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Background of the Study

The genus name, Salvia, is derived from the Latin word salvo which means "to save or heal." This
refers to the medical uses of some plants in this genus. The epithet, Rosmarinus, comes from the
Latin words ros meaning "dew," marinus meaning "sea," or in other words, "dew of the sea. "
This is most likely a reference to the ability of this plant to thrive well in coastal areas, sea cliffs,
and exposure to ocean mists. Rosemary is an aromatic, perennial, evergreen shrub in the
Lamiaceae or mint family that is valued for its fragrant, ornamental foliage, and as an
enhancement in cooking. The shrub grows from 4 to 5 feet tall and is generally erect and
rounded. The aromatic, needle-like leaves are green on the upper surface, and the undersides
are white and tomentose. The flowers are tiny, blue, lavender, or white, and are two-lipped and
whorled around the square stems. It is frequently cultivated as an ornamental, as a culinary
herb, or for use in sachets or potpourris. (Molecules)
Blumea balsamifera also known as sambong, has been used as medicine for thousands of years
in Southeast Asia countries, such as China, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Philippines.
Sambong is the most important member of the genus Blumea and is an indigenous herb of
tropical and subtropical Asia, especially in China. This plant grows on forest edges, under
forests, river beds, valleys and grasses. In China, it is generally a common used herb in the areas
south of the Yangtze River, such as Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Guangdong provinces and
Taiwan. B. balsamifera is commonly called “Ainaxiang” and “Dafeng’ai” in Chinese and used as
incense because it has a high level of essential oils. It was originally recorded in “Bei Ji Qian Jin
Yao Fang” in 652 by Sun Simiao. The whole plant or its leaves were used as a crude Chinese
traditional medicinal material to treat eczema, dermatitis, beriberi, lumbago, menorrhagia,
rheumatism, skin injury, and as an insecticide. Bing Pian and Aipian are two important
traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) extracted from plants and have been used as one in
prescriptions for centuries in China. Both of them mainly contain borneol and are similar in
efficacy. They are synonymous in the Chinese pharmaceutical industry nowadays. Before 2010,
sambong was one of the most important plant sources for Bing Pian, but since 2010, the
Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China records B. balsamifera as the only plant source
for Aipian, with a consistent efficacy with B. balsamifera medicinal materials, which could
induce resuscitation, clear heat, and relieve pain. Recently, extracts of its leaves have been
verified do display various new physiological activities, such as antitumor, antifungal radical-
scavenging, and anti-obesity properties. The main active compound is L-borneol, which was
characterized by a high volatility. Besides, essential oils, flavonoids, and terpenoids with several
different biological activities were also reported. These studies could explain why this plant has
multiple pharmacological effects. (Molecules)
Aloe vera is a natural therapeutic plant with biological activities, for example, antimicrobial,
anticancer, mitigating, and immunomodulatory properties. Aloe vera, a spiky prickly plant like
xerophyte, is a cluster framing lasting plant with a thick stringy root that produces enormous
basal leaves, generally 12–16 for every plant, weighing up to 1.5 kg when fully grown. The plant
develops when it is around 4 years of age and has a life expectancy of around 12 years. The leaves
are long and opposite the base, tightening to a point with saw-like teeth along their edges. The
medicinal plant Aloe vera has been known and used for centuries for its health, beauty,
medicinal, and skincare properties. Aloe vera consists primarily of water and polysaccharides
(pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose, glucomannan, acemannan, and mannose derivatives) and is
composed of a long chain of acetylated mannose. The biological activity of Aloe vera’s
polysaccharides has been reported widely and shown to act as an immunostimulant.
Acemannan has been reported to have antimicrobial properties, including antibacterial,
antifungal, antiviral, and antiparasitic properties. Aloe vera is recognized for its widespread use
and reported healing powers, alleviating pain and treating a variety of ailments. (Hindawi)

