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Automation 360

March 1, 2023
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Examples and graphics are provided only as reference information and might not match your site.

Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Document Automation architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Document Automation FAQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Intelligent Document Processing solutions feature comparison matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Set up your Document Automation environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Create a custom role for Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Document Automation users. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Configure key for Google Document AI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Create a learning instance in Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Data extraction in Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
About the AARI process in Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Process documents in Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Formula validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Pattern validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Connect learning instance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Extracting data from check boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Publish the learning instance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Build a bot to upload documents to Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Deploy the learning instance assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Using the AARI Task Manager Validator for Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Validate documents in Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Export/Import learning instances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Using Document Automation for Standard Forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Evaluate your use case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Graphical demonstration of configuring Standard Forms in Document Automation. . . . . . 56
Set up extraction service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Configure Document Automation with Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Create standard form in Document Automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Create a learning instance for standard forms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Transfer standard forms learning instance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Automation 360 - Document Automation

Automation 360
Document Automation
Document Automation is the new Cloud-native intelligent document processing solution that business users
can set up to automatically read and process documents quickly using pretrained models and validation

Document Automation is fully integrated into Automation 360: Document Automation is installed as part of
the Control Room, RPA bots are used to extract semi-structured data to automate document-centric
business processes, and Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface manages the end-to-end extraction
process and validation tasks.

The Document Automation workflow enables users to scale their document processing operation. Users
create learning instances that use Automation Anywhere or Google Document AI pre-trained models to
process invoices, utility bills, and receipts. Once a learning instance is running in production, it automatically
improves extraction accuracy based on feedback from manual validation.

To compare Document Automation features side by side with Automation 360 IQ Bot, see Intelligent
Document Processing solutions feature comparison matrix.

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Set up the Document Automation environment

Document Automation is installed simultaneously with the Control Room and shares the Control Room
database. There are no additional installation tasks for Control Room Cloud customers.

To get started using Document Automation, you must first configure users, roles, and devices, and connect
the Control Room with Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface:

Set up your Document Automation environment

Note: To install Document Automation in an On-Premises server, note the following:

• The Control Room stores Document Automation output data.

• You must install the Control Room in a configuration that points to the location where
Document Automation data is stored. Ensure there is sufficient storage space.
• The minimum necessary storage space depends on the processing volume, document size,
and use case. As a guide: an environment that processes 100,000 pages per month, with a
30-day data lifespan, requires 500 GB of storage space.

Using Document Automation

Workflow map: Click the following schematic image to view the Document Automation workflow in an
interactive visual format:

The following is an overview of the end-to-end process to create, configure, and publish a learning instance
in Document Automation:

Step 1: Create a learning instance

Log in to the Control Room as the learning instance creator user, and create a learning instance to
extract values from documents.

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Step 2: Process documents

Upload documents to the learning instance to test the model, fix validation errors, and verify the
extracted data.
Step 3: Build a bot to upload documents to Document Automation
Build a bot that uploads documents from a source folder to Document Automation.
Step 4: Publish the learning instance
Check-in the learning instance assets (process, form, and bots) to the public repository. Then, deploy
the process and bots to unattended Bot Runner devices to begin processing documents in real time.
After the process is deployed, incoming documents are processed, and Document Automation either
extracts data from the documents or sends the documents for validation.
Step 5: Validate the uploaded documents
Log in as the Validator user, open the validation queue, and use the Validator to fix errors.

Related concepts
Document Automation users
Related tasks
Set up your Document Automation environment
Related reference
Document Automation FAQ
Related information
Document Automation Developer Training (A-People login required)

Document Automation architecture

Document Automation uses features from the Control Room and Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface,
as well as some third-party products.

The following architecture graphic demonstrates the flow of data in the intelligent document processing
workflow for the two possible deployment scenarios:

• The Learning instance creator uploads documents to the Document Automation interface, for example
to test the extraction capabilities of the learning instance.
• An Unattended Bot Runner deploys the Scheduler Bot to upload and process the documents.

The graphic also shows the scenarios where data is sent to third-party products, such as for Google
Document AI or Standard Forms extraction.

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Control Room to regions mapping

Document Automation is supported on AWS and Google Cloud Platform.

For customers who configured Document Automation with Google Document AI licenses purchased
from Google: Documents uploaded to Document Automation for processing in Google Document AI are
sent to the Apigee gateway that you configured when you created the processor in Google Document AI.

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

For customers who purchased Google Document AI product licenses from Automation Anywhere:
Google Document AI uses the Apigee API gateway to manage the document processing APIs. When a
document uploaded to Document Automation is sent to Google Document AI, data is sent to the Apigee
gateway that corresponds with your AWS or Google Cloud Platform region.

Apigee gateway AWS/Google Cloud Platform regions

• US-East
• US-Central
US • US-West

• EU-West1
• EU-West4
• ME
• S-Africa
• AP-Aus
• AP-Singapore
• India

Related concepts
Data extraction in Document Automation
About Automation 360
Related reference
About the AARI process in Document Automation

Document Automation FAQ

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the latest Automation Anywhere intelligent document
processing solution, Document Automation.

Product FAQ

What pre-trained models are included?

Automation Anywhere offers invoices and Google Document AI offers invoices, utility bills, and

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

Does Document Automation have feature parity with Automation 360 IQ Bot?
Document Automation supports the following features from Automation 360 IQ Bot:

• Data extraction from text, number, date time, and check box fields
• Validation rules based on patterns, formulas, lists, and statements

Which browsers are supported?

Document Automation is supported on the same browsers as the Automation Anywhere Control
Room: Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge.

Note: If you use Document Automation in Firefox, the user interface might not behave
as expected.

What languages are supported?

Document Automation supports English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian), and

Note: Extraction for French, German, and Spanish language documents is currently in
preview. Extraction results will improve in future releases.

You can process documents in other languages by creating and training a training a learning instance
in Automation 360 IQ Bot and connecting it with Document Automation to process documents using
Document Automation technology and workflow. For more information, see Connect learning
What file formats are supported?
Document Automation can process documents in the following file types:


Which licenses are necessary?

The IQ Bot Pages product licenses is necessary for processing documents. The Automation
Anywhere Robotic Interface license is necessary for processing documents in learning instances in
To send documents to Google Document AI for extraction, you must also have the Doc AI
Document product license.

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

Note: To configure the Control Room with your Google Document AI license key, you
must do these steps: Configure key for Google Document AI. These steps are not necessary
if you purchased Doc AI Document licenses through Automation Anywhere.

We provide a recommendation on configuring users with the minimum necessary roles and device
licenses to perform specific tasks in Document Automation users.
Can learning instances be migrated from Automation 360 IQ Bot to Document Automation?
Users can connect their learning instances from Automation 360 IQ Bot to their Document
Automation environment, which allows them to process documents using the Document Automation
technology without having to rebuild the learning instances. For more information, see Connect
learning instance.
Are customers required to maintain their Automation 360 IQ Bot environments?
If you have connected a learning instance from Automation 360 IQ Bot to Document Automation, do
not delete the learning instance from Automation 360 IQ Bot since it stores the training data.
We recommend you maintain Automation 360 IQ Bot in a version compatible with the associated
Control Room.
What learning instance fields are supported out of the box?
Document Automation offers over 35 of the most common invoice fields, with the option to configure
custom fields. To see all the possible fields when you are creating a learning instance, click Show
unused fields.

Processing and extraction FAQ

Which OCRs are supported?

The Automation Anywhere pre-trained model uses the ABBYY FineReader Engine or the Google Vision
I uploaded documents for processing, but nothing is happening.
The first time you process documents, the Document Extraction package downloads to the local
device. This might cause a delay in document processing.
What should I do if a folder contains documents in multiple languages?
Use the IQ Bot Classifier package to sort the documents by language, then create a learning instance
for each language.
How do I process documents using Google Document AI?
Document Extraction enables users to send their documents to Google Document AI for processing.
To use this feature, users must have Document AI licenses that they either purchased from Automation
Anywhere or provided their Google Document AI account credentials to the Control Room.
The process of creating, testing, and publishing is the same for learning instances using a Google
Document AI model as for learning instances using a pre-trained model from Automation Anywhere.
Are multi-page tables supported?
Yes, Document Extraction supports extracting tables that span across multiple pages.

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

Is it possible to extract multiple tables from a document?

