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File: 20-250-109-06.jpg (25 KB, 640x480)

03/12/23(Sun)05:21:23 No.92039372 ▶ >>92039417 >>92039490 >>92039541
>>92039551 >>92039624 >>92039652 >>92039876 >>92039943 >>92039963 >>92040311
>>92040598 >>92040900 >>92040980 >>92041639 >>92042780 >>92042842 >>92042999
>>92043139 >>92044013 >>92046036 >>92046134 >>92046183 >>92046424 >>92046655
>>92047527 >>92047790 >>92047794 >>92048771 >>92051760 >>92051853 >>92053962
>>92057881 >>92058276

>finally get an ssd

>/g/ autism doesn't let you write to it because the TBW dwindles
down its lifespan as you write to it
>your ssd experience is now ruined

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:24:13 No.92039392 ▶ >>92048426

holy OCD

You should sell the computer and go outside

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:25:45 No.92039410 ▶ >>92039428

The horrors of being alive

>every day, you die a little more
>every day, you've lost a little more brainpower and memories
>your life is now ruined

Or you can just get on with it, OP.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:26:23 No.92039417 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
Trick is to buy large enough that writes are very rare

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:27:27 No.92039428 ▶ >>92039679

I don't know about you but I've only gained brainpower with age. There is no way Icould have ever
attained these heights as I was then

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:33:07 No.92039480 ▶ >>92039493

I been writing nonstop to ssd for weeks and when it reached 0% the counter just rolled over back to 100%
like a car

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:34:52 No.92039490 ▶ >>92048370

>>92039372 (OP)
>because the TBW dwindles down its lifespan
If you have TBW OCD then just buy a Seagate Firecuda 530

It literally mogs every other M.2 SSD out there

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:34:59 No.92039493 ▶

It's just expected life, not absolute info. Also manufacturer software sucks, nothing new there

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:39:42 No.92039541 ▶ >>92050438

File: file.jpg (42 KB, 530x379)

>>92039372 (OP)
>/g/ autism
>doesn't have data hoarding
I could care less if my SSD died, I
have 4 backups of it.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:40:47 No.92039551 ▶ >>92039655 >>92039759 >>92043200 >>92058137

>>92039372 (OP)
the major problem is usually due to torrents. torrents usually need to download files in small chunks, write
the file so that you can seed immediately. this could be fixed by setting a scratch disk or ramdisk as your
temporary torrent area.

the problem is only with linux users since most of the linux file system formats tend to write sequentially so
there are zones that get written over and over due to sequential nature of file system.
the pros with linux though is you can map /tmp to your ram so you can use that as a scratch disk but also

fragmentation of ntfs is more ideal since the nature of fragmentation while bad for hard drives is good for
solid states. the life span should be better when defragmented since write zones tend to scatter around
the disk, it only becomes a problem with windows when it tends constantly update so just turn off that shit.

both operating system still have issues though, mainly the web browser. firefox and chrome stores cache
aggressively and accesses them. you should instead allot another different SSD or just disable caching
completely (you could map this to a ramdisk).

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:47:14 No.92039624 ▶ >>92039663 >>92039881

>>92039372 (OP)
oh no.
the ssds lifespan goes down when you write to it while with spinning rust it goes down every rotation.
its such a stupid thing to worry about

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:49:08 No.92039652 ▶ >>92039673 >>92041420

File: file.png (2.37 MB, 2163x1185)

>>92039372 (OP)
As long as you didn't get an absolutely dogshit SSD and as long as your writes are
relatively small they'll go in the SLC cache instead of just going to the TLC/QLC
flash. SLC has like 10000x the endurance of QLC. Unless you're doing absolutely
retarded shit you don't really need to worry about wearing out a modern SSD.
Writing a bunch of small files temp to disk won't kill your SSD.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:49:28 No.92039655 ▶

Most torrent chunksizes are way higher than your sector size, especially nowadays that games use
container files. Most common frsgment size is 512KiB-8MiB. Way more than what would cause additional

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:50:40 No.92039663 ▶ >>92042939

HDDs age regardless of use. Storing it on a shelf does not differ from running it 24/7. Time grinds even
mountains to dust, but this isn't tech related. Consumer SSDs have a sspecific weakness.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:52:11 No.92039673 ▶

Many, many SSDs use it's empty storage as the SLC cache, something that doesen't happen when you
use storage as intended; near max capacity. Buying 4x overhead just isn't feasible.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)05:52:40 No.92039679 ▶ >>92039741 >>92057899

File: 1398058788253.png (672 KB, 840x720)

I don't know, desu. It seems to me we're gaining knowledge, not brainpower, and our
brainpower is gently decreasing with time now that we're adults.

