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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching

Mathematics 10

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

A. relate distance formula in finding the value of a radius ;

B. appreciate the connection of distance formula in determining the value of the
radius of a circle in the real – life setting through board work; and
C. solve for the radius of the circle using the standard form / center -radius form equation.

II. Topic: Center - radius form of the equation of a circle


A. Reference’s Book
1. Mathematics Learner’s Module 10, Pages 252-257

B. Visual Materials
1. Book
2. Cartolina Strips
IV. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

I. Preliminary Activities
A. Prayer

May, I request everybody to

stand, for us to start the class with a
prayer. Lyneth please lead the

Yes Ma’am.
Father God, As we start this new day
for new learning, we ask for Your
guidance. Lead us all the way. May
You let us see through Your eyes,
listen through Your ears, and speak
with Your Mouth. Be with us as we
explore the world. Give us the heart to
love and be kind to one another.
Please watch overall our teachers,
children, and families. In Jesus’ name.


1. Greetings

Thank you, for that prayer

Before you set down, may you
pick all the garbage you can see
under your chairs. Kindly arrange
your chairs as well upon seating.  Good morning, Ma’am,

    Good morning, everyone!

2. Checking of attendance

Are you seated according to

our set plans? If not go back to
your seat before I will check on
your attendance. 
(Checking the attendance
according to seat plan)
3. Setting of classroom rules

Before we start our class, I

want Katherine to recite the
classroom rules that been
agreed. It has been agreed that no uses of cell
phone during classes and if ever
someone will be catch using first
offense 100 sentences of "I promise, I
will never use cellphone in class
again." 2nd offense 200 sentences and
3rd offense 300 sentences and so on
and so forth.

Yes, Ma'am.
Are we good with that?

4. Review of the Past Lesson

Let’s take a quick review of
what we have discussed in our
previous meeting.

Jamaila can you give us your


Very good! Can you name the

geometric properties that we’ve Last meeting we’ve applies the
proved? Gina.
distance and midpoint formula in
proving geometric properties.
Excellent! Can anyone tell us
what is parallelogram? Rogem.

Parallelogram and Isosceles triangle,

Very good! What about the
Isosceles triangle?
Parallelogram is a geometric figure
which have two parallel side, meaning
it have same measurement.
Correct! It seems that you
really understand the topic.

It is a triangle which have 2 or more

B. Activity side that are congruent from each
At this moment, I want you to
cooperate in the game I prepare.

I have here rolled piece of paper,

I will roamed around and let all of
you get one. Each piece of paper
contains number which correspond
task to be done with prizes ahead.

Are you ready?

Who has the number 1?

Ok, your task is to give the

coordinate of the two endpoints of
these illustration.

Yes, ma’am!

How about number 2? Solve for

the distance.

Number 3 and 4? Come in front

and solve for these one same as
number 1 and 2.

Yes, Ma'am!

Yes, Ma'am!

Thank you for your answers. Let

us check.

Base on the given activity what

have you observed? Rhea.

Very good observation! What

else? Zia.

C. Analysis
What did you do to determine the
distance of the two endpoints?

I observed that the two illustration

Very good! Do you see the contents a circle where the two
connection of it in the radius of a endpoints if being plotted.

I observed that the line in the graph

serve as the radius of the circle.

Excellent! Now, what do you think

is our topic for today? Mike.

Correct! It is all about circle, It is

all about the standard form of the
equation of a Circle.
I solve it ma’am using the formula of
the distance, 𝐝=√(𝐱𝟐−𝐱𝟏)𝟐+(𝐲𝟐−𝐲𝟏)𝟐 .

Yes, ma’am the distance of the two

endpoints is the value of the radius of
the given circle.

It is all about the circle ma’am.

D. Abstraction

Now, be attentive and take note

as we go on to our discussion.

A. Circle with center at the origin.

Given the circle with center at (0,0). To draw its radius (𝑟), connect the center to
any point on the circle like point 𝑃(𝑥,𝑦).
Then using the distance formula, we can find the equation of the circle.
We find the distance between the center(0,0) and 𝑃(𝑥,𝑦), which is the length of
the radius(𝑟) of the circle.

From the distance formula, let 𝑃1 (0,0), 𝑃2 (𝑥,𝑦), and 𝑟 be the distance.
𝑟=√(𝑥−0)2+(𝑦−0)2 Substitute 𝑃1, 𝑃2 and 𝑟 in the formula.
𝑟=√𝑥2+𝑦2 Simplify.
𝑟2=𝑥2+𝑦2 Square both sides of the equation.
Thus, the equation of a circle with center at the origin is 𝒙𝟐+𝒚𝟐=𝒓𝟐
Who has the number 5 in the
activity we have earlier? Can you try
to solve this one.

Very good! Now let us proceed to

the next example.

r2 = x2 + y2
= (o-(-4))2 + (0-3)2
= (4)2 + (-3)2
= 16+9
r2 = 25
r =5

Who got number 6? Can you try

these one.
(h, k) = (1,2) & (x, y) = (3,2)
Excellent! h=1, k=2 & x=3 , y=2
r= (3-1)2 + (2-2)2
E. Application r=(2)2 + o2
This time I want you to get your r=2
lecture notebook and answer the
following and will check it afterwards
I will give you 5 minutes to solve.

Are you all done?

Who got number 7? Kindly
answer this on the board.

Yes, ma’am!

The given equation is in the form

Very well said! This means that the center of the circle is
at the origin.
To find the radius, get the square root of
Do you still have questions? 25, which is 5.
Note: Since 𝑥2+𝑦2=25 is in the form
𝑥2+𝑦2=𝑟2, then 𝑟2=25.
Can we have a quiz now?
By extracting the square roots, 𝑟=𝟓.
Therefore, the center of the circle is at
(𝟎,𝟎) and the radius is 5 units.
Ok! Number 8 kindly solve for this
Thank you, ma’am.

None ma’am.

Not yet ma’am, another example


The given equation is in the form

(𝑥−ℎ)2+(𝑦−𝑘)2=𝑟2 .
This means that the center of the circle is
at (ℎ,𝑘).
𝑥2+(𝑦−4)2=16 Given.

Excellent! (𝑥−0)2+(𝑦−4)2=42 Write as (𝑥−ℎ)2+

ℎ=0, 𝑘=4, 𝑟=4 Identify the values of ℎ, 𝑘,
F. Valuing and 𝑟.

Therefore, the center of the circle is at

(𝟎,𝟒) and the radius is 4 units
Now, can anyone of the class cite
example, on how these be
applicable in our daily living?Lyneth.

Excellent! Who else? Katherine

Very good!
G. Evaluation

Ok! kindly get your quiz notebook

and answer this one. This topic is applicable in daily life by
our architects.

1. 2.

H. Assignment
Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher, Mathematics

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