Statement of Problem/Objectives
Semisolid dosage forms include ointments and creams. Ointments are preparations for external
use, intended for application to the skin. Typically, they have an oily or greasy consistency and
can appear “stiff” as they are applied to the skin. Ointments contain drug that may act on the
Ointments, which include medicines, moisturizers, or cosmetics, can be applied to the eyes,
skin, and mucus membranes to help treat anything from dry skin to cuts, scrapes, burns, bites,
and hemorrhoids. Ointments are preparations applied to the skin, eyes, and mucus membranes
used as medicines, moisturizers, or cosmetics.
This aims for experimenting the capabilities of Rosemary and Sambong Leaf as an ointment for
pain killer. Drugs are rarely administered to a patient solely as a pure chemical entity. For
clinical use they are almost always administered as a formulation designed to deliver the drug in
a manner that is safe, effective, and acceptable to the patient. One of the most important
objectives of dosage form design is to produce a product that will achieve a predictable and
reliable therapeutic response. The dosage form must also be suitable for manufacture on a large
scale with reproducible quality. The table shows routes of drug administration and common
dosage forms.
Ointments are one of many semisolid preparations, which also include creams, pastes, and
jellies. Solid pharmaceuticals include pills, tablets, lozenges, and suppositories. In this form the
compounds are more stable, with less risk of chemical reaction, and the dosage is easier to

Significance of the Study

• Improved Pain Management: Pain is a common health problem that can affect the quality of
life of individuals. Developing an effective pain relief ointment using natural extracts can
provide individuals with a safe and effective alternative to conventional pain relief medications.
This can help reduce the risk of adverse effects associated with the long-term use of painkillers.
• Natural Remedies: Natural extracts such as Sambong, Rosemary, and Aloe Vera have been
traditionally used for their medicinal properties. The study of pain relief ointment using these
extracts provides scientific evidence to support their use as natural remedies for pain relief. This
can help promote the use of natural remedies as a complementary or alternative approach to
conventional medicine.
• Sustainable Healthcare: The use of natural extracts in pain relief ointment can contribute to
sustainable healthcare practices. Natural extracts can be obtained sustainably from plants,
reducing the reliance on synthetic and chemically derived substances. This can help promote
sustainable healthcare practices that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
• Economic Benefits: The development of pain relief ointment using natural extracts can have
economic benefits for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. Natural extracts can be
sourced locally, reducing the cost of production and distribution. This can help make healthcare
more affordable and accessible to people in different parts of the world.
Non-invasive: Ointments are a non-invasive way to administer pain relief. Unlike injections or
oral medications, ointments are applied topically to the skin, which can reduce the risk of side
Cost-effective: As mentioned before, natural remedies can often be more cost-effective than
synthetic medications, making them more accessible to people who may not have access to
expensive treatments.

Scope and Limitations

The aim of this study is to investigate the analgesic effects of Rosemary Leaf (Salvia rosmarinus),
Sambong Leaf (Blumea balsamifera) and Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) Extracts on pain
relief. When used by people of ages 11 and above, the ointment will serve as a temporary pain
reliever from minor throat irritations,headache, constipation and bronchial irritations. 25
selected people of Suarez, Iligan City will take part in this experiment to give feedback on the
ointment and how it has affected their body.
The study will not cover the other problems experienced by the surveyor during the time of
when they used the ointment. The study will only be limited to a number of people, the area
which are within reach of the researchers, and the duration of the study will be from February to
April 2023.
The specific objectives of the study are:
1. To determine the analgesic effects of Rosemary Leaf (Salvia rosmarinus), Sambong Leaf
(Blumea balsamifera) and Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) Extracts on pain relief.
2. To compare the analgesic effects of Rosemary Leaf (Salvia rosmarinus), Sambong Leaf
(Blumea balsamifera) and Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) Extracts on pain relief.