You vill be an old person.

You vill live in the retirement pod.
und you vill be...crappy. NURSE!

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:00:13 No.92039741 ▶

Knowing yourself in time will make you able to tap into your true brainpower instead of wasting it trying to
bruteforce things. It's like trying to lift things with your arms instead of your feet. All that latent energy is
useless without the ability to use it.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:02:12 No.92039759 ▶ >>92039824 >>92039858

more on the torrent part, so each time a new chunk is downloaded it spawns a write operation of 512KiB
for each installment writes so instead of using up 1GiB for a 1GiB torrent file you've actually used up
10GiB or even more if your SSD isn't even aligned (and your FS tries to align files via write blocks).
poor SSD alignment is your worst enemy though it's not like they disclose that information lol. just
calculate the sector counts and read the super secret documentation that's not even on their site, and
make sure to format partitions in proper alignment so that write commands don't overlap and use up x2 of the
boundaries. well it's not like most file systems respect those too, they all claim "never write over old files" due
to the nature of block deletion but that's a myth they don't want to admit since it supports the fact that SSDs
degrade faster than their declared TBW - for each blocks that have errors this means since your multi-cell
SSDs have failing copper they tend to oxidate and discharge your bits and for each block that happens to
have failing copper they tend to issue a write command and your firmware doesn't lie, it would report lesser
lifespan and degrade even more even without writing anything new to it - its just the nature of using failing

this is fad is literally no different than a "firmware" (multi-cell error correction) correcting a hardware issue like
with that nosediving boeing plane.

trying to fix engineering issue (copper cannot hold charge, expensive and copper shortage) with firmware

well just trust it and believe it. don't think.

it's a ploy to sell you cloud shit since the largest bigtech companies that had cloud are now gaining their
losses that they even went as far as to prevent HDD prices from cheapening out (a TB of drive still costs the
same 3 years ago but it even has worse "SMR firmware" akin to another economical-engineering issue, they
now use less platters and overlap). SSDs are good tech tho.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:08:39 No.92039824 ▶

SSDs don't flush on every write, they actually buffer quite a lot, and OS does too. You can wind up with
hundreds of MiB untill a write happens.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:11:32 No.92039858 ▶ >>92040039

SSDs don't carre about how your OS thinks blocks are aligned, same writes often don't go to the same
place, alignment is unknown and to top it off you can't write to dirty pages, so you'd at worst have to
migrate a lot of pages when almost full capacity

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:13:33 No.92039876 ▶ >>92039939

>>92039372 (OP)
Not a problem on my Optane 905p :^)

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:14:17 No.92039881 ▶ >>92039928

File: spinning rust ?.png (81 KB, 1081x371)

spinning rust is a misnomer as HDDs use Titanium while SSDs use Copper that are
already rusty since they can no longer use 9N Purity Copper due to its rarity and demand that they can
only source shittier ones and now you have QLC/PLC trash plaguing the market.
although HDDs are also getting the shit end of the stick since the manufacturers are also now cutting
corners by reducing the platters or using less and overlapping your bits with SMR.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:20:35 No.92039928 ▶

Silicon is not copper though, it's silicon

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:21:36 No.92039939 ▶

It'd be nice if they didn't completely nix the consumer optane. Guess your average joe isn't worthy of their
divine technology.
>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:21:50 No.92039943 ▶ >>92039962

>>92039372 (OP)
>overthinking things
Do you not wear your new shoes because walking in them wears out the soles?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:23:53 No.92039962 ▶ >>92040046

There's no usecase where you walk your soles in a week even if you straight up marathon for 168 hours.
Put consumer nvme as a write cache and you'll see it vaporize.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:23:54 No.92039963 ▶ >>92039973 >>92048071

>>92039372 (OP)
I've had my ssd for years now. When do I know when its time to change it (before it fails on me)