At this time, Document Automation can extract one table per document.
Where can I see the reason why data was not extracted from an uploaded document?
The AARI Requests tab holds the history for each uploaded document. Here, you can see the step at
which extraction failed or if a Validator user marked the document as invalid.
Is currency extraction supported?
Yes, except for the rupee (₹).

Intelligent Document Processing solutions feature comparison

Review the differences between Automation 360 IQ Bot and Document Automation by comparing the
features in them.

Automation 360 IQ Bot Document Automation

Administration and setup

Installed as part of the Control

Installation Separate installer

Separate database; requires Uses the Control Room

additional effort for backups database; no additional backup
and maintenance or maintenance needed

Requires additional SSL

Server configuration configuration, RabbitMQ Works out of the box
administration, HA and DR

Learning instance configuration

No way to add or remove Users can view, add, or remove

Alias management
field aliases for domains, field aliases for the learning
only for document groups instance

Does not work out of the Helps to catch false positive

Confidence threshold box; server-level outcomes; field-level
configuration configuration

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

Automation 360 IQ Bot Document Automation

Field order and field Helps to improve validation

Not supported
name customization efficiency

Must be done for every Needs to be done only one time

Field configuration
group for a learning instance

Ability to add and

remove fields from No Yes
the learning instance

Extraction capabilities

Can process invoices, receipts,

Pre-trained models Domains required training
and utility bills

Classifier relies on
document layout and Layouts are identified using an
training. Documents object detection model to find
Handling document uploaded with a new layout key-value pairs. It is not
variations are sent to a new document necessary to configure all the
group, which requires fields in a learning instance
training. Some docs could before uploading documents.
not be classified.

Each group needs to be Learning instance extraction

Training process manually trained before it improves based on changes
can process documents users make in the Validator

Output format CSV only CSV or JSON

Human review and validation

Use filters and search to find

Validation queue
No specific learning instances or

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

Automation 360 IQ Bot Document Automation

End-to-end automation

Control Room automatically

Task bots Must be manually created creates task bots for a learning

See status and history

of uploaded No Yes

document processing No Yes


Supported by AARI storage

Retention policy No See Cloud storage retention


Can use credential vault to store

Secret management No Google Document AI

Set up your Document Automation environment

Document Automation is installed simultaneously with the Control Room. Configure the users, roles, and
devices, and connect the Control Room with Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface.


1. Log in to Document Automation through the Control Room.

You will receive an email from Automation Anywhere with your URL and credentials. Open the Control
Room URL in your browser, enter your credentials in the login screen, and click Log in.

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

2. Upload the Document Extraction package to the Control Room: Upload the IQ Bot packages to the
Control Room
3. Create a custom role that allows users to check in and check out bots, manage packages, and validate
documents.: Create a custom role for Document Automation
4. Create the users necessary to complete the end-to-end process of creating and publishing a learning
instance: Document Automation users

Note: When creating the Unattended Bot Runner user, provide the device
credentials. You will connect the Unattended Bot Runner to the device in the next step.

5. Configure the unattended Bot Runner user device and device pool to allow the learning instance to
function in public mode:
a. Using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), open the virtual machine where the unattended Bot
Runner will run.
b. Log in to the Control Room as the Document Automation Admin user you created
c. Navigate to Manage > Devices and click Connect local device. Follow the steps in the wizard to
connect the Control Room to your device.
d. Click Refresh to verify that your device is connected.
e. Click Create device pool and perform the following steps:
i. Enter a name for the device pool.
ii. Click Devices and then the arrow to move the device to the Selected column.
iii. Click Consumers and then the arrow to move aari-document-processor to the
Selected column.
iv. Click Create device pool.

You can perform the following steps in the virtual machine or you can return to your device. If you perform
the following steps on your device, ensure that you log in to the Control Room as the Document
Automation Admin user.

6. Open Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface to connect it with the Control Room.
a. Navigate to the AARI interface by adding /aari after your assigned Control Room URL.
b. Navigate to Manage > Process > Global scheduler and click Edit.
c. Select the Scheduler user that you created previously and click Save.
The following message is displayed: Secure connection between AARI Web and
Enterprise Control Room established successfully
7. Create a team in AARI to grant the Validator user access to the documents awaiting validation.
a. Navigate to Manage > Team > Create new team.
b. Enter a team name.
c. Select the Shared request visibility.
d. In the Users field, add the Validator user that you created previously and click Save.

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Next steps

If users will create learning instances that use the Google Document AI model and you did not purchase
Google Document AI licenses through Automation Anywhere, follow the steps to Configure key for
Google Document AI.

Log in to the Control Room as the Learning instance creator user and begin creating learning
instances: Using Document Automation

Related tasks
Installing additional licenses
Related reference
Automation 360 licenses

Create a custom role for Document Automation

With a custom role, Document Automation users can check in and check out bots, manage packages, and
validate documents.


1. Navigate to Administration > Roles > Create role.

2. Provide a name for the role, such as aari-document-processor .
3. In the Feature permissions page, select the following:
• View my bots
• Run my bots
• Export bots
• Import bots
• Create folders
• Rename folders
• Cancel checkout
• View packages
• Manage packages
Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface
• Cross Team Read
• AARI Scheduler
4. In the Bots permissions page, select all the check boxes in the Bots row.
5. Click Save to create the role.

Next steps

Create users and assign this custom role to them. For more information about the required users, refer to
Document Automation users.

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

Document Automation users

With the required roles, permissions, and licenses, Document Automation users can perform various tasks.
Users and roles are defined in the Administration tab.

The following table contains information about each type of user that interacts with Document Automation.
It includes a description of the tasks that each user performs, the required roles, permissions, and licenses,
and links to the pages most relevant to that user. Use this page to guide you in creating the users in the table
below: Create a user

Note: Some users require a custom role in Document Automation. This role grants users
permissions to check in and check out bots, manage packages, and validate documents. For
instructions on how to create a custom role, see Create a custom role for Document Automation.

User Description Roles License

Create a
instance in
Can create, edit, Document
and delete learning Automation
AAE_IQ Bot Services,
instances, upload
Learning AAE_Basic, and Process
documents for
instance aari-document- Bot Creator documents
processing, and
creator processor custom in
check in or check
role Document
out learning
Publish the

Standard Document
Forms Creates an AAE_IQ Bot Services Automation
form in
model extraction model. or AAE_IQ Bot Admin Standard
creator Forms

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

User Description Roles License

(Number of

Set up your
Deploys the AARI
process and RPA
bots to the
Document AAE_Pool Admin, Create an
unattended Bot
Automation AAE_Locker Admin, -- AARI team
Runner, manages
Admin and AAE_Robotic and assign
AARI teams, and
Interface Manager team roles
assigns validation
to members
tasks to a team
Publish the

Enables the Control

Room and AARI to
connect learning
instances in public
mode to AARI
AAE_IQ Bot Services,
AAE_Basic, and
Scheduler aari-document- -- --
Note: processor custom
This user role
is not
with a real

Unattended Runs the RPA bots AAE_IQ Bot Services, Unattended

Bot Runner for learning AAE_Basic, and Bot

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

User Description Roles License

processor custom
and the
instances in public Note: product
mode to upload, Provide the licenses
process, and device necessary
download credentials to upload
documents. when you documents
configure this to learning
user. You will instances in
Note: connect the production:
This user Unattended
IQ Bot
is not Bot Runner
associated user to the standard
with a real device in one forms, or
person. of the steps Document
in Set up your AI
Automation Document
environment. processing

Validates Validate
documents that AAE_IQ Bot Validator documents
Validator were processed by and AAE_Robotic in
a learning instance Interface User Document
in public mode. Automation

Related tasks
Create a user
Create a role
Related reference
Automation 360 licenses

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

Configure key for Google Document AI

If the learning instance uses a Google Document AI model and you did not purchase Google Document
AI licenses through Automation Anywhere, follow these configuration steps.


• If you have not done so already, complete the steps to Set up your Document Automation
• Log in as the Admin user type. For more information about the user types, refer to Document
Automation users.

You will assign this role to a Credential Vault locker, which will allow the Learning instance creator
user to securely provide the Google Document AI key to the Extraction bot, allowing the learning instance
to send documents to Google Document AI for extraction.


Create a custom role to access the Credential Vault locker that holds the Google Document AI key:

1. Navigate to Administration > Roles > Create role.

2. Provide a name for the role, such as doc-ai-credential-role .
The Manage my credentials and lockers permission is automatically selected.
3. Click Create role.

