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As part of my Research at Metro-Dagupan Colleges, I’m conducting a survey investigating the

experiences of a stay-at-home parents during Covid-19 pandemic. I appreciate if you could

answer the questions completely. Any information obtained in connection with this study that
can be identified with you will remain confidential.

Name: (Optional) __________________________________

Age: ______________________
 Male
 Female

1. What has been your biggest pressure’s during the Covid-19 pandemic?
 Isolation
 Finances
 Mental health and well being
 Children’s education
 Job losses
 Child’s emotional well being
 Change in pre-planned events
 Lack of access to normal services; please list

2. What has affected you most during the pandemic?

3. What are your concerns with pandemic easing?

 Childcare
 Working opportunities
 Spreading of the virus
 Children returning to school
 Returning to work
 Other (please specify)
4. What do you feel has been the impact of pandemic to your children?
 Struggle with a change of routine
 Isolation; not seeing friends and family
 Change of sleeping habits
 Increased worry and fear
 Others (please specify)

5. What has been the impact of pandemic on you?

 I’m a key worker and continued work
 I have been furloughed
 My relationship with my partner has been affected
 My relationship with my children has been affected
 Increased anxiety levels
 Isolation
 Lack of support available
 Other (please specify)

6. Have you ever experienced any positive changes during the pandemic?
 Increased quality family time
 Finding alternative activities
 Discovering and using local facilities
 Less financial pressure
 Found a greater community spirit
 A positive change in priorities
 Other (Please specify)

7. What services have you found most supportive/useful during the pandemic?
8. What services do you feel could support you and your family as pandemic eases?

9. What is your occupation?

10. How many children do you have and what are their ages?

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