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Q. Keeping in view the Industrial Relations’ perspectives discussed in class, critically analyze the
evolution of labour management relations in your organization/workplace. (The relevant time
duration can be your period of service in the organization or more). 15 marks

(Hint: Think of workplace structure, orientation of management towards employees, occurrence of

Trade Unions etc)

Deadline: 2nd November 2022

Qadbros Engineering is mechanical parts manufacturing concern with 997 blue collar and 287 white
collar employees.

1. Structure is centralized in nature, and decision making is mostly done at the top levels.
2. Behavior is quite friendly towards employees, however the characteristics of weak cultures
are somewhat prevalent in the organization.
3. Approach:

QG philosophy apparently matches that of “Unitary Approach”. Management considers that

conflicts are temporary, and they sometime arise due to improper management and due to
weaker compensation policy. That’s why management frequently revises the paygrades and
benefits structure, and tries to match that of industry practices.

Management has open door policy, and even a lowest level worker can approach CEO,
Directors or chairman at any time, by any means. This has led workers to believe that trade
unions are not that much necessary. Since the inception of Qadbros Engineering no strikes
have been seen.

Submitted by: Aadil Rashid (Roll#13) MHRM Evening

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