Assign the role to the Learning instance creator and Unattended Bot Runner user types.

4. Navigate to Administration > Users and locate the users.

5. For each user, click Edit user and add the doc-ai-credential-role .

Create a credential to store the Google Document AI key:

6. Navigate to Manage > Credentials > Create credential.

7. Provide a name for the credential, such as doc-ai-credential .
8. Provide a name for the attribute, such as ServiceAccount .
9. Select the Standard input option and enter the Google Document AI API key in the Value field.
10. Click Create credential.

Create a locker to store the key and provide access to other users.

11. Navigate to the Lockers tab and click Create locker.

12. Provide a name for the locker, such as doc-ai-locker .
13. Select the doc-ai-credential and click the right arrow to move the credential to the Selected

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

14. In the Consumers tab and select the doc-ai-credential-role and click the right arrow to move
the credential to the Selected column.
15. Click Create locker.

Next steps

Log in as the Learning instance creator user type to do the following:

• Create a learning instance: Create a learning instance in Document Automation

• Provide the credential to the Extraction bot: Configure Extract action to process documents in
Google Document AI

Related tasks
Installing additional licenses
Related reference
Automation 360 licenses

Create a learning instance in Document Automation

Begin processing documents by creating a learning instance to extract data from invoices, utility bills, or
receipts. A learning instance is a structure that holds information such as document type, language, and the
fields to be extracted.


• To create a learning instance, you must be a Learning instance creator user. See Document
Automation users.
• To create a learning instance that uses a Google Document AI model, you must create a credential and
locker to hold your security token. See Create credential and Create locker.

Note: When configuring the locker, you must add the aari-document-processor
custom role as a locker consumer.

• The default OCR is ABBYY FineReader Engine. Alternatively, Cloud Control Room users can create a
learning instance to process documents in Google Vision OCR.

Watch this video for the complete end-to-end process of creating a learning instance:


1. From the Control Room home page, navigate to Manage > Learning Instances > Create Learning
2. Enter a name and description for the learning instance.

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Automation 360 - Document Automation

Document Automation does not allow duplicate learning instance names, so the name you provide
must be unique.
3. Select the document type: Invoice ,User-defined, Utility Bill, or Receipt
Use the user-defined document type to process documents that are visually similar to invoices, such as
purchase orders and sales orders, which contain key-value pairs and a table structure. In this document
type, you create and configure all of the form and table fields.
4. Select the language.
Document Automation supports English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian), and

Note: Extraction for French, German, and Spanish language documents is currently in
preview. Extraction results will improve in future releases.

5. If you selected Invoice: Select the provider.

If you selected the English language in step 4, Automation Anywhere (Pre-trained) is auto-selected.
6. For learning instances with the Automation Anywhere (Pre-trained) provider, you can opt in to send
feedback to the system to improve extraction results. For more information, see Improving extraction
accuracy through validation
7. Optional: Select the OCR provider. By default, Document Automation processes documents in ABBYY
FineReader Engine.
Users with a Cloud Control Room can select to process documents in Google Vision OCR.
8. Click Next.

We recommend that you open a sample document side by side with the Control Room window as you
configure the form and table fields.


• A form field is a type of field that occurs only once in a document.

• A table field is a type of field that reoccurs throughout a document, typically in the form of a

9. Configure the form and table fields for extraction.

Document Automation offers a standard set of form and table fields, many of which are not initially
visible. You can search for a field by field name, field label, or data type.
To see the full list of fields, click Show unused fields. See the following video for a demonstration:
Click the Show unused fields icon to the top right of the window
Click a field to open the fields editor. You can edit most attributes of a field. You cannot edit the name
and default aliases. Document Automation assigns default aliases, which are hardcoded keywords, to
standard fields to help with extraction. You cannot modify or delete default aliases, but you can add

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aliases in the Custom aliases field. See the following video for a demonstration of creating a custom
alias: Animation of editing a field

Note: Custom fields are not available for learning instances that use the Google
Document AI provider.

Mouse over the menu icon to the right of a field to access the up/down arrows. Use the arrows to
rearrange the order of the fields for a more efficient manual validation. The order of the fields does not
impact extraction.
To learn more about the other field attributes, review the table in the next step.
10. To add a field, click Add a field and complete the following fields:

Option Description

Field name Enter a field name that begins with an alphabetical character (A-Z or

In standard fields, the field name is hardcoded and cannot be


Field label Enter a user-friendly name to help validators.

For example, you can rename Organization tax number to a

localized name, such as VAT number.

The field label does not affect extraction.

Confidence Set a threshold to reduce potential false positives.

At the time of processing, the Document Automation engine assigns

a score to each field in a document to indicate the certainty that the
data was correctly extracted. If the document contains fields with a
score that is lower than the confidence threshold, the document is
sent to the validation queue.

If you enter a high confidence threshold, more documents will be

sent to the validation queue. If you enter a low confidence threshold,
fewer documents will be sent to the validation queue.

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Option Description

Supports values from zero to 100.

Data type Choose from Address*, Text, Number, and Date.

If the data in the field does not match the data type, the document is
sent to the validation queue.

Document Automation supports date and number format variations.

* If you are configuring a learning instance with a user-defined

document type, the form fields include the address data type, which
extracts the entire structure of an address.

Required Select one of the following:

• Required: Field cannot be empty.
• Optional: Field can be empty or not exist in the document.

Default No action is necessary for this field. Document Automation assigns

aliases default aliases, which are hardcoded keywords, to standard fields to
help with extraction.

Custom Additional keywords to help Document Automation locate the field.

aliases For example, add country or region-specific names for fields such as
VAT number as an alias to an Organization tax number
custom field.

Note: Custom aliases must be unique. They cannot

duplicate the default alias of another field. Exception:
Form fields can have duplicate custom aliases as the table
fields and vice versa.

Validation Depending on data type, create rules using patterns, formulas, lists,
rules and statements such as starts or ends with.

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Option Description

Formula validation | Pattern validation

11. Click Create.

When a new learning instance is created, the Control Room creates a folder with the same name as the
learning instance in the Automation > Document Workspace folder. The folder contains two bots
(extraction and download), a process, and a form.

• Process: Manages the process using if/else scenarios through which Document Automation extracts
data from uploaded documents, assigns documents to users for validation, and downloads the
extracted data. To learn more, see About the AARI process in Document Automation
• Extraction bot: Extracts data from defined fields in the uploaded documents.
• Download bot: Downloads the extracted data to a specific folder on the device or shared network.
• Form: Defines the input parameters that are sent to the process. Input parameters include the learning
instance name, uploaded file, and output file path.

Next steps

Upload documents to the learning instance, fix validation errors, and verify the extracted data: Process
documents in Document Automation

Data extraction in Document Automation

Understand how the system improves extraction accuracy though user-provided changes in the Validator.

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Improving extraction accuracy through validation

When a learning instance is created, the user has the option to enable this feature to send feedback to the
learning instance based on user-provided changes in the Validator. In Document Automation, learning
instances running in production mode can continuously "learn" whenever a user resizes or relocates the
extraction region in the Validator.

Note: This feature is available only for Automation Anywhere pre-trained models.

The following graphic provides a visual overview of the process by which learning instances continuously
receive feedback from validation:

1. An uploaded document passes through the extraction engine.

2. If the learning instance successfully extracts the data, the document is added to the straight-through
processing (STP) count and the extracted values are downloaded to a file in the Success folder.

If the learning instance can not extract the data, the system evaluates whether the document contains
an unfamiliar layout.

3. If the learning instance does not recognize the document layout (new layout), the document is sent for
manual validation where the user "teaches" the learning instance how to extract the data by setting the
extraction region.

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4. The extracted values are downloaded to a file in the Success folder and the changes are collected in
a feedback file, which is sent to the feedback database.

• Feedback is only collected when the user changes the extraction region. If the user
manually inputs text, the system does not collect feedback.
• The feedback file only contains data on the field location to improve extraction
accuracy for subsequent documents.

If the learning instance recognizes the cluster, it retrieves previous feedback from the feedback
database and uses it to extract data.

Using validation feedback to extract specific values in a table

As of Automation 360v.27, you can train a learning instance to extract data from a cell that contains more
than one field.

For example, if a product description column also includes item number, you can outline the item number in
the Validation interface. When the learning instance processes subsequent documents, it will extract the item
number and ignore the product description.