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:24:58 No.92039973 ▶

Manufacturers often provide a crummy user interface for checking the approximate use. Either way you
really need a backup if you care about what's on your disk at all.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:31:57 No.92040039 ▶

that's mostly an issue with consumer TLC+ SSDs.

eMMC and UFS don't have this issue since they require the address be mapped for certain purposes like
OS drivers being mapped for exact regions since they mostly use proper lifespan SLC-MLC-TLC NAND
chips and probably partly to blame with the raw material shortages (smartphones).
MLC and SLC also don't have this issue.

the sign that it's shit is when it tries to write on special regions, it's literally how bad sector reallocation
works because an entire SSD* (some TLC and QLC and above) is literally an entire bad sector, a hard
drive marks a sector bad if it somehow reads stuff wrong and remaps it, the same way the SSD* is more
akin to a set of 4 dying 1TiB HDDs reporting itself as a "good 500GB HDD". in some cases, a QLC SSD
actually has 4TB of space while reporting itself as a 512GB SSD but if you forced to use the 4TB one
disregarding its firmware-level "engineering hacks" you'd lose all your data since that 512GB SSD* is
actually a 4TB of bad sector storage.

yes that 1TB SSD is likely 8TB of bad sector and so on, rusty copper.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:32:39 No.92040046 ▶ >>92040255

There's basically no way to wear out an SSD in a week, let alone a year.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:49:59 No.92040225 ▶

Bought Samsung 850Pro, with current speed of writes it will "last" like 30 more years...

What you should actually do is to make BACKUPS to another drive/media and have a nice sleep.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:53:31 No.92040255 ▶ >>92040364

>750 000 GB endurance
>writespeed 0.5GB/s
>86400 seconds in a day, 43 200 GB/day
Less than three weeks will it last.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)06:59:24 No.92040311 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
Don't turn on your monitor either, until it's absolutely necessary to do so. The back light is only rated for so
many hours (say 40,000hrs until it loses 50% brightness) and after that, it's over.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)07:05:26 No.92040364 ▶ >>92040583

>>750 000 TB endurance
Fixed that for you.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)07:26:29 No.92040583 ▶

All consumer SSDs are measured in TBW, varying between 500 to 1500 along with write speed.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)07:28:34 No.92040598 ▶ >>92040679

>>92039372 (OP)
Just stop caring
There are no immortal pc components apart from the fucking case, maybe
I use a 2tb 980pro for everything, incl. boot

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)07:35:47 No.92040679 ▶

Requiring sizeable excess to fix a fatal flaw doesen't sound nice

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)07:53:39 No.92040884 ▶ >>92046664 >>92047831

File: health.png (4 KB, 366x132)

What is this broscience that we should leave free 25% of the drives?
I thought this applied to HDDs with needles to make them wear and tear slower but
with m.2 SSDs why?
Does my game drive have 'healthy' amount of free space?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)07:55:08 No.92040900 ▶ >>92052498

File: file.png (752 KB, 1235x987)

>>92039372 (OP)
Kurei Kei chan will look after your SSDs and she will
take your stress away.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)08:01:51 No.92040980 ▶ >>92041267

>>92039372 (OP)
you have no idea about the horrors of a failed RAID array

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)08:25:54 No.92041267 ▶

Just restore from backups, it's fast on SSDs
>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)08:36:31 No.92041420 ▶

anon-kun, your drive doesnt work in "files".

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)08:42:37 No.92041497 ▶

My oldest SDD (Plextor M5Pro) had 1.3 Petabytes written and was working fine before I replaced it with a
980 Pro. Unless you bought a dogshit SSD your drive isn't gonna die. On the other hand I've had several
hard disks die even though I always bought WD and Toshiba hard drives.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)08:45:24 No.92041538 ▶ >>92045471 >>92052439

solid statelets will never know the joy and majesty of having their computers make this noise [Embed]

pure soul

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)08:52:51 No.92041639 ▶ >>92042056 >>92051325

>>92039372 (OP)
Intel Optane solves this problem. These devices live an order of magnitude longer than regular SSDs and
have much better latency. Downside is you need a compatible CPU-mobo combo and that Intel
discontinued the product so it's still pretty expensive and starting to become rare.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)09:22:14 No.92042056 ▶

Deprecated tech isn't a solution, there just isn't enough for all of us

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:13:27 No.92042780 ▶ >>92042939

