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Cancel Culture

People doing awful things and having bad behavior is unacceptable so what should we do to them?
Should we let them taste their own medicines or even let them experience worse than what they
did? I’m Mary Caoilfhionn T. Yap, and the topic I picked is Cancel Culture. Cancel Culture is
also known as the modern way of ostracism, which is like separating a person from the social circle
especially if they had done unacceptable things. It helps netizens fight racism, homophobias,
pedophiles, abuse, harassments and so on. However, as time flew by Cancel Culture became more
and more toxic. People cancels other even with the little things and make it look like big problems
and its scary how Cancel Culture can make things upside down. It can also convince others to
believe false informations and with that information it can destroy someone else life.
Nowadays, there are many netizens who are getting called out in social medias and one of the
common reason is being racist for saying slur words. It’s true that racism is not something to be
proud of and is also unacceptable, but some of them are not aware of racism and it leads to people
bullying the unaware netizens instead of educating them. They said think before you act, but what
if that person was uninformed and doesn’t know how modern society works, should we send death
threats and point out their personal appearance for them to know they have done mistakes? Of
course not, we should inform them that what they did is disrespectful to others. We should give
them a chance to change but if they have done it again for the second time, that is when we should
take action like reporting their account and etc.
In Cancel Culture people who have done bad deeds gets cancelled out, lost their jobs, makes them
leave the particular place that there are living in, and etc. It makes them realize awful things that
they did and let them experience what they have done. I agree, yes they deserve it. Except, do we
really need to also drag their innocent loved ones out even if there were not involved? No, because
no one should ever experience getting criticized because of others wrong doings.
Moreover, many people have been cancelled for wrong accusations especially celebrities. Vic
Mignogna, a voice actor who was wrongly accused for sexual harassment by people who he worked
with at funimation, however the truth is that after an investigation they found out that it was all a
huge plan by his co-workers for him to get fired. Sadly, there are also some people who are
cancelled for wrong accusations and have not given justice yet.
Cancel Culture is cruel and not favorable because all of us are humans and we we’re not all good
or evil but combinations of both because all of us makes mistakes, we all have flaws and we are not
born perfect. It is also an example of changing the target, which the victim to the suspect and
destroys both sides. People digs up pasts mistakes and damage someone’s present reputation,
ignoring their present selves that has changed for the better version of them. Other use it for
revenge and even threat which made the Cancel Culture toxic. God can forgive us for the sins we
have made but why can’t we forgive others who is also like us humans and choose revenge instead
of making peace and forgiving others for us to let our minds and hearts at ease from the aches we
receive from others.

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