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GOBIERNO REGIONAL HUANUCO. Gerencia de infraestructura Sub Gerencia de Estudios 11.0 ANALISIS DE COSTOS UNIT. CONTENIDO: mA 12 13 14 15 16 ‘ACU ~ ESPECIALIDAD DE ESTRUCTURA ACU ~ ESPECILIDAD DE ARQUITECTURA ‘ACU ~ ESPECILIDAD DE INST, SANITARIA ACU - ESPECILIDAD DE INST. ELECTRICA ‘ACU ~ ESPECILIDAD DE INST. MECANICA ACU ~SUB PARTIDAS CCONSTRUCCION DE LABORATORO: EN ELL) BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR DEL LABORATORIO "REGIONAL DE SALUD PUBLICA DEL DISIRIO Oe AMARUS, PROVINCIA HUANLCO, Ng DEPARTAMENTO HUANUCO. | % oo ae. Sub Gerencia de Estudios. ANALISIS DE COSTOS UNITARIOS ESTRUCTURAS alt im Analisis de precios unitarios, ecm eoucny oe ne SLO HELA Agro ROM SAL PLEA BL ‘temmgsce__ ERT a sum Cite ote wa "rts cacanums cuvoanianunsenconciocates (erst SAekrOFOMTANO TSH ma comm Ween 2 yo te ao Canes eR SwTENCOWPtESDePx2.9CNTELUCOER ‘om sah ‘sm Ee mons ees les oa sn m cites tl Cutts lt acre cron even CO CARA cm aw 20 Caco CyvosPreA eta cot CMEDA BE ty tm i a0 Cacia Sarosmana ciara " om a i tana Skaimneniendeze xo WOM * om as so wen emcee ® te oo evra covesria intact cee * osm 2 fcuaronGavosPan leo DEF : om ie im fre Suaunwonmenoneztxom 2 ome am “= Sremnons Teun txbxtom i cme an & Dp 0 rm 2 ole Anélisis de precios unitarios, Pome om concny oro EO LEA ARRON RODD AD FLEA BL oe = — ea ht veo wont nom amano comm eruweras tes 0 soma on ote teint ‘ot Cont Cindi ccs esos aig ss sw 0 os enwoxo exci rora Sie rns a eT) on = ron Anélisis de precios untartos Pes coun oe. ro SLO HALA ABONTORD RUE AD PRL BL ‘snveapece a Erle Irtemegass ssn, fromm onc, 2 cornu yesonastale cs coe ox cones escort rs 5 two amas on trom Fewrerae ues Soe imo m on ___emetvenaepeet 090 ~ tom sem saan est SRR LABORA LSHEITACONY AENEAN BE Pa DE SSURDHDYEALLOENEL TBO ares) enuutcn ene. ot sa 0 ‘1s? ENE EDC PAA FERGNL CORED OPEUAD OPGALESY ORE) tok a — Cebu aint 00 cigs ipa aca et Cot Clot tm A = rom Analisis de precios unitarios Pec eNO INTRON OR BoRAORD Oe BOLO NOEL EEL LAATERDREOOUL LO RL i _ceemeemr:et __aauaa Cite aye und Coe catalan th tomtom GuuesoE se = nme am Gros Ronaermenojemarey = time eto on ane tre aot Gate cine oa ‘anes DAD = ioe om ino caswmea —mToRCeFcucumcoseco pasiesxe nt um “Sim tem ewe enact o ‘me Bn a8 cy ee ont cui veoeas Feo ” ee ee) a9 orang wane secure a ao 0 fcetir Secs erage oe Peono os amo Sm nae Carnes secs ce seuna severe os om tm 2a (anvrim Senet eaten PoHON os sm am 2a crn seHUEsCe EcuRONG De ANEMENOA we om am ao ” roms gh Analisis do precios untarios Fa ARE CR DE ETON ee WLmaia? EANGMAOONES RENTING casos ts ‘inl Conia bee WLR cpsemCRNE comme = ree Analisis de precios untarios Poems concen oa. ona He OLZE HEE HL