>>92039372 (OP)
Isn't this exactly the same in an HDD?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:18:06 No.92042842 ▶ >>92042953

>>92039372 (OP)
They cost pocket change, just use it until you can't and replace it.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:25:50 No.92042939 ▶

Read the thread. Use ctrl-F. Much faster than asking the same question over and over again

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:26:51 No.92042953 ▶ >>92043071

Hundreds of bucks every couple weeks is a lot of money to burn. I'm sure you're actually Bill Gates, but
the rest of /g/ isn't

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:28:13 No.92042966 ▶

is this the dunning kruger general thread

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:30:14 No.92042999 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
thats not an ssd thing every magnetic media reduces its lifespan when you write to it

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:35:01 No.92043071 ▶ >>92043113

>every couple of weeks
If you need to write more than 1 PB in 2 weeks you already know what you need

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:37:45 No.92043113 ▶ >>92043265

Just a misguided read-cache install is enough for sending your ssd to the shadow realm

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:40:01 No.92043139 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
I only buy MLC ssds like the 840 Pro which has been proven to last over 1.7 petabytes
zero fucks given

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:45:10 No.92043200 ▶

File: bentoo.png (21 KB, 400x420)

torrents are peanuts lol
install Gentoo testing and upgrade it daily, compiling involves
huge amount of writing

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:50:00 No.92043265 ▶ >>92043307

And where have you actually seen SSDs die in weeks?
Be specific now

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:52:15 No.92043307 ▶ >>92043345

Through having a misguided idea and installing consumer ssd as a read cache, nuked it in a bit over a

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)10:54:24 No.92043345 ▶ >>92043452

Of course, you're assuming setting it as a read cache is actually what did it in and it wasn't just a crib

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)11:01:20 No.92043452 ▶ >>92043578 >>92043938

Sure, as I leave machines to churn workloads for the night it can easily cachebash through dozens of
TBs. If your data already fit in commodity SSDs, you might aswell use it as primary drive anyway. It's just
not suited for big workloads at all. It's great for gaymin setup that only ever use their machines for hours
and only rarely need to rewrite anything, though of course having too small drive there is going to wear it if
you have to refill it once or twice a day
>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)11:09:17 No.92043566 ▶
File: 41-Qj09wF5L._AC_UF1000,10(...).jpg (41 KB, 1000x687)

I just got this fucker for 55 bucks, if it shits the bed in a year what do I care, it cost
less than a PS5 game, my data has redundant backup anyhow. 250Gb SSDs cost
about as much as happy meals now.

At this point I think I've got like 6Tb of SSDs floating around my room.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)11:10:11 No.92043578 ▶

Even if going through TB's a day, a few weeks still sounds like crib death
It's a high workload for a consumer SSD so it still would have wore prematurely but still would have taken
much longer than a few weeks.

At some point you could just buy u.2/enteprise SSDs. Litearlly cheaper per TB than consumer shit

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)11:35:35 No.92043938 ▶

you probably bought the samshit buggy firmware drives or the defective factory contaminated wd ones.
these drives normally survive 10x their TBW rating with no issues

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)11:40:15 No.92044013 ▶ >>92044763

File: 1637453693423.jpg (1.31 MB, 2048x1536)

>>92039372 (OP)
>>/g/ autism doesn't let you write to it because the

what the fuck

my Crucial M4 from 2012 still works and has 50% life
on it, TBW is a meme

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)12:29:37 No.92044763 ▶

>my Crucial M4 from 2012 still works and has 50% life on it

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:06:48 No.92045471 ▶ >>92045651 >>92045868 >>92054953

File: 1664653383524.jpg (174 KB, 1080x1350)

>yfw you get a WD Black HDD for your main drive because of the 5 year warranty but
you don't realize it is a heavy duty drive for business type of systems and you can feel its
loud noises on your hands on the desk as vibrations
Don't get blacked frens if it's a home PC.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:15:14 No.92045651 ▶

File: bgw20_w_h_1.jpg (728 KB, 3000x2000)
I have 2 of them in my computer but the case is so good at sound dampening that I can barely notice.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:27:19 No.92045868 ▶ >>92046025

WD black is not for business use
It's for enthusiasts which want the maximum possible speed.

