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Llanne Rose N. Cadiang 12- St.


The moment she walked in, all eyes were on her. There, she was the most attractive girl. They even
gave her flowers, but mine were different; I gave her baby's breath, which was her favorite. She was
holding her favorite flower, but her expression remained unchanged. She has a deadpan expression
that will give you shivers. Why didn't her expression change, I wonder. Is she not happy? Is she
disappointed? Or perhaps because she is dead.

Love, I never would have thought about writing this for you. The written word makes me feel like
I'm in a dream, one from which I want to wake up immediately. Why did you need to depart from us
so quickly? What will become of the plans we made for each other? Please respond to me, even in my
dreams, my love.

You might wonder, who is she? Give me a chance to introduce my the "one who got away," Llanne
Cadiang. We first met at school when she was awkwardly exploring the hallways in her first year of
college to find the right room. However, it is not her section she found, she found me looking at her
across the corridor. I was startled when she came toward me and asked for directions. I was unable to
turn away. They claimed that fate was a myth, but look at me now, sitting next to her—fortunately, we
are classmates.

Sitting beside her made me know her better. I now know her favorite color, food, and even her
favorite subject. Spoiler alert it is not Philosophy, however, it is my favorite. I guess opposite do
attract. They claimed that we are free to do and make any decisions we want in life. Nonetheless, you
didn’t believe it was true. You think that we can only be free if we make wise decisions that produce
positive results. I now understand why you consider your actions carefully, but why did you choose
to leave us? Did you also believe that leaving us would result in a positive outcome?

You frequently assert that God is aware of everything we do, so we must act morally. Can you
confirm if it is true now that you are with Him? Is He real? Can you ask Him if He can make you
come back to us? I miss your laugh, your smile, the way you hit me with joy, and the way you hug me
with sorrow. I miss having you make decisions about what to eat and what to wear because I don't
know what I want or how to properly dress for a date. Despite being bossy, you still respect my
decisions, which I appreciate.

I once saw you engaging in playtime with a young child in a swing when she asked you to push her
firmly so she could swing high. Despite knowing that she will cry, you said no to her. I questioned
why you did that, to which you replied, "We do not know what our actions will result in; I can push
her firmly, but who knows if she will fall to the ground? Considering the repercussions, I simply went
with the safer option. This made me think of the past, if I did not stare at her at that time will she be
with me now? Will she approach me to ask for direction? Maybe not, Maybe yes. We are unsure of
what lies ahead in life.

As I was writing this letter, I became aware that the time I spent with you after I read it to you
would be my last. Grasping the truth caused my heart to ache. My love, I still want to see you. I hope
that in another life, you will still pick me out of everyone else in the hallway. Till we meet again, my
love. I now set you free.

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