HATO EBOLL BE AIO PLEA Sovoupade er ESTCTUNS Intense Fe TT CREST OE STE DESIRES ERECT ste _ se tye nine mind Paces Ps ‘eter AGORA ba ANFRALA WLAN RENODHY CONTROL SOVEGIE TRAD eee cen pare Setmasgencn emcee ca eae ace = oe = = Soo S fs cal ce = : fe Soe mane = = © = = Se : ee Sa 2 # : 8 cadige Dace a ‘Uniad —Cundite Canidae Pari 8. swat onssenSSinese = Anilisis de precios unitatios Serena ts Pownce mituisOoAnTEMSERiacd on” SOPRA DE SUD PUBIC on_esuctuas ey inci mam Cad Psa EWA Ce WESTEACOVENEEMOLOOEAOECOND.*® td twa ks ts cnverno elo pu sour Por wt sso sie TEWOHETROREROOOGTALASER CERRO ts ee oe soe mca ae H veo eae un incor Neh DEIMGERA TDN CMOXOSN a ‘oe mh ‘am . oe enmm — roumo.petesece neo “ tom sa 00 (ort scvmLus oumaeD bed meUeS a sae "ea faneannt—Leorewrecare oe 8tt a ‘om 48 7 fame cues wma fe ame to an extge psa cess —_cascracon temas Aes @ * moe Analisis de precios unitarios Preemie Om SOEUR Bd NOUCIAR DUSTER FeaDUL FD AREA Suomi at arcu ne nen MES PARTE Ienpmswon sc fee ink 40 1 a toe cieenevecpoin ago ose Dept co Cok Geri) oyreebonoemnas. oem, ‘a ao ‘areca LETRERO De ERALAGN RETO 1X0 MCRAE GASTON DEWADEA ne, or Semom orc Btnowmee oo a See f = es CSO HLORE—HERRAMENTAS MANLALES. . o~ ® om on Gino ateLoomeTE 2 tera 20 ‘exon Usterescerareou S ‘a cy cormoremts BIMERENTETCOREREADE “Mer RECKON toe to wows rerweras tes ee WINLMGEHYGPNETAGDNAL POR OF ERA Cy sn ee wad. fmt FLMoNEs-wevoees = tote sa onsen Preioaure = vom Oh a ° wo mem 8 Anélisis de precios unitarios Pema oN, ATO BLT NEAR EATON ECOL LD PRE BL ‘ones HeReawenas ints 0 awn 2 ross einusareLamJcONDERESBUEe BE oa Cade ett ‘ite coco vere tes se aye apna wee cate oe ee ee ® ‘0 se rm Anilisis de precios unitarios Paw RO cou, aso BLO NEHA. AUTON EBL LD PRA DL : ae ven ne ——s = oa = 7 ‘Grom CPNCTEORAVERATORATHORAIGNGH? he tan tam tn gen mesure pe aczzeoROm inane wok 40. anne a one na eta ceo rs ve EO cum os ww Caereonue cuRiAPvSee rier eo = co as ots tmemeanon enc Pe PRE “ cob “a tmroma —UwouPve meee ak ™ cm "oan os Eun coronas peeureras ie ie tm at on oman) ~ALDAFARAALINAD EN TEOIO iy pio 0. S108 cose sree Codpe——totpta ans ‘undue Gaind eth Pea mens ® to tomo an uta coronas Arve ES wh = tm a 2 Iuemeens SoueroRP oP BLED a “ im tp io ttaoxo” Feowexre rae = te me ae Amarante uNeToCUNAL FERRO CALNADD Ed te ry taranenta ALSO me : um 2 se Ee coves sermumcrasiiides os seo 1s 0 tom Andlisis do precios unitarios seus ON CONERUCOON 0 LADRATONDO§ HELODA MOLELAR OB LAORATORD RESOLD SLO PEA D8. : one SETTo Ge oe ans Ome eae el — Coa Gnnt Posh Pa era esas nuance = wo ae 2 fuses. cect ra = ot oe Shoe OwAAtuTe e eo “tat oe cuore CANOCTCRENALFERROCAYMRND ehOe ne toma s emo Heenrasies oe ne st oo ‘esi WTERIPOR POLAR GLE (0H oma) fmm piO 0 