Psychodynamic Counselling in Action Notes

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Psychodynamic Counseling in Action notes

Psychodynamic is person centered - should use words that that person can understand

It’s more convincing to clients when they see it themselves, however it’s important to share
interpretations if there’s enough evidence

Resistance - needs to be handled by understanding the reasons for defences

Here and now - more than talking about difficulties it’s about working with them here and now in
the relationship

Adaptable when necessary

Clients are hoping that the therapist can help them change. They may be expecting a magic
cure. Therapists must draw clients r attention to the unpredictability of outcome

Some clients see the therapist as experts. It shows the need to be helped. Becoming the expert
robs the client of their autonomy. Any failure by the therapist can open the negative feels of
anger which can lie at the root of difficulties

Prompts allow associations

It is tempting to answer questions but it may be a way to propose solutions rather than following
the clients agenga and associations

Listening to what the client is saying but also implying helps us remember more than usual

Counsellors feelings and associations should be checked with what the client is saying.

Counsellors silence allows client to go on speaking. But holding back should not make the client

Interpretation - empathic response - conscious feeling that client hasn;t put into word,
interpretative response brings things which the client may be unaware.

You may be wrong, think of many alternatives.

A focus is important because time is limited. It provides teh counsellor with a guided thread to
where they can focus their attention.

Each time a client raises a theme, the counsellor can provide an intervention
Suitable clients - suitable for experienced therapist - unsuitable for psychotherapy

Boundary issues may show their experiences= with limits.


Noticing Patterns

Nothing is trivial

Client Internalising counsellor

Timekeeping - consider other possibilities

Resistance/ protective strategies/ premature endings/ repression

Understanding the anxiety behind a defence - how to address them - respect the defense , do
not challenge it head on.

Enabling clients thoughts is a huge relief

Genuineness over Abstinence

Client might complain about others as a way to complain about the therapist

Transferance as repairing through resolving - clients learn that its safe to share feedback

Observations of transference are best limited if the client is short term. The therapist can
acknowledge the transference and use it to explore present relational issues rather than the
therapeutic relationship.

Change happens through the relationship and learning that healthy relationships are possible

Countertransference - intense attachment may be unrecognised if the client likes to be admired.

Overly concerned, giving more time, responding more personally.

Projective identification - which reactions to trust - counsellor feeling useless may reflect clients

Being alongside the client and responding differently to others can be a reparative experience
for the client

How to know if you’re the problem.

Clients must Giving up illusions -

allowing disappointment - counsellor is bound to fail the client it allows client to cope with
inevitable disappointment in life.

Allowing clients to self assess at the end -

internal counsellor - clients take it on

What does it mean? That word, that association, our relationship etc.

The ending of therapy can awaken old disappointment in client - dependance is natural but
should be used as a means to help clients to relate differently with others.

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