You get WD Red if you want quiet

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:30:33 No.92045930 ▶ >>92046033 >>92050260

File: 1661449070402354.png (890 KB, 1830x938)

don't worry about it too much

I wouldn't personally use torrents on them

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:35:54 No.92046025 ▶

>enthusiasts which want the maximum possible speed
Yes, I am definitely a power-user compared to plebby normies and I enjoy that the drive has good features
but it shakes the desk.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:36:25 No.92046030 ▶

What year is this, still being a bitch about SSDs.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:36:31 No.92046033 ▶ >>92046216

At what % should you start to plan for a replacement?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:36:47 No.92046036 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
run ssd in RAID 1, buy a new drive if it fails. Fixed it for you bro.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:42:53 No.92046134 ▶ >>92047388 >>92050151 >>92054970

File: Screenshot_1.png (98 KB, 919x718)

>>92039372 (OP)
Put your firefox profile to a ramdisk
There, made your SSD last 10 times as long
>pic related is for like 2 days uptime
>no I didn't download anything, firefox just updates its massive database
files every few seconds
>Chrome could be worse, I don't know.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:45:32 No.92046183 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
optane doesnt have this problem.
you can also look for SLC or MLC drives.
actually might help running your current ssd in slc or mlc mode

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:47:29 No.92046216 ▶ >>92048196


>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:55:06 No.92046345 ▶ >>92048152 >>92048196

File: enmotus.png (1.38 MB, 1215x856)

Got this 2 year old drive, already at 41%, used as a boot drive. Is it actually dying
this fast or just reporting info incorrectly?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)13:59:39 No.92046424 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
I too have this wear autism, but its not too bad. I just make sure I'm conscious about what I download so I
don't do that much writing, and I also mount /tmp and /var/tmp onto zram

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)14:00:31 No.92046433 ▶

DRAM-less PCIe 4.0 NVMEs are cheaper than PCIe 3.0 ones with DRAM. Can I get away with a DRAM-
less for the OS drive when they have Host Memory Buffer to compensate?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)14:15:02 No.92046655 ▶

File: 1666904396783105.png (95 KB, 574x626)

>>92039372 (OP)
still 1% used after I stopped caring about what happens to the
drive and 115TB written
/g/ is retarded most of the time

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)14:15:30 No.92046664 ▶ >>92047724 >>92048256

download CrystalDiskMark and do speed tests on a full vs, 25-30%+ empty SSD. The speed differences
are crazy.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)14:45:31 No.92047165 ▶ >>92047181 >>92050259

Uhm guys...38% is good? What the fuck? I had this ssd for years now propably since 2018, It's the one
where my OS is installed on. Should I instally my OS on my M2 i just bought?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)14:46:33 No.92047181 ▶

File: uhoh.jpg (118 KB, 628x750)

forgot pic

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:01:17 No.92047388 ▶ >>92047919

>Put your firefox profile to a ramdisk
I've never used a ramdisk before... wouldn't that mean that the profile gets deleted every time I reboot the

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:10:32 No.92047527 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
>western digital

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:22:13 No.92047724 ▶ >>92047773

File: 1671665216016577.png (1.94 MB, 1490x1502)

It's the same tho

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:25:56 No.92047773 ▶

i don't know, i've never seen that happen. mine go from 900mb/s to 3400mb/s. i guess you're special

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:27:20 No.92047790 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
>unironically buying a blacked ssd

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:27:28 No.92047794 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
>write less than 100GB a day
cool, by the time I have half the endurance I started with I can buy a 30-40PBW SSD and relegate the old
drive to random cache or something.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:29:22 No.92047831 ▶ >>92048268

It's called overprovisioning
Newer SSDs already have that by default so it doesn't matter

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:34:52 No.92047919 ▶ >>92049559

Good ramdisk software dumps to an ISO or other compressed archive, takes a little longer to close but
you can mount it as it was after.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:40:16 No.92048022 ▶

>people still didn't catch on that SSD's are a grift
SSD's are built to self-destruct.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:43:17 No.92048071 ▶

SMART data

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:46:16 No.92048132 ▶ >>92052062

File: 1662823206116982.png (284 KB, 966x768)

>implying you will ever need more

people relying on big/multiple ssds are doing it wrong
hdd is still storage king
stop using ssds for that,
big ssds are pure marketing scam, using it as regular storage is going to make
it an hero way earlier