ase fo ton mat Coty Sot a ats rams euro Sa = a tacos cocoa oP GLE = wo tuaxoa” Feoweremmare ~ oes tuoere —ChaeTecee nownes 1 a texan RE LSONOE se . a3 nore sewers hoes toe sam ase i Anélisis de precios unitarios ‘tomate ou NEDLACONES EECCA romeconen sn, = ce RTeRPTONT TOTS mdr pu wo. sana ga sm Cite me ‘axoam uscnem sce Oak quo cuwaPic oe pm eer ime in anno cogcroteuegecam ™ nme ‘ amma peauroonnee o mo os sxe cwovas —wsiuenas tices = ma ae ” Fee —_—_TERUPTORD OUT LE ABLELHON TR dno aA MO ran _— atte cory oman oreo 2a cowroes namanc oe eeeo Mm m= yaa 1 aamonsts coecronmetn ec sua os note ‘ xan FeaworomMAme bi ise = csovos —serupras ies os smn ts . mS Analisis de precios unitarios ecco om comme, RONDE Boo AEGAN IG ABRATEND RESOLD BO BLA DL Seem wt tstuucmeruccmas cael eons tee Fess HoT ToD OPOUT DETTE PRES ga" Fete pat Hes ee ee ity ott tte Cand esha wows Fen * iow tm fae er cosmos rena west eeu = to ase au tmumanan cuniarve we emer eo ce mL oe mots ” fasmanao Seco Po AP EL = at i ume eacwonmne = ion & {WON op TMCENE EP cn EEA CREAR amon a eaves RAchoE ARO NOAREDEDHIECOS ws toe owe wor wee eruerasiies vm sum ma a0 eens OOK. ued comune ne 12 Cts min ‘hind tte Gand Posh Ph esas Fem = time meat a msn Tera ve re sna an fcaenectCUminPvo tt fer Or ee mis o aumanens Soeconvo HELE ‘ne ime tm io Samet reac Pa ie me s ‘Siete GoD femme wc so A cREUIRY mt oe te ue canvas PCa AceRD WoNEAR.EOEAHIEOS nt to ne we (aaa canoe Fob ade os rs as oer ONDE Cond : vem Be emer areas cs on smo ta ‘0 m 8 gS “ ™ & Andlisis de precios unitarios Fmowae copeECD 98 ACRNTERD BE BOLOOK MAES ARAOND RENO DALI PLEA DL Suomagaee we mations eemwere hemmennse st ote omutnoonopse eat come ‘ttt dei ‘own on Ce on cesanonans ours Se aH = two a an Scams Cave sir oer eat Dea = imo in Geass corona ‘ imma ie Sion Saraaeuare f si "an te ate igo TOMO BF TaN tan we encores am sor em, : ame Pd Eeies ni emesis = soma a ‘im IDG SANDOE EEN Sinn LDH SON em eerie OW. cto co ame comumosnssite ___ariat Cie tite ‘et oc axeorama useuaPv i EES a ve a0 a tion cues aero Gast eM ‘a et @ Camano cocroU™e eo LES IM os aes as zx” feawenromsnrie = Bo in favor! Gane : es om nent Su dereco BE Hoe ‘om aa a avant ORE FONGE Am ” aioe 1a Fe aUhinetz SLADE FERZAMDNOTASEA A MEROGETDeA FORME TOE Be OOH came rem Se at - te 1s aximnmy coecrotese gic n = mip a tama” FraworoDanme = orm ma * fama Gunde reco Hoa “ tow at uz comes pameawenra Aas 00 som on a ” hom Andlisis de precios unitarlos Fras OW EONETRLCCON Da. LAORATONDO§ HOLOGANOLESMAR OB. ABoRATORD RED. DF ALIO PUCK OL ‘reo ut pone Maco DUPARTARETS DERMIS r ou marancones ure yong sen fevtits pO uo ame mo _ exo nh 8 Cite bea ant Coe cal osha ness cm » tama so aan Naser EE Ia = im ae sn auimnmt CommPvctappna