Follow this process to configure a learning instance to extract specific values from a cell:

1. Create a learning instance using an Automation Anywhere pretrained model and select the option to
send validation feedback: Create a learning instance in Document Automation
2. Upload a sample document: Process documents in Document Automation
3. In the Validator, locate the field and redraw the box to only surround the values that you want to
4. After you click Submit, the information on the new extraction region is sent to the feedback database.
5. Upload more documents to test the accuracy of extraction. When you are satisfied with the results,
proceed to preparing the learning instance to run in production: Publish the learning instance

How Document Automation identifies new layouts

Document Automation extraction is based on object detection. During document processing, the extraction
engine identifies objects, or key-value pairs of the field and associated value. The engine creates a
"fingerprint" of the document, which stores the sequence of the objects and each object's location in the

When a document is processed, if the engine recognizes the keys and their locations, the document is
classified and extracted based on that existing fingerprint. Otherwise, the engine saves a new fingerprint of
the keys and their locations.

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About the AARI process in Document Automation

Document Automation uses Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface technology to manage the end-to-end
document extraction process. When you create a learning instance in Document Automation, the system
also creates an AARI process. Review the following guide to understand the logic.

When a learning instance is in production, each incoming document creates a new request, which triggers
the extraction process. If a document requires manual validation, AARI creates a validation task and assigns it
to a validation team.

After the documents are processed, the Download bot downloads the extracted data to a file in the
Success folder.

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1. Start: The AARI form that defines the inputs, such as the learning instance name, uploaded
documents, and output folder.
2. Bot Task ExtractionBot: Executes the RPA bot that processes input documents to extract data from
3. Document Validator Task: Opens the Validation user interface where the user can manually validate
the fields in the document.
4. Documents require validation: The ExtractionBot tried to process the documents then sent the
documents for validation, the documents were successfully validated, and the DownloadBot
downloaded the extracted data to the Success subfolder.


5. Invalid documents: The previous process was interrupted at validation, where a user marked certain
documents as invalid. These documents were downloaded to the Invalid subfolder.

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6. Reprocessed documents: The previous process was interrupted at validation because the user clicked
Reprocess. Documents were sent back to the ExtractionBot for reprocessing.


7. Documents are successfully processed: The ExtractionBot successfully processed the documents,
no documents required validation, and the DownloadBot downloaded the exacted data.

Request status = success and STP

8. Processing failed: The ExtractionBot failed to process the documents (for example: invalid format or
could not read the file) and the file is saved to the Failed subfolder

Request status = FAILED

9. Deployment failed: The Control Room failed to deploy the ExtractionBot (for example: lost server
connection). The Control Room makes three attempts.

Warning: We do not recommend deleting the process. If you unintentionally delete a process
associated with a learning instance, do the following steps to recover the process:

1. Navigate to Manage > Learning Instances and mouse over the actions menu to the right of
the learning instance.
2. Click Export.
3. Mouse over the actions menu to the right of the learning instance and click Delete.
4. Click Import at the top of the page.
5. Click Browse and select the .dw file you exported.
6. When prompted, click Overwrite to generate a new process for the learning instance.

Process documents in Document Automation

Upload sample invoices to test the learning instance, verify the extracted data, and fix validation errors.


• If you have not done so already, Create a learning instance in Document Automation.
• Verify that your device is connected to the Control Room: Install Bot Agent and register device
• If the learning instance uses a Google Document AI model and you did not purchase Google
Document AI licenses through Automation Anywhere, you must provide your Google Document AI
credentials to the Extraction bot. See Configure key for Google Document AI
• If the learning instance uses an Automation Anywhere model, ensure that each file is 50 MB or less.

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If the learning instance uses a Google Document AI model, ensure that each file is 20 MB or less, with
a maximum of 5 pages.

• Ensure that the sample documents are in one of the following supported document types:
• The default output format for the extracted data is CSV file. To change the output to JSON, see
Change output format from CSV to JSON.

Perform the following steps to upload sample invoices to the learning instance to test the data extraction
capabilities of the learning instance.


1. Upload documents to test the learning instance:

See these steps in a video:

a. Click Process documents.

b. In the Process Documents window, click Browse to select the files to upload.
c. In the Download data to field, enter the file path that will hold extracted data.
When the process runs, it creates the following three folders in the provided file path:
• Success : Contains the extracted data in the specified format (CSV or JSON).
• Invalid : Holds documents marked invalid.
• Failed : Holds documents that could not be processed.

You can provide an output folder path based on one of the following options:

• Option 1: The local device path if you have set up document processing and validation on
the same device.

This option is typically used when you are testing the learning instance.

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• Option 2: The shared folder path if you have set up distributed validation on separate

This option is typically used for published learning instances. For example, \

d. Click Process documents.

The Bot Runner window appears. The window disappears when the documents are done
processing. Refresh the Learning instances table to see the updated metrics.

If there is a value next to the Validate documents link, you must manually validate the document fields.
Otherwise, proceed to step 3.

2. Fix the validation errors

a. Click Validate documents.
The AARI Task Manager opens in a new tab, with the first failed document in queue. For an
introduction to the Validator user interface, see Using the AARI Task Manager Validator for
Document Automation.
b. Review each field to verify the data type and extracted value.
Document Automation supports the following data types: text, number, time, and check box
Alternatively, from the drop-down list on the right panel, you can select Show fields that need

Note: When documents are awaiting validation, if you edit the learning instance,
click Reprocess to reattempt extraction.

Reprocessing documents does not affect the uploaded documents metric.

c. Update the fields with errors.

Click the field or draw a box around the values that you want to extract.
For Automation Anywhere pre-trained models, you can configure the learning instance to extract
specific values in a field and ignore others. For more information, see Using validation feedback to
extract specific values in a table.

• To skip a document without correcting errors, click Skip to proceed to the next document
in the validation queue.
• To remove a document that cannot be processed, click Mark as Invalid.
d. After you make the necessary corrections, click Submit so that the document can finish
The next document in queue appears. When all the documents are corrected, the system
displays a message stating that no more tasks are available.
e. Close the tab to return to the Learning Instances page.

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3. Verify the output results:

a. Open the file in the Success folder that contains the extracted data and review the results to
ensure that it matches your use case.
b. Optional: Review the Learning Instance dashboard.
The dashboard displays the total number of uploaded documents and the number of documents
pending validation.

If the learning instance repeatedly cannot find a field or if characters are not correctly recognized (such as
the letter "l" extracted as the number "1"), you can try changing the OCR to Google Vision OCR.

Next steps

Build a bot that uploads documents from a source folder to the learning instance. Then, publish the learning
instance assets (process, form, and bots) to the public repository so that the learning instance can be used in
public mode to extract data from real documents, and validators can manually validate documents: Publish
the learning instance

Related concepts
Extracting data from check boxes

Change output format from CSV to JSON

Data from successfully processed documents is available as a CSV file, by default. Change the output format
by editing the download data action before you begin uploading documents.


If you have not done so already, Create a learning instance in Document Automation.

To change the output format to JSON, perform the following steps:


1. Navigate to Automation > Private tab > Document Workspace and click the folder with the same
name as the learning instance to configure the assets.
2. Open the process.

You must update the output format for DownloadBot-ValidationSuccess and DownloadBot-
Success :

3. Click DownloadBot-ValidationSuccess and locate the DocumentType field.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to change the output format for DownloadBot-Success .
6. Click Save.

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Next steps

Upload documents to the learning instance: Process documents in Document Automation

Formula validation
Use basic arithmetic, comparative, logical, and functional operations.

Tip: We recommended using functional operators instead of mathematical operators when

validating fields and tables for better accuracy.

When formulating an expression remember the following:

• All function names must be in capital letters.

• All formulas must result in either a true or false validation.
• Field and column names are case sensitive when used within formulas. If field is defined as Qty in
design, using qty or QTY in formula results in an invalid formula.
• For variable declaration or manipulation, ensure not to use certain keywords that are reserved for
formulating an expression, including SUM, SUB, DIV, MUL, COLSUM, IF.