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:47:39 No.92048152 ▶

bruh those 1.6gb enmotus were $349.99 at launch and have a 3,600 TB endurance TBW - I'd see if you
have the 5 year warranty still

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:49:50 No.92048196 ▶

File: 2324700088325.jpg (83 KB, 1002x562)

Not sure. My boot is from 2016, I have NEVER formatted
it yet and it's as %92.
I think it will live on beyond my lifespan.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:53:44 No.92048256 ▶ >>92049063

It's ok. The pajeet Ubishit unoptimized games I play won't gain anything from a healthier SSD.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:54:19 No.92048268 ▶

File: 1667631442570586.jpg (61 KB, 1024x995)

I will look into it to
learn. Thnx.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)16:00:13 No.92048370 ▶ >>92051789

>2500-5100 TBW
Sweet Jesus, I didn't even know about this thing. How did Seagate come out of nowhere and absolutely
embarrass Samsung? It's better in literally every spec.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)16:03:42 No.92048426 ▶

File: B048C81A-0426-4770-97AD-3(...).png (2.09 MB, 2176x832)


>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)16:25:27 No.92048771 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
I'm tired of these fuckin ssds dying

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)16:26:42 No.92048791 ▶ >>92054204

Multiposters should get permaban.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)16:41:01 No.92049063 ▶ >>92049252

i for real saw upgraded GPU levels of FPS increase when I upgraded to an SSD. THough I think that's
mainly for larger, more open world games, which is what I mainly play. Like Hell Let Loose, Squad, shit
like that. I saw decent performance bumps in my racing sims too though. But I would say less hitching is
hte biggest advantage overall. You can tell data flows better, like I took a restrictor plate off or something.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)16:50:48 No.92049252 ▶

Hell Let Loose got better. Maybe their code got better the last year. They load faster, Wildlands, Ass
Creeds, M11K. I am glad I got on the m.2 SSD train.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)17:08:31 No.92049559 ▶

>ramdisk software

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)17:42:42 No.92050151 ▶ >>92050410

>25GB/day of writes
>1000TBW warranty drive
>drive lasts 40,000 days
>needs replacement in the year 2132
How will I deal with this tragedy.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)17:49:22 No.92050259 ▶ >>92050499

No errors, no problems, I wouldn't sweat it. But your hours are 46k, which is 5.32 years, so if you got it in
2018 it's been on continuously since then. Also, 4k power ons means you're rebooting your computer

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)17:49:26 No.92050260 ▶

File: tbw.png (31 KB, 782x631)

Even on torrents they still last
an extremely long time.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)17:59:20 No.92050394 ▶ >>92050479

You're not supposed to rewrite on an SSD. I have 10 TB of raw torrent, I don't download garbage like
Resident Evil 8, just an endless collection of movies and games. I NEVER delete anything.
I believe my physical SSDs in my cozy room inside my house is eternally more secure than cloud storage.
To me, storing your shit on someone's else physical infrastructure, especially divided into a million pieces
and depending on their convoluted SDN to retrieve my data is fundamentally less secure.
It's a house of cards.
I am preserving is stuff for millennia.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)18:00:47 No.92050410 ▶ >>92051606

File: Screenshot_1.png (508 KB, 1145x753)

People still use older/smaller SSDs. Should we all just an hero?
If I can save ~10TBW per year just by putting a 500MB folder on a ramdisk, then
I am going to do that.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)18:02:37 No.92050438 ▶

File: 1460928971758.gif (1.06 MB, 287x206)

thx for reminding me to do
an other back up fren

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)18:05:29 No.92050479 ▶

yep, RE8 was a stinker.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)18:06:50 No.92050499 ▶ >>92051209

>Also, 4k power ons means you're rebooting your computer 3x/day?
Not that anon but seta SSDs can completely turn off to sleep while the system is on and they count as a
power on when active again.
On laptops you can sometimes see the power on count in the tens of thousands because of aggressive
device sleeping.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)18:58:13 No.92051209 ▶

does "gaming mode" through the Western Digital Dashboard UI disable this auto-off function?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)19:07:26 No.92051325 ▶

