and all of it by
trends in the epidemic as well as the result The cost of universal access to treatment 2024 (4, 5).
of prevention programmes” (1). The slow is unsustainable. Medical and ethical con- The current allocation of health assis-
decline in new infections together with a siderations endow each patient currently tance to developing countries is far from
recent rise in antiretroviral therapies (ARTs) on treatment with a life-long “entitlement” optimal. One would expect resources allo-
halted the rise in the estimated number of to receive at least his or her current treat- cated to a particular disease to be roughly
AIDS deaths at about 2.2 million per year— ment regimen (4, 5). Despite rapid growth proportional to the potential ill health
equivalent to 4% of all global deaths (2). in resources, less than half of those in need averted by those expenditures. But the pro-
Among adults 15 to 49, the proportion cur- receive treatment, and five new infections portion of development assistance for health
rently infected with HIV (HIV prevalence) occur for each two new persons put on treat- that is allocated to HIV/AIDS reached 23%
plateaued at just under 1% before declining ment (3, 6). The World Health Organiza- in 2007, whereas the proportion of deaths
to 0.8% worldwide (1, 3). These trends raise tion (WHO) revised its recommendations attributable to AIDS in the developing world
regarding when to start treatment, raising is less than 5% (3, 8). In a few African coun-
Population Council, New York, NY 10017, USA. 2Center for the threshold from 200 CD4 cells/µl to 350, tries, foreign HIV/AIDS assistance exceeds
Global Development, Washington, DC 20036, USA. which could triple the number of people cur- the entire budget of the Ministry of Health
*Author for correspondence. E-mail: jbongaarts@ rently needing treatment (CD4 is a type of (9). The huge influx of donor funding for white blood cell that is killed during HIV HIV/AIDS sometimes crowds out other SCIENCE VOL 328 11 JUNE 2010 1359

Published by AAAS

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