Mathematical Operators

Operations Description Syntax

+ Addition Field/Column_Name1 + Field/Column_Name2

- Subtraction Field/Column_Name1 - Field/Column_Name2

* Multiplication Field/Column_Name1 * Field/Column_Name2

/ Division Field/Column_Name1 / Field/Column_Name2

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Comparative Operators

Operations Description Syntax

[Current Field/Column Name] == [expression

comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed
numeric values]
== Equal To

For example, AMOUNT == MUL(QUANTITY,


[Current Field/Column Name] >= [expression

comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed
Greater than or numeric values]
Equal To
For example, TOTAL_BILL_AMOUNT >=

[Current Field/Column Name] <= [expression

comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed
Less than or numeric values]
Equal To
For example, AMOUNT_PAID <=

[Current Field/Column Name] > [expression comprised

of one or more field/column name or fixed numeric
> Greater Than values]

For example, BILL_AMOUNT > 0

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Operations Description Syntax

[Current Field/Column Name] > [expression comprised

of one or more field/column name or fixed numeric
< Less Than values]

For example, DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE < 100

[Current Field/Column Name] != [expression

comprised of one or more field/column name or fixed
!= Not Equal To numeric values]

For example, DEBIT_AMOUNT != 0

Logical Operators

Operations Description Syntax

<Current Field/Column Name> <operator 1>

<expression 1> && <Current Field/Column
And: Field/Column is
Name> <operator 2> <expression 2>
&& valid if all conditions are

<Current Field/Column Name> <operator 1>

<expression 1> || <Current Field/Column
Or: Field/Column is valid
Name> <operator 2> <expression 2>
|| if any one of the given
conditions is true

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Operations Description Syntax

Not: Converts a true !<expression>

expression to false and
also the other way For example, !(AGE < 18) ==> valid when AGE
round is not less than 18

Functional Operators

Operations Description Syntax


Summation: gives result of

For example, SUM(SUB_TOTAL,
SUM addition of one or more field/
column/fixed-number values
equivalent to SUB_TOTAL plus

Subtraction: gives result of
subtraction of one or more For example, SUB(SUB_TOTAL,
SUB field/column/fixed-number TOTAL_DISCOUNT, ADJUSTMENTS) ==>
values from the first specified equivalent to SUB_TOTAL minus
value TOTAL_DISCOUNT minus


Multiplication: gives result

For example, MUL(QTY_IN_BOX,
of multiplication of one or
more field/column/fixed-
equivalent to QTY_IN_BOX multiply-with
number values
UNIT_PRICE multiply-with

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Operations Description Syntax

Division: gives result of
division of one or more field/ For example, DIV(AMOUNT,
column/fixed-number values SHIPPED_BOXES, UNIT_PRICE) ==>
from the first specified value equivalent to AMOUNT divide-by

COLSUM("<table-name>", "<expression to
evaluate for each row of specified table-

For example, FINAL_TOTAL ==

Sum of a given Column in a UNIT_PRICE)")
table: gives result after
evaluating given expression Say there are 3 rows for table
for each row of specified LINE_ITEMS, then FINAL_TOTAL should
table and adding them all be equal to MUL(QTY1, UNIT_PRICE1) +
together MUL(QTY2, UNIT_PRICE2) + MUL(QTY3,

where, QTY1 is QTY value in row 1,

value in row 2, and so on for other rows
as well.

Pattern validation
A pattern defines an acceptable format for date, number, or text fields. Reference the tables below for
common examples:

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Field Pattern Notes Description

This regular expression The Email field
Email validates emails like supports regular
+)\.([a-z\.] expressions.

The Phone
^(\(?\+? This regular expression
Phone Number field
[0-9]*\)?)? validates phone numbers
Number supports regular
[0-9_\- \(\)]*$ like (+64) 38 3235393.

^([a-zA-Z0-9]+ This regular expression The Website field

Website (\.[a-zA- validates websites like supports regular
Z0-9]+)+.*)$ expressions.

This regular expression The Number string

Number validates a string with field supports
string numbers 0 - 9 and limit regular
length to 45. expressions.

This regular expression The Alpha-

Alpha- ^[A-Za-z0-9_@./ validates a string containing numeric field
numeric #&amp;+-]*$ alphanumeric values like supports regular
INV-001. expressions.


Field Pattern Notes Description

This regular expression The Number string

Number ^[0-9]
validates a string with numbers field supports regular
string {1,45}$
0 - 9 and limit length to 45. expressions.

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Connect learning instance

Connect to a learning instance in Automation 360 IQ Bot to process documents in that learning instance
using the Document Automation workflow.


To perform this task, you must have one of the following roles:

• AAE_IQ Bot Admin

• AAE_IQ Bot Services
• A custom role with the Connect learning instance permission

Open the Document Automation and Automation 360 IQ Bot environments on the same device.

When you connect a learning instance that was created in Automation 360 IQ Bot, the system creates
learning instance assets (RPA bots, AARI process, and form) to enable the learning instance to start
processing documents in Document Automation.


• This feature is available only for Document Automation customers. It is not available in
Community Edition.
• The Automation 360 IQ Bot environment must be associated with the Control Room where
Document Automation is installed. In addition, Automation 360 IQ Bot must be in a version
that is compatible with the Control Room.
• You can connect one learning instance at a time.

A connected learning instance can extract data from check boxes if your device is configured with the
Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable package: Extracting data from check boxes


1. Login to the Control Room as the Admin user. Navigate to Manage > Learning Instances. Click
Connect learning instance.
This takes you to Connect Learning Instances from IQ Bot classic page which contains a list of
Automation 360 IQ Bot learning instances.

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2. Select the learning instance from version Automation 360 IQ Bot to connect with. Move it from left to
right. Click Connect.

The newly-connected learning instance appears in the Learning instances table in private mode.

Note: The value in the Provider column indicates whether a learning instance was connected
from Automation 360 IQ Bot or created in Document Automation.

• For a connected learning instance, the Provider column value is User-trained.

• For a learning instance created in Document Automation, the Provider column value is
Automation Anywhere (Pre-trained).

Next steps

Note: You must maintain the Automation 360 IQ Bot server because it stores the
configuration and training data for the connected learning instance.

• A connected leaning instance can only be edited in Automation 360 IQ Bot. To edit the leaning
instance after connecting it, click the name in the Learning instances table and you will be redirected to
open the learning instance in Automation 360 IQ Bot in a new window.
• To upload documents for processing, click Process Documents. Process documents in Document

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Extracting data from check boxes

Document Automation supports check box extraction for connected learning instances. The output varies
depending on the selected data format.

A check box is a user interface object that allows you to make a binary choice - select or leave unselected.
Document Automation supports extracting data from check boxes or radio buttons marked with a tick,
cross, or dot. In addition to square check boxes and round radio buttons, Document Automation supports
triangle and rhombus outlines.

Document Automation supports the extraction of group check boxes from connected learning instances.
For more information on group check boxes, see Extract data from check box groups in Automation 360 IQ

Note: To enable check box detection, you must install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2019
Redistributable package on the Bot Runner device where the documents are processed. Download
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

How the data is output

The possible output values are Yes , No , or No Checkbox Found . The output format depends on the
format you selected Change output format from CSV to JSON.

Note: Regardless of the document language, the output values are always in English.

Publish the learning instance

Check-in the process associated with the learning instance. Then, build a bot that uploads documents from
a source folder to the learning instance and check it in to the public repository. Finally, deploy the process
and bots to unattended Bot Runner devices to begin processing documents in real time.


For Bot Runner devices with a Windows 2012 server-based operating system:

1. Download and install the Windows Essential Media Pack from Microsoft.
2. Install the Media Foundation feature from the Windows Server Manager.


1. Publish the process.

a. Navigate to Automation > Private tab > Bots > Document Workspace processes and select
the folder with the same name as the learning instance.

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b. Mouse over the vertical ellipses to the right of the process to open the actions menu and click
Check in process.
The Check in Process window opens with the bots and form auto-selected to also be checked
c. In the Check in Process window, add your comment and click Check in.
The process appears in the same folder structure in the public workspace.
See these steps in a video:

2. Build the Extraction-Scheduler bot to automate uploading documents to the learning instance:
Build a bot to upload documents to Document Automation
3. Publish the Extraction-Scheduler bot.
a. Locate the Extraction-Scheduler bot in the private tab.
b. Mouse over the triple ellipses to the right of the bot to open the menu and click Check in Task

The Check in Task bot page opens with the bot auto-selected.
c. Add a comment and click Check in.
4. Login as the Document Automation Admin user to deploy the process and bots to unattended Bot
Runner devices: Deploy the learning instance assets

Once the process and Extraction-Scheduler bot are deployed, documents in the specified folder are
uploaded to Document Automation, and Document Automation either extracts data from the documents or
sends the documents for validation.