Not really, Optane SSDs operate as a normal drive. You only need specific Intel motherboards for the
invisible caching capability, which is completely useless considering how cheap RAM has gotten.
>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)19:29:09 No.92051606 ▶ >>92051724 >>92051773

>People still use older/smaller SSDs. Should we all just an hero?
People should learn to math and apply critical thinking, otherwise, yes.
Older/smaller SSDs still came with a long ass lifespan without being treated like eggshells. I have early
ass 64-128GB SSDs around that still had 100% life left when I retired them, and I never did any of that
moving shit around because I can do math. Now I can get 2TB SSDs for under $100, and when I retire
these 2TB drives in a few years they'll still have 100% life left and I'll buy a 1PB drive for $100.
>If I can save ~10TBW per year just by putting a 500MB folder on a ramdisk, then I am going to do that.
And you'll throw away the drive with 100% life remaining either way, because it'll be laughably small and
slow by the standards of the day. And you'll remember this post, and you'll know I was right, and you'll
rage about it.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)19:37:53 No.92051724 ▶ >>92052363

Not him, but there's no way you can use a SSD for years and still have 100% life remaining. It just doesn't
make any sense.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)19:40:00 No.92051760 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
I've had my original SSD for over 4 years now. Get a grip on your life.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)19:40:29 No.92051773 ▶ >>92052363

>Now I can get 2TB SSDs for under $100, and when I retire these 2TB drives in a few years they'll still
have 100% life left
Literally impossible.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)19:41:15 No.92051789 ▶ >>92052237 >>92058312

>It's better in literally every spec.
It does not

It trades insane TBW for it's value and gets mogged by Samshit in every other metric

Content creators and people who move a bajillion GB of files require this drive over the SK Hynix P41,
Samshit 990 Pro, WD Black SN850X and Kangston KC3000 and Fury Renegade

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)19:45:43 No.92051853 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
bro the controller will fail long before you hit the TBW wiht normal use

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)19:58:39 No.92052062 ▶


>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)20:12:11 No.92052237 ▶

>Content creators and people who move a bajillion GB of files require this drive
Anyone who is smart and needs TBW will just get a PM9A3
>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)20:22:17 No.92052363 ▶

>It just doesn't make any sense.
>Literally impossible.

It makes sense and is possible if you stop assuming 100 is the biggest number there is.
SSDs effectively come with more than 100% lifespan out of the box due to overprovisioning that you can't
see, typically called inherent overprovisioning. It varies by model but it's in the ballpark of 7-35%. As cells
wear, they're "replaced" with "new" cells by the controller. The OS doesn't know anything about this, and
you can't turn it on and off. This is a different kind of overprovisioning than what you can do in the OS or
with any goofy tools from Samsung or whoever.
If your drive has an expected 10yr = 100% lifespan under your workload, if you used it for 2yrs, you could
retire it with 100% life remaining. Since most desktop users are more like a 50-100yr = 100% lifespan, or
more, even a garbage consumer drive will likely have 100% life remaining when it's obsolete and
I'd dig into the boneyard of parts and pull out some 240GB Intel drives to show you the years of power on
time as well as the other SMART stats, but it's literally impossible for me to give that much of a shit.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)20:28:51 No.92052439 ▶ >>92053741

My pc was silent until I installed a blu ray drive. Now my computer greets me when I turn it on.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)20:33:30 No.92052498 ▶ >>92053796

>#1 diagnostic tool
Why are they like this?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)20:39:26 No.92052575 ▶

>had this SSD for five years

>only downloaded a health tool just now
>79% healthy
Hey, that's pretty good.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)20:46:02 No.92052665 ▶ >>92052712

Used enterprise SSDs are the way to go for write endurance.

3.2TB WD SN200 U.2 is $200 on eBay. 3 drive writes per day warranty for 5 years. That means
3.2TB*3*365*5=17.5PB endurance.

I also have 4x 200GB SLC HGST drives with 18 PB endurance.

Samsung SM863 are also good in this area.

That said, people (including me) far, far overestimate how much write endurance you actually need. In a
non-enterprise/production workloads, it will never be a problem. Source:

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)20:49:44 No.92052712 ▶

This actually makes me feel alot better about getting enterprise drives off the fleabay
Latest acquisition was actually brand new even if labeled as used.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)22:12:55 No.92053741 ▶

its saying hello say it back

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)22:17:29 No.92053796 ▶

>Why are nerds who develop software nerds?