eer eam a ime iis ° mist cowerorrvoue cies o im ia a Sauam reowcronre crm mat in cme verwcras ite ee am 2 ban SLADE FURL NROFAGEA RA ECTORSNDH eee DK HO. A soe ote cate ‘hind Cueie Cant Poth Pa carom rare eMP Eso a = maw 2 Caen CUarvotaomer zt ot = porns & amnion cogeronP > BLES Sn = ain a tuaxen”” oueranmare » nm mit om cauezet irae " cao "oat oe tanoca hula racist toe Ss os Caran ARE LsoNoE one " vee an xe conovos —wemmumemas ice ‘i 20 20 ese LICIE_—_—ALDADEFURZAMONDTASCA PHA RE ACONDEIONDD too Wome 2 dome actin at cron Ture ates 8 = am ge or tauren CuRIArvE SEPT ES Oe Mt ea ie 8 oo furan CnecoRPYC AA” Et = mo ip ry tame” Feeacwronimre . tom mst im fermen ie Loeb ' ain 0 scopes vewaewas ites oa aoa 1 0 rom 8 oa a Anilisis de precios unitarios Panuo ERH COMSHUCCIN Ds. LABRATOND HOLODA MOLEGLAK OL LARATORD REALL OE SLID POUCA BL Berea oe ulus movment Mito BetNTAENTO DE nc womans ons MSALAGOWES ECTS yee sine, rine unk 4. sto) Per Co ioe nd oe age et — cot cal Post Palak avers cons Soe 2 s en CURA DONE ‘co Frew ta} TRO TALAGON ELMER HP 15 OT Wd WO ee ee —__tuwnivetwoperm st atte Dutt et Cane catnt beh o oto oreo ™ 110 oe ae (usm GMOASENUDIDRPIRACMLESELECTRO Ceres WAAL SSR ~ teas Pd ‘huavon Ce aoe ome : icant LENO OE . Cr rr cweros oun ee ee ee ma teres — auORECTRESMENSEOAIPOTUOD FCS wt 0 use Ein ros vexuuemas es ‘ie so sac0 ‘ae wa APOE uo 0 aan a aoe ra ease ee to cos srrvironst a PRM = ‘on sam wom nome rsreuueras iss ‘ne tae on om Anilisis de prectos untarios ecto path 90. twos ta seit 0 sr tee ten Canad cee Pe ‘anirmot—_aRTEEACTORPATED EE = sm ste csvonece veers ies in co — wos eneros —erewueas ES oo seo es on ots armas TusarroiR De RSUMEYTOS EA 182012016 4 vm aso xin cwoxos verve ites ‘ie sm om 2 Analisis de precios untarios Pesci OWN CORTIUCEON OL LABRATORD = BELOGN NLECUAB Da. AUOLATOND REGO. DE SALUD FBLA Oe berhTo Senuumus mornen be Hamu tere DE KaeS ot nstiucos secre owmones wie i OSTA women oreo eens er ueras iss ‘i am an 8 fernando 40) os commmmerseind sana — ns Pe owen Sn a faa cranes ream 020 “ 0 sous sa sn ior emer es oe to min we iim} ——PROA TRADE BTN AN TRIN ris aes tome eo om Colas rac usroams wseurvc EES Om Suis Eanare tet bam = ‘moe °m Stontmus Sewnecucen = eet Scene? S.ienprTewenancen en = im mn Soe nenroste TRAC HASEENO TR ioe Se ‘eo meen Secon rwomae ae “ a fa Fowl tm te 2 ramet RemonoUTcomeDIRODE we SeXROM ime mm san aaa ev coves remmenoiliis oa so me i ‘© roe Andlisis de precios unitarlos Frccwte OE CONETIUCCM U8 LABDRATOND OF HOLS HOLECLAR ‘oe nuns movie Mc erat AME ERAS EOD. OF SAUD PURE a. gage on STONES EEC peeps sen femme woo 1308 a —_comunocni it ta ape ga st cath Cadre Pah wow — ovo “em ® a ee) tae cwewas ean Ce ee ] oot tases seen commu“ xe R000 8 ed sa Cactus Puan co can 5 ae a arenas cra oncaoa aA S to ate ce arene ec = ao he en tenon eueroroMUND OHH = some mae tamer JeTOAPERENSLNTE TAL OFFACLADO Ig ae ian coromen —bercomene 2 wea as cower eremeusiiitee so sm at on mero orto * toe cus ms mse us asco UEBSECTRENSTELSUTEMARONECTIOO a woman oot roca veterans im ao ane 1 ‘eon —_TGFORTEGEWATENALES RE TeRSTE fvgrde —eOuD stto ga ato Cebetendenpeiet spn aye cpa el Cun cint—P—_Pee ‘tie cma TMGPORTEOEUATERALES.RBTECEAMTOULES ot ‘osama Gerencia de Infraestructura ‘Sub Gerencia de Estudios ANALISIS DE COSTOS UNITARIOS INST. MECANICA Ae » nom Antlisis do precios unitarios Prame _ORNE EDUETIUECN DL LAORATRD D0. MOLECULAR O.LADRATORD EDERAL SLO PLA OL ‘ero uaa monn oe honnicoeARTAREO DERE Supercuts MSTAUSDNES ECE Aeseerns__sen Be OTB ar ants opts eso tint ist cot Cnt Posh Pi amen oucrooe RAM CMZIOANEOPOTEYOAPER tse on i os HRMS ES ‘i soma a oie oma cores asuueyro una SEERA DEER « two te as orema —conarouteaamor : cm ate at coronas exenemas es ‘i tom un) —‘REALLABRIBORABEARE Fe eet cate mot Paces Pa amore remuatcentvenn e tem i coon RAMEN oe sono os oo . me Anilisis de precios unitarios once HOHE COMETHUEEDK DL LADRATORD 9 BOLOGA HLECLAK BL LABOITEN REIN. DE SLLO PULA Oe brio oe nuraie roman mts tenets De nace tompece 5 HETALACONE esac rn ee ee 2 mm Comet cay te ‘oad Pues Pt Rocercran son * sin 2 LOIOUAAATACONDERATA Um} CORRECON INE wa ‘ ve a Po coems — emmurasincss se tm at om Gorams Fuunogecome ose tae sah so ‘ese SSEIRR——_TURERADECOORE TPO“ OTHE) GoM ARLAMEO etna 16, mm ss oe tn Pst cvs ct000e coon a we emo as on fara Rene sunt & " (ayo Sc AoO FTA COME DNC cama ‘oH a an cova venenatis i sim ust os vias eaupope corre a ee) to ems FN = tm ae a os suis carom coo cosat eM a Po emo am on Caanxorion boGE come OKs 18m = tire aa aa (asm RCE A RDN tm ta om ns ene oa icororua qs oe ne tims ee ry ors vermauns es sin sot ow aos uroseeor be so . . roe Analisis de precios untarios ecimn _ eruooy bel orn BIN NAEGLA 8 HSQNTORD RGD GE SLO URE es STAs Heese espns ssa = gen OBERT Se TRETOO tee batt tel Connie, Pa Ccucoronm Tue ceeeroKeas ee = sim aute ain fi Oma rrerin S sm ha om Cees FroewestaeR t totam te s fcr SeuvaueA AEGON DEPT CORE PANE Cr “ a a covone —serwesras tes ‘i soo at on ho ninioyexTaGToRGNAFWGD Oe amReRA cea dge Onn ae at “ete ‘wore monenucreemeToROMVEETOR * came erunrasities vo fen rie TMETONanrucoTon ware oa boc ‘Uist ne Catt Peeshc ewer MonstaACoNEXIETEROROEETR * 00 en mas oxox veteran es a co sa “ mm 1 Andie de proces untarion Penciny tH cOMTUCEIN DL LARATORD Oe BELORK NLECUA Ua. ANOLON REGO. DE SAO FURIE 6. terirose mnie Prormen be manus DONNTANENTS Kaa ‘Seeepace us HeTHLACoNES uENOSNe ewrgens _ttvane Faas STTR EAGT