Next steps

Navigate to Activity > In progress to see the status of the running bots.

Build a bot to upload documents to Document Automation

Build a bot to upload documents to a specific learning instance for processing and extraction.


• Ensure you have the name of the destination learning instance.

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• If you have an adequate amount of Bot Runners connected. For instructions on connecting a Bot
Runner, see step 5 of Set up your Document Automation environment.

Note: You need a dedicated Bot Runner for this bot and additional Bot Runners for the
extraction and download bots, depending on the average number of pages in the
documents. Review the explanation below for more guidance on how many Bot Runners are

• Decide on the scheduling interval for deploying this bot with a maximum interval of every thirty
• Determine the average number of pages in the documents awaiting upload.

This bot is necessary for end-to-end automation of the document extraction process. When deployed, the
bot checks if there are enough Bot Runners to handle the documents, by comparing the number of files
already uploaded against a calculated value. The calculation considers the number of Bot Runners,
scheduling interval, and average number of pages in the documents.

Note: This step is important as it controls the number of documents being uploaded to
ensure smooth processing and avoid overloading the Bot Runners, which might cause a time-out

To determine the number of Bot Runners needed, consider the following:

• One Bot Runner can process a single-page document in one minute.

• One Bot Runner can process a two-page documents in two minutes.
• One Bot Runner can process 1440 single-page documents in one day.
• Two Bot Runners can process two single-page documents in one minute.

Use this equation to determine how many Bot Runners are needed:

Number of Documents to Process per day * Average Number of Pages per document / 1440 = Nu
mber of Bot Runners

Note: If the equation result is not an integer, you must round up to the next whole number to
obtain an adequate number of Bot Runners. For example, if the equation result is 4.2, you will need
5 Bot Runners.

As an example, if you want to process 10,000 documents each day with an average of one page per
document, you need seven Bot Runners:

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10,000 documents * 1 page per document / 1440 = 7 Bot Runners


To build the bot, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Automation > Private tab and click Create a bot.

Ensure you do not place the bot in the Document Workspace folder.
2. Provide a name for the bot, such as Extraction-Scheduler .
3. Create the following variables: Create a variable

Variable name Description Data type Value

with each loop
iteration to
File_Count count the Number 0
number of files
uploaded for

Number of Bot
Enter the
Runner devices
number of
Extraction_DeviceCount connected to Number
connected Bot
the Control
Runner devices

Enter the interval

for which you
will schedule this
bot to run when
Scheduler_Interval interval in Number
you deploy it
(minimum 2
30 min)

Enter the
number of
Average_Pages approximate
pages per
average number

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Variable name Description Data type Value

of pages in the

Holds file name

FilesInFolder Dictionary --
and extension

File path to the

Enter the file
SourcePath documents String
awaiting upload
to Document

File path to the

Enter the file
containing the
path where you
OutputPath extracted data String
want the
and invalid or
extraction output

4. Insert a Loop action to iterate through all the documents in a specific file path.
a. Double-click or drag the Loop action.
b. Select the For each file in folder iterator.
c. Insert the SourcePath variable into the Folder path field.
d. Insert the FilesInFolder variable into the Assign file name and extension to this variable
5. Insert an If action to compare the number of documents uploaded for processing to the number of
Bot Runner devices multiplied by a scheduling interval and divided by the average number of pages.

Note: You must include this equation to limit the number of files uploaded for
processing at one time to ensure that the Bot Runners are able to process the documents.

a. Drag the If action into the Loop container.

b. Select the Number condition.
c. Insert the File_Count variable into the Source value field.

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d. Select the Less than operator.

e. Enter the following into the Target value field:
6. Insert If: Else and Loop: Break actions to end the loop if the condition is not met:
a. Drag the If: Else action beside the If action in the Loop container.
b. Drag the Loop: Break action into the If: Else container.
7. Insert an error handling mechanism to log any possible errors:
a. Drag the Error handler: Try action into the If container.
b. Drag the Error handler: Catch action beside the Error handler: Try action.
c. Drag a Delay action below the Error handler: Catch action.
d. Set a delay of 10 seconds.
8. Configure actions to upload documents to the process associated with a specific learning instance.
a. Drag the AARI Web: Create a request action below the Error handler: Try action.
b. Mark the Set LearningInstanceName option and provide the name of the learning instance
where to send the documents.
c. Mark the Set InputFile option and enter $SourcePath$/$FilesInFolder{name}
$.$FilesInFolder{extension}$ .
d. Mark the Set InputFileName option and enter $FilesInFolder{name}
$.$FilesInFolder{extension}$ .
e. Mark the Set OutputFolder option and enter $OutputPath$ .
f. Drag the Number: Increment action below the AARI Web: Create a request action.
g. Insert the File_Count variable into the Number and Assign output to variable fields.
The Number action increases the value of File_Count by one each time a file is uploaded to
the learning instance. As long as the value in File_Count is less than the total in the equation
you entered in step 5, the bot can run another loop iteration to upload another document to the
learning instance.
9. Make a copy of the uploaded file to a different location on your desktop to keep track of which
documents were successfully uploaded:
a. Drag the File: Copy Desktop file action below the Number: Increment action.
b. Enter $SourcePath$/$FilesInFolder{name}$.$FilesInFolder{extension}$ in the
Source file field.
c. Provide the folder path where to copy the files.
10. Remove documents after they are uploaded to Document Automation so they do not get re-uploaded
in the next iteration:
a. Drag the File: Delete action.
b. Enter $SourcePath$/$FilesInFolder{name}$.$FilesInFolder{extension}$ in the
File field.
11. Click Save.

The completed bot should resemble the one in the image below:

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Next steps

Publish the process and bot. See step 3 of Publish the learning instance

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Deploy the learning instance assets

Deploy the process and RPA bots to the unattended Bot Runner devices, and assign the learning instance to
a validation team. Here, you configure the learning instance assets to process documents in real time.


• The user who created the learning instance assets must check-in the process, form, and bots to the
public repository. If you have not done so already, complete steps 1 and 2 of Publish the learning

• To deploy the learning instance assets, you must be an Admin user. See Document Automation users.


1. Assign the a team of Validators to the process:.

a. Open AARI by appending /aari to the Control Room URL.
b. Navigate to Manage > Process and locate the process with the same name as the learning
c. Click the process to assign it to a team.
d. Navigate to the Request Creation section and select the by Bot option.
e. Navigate to the Teams tab and click the Add icon on the left side.
f. Select the team and click Add and save.
2. Deploy the Extraction-Scheduler bot
See these steps in a video:
a. Return to the Control Room by removing /aari from the Control Room URL.
b. Navigate to Automation > Public tab and locate the Extraction-Scheduler bot.
c. Follow the steps to Schedule a bot.
• At the scheduling details section, select Run repeatedly.
• Select the Repeat every option to schedule the bot on a recurring basis.
When you provide the desired interval and frequency, ensure that the interval matches the
value in the Scheduler_Interval variable in the Extraction-Scheduler bot.

Note: If you are scheduling the bot to run starting today, you must repeat the
steps two times to schedule the bot as follows:
• Schedule the bot with the desired start time for today, with an end time of
11:59pm on the same day.
• Schedule the bot to start tomorrow at 12:00am, with an end time of 11:59
on a future date.

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Warning: If you do not follow this guidance, the bot will start
running each day at the time you provided in the Start time field,
instead of being scheduled to run for 24 hours of each day.

• When selecting a Bot Runner, deploy the Extraction-Scheduler bot to a different Bot
Runner than the one running the process.

Note: A Bot Runner can run only one bot at a time. Ensure that you use
separate Bot Runners for the process and the Extraction-Scheduler bot, so
that the Extraction-Scheduler bot does not interfere with the
Extraction and Download bots.

Once the process and Extraction-Scheduler bot are deployed, documents in the specified folder are
uploaded to Document Automation, and Document Automation either extracts data from the documents or
sends the documents for validation.

Next steps

Navigate to Activity > In progress to see the status of the running bots.

Using the AARI Task Manager Validator for Document

Document Automation uses Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface technology to manage the end-to-end
document extraction process. Each incoming document creates a new request, which triggers the
extraction process. If a document requires manual validation, AARI creates a validation task and assigns it to a
validation team.

When you click the Validate documents link in the Learning instances page, the AARI Task Manager opens
in a new tab, with the first failed document in queue.