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)22:31:32 No.92053962 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
works on my machine :)

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)22:51:31 No.92054204 ▶ >>92055489

# Filter posts with 20 or more quote links:

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)23:11:14 No.92054440 ▶ >>92054494

How come the SN850X 4TB is only $399 when others in the same class are like $500~ at the minimum?

It's the cheapest Gen 4 4TB M.2 out there.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)23:12:27 No.92054452 ▶

I have been abusing my SSDs for over 15 years and have never one had one fail a benchmark test

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)23:16:56 No.92054494 ▶ >>92054558

NAND prices seem to be crashing pretty hard.
SN850X is pretty recent so it's going to be reflective of the lower NAND prices.
$399 is kinda high still IMO

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)23:22:11 No.92054558 ▶ >>92054605

>$399 is kinda high still IMO
Still cheaper when other 4TB M.2s are in the $500-$700 range while 8TB M.2s are $1000-$1200

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)23:25:42 No.92054605 ▶ >>92054619

I've been spoiled by not buying M.2s
got a 3.84TB micron PCIe 4 datacenter drive for under $200 all total.

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)23:26:27 No.92054619 ▶

>got a 3.84TB
cuck drive

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)23:51:40 No.92054953 ▶

Never owned a WD Black, but I can't imagine it being worse than a Toshiba x300. [Embed]
The microphone is clearly placed right against the drive so it's a little too loud in the video, but you can
literally hear file transfers starting up from a good 5 feet away.
>t. have 2 in my desktop

>> Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)23:53:14 No.92054970 ▶

>I/O writes
Based retard

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)00:10:41 No.92055180 ▶

File: 1676562388265186.jpg (82 KB, 1500x415)

the one and true king

passing through

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)00:35:26 No.92055489 ▶

Handy, thanks anon. Though I'll have to vary it a bit since spammers also read these posts

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:29:10 No.92057881 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
Use a ramdisk for everything, use compressed (xz) btrfs with full CoW on every file, and of course if
you're not using encryption (which you should desu) then enable TRIM and discard frequently

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:31:08 No.92057899 ▶ >>92057954

Fluid IQ decreases by stable IQ increases.
The thing is I have an IQ of 140, so even if it decreases by a lot I reckon I'll still be more intelligent than
99-98% of humanity, all that's left is to increase stable IQ/knoweldge.

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:35:55 No.92057954 ▶ >>92057960

>I more intelligent than 99% of humanity

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:36:59 No.92057960 ▶ >>92057978

I am, yes.

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:38:52 No.92057978 ▶ >>92057999

have some humility

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:40:51 No.92057999 ▶ >>92058043

Why? We're all anonymous here, what's the point in lying to make others feel better?

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:46:53 No.92058043 ▶ >>92058054

humble people are smarter from the simple fact that they ask more questions so they learn more

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:47:43 No.92058054 ▶ >>92058092

Sounds like a cope, and I even asked you a question while you simply state a fact you believe to be a
true, pretty funny.

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:53:30 No.92058092 ▶

>sounds like a cope
just look up why pride leads to downfall
my bad though because you're right that 140 iq is 1%
>I even asked you a question
I'm not very smart

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:57:41 No.92058135 ▶




>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)04:57:52 No.92058137 ▶

>the major problem is usually due to torrents. torrents usually need to download files in small chunks,
write the file so that you can seed immediately. this could be fixed by setting a scratch disk or ramdisk as
your temporary torrent area.
Why wouldn't you use spinning disks for torrents? 18/20TB drives are down to £300 now. I don't see
anything about a torrent that would benefit from SSD unless you are literally trying to do everything on one
laptop and are too cheap to accept any sort of external storage.

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)05:11:34 No.92058276 ▶

>>92039372 (OP)
>Man-made SSD horrors beyond imagining
300GB 15k rpm spinning SAS disks are down to about £35 new now on ebay. Take the SAS pill, young

>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)05:16:22 No.92058312 ▶

I don't know what you're talking about, all of those are fairly comparable in terms of IOPs and sequential
reads/writes while consuming significantly more power and having nearly half the TBW rating of the
Firecuda drive.
>> Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)05:27:39 No.92058446 ▶

Personally I store my games on SSD. Writes happen only on update or new game installs.

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