eT TORE ——————"ssens_ Sei eo end Ho, a Cbutendanpeivd ——_a9er ity etn Cott Pens rowwm — uonarasconBeractoxomrecton * tm ist emma sezacru ~ tm anna coms exmanennsites we nas 6 oneness oe Reece innitbco EPO nD Deru Drone usnooROMSPPOSTCENMPMUEDUPDSCEIAC 10a ‘amacon ania oan ree etn eto. cites ott we oweona — momstanct Stason OnE * to th aut rasnares Geto « to sam som Eee coronas vers ines i fone au ae csoncmnn sc neve nk ROO EOUPONNE os toe om 0 fen Goinas——eaUPOPLGUETE THO ROFTON DEH ois wth 10 4 co wo Comumodreeins ass Ciera lel can Cin) cosh Pee corona eayro nau oe AREER o ‘a ama amo ‘te coors eremerieiidee on om tse we esponnmt se merece RAINCOERUPO HE w toc nae oo pipe ocaoen PuLaoROUEPEROTEREANPARACQUPOEDENNG wd toe eae not = ne Andee do proiosuntaros Supencwm _os DeTRUoNES ECE say sro Fees RT AREACORGERIDD TPO ROTHER “seas xeon lt cotta Pest Pa wee uonstancliiBStatton onvecrn * ome is ese eau sur oeSoeMOa4me eT ot sm en teen ner mows vemmcnas ites we som aus an ee SUEY —_AREASOHOONIGO To gPUTOE ano aTe a comumnawopeins sane cwevas — uonstanctn tractor onnecToR * 10 ts es cero saurosurlsStionsoay war aes cmon venaenas ts oa toms en mann 260 reso Gerencia de Infraestructura ‘Sub Gerencia de Estudios ANALISIS DE COSTOS UNITARIOS SUB PARTIDAS ” rem 8 oo oe Analisis de prectos untarios Senerouo ts NSTAUSORE ECE fein ssa comms Rare SMP EOD = cue a m2 PeaueyTERAP ti or ton Gnpwanoern & toe owes veiuenas ics we jum ay om een ena ste comune ce ‘tts med Peel Pal, conoros verrucae tits = om oo veto wove cu PED. STEM DEAR ® wwe om eam Fe OBTAGNE——_TRASLIFODEEQUPO AE ACORDDONATO VEFLAGONHEEAREN Catt pe em wHoceomA OR TSAOONOREOITALCE at mace oe nsuc0 -suanueo-anartis Reporte subpartidas (Resumido) ‘iamnomiaorarar LGR NO oTONEN HEA OUPORCEHNG a a nwtrasortas — aceRORemIaeaGRDOS-RUAOscaRiTIogt yak? inmtoraoretar — COMERETOR igen PATER GHEDTACON two ote a 0 an) Anilisis de precios unitarios de subpartidas Preuss omSOTY_GONETRUCCION DEL LABORATORIO DE BIOLOGIA HOLECULAR DEL LABCRATORO REGIONAL OF sitip'roslck Ob Bstwro Oe suanals PaCHNCM 8 MiMUGS CEPARTANSNT BE tn aso OREO Rae RATEASECHOTACON = utea oe cia eas ‘covet Cworomno nes sk o to gee vee wmmonmunes - sew ow ro enasomay ceo Free fgeut ORO W-PATEADECKENTACON Fcc won ane cosa Cesc ow eae ern a timo sot ‘momen suwse rene econo * tw x free! eemoesmseoys eiesnan 4 eee ss owns oo ‘= ow ae racy ORI YOON -RATADEEMETC on emenns swesnmuccncacnente? * cm ts fBowenm imeneoroo 4 fmt is (eersnt avonrmvien cn cueAce ‘ om te Anilisis de precios unitarios de subpartidas ‘SUD Raicn'beL DsTITo be sarase PROV Se Rus DEPARTARENTO: BE ee (omnes corAGO DEORE Gates Daina scot en ve sn fee sme oa oo

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