Note: An empty page with a notification message appears in the following scenarios:

• If you are not assigned to any validation teams, and thus do not have access to learning
• If there are no files that require validation in the learning instances to which you have access.
• If another user is working on the remaining file in the validation queue.

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1. You can toggle between the Table and Detail views

Detail view: We recommend that you perform validation tasks in the Detail view because this view
shows all the documents in the validation queue side by side with the document that you are currently
validating. Additionally, when you finish validating a document, the next document in the queue
automatically opens.

Note: You can search for specific documents (tasks) in Detail view only.

Table view: Use the Table view see learning instance history. When you open a document from this
view, the history for the learning instance that is processing this document appears in a pane on the
left. Click the empty text field, then select the blue-bounded box in the document that contains the
data to extract. After you select a box, the data is highlighted in yellow and a green outline appears,
which you can resize or reposition to include all the data that you want to extract.
2. Filter the documents in your queue
The Validator opens with certain filters enabled by default to show only the documents from a specific
learning instance that need validation.
3. Your documents queue
The documents that match the parameters you specified in the filters pane appear here.
You can switch between documents in the queue without completing validation for the current
4. Customize your view
Use the icons in the taskbar to hide the blue-bounded system identified regions, stack the document
pane above the fields pane, or change the zoom levels.

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5. Toggle between the fields views

Use the drop-down list to select between Show all fields to see all the document fields or Show
fields that need validation to only show the fields that need your manual validation.
6. Fields awaiting validation are outlined in red
In the example above, the table fields Item total and Quantity require manual entry.
7. Add or delete a row
To insert or delete a row, hover over the ellipses to show the icons for adding or deleting table rows.
8. Skip to next file
Skip a file without correcting the errors in the current document.
9. Reprocess
If the learning instance is edited while documents are awaiting validation, you must Reprocess the
10. Mark document as invalid
Removes the document from the validation queue and saves a copy of the document to the Invalid
folder. Click here to mark a document as invalid, then select from the following reasons:

• Fields missing
• Tables missing
• Wrong values

For documents processed in a connected learning instance:

The Validator shows the group number for the document. If you are unsatisfied with the extraction
results, you can retrain the learning instance in Automation 360 IQ Bot.

Validate documents in Document Automation

If a learning instance cannot extract data from a document (for example, blurry text, data does not match
data type, or data is missing for a required field), it sends that document to the validation queue, where the
Validator user manually provides the data.


The learning instance assets must be checked-in to the public repository.

The Validator is comprised of two panels with the document on the left side and the fields with extracted
data on the right side.

In a window that is 1280 pixels or more, the panels are positioned side-by-side. Otherwise, the panel
containing the fields and extracted data shifts below the panel containing the document, as demonstrated in
this video:

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Note: If a document contains tables with large number of rows or data fields (>1000), there
might be a delay in the initial validation and the corresponding response time.


1. Log in as the Validator user.

2. From the Control Room home page, navigate to Manage > Learning Instances.
The Learning instances table displays details for each instance. The value in the Validate documents
link indicates the number of documents awaiting manual validation.
3. Click Validate documents.
The AARI Task Manager opens in a new tab, with the first failed document in queue. For an
introduction to the Validator user interface, see Using the AARI Task Manager Validator for Document
4. Provide correct values to the fields that need validation.
See these steps in a video:

a. Select Show fields that need validation from the drop-down list in the right panel.
b. Click the field to extract.
c. In the document image, click the blue-bounded box containing the correct data or draw a box
around the data you want to extract.
• To skip a document without correcting its errors, click Skip to proceed to the next
document in the validation queue.
• To remove a document that cannot be processed, click Mark as Invalid.
5. After you make the necessary corrections, click Submit so the document can be processed and the
extracted data downloaded.
The extracted values are saved to a file in the Success folder. The Validator shows the next document
in queue. When all documents are corrected, the system displays a message stating that there are no
more tasks available.

Export/Import learning instances

A user with the IQ Bot Admin role or with the View and manage migration permission can use the
Export and Import buttons to move learning instances between Document Automation environments.

Export a learning instance

When you export a learning instance, a .dw file is downloaded to your desktop with the learning instance
configurations, including the language, provider, and fields.

To export a learning instance, navigate to Manage > Learning Instances and mouse over the vertical
ellipses to the right of the learning instance you want to export. Then, click Export.

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Note: The process and bots associated with the learning instance are exported separately:
Export an AARI process | Export bots

Import a learning instance

First, import the process and bots associated with the learning instance: Import an AARI process. If you do
not import the process, Document Automation will create a new process when you import the learning

Note: Verify that the destination environment has the necessary licenses. See Automation 360

To import a learning instance:

1. Navigate to Manage > Learning Instances and click Import at the top of the page.
2. Click Browse to select the learning instance.

Note: If there is already a learning instance in this environment with the same ID
number, the imported learning instance overwrites the existing one.

3. Select whether to pair the learning instance with an existing process or to create a new process.

Using Document Automation for Standard Forms

Standard Forms are fixed format type documents that have a defined template, with little or no variation in
the overall layout, and are typically official or legal forms, such as W-4 (Employee Withholding Certificate),
income tax form, or sale deed.

See the following video on the integration of Standard Forms in Document Automation and its enhanced
processing capabilities.

Using Document Automation for Standard forms.

With enhanced accuracy, this feature enables you to extract data from densely structured forms including
those with handwritten input in more than 200 languages. For more information on the supported
languages for text and field extraction and detection, see Language support for Form Recognizer.

The following is an overview of the end-to-end process to create the Standard Forms data model, configure
the learning instance, and publish the learning instance to process documents autonomously, all within the
Document Automation interface:

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Note: Ensure you complete the steps to set up your Document Automation environment,
which includes configuring users, roles, and devices, and connecting the Control Room with
Automation Anywhere Robotic Interface: Set up your Document Automation environment

1. Evaluate your use case for Standard Forms.

Evaluate your use case

2. Review extraction service.

Review extraction service

3. Set up and configure an extraction service.

Set up extraction service

4. Configure Document Automation for the selected extraction service.

Configure Document Automation with Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer

5. Build a data extraction model.

Create standard form in Document Automation

6. Create a learning instance with the Standard Forms data model.

Create a learning instance for standard forms

7. Upload documents to the learning instance to test the model, fix validation errors, and verify the
extracted data.

Process documents

8. Build a bot that uploads documents from a source folder to Document Automation.

Build a bot to upload documents to Document Automation

9. Move Standard Forms learning instance across different Document Automation environments.

Transfer standard forms learning instance

10. Check-in the learning instance assets (process, form, and bots) to the public repository. Then, deploy
the process and bots to unattended Bot Runner devices to begin processing documents in real time.

Publish the learning instance

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11. Validate the processed documents for Standard Forms learning instance.

Validate the uploaded documents

Evaluate your use case

Before processing in Document Automation, you must ensure that your documents are Standard Forms.
This section outlines the specifications that determine the same. Upon confirmation that your document
falls under the criteria prescribed as Standard Forms, you can proceed with the type of extraction service

Consider the following parameters to determine if Standard Forms is right for your use case:

• The layout of your document remains the same across vendors.

• The positions of various data elements such as checkboxes, tables, and so on is fixed in your
• You have documents where the values are independent of other data elements.
• Your document is available in a supported language. For more information, see Azure Form Recognizer
Supported Languages
• Your document must have un-repetitive sections. In other cases, there must be a fixed number of such
repetitive sections that do not vary between documents.
• Your documents contain tables that have the same number of rows and columns.
• The document layout remains the same within the same year, across different organizations.

Review extraction service

Once you have confirmed that the documents are standard forms, you can then plan the type of standard
forms extraction service that fits your requirement.

For processing Standard Forms in

Document Automation, you can use the Microsoft Form Recignizer service. Before processing, ensure the

• Input documents can contain:

• a lot of details and information and have a reasonable quality (>200 dpi)
• checkboxes and radio buttons
• handwritten content
• signatures
• tables

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Note: The input documents can also contain tables that span over a single page.
However, if the standard forms contain table that span across multiple pages, the
content extraction can fail.

• No section of the input document is repeated.

• Documents that contain transpose tables.

Benefits of Microsoft Azure Forms Recognizer service

• Diverse standard form type documents can be processed.

• Auto detection feature can identify different types of tables such as header-less table, inverted tables,
and so on.
• Good support for handwritten forms.