Review and Related Literature

Background of the Studies Medical plants are the best resource for treating a wide range of
illnesses. People have used natural remedies with therapeutic properties since ancient times.
Many of the prescription drugs on the market today are made from plants, such as Rosemary
extract, which has historically been used to treat renal colic and dysmenorrhea. Moreover, it has
been used to promote hair growth and ease respiratory illness symptoms. Triterpenes (such as
ursolic and oleanolic acid), tricyclic diterpenes (such as carnosic acid and carnosol), phenolic
acids (such as caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid), and essential oils are just a few of the bioactive
substances found in rosemary extract that have significant medicinal potential. Today, rosemary
extracts are frequently used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety-related conditions and increase
alertness.These secondary metabolites have been formulated in a quantity suitable for topical
application. The anti-inflammatory activity and free radical-scavenging characteristics of
Rosmarinus can be utilized to improve the properties of cosmetic products (such as those that
fight UV exposure, aging, and cellulite). Strategies for topical administration avoid first-pass
metabolism, allowing the medicine to be released at the site of action and lowering the risk of
side effects.Along with a list of the article's primary components for Sambong (Blumea
balsamifera). The entire plant, its crude extracts, and its isolated constituents exhibit a wide
range of biological activities, including antitumor, hepatoprotective, superoxide radical
scavenging, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammation, antiplasmodial, anti-tyrosinase,
platelet aggregation, enhancing percutaneous penetration, wound healing, and anti-obesity, as
well as insect and disease resistance and lastly is Aloe Vera, a perennial herbaceous plant in the
Liliaceae family that is utilized for a variety of medical conditions. The current study's main
goal was to analyze in-depth clinical studies relating to the effect of medicinal plants on the
prevention and treatment of skin wounds. Through the identification of the active ingredients
to which analgesic effects are attributed, the integration of clinical trial data on their efficacy,
and the comparison of known herb-drug interactions, our review aims to consolidate efficacy
and safety data for some of the most widely used herbal pain medications.
Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon), Onion (Allium Cepa), Garlic (Allium Sativum), Chili (Capsicum
Annuum) extracts and Dishwashing Liquid as a potential Insect Repellent.


Insect repellents are important public health tools for the prevention of vector- borne infectious
diseases. Actions to reduce vector- borne diseases can result in major health gains and relieve an
important constraint on development in poor regions. And this insect repellent help to prevent
and control the outbreaks of insect- borne diseases such as Malaria, Lyme Disease, Dengue
Fever, and Bubonic Plague. Technically, an insect repellent is any chemical or natural, that
causes insects or other arthropods to make directed, oriented movements away from the source
of repellent. And lemon grass can use as natural insect repellent. According to an article of new
tech bio, lemon grass is a very popular and used medicinal, food and insect repellent products.
Lemon grass is mainly found in tropical Asia in countries such as India, Ceylon, Brazil,
Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Guatemala, Madagascar, Mauritius, New Guinea and countries
in Africa and South America. In the Philippines, it has local named known as “tanglad”. Lemon
grass is extremely safe and is listed on the Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing (EPAS)
GRAS list (generally regarded as safe).


The purpose of this study is to know that we can make repellent. That we can only find in our
home such as Lemon Grads (Cymbopogon), Onion (Allium Cepa), Garlic (Allium Sativum), Chili
(Capsicum Annuum) extracts and Dishwashing Liquid. This ingredient can help to prevent
insects that can be found in open area. This study aims to determine the possibility insects as an
alternative to repellents. The results showed that the control group, namely commercial insects
was able to obtain the highest rate of repelling insects.


The study will be conducted to determine the effectiveness of Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon),
Onion (Allium Cepa), Garlic (Allium Sativum), Chili (Capsicum Annuum) extracts s insect
repellent. Extraction of Lemon Grass Leaf, Onion, Garlic, Chili is through distillation process.
The children will benefit the most because knowledge of insect repellent will enable them to
prevent possible diseases. Through this study, the knowledge of parent’s regarding Lemon Grass
Leaf, Onion, Garlic, Chili extracts as insect repellent would be increased and prevention could
be done to avoid more serious damage to their children’s health.


This study us confined to testing insect repellent manufactured from Lemon Grass
(Cymbopogon) on insects and open environment due to the difficulty in locating test subjects.
The study focuses on the effectiveness of Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon) extract as an alternative
insect repellent. The respondents of this study will be the residents in Barangay Suarez, Iligan
City. The respondents of the insect repellent will be the family, neighborhood of Suarez.

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