Graphical demonstration of configuring Standard Forms in Document

The following demonstrates the process of configuring Standard Forms in Document Automation. There are
various components that facilitate the flow of data between Document Automationand the third-party
extraction service and are described further.

Labelling & Model Creation Tool

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The model creation tool is used to label and create models. Here, the training documents are uploaded
within the tool and are stored in the Blob storage of the third-party service. You must upload and label a
minimum of 5 training documents to create a model and get the best results.

Blob Storage

The blob storage is a storage unit for training documents and contains all the training related information.

Extraction models

The trained models stored in the blob storage of the third-party service are fetched through APIs. Here, the
Model ID, which can be a GUI ID or a standard name, are used for creation.

Creation of LI

You can browse and select the model to create a Learning Instance. Once the model is selected, you can
upload a document for extraction to this Learning Instance. The Learning Instance hits the third-party
extraction service to get extraction results. The results either goes to the output folder or the document
lands in the validator.

Extraction Engine

The extraction engine performs extraction based on the model ID and returns the results to the Learning

Output results
Once the extraction is completed, the output results will have three components:

• extraction .csv
• auto detected table .csv
• response.json

Set up extraction service

To extract content from Standard Forms, you must setup and configure Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer

Document Automation provides you with the option to get your own license key or purchase license from
Automation Anywhere. For more information on licenses, see Automation 360 licenses.

1. Subscribe to Microsoft Azure service

Microsoft provides the Azure Form Recognizer service. This service enables you to build automated
data processing software that can identify and extract specific content from documents. You must
have Microsoft Azure subscription in order to access Azure resources (OCR, Form Recognizer),
Automation Anywhere provides access to these resources through its subscription. Contact your

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Customer Success Manager (CSM) or Partner Enablement Manager (PEM) who will help you setup the

Request access for Microsoft Azure resources (OCR and Form Recognizer) (A-People login required)

2. Setup Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer service

For Cloud deployment

• If you purchase the license from Automation Anywhere, no additional configurations or changes
are required.
• If you purchase the license from Microsoft Azure, review the following article to setup and
configure your Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer for extracting content from standard forms.

Setup Azure Form Recognizer and Storage (Cloud) (A-People login required)

Next steps

Connect Document Automation with the extraction service. See, Configure Document Automation with
Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer.

Configure Document Automation with Microsoft Azure Form

Send an API request to connect Document Automation with the extraction service.

Note: You will need the following information:

• Authorization token. See Authentication API

• Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer endpoint
• Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer API key
• Microsoft Azure Blob storage URI

For Document Automation Cloud:


PUT <Cloud Host Url>/cognitive/v3/formrecognizer/config

Headers: X-Authorization - <IQBot Admin User Auth token >

Request body:

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{ "formRecognizerApi": <Cognitive Service Endpoint>, "formRecognizerKey"

: <Cognitive Service apiKey>, "blobStorageSas": <Azure blob storage SAS Uri

For Document Automation on-prem:


PUT <On-Prem Machine ip> / Localhost:<port>/cognitive/v3/formrecognizer/config

Headers: X-Authorization - <IQBot Admin User Auth token >

Request body:

{ "formRecognizerApi": <Cognitive Service Endpoint>, "formRecognizerKey"

: <Cognitive Service apiKey>, "blobStorageSas": <Azure blob storage SAS Uri

Note: The parameters are provided by the CloudOps team.

Next steps

Log in as the Learning instance creator user to Create standard form in Document Automation.

Create standard form in Document Automation

Create a Standard Forms extraction model in the Control Room.


• Ensure your Control Room has the Document Automation Standard Forms (Number of pages) product
• You must have the AAE_IQ Bot Admin or AAE_IQ Bot Services roles to complete this task
• Identify between five and fifteen training documents

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1. In the Control Room, navigate to Manage > Learning Instances and click Create model.
The Projects window opens in a new tab.
2. Click Create project.
3. Enter a name for the project, click Browse to upload documents to train the extraction model, and
click Create.
4. Define the field tags:
a. Click Add new tag.

b. Enter a name for the tag. For example, Invoice no. or Invoice Date .
5. Define the table tags:
a. Click Configure table tag.

b. Enter a name for the table.

c. For each column in the table, enter the name of the column under the Column fields section.

d. When you are done entering the columns names, click Save.
6. Define the location of the data for each field:
a. For the form fields, highlight the location of the data to extract, then click the respective field in
the right panel.

b. For each row in the table, highlight the location of the data to extract, then click the respective
table field on the right.

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c. Click Done, then open the next document and repeat the steps to define the locations of the
form and table fields.
7. Click the Train model icon, enter a name for the model, and click Train.

8. Click the Analyze icon, click Browse for file, and select a document to test the extraction model.

Next steps

Next, Create a learning instance for standard forms

Note: You cannot edit an extraction model after associating it with a learning instance.

Create a learning instance for standard forms

A learning instance is a structure that holds information such as document type, language, and the fields to
be extracted. After creating Standard Forms, you must create learning instance to extract data from the


• Ensure your Standard Forms configuration is complete.

• Ensure your Control Room has the Document Automation Standard Forms (Number of pages) product

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1. From the Control Room home page, navigate to Manage > Learning Instances > Create Learning

The Create Learning Instance window opens in a new tab.

2. Add a name for the new learning instance to be created.
3. From the Document Type drop-down menu, select Standard Forms.

Note: The provider name is selected as Microsoft Form Recognizer by default.

4. For model selection, click Browse and search for a model using name or description filter.
5. Select your model and click Next.
6. To proceed further, you must select atleast one field:
• Table
• Forms

Note: Standard forms support multiple tables. However, Document Automation does
not allow displaying multiple tables. Hence, the tables are displayed as tablename:field
name under Tables tab.

7. Some other field attributes are as follows:

Option Description

Field name Enter a field name that begins with an alphabetical character (A-Z or

In standard fields, the field name is hardcoded and cannot be


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Option Description

Field label Enter a user-friendly name to help validators.

For example, you can rename Organization tax number to a

localized name, such as VAT number.

The field label does not affect extraction.

Confidence Set a threshold to reduce potential false positives.

At the time of processing, the Document Automation engine assigns

a score to each field in a document to indicate the certainty that the
data was correctly extracted. If the document contains fields with a
score that is lower than the confidence threshold, the document is
sent to the validation queue.

If you enter a high confidence threshold, more documents will be

sent to the validation queue. If you enter a low confidence threshold,
fewer documents will be sent to the validation queue.

Supports values from zero to 100.

Data type Choose from Address*, Text, Number, and Date.

If the data in the field does not match the data type, the document is
sent to the validation queue.

Document Automation supports variations of the date format.

Note: If you are configuring a learning instance with a

user-defined document type, the form fields include the
address data type, which extracts the entire structure of an

Required Select one of the following:

• Required: Field cannot be empty.
• Optional: Field can be empty or not exist in the document.

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Option Description

Validation Depending on data type, create rules using patterns, formulas, lists,
rules and statements such as starts or ends with.

Starts With and Ends With | Pattern | Lists | Formulas

8. Click Create.

When a new learning instance is created, the Control Room creates a folder with the same name as the
learning instance in the Automation > Document Workspace folder. The folder contains two bots
(extraction and download), a process, and a form.

• Process: Manages the process using if/else scenarios through which Document Automation extracts
data from uploaded documents, assigns documents to users for validation, and downloads the
extracted data. To learn more, see About the AARI process in Document Automation
• Extraction bot: Extracts data from defined fields in the uploaded documents.
• Download bot: Downloads the extracted data to a specific folder on the device or shared network.
• Form: Defines the input parameters that are sent to the process. Input parameters include the learning
instance name, uploaded file, and output file path.

Next steps

Upload documents to the learning instance, fix validation errors, and verify the extracted data: Process
documents in Document Automation

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Transfer standard forms learning instance

Standard forms learning instance can be used across similar Document Automation environments. Export/
Import an existing learning instance to avoid creating another one with the same configurations.

• Ensure that the source and destination systems are running the same Document Automation version.
Learning instances from different Document Automation versions cannot be imported because their
database schema will not match.
• Back up your database before importing learning instances.
• Export the .dw file from the source Document Automation environment.
• Import the .dw file into the destination Document Automation environment.

Note: The incoming model of the source system must be available in the configuration of the
target system.

For detailed information on exporting/importing learning instances, see Export/Import learning instances.

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