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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person


1. Create a vision/aim for their lives and for their future
2. Define the meaning of happiness and suffering
3. Discuss the different philosophical views regarding death and how it defines human existence
4. Distinguish the elements of happiness through graphic organizer
5. Reflect on the meaning of his or her own life


Directions: List down your thoughts and ideas on Happiness and Suffering in the boxes below.

Happiness Suffering

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Table 1: Happiness and Suffering

Happiness and Suffering has been an important topic to discuss in Philosophy. Various views have emerged to
describe “happiness and suffering”, and the steps of a person can take to achieve a state of happiness, suffering and
contentment in life. Happiness may define good and positive side of a human being. It may achieved through having
a family, peers, material things, achievements, and contentment in life. It is also an important aspect in Social
Sciences. In Psychology, happiness as a balance between person’s emotions, moods, and feelings. Happiness as well-
being is considered to have three distinct elements.

The second is
welfare which refers
to the satisfaction of a
person’s wants and
desires. The final element is
dignity which is
The first element is
defined as the ability
contentment ,
to control and defines
which is satisfaction
ones’s own destiny,
with one’s life
and freedom to live a
life one’s choosing.


Table 1.2: Happiness and Suffering

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Each element of human well-being is independent of each other, and persons often determine their happiness
by prioritizing one element over another. One may be contented despite not having money, or one may have all the
money in the world but still feel unsatisfied in life. A prisoner, who is without freedom, may choose to accept his or
her or fate and find contentment in the situation.
Attaining contentment in life refers to the level of one’s satisfaction in which the person attain the ultimate goal.
The welfare of human needs and wants and the dignity, the ability to make free choices. However, the suffering may
takes place in a person that can give some challenges to solve. Suffering refers to the one person’s view in experiencing
discomfort, pain, and unpleasantness, and lack of pleasure. Physical suffering causes physical pain such as diseases,
physical injury, wounds, violence, and hunger. Another suffering is emotional suffering in which the person experienced
stress, depression, anxiety, fear, and loneliness that causes from the unexpected situations happened in life like death
of family member and loss of employment.

There are common questions above that one’s asking to his or her life right now, and those are mostly the reason why
a certain person experienced suffering.

refers to fear and anxiety, and is the feeling of weariness and is the term used to refer to man’s
philosophers relate this feelings to discontent brought about by a lack realization that the world can never
of interest or intense boredom with
existential dread-a crisis which live up to ideal, “perfect world”
the world.
brought about when a person begins resulting to a feeling of sadness or
to question his or her purpose and apathy
reason for being
Angst Ennui Weltchmerz
Table 1.3: Happiness and Suffering

The pessimistic view believes that man’s existence is defined by suffering. However, man is able to deal with
suffering through aesthetics and morality. Allowing yourself to pass by this challenges through coping. It refers to the
means that a person employs in dealing with difficult life situations, and involves a conscious effort to solve personal
and interpersonal problems. Coping also entails identifying sources of stress and conflict, and devising means to tolerate
or minimize their effects. Philosophical investigation into the nature and purpose of human suffering have yielded
various insights into the nature of human existence, and the role suffering and adversity play in shaping human
experience. People are able to deal with adversity better if they have adequate social support. Family and peers are
the best sources of support for a person who is undergoing difficulties in life.

Our ultimate fate is death. Death is the end of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. In medical
terms, the death of a human being is associated with “brain dead” or ceasing of all brain functions. The causes of
death include aging, disease, and fatal injury. Death is considered to be a natural occurrence, and as a person advances
in age, the certainty of death is seen in a gradual decline of the human body. This process is called aging or senescence.
Changes that characterize senescence include the decline of the senses such as sight and hearing, gradual loss of
vitality and mobility, mental decline, and increased frailty and susceptibility to injury or disease. Studies in biology and

Module 8: Human Person are Oriented Towards Impending Death

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

genetics have yielded several explanations for the phenomena of human aging and decline. It is now defined as a
transition – a shift from the earthly life to the life after (earthly) death.

Philosophers have long pondered death and what lies beyond it. Through death is an inevitable phenomenon in
life, philosopher have observed that people often treat the subject with dead. Most human actions are seen as being
intended to delay or even deny the prospect of death. According to the different philosophers below they define death
as follows:

•Martin Heidegger
•death is considered as the fulfillment of existence, and acceptance
of one’s mortality can bring about a sense of freedom in a person.
The complete annihilation of the body , therefore, does not mean
that the person no longer exists because his spirit endures after

•Ludwig Wittgenstein
•echoes Heidegger’s view on the acceptance of death. However, he
believes that is a phenomenon that is outside of of human
experience -in essence, we do not live to experience death. A person
cannot hope to achieve immorality but he or she can achieve a
certain degree of timelessness if he or she learns to “live in the

•Karl Jaspers
•considers death death as the most significant “limit situation”, and
that one should have capacity to alter his or her perspectives and
ideas to be to live withthe fact that he or she is destined to die. The
acceptance of death will lead a person to live an authentic life
“without postponement or self-deception”, and will give rise to
positive value and emotions such as courage, serenity, patience,
dignity, and acceptance.

Figure 1: Death

This thinking gives rise to the idea of an afterlife, where it is believed that the spirit of the dead survives and
continues to persist. Various religions and cultures believe in different form of an afterlife - the ancient Greeks imagined
an underworld (Hades) where the dead are rewarded or punished for their actions in life; certain Hindu sects believe
that the dead go to one of many paradises or hells; while Christianity believes that the righteous enter Heaven while
sinners go to Hell
In Culture, death have varied ideas, values, and beliefs regarding death and these are reflected in traditions,
funerary practices, religions, and philosophy. Beliefs regarding death often include a beliefs in the persistence of human
soul or spirit, existence of an afterlife where the souls of the dead reside. Other beliefs related to death include
reincarnation, belief that a person’s spirit begins a new life in another body; and eternal oblivion, the belief that person’s
consciousness is completely erased upon death.
Death are defines through different aspects:

Culture Values and Beliefs Eg.: Voluntary contributions for the family of the
Practice and Traditions deceased(abuloy)
All Souls Day (Nov.2,)
Religion Attaining Transcendence Eg.: Christianity: Heaven (Salvation)
Buddhism: Nirvana
Philosophy Characteristics of Human existence Eg.: Meaningful and authentic life
Figure 1.2: Death

Module 8: Human Person are Oriented Towards Impending Death

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person


Death also serves as motivation for people to think of how they can be best to live a meaningful life. Many people
strive to leave behind a legacy either in the form an inheritance, a reputation, or a significant achievement. Others,
strive to achieve certain goals within their lifetime in a desire to live without regret. When we die, everything is over.
That’s why people should enjoys their life, yes we experience suffering but that is not the end of our life. We must be
continue to live, live a life to the fullest!


1. What is happiness and suffering based on your idea?

2. What are the ways that a person can live a happy life?
3. How do you cope with difficulties in your life? Share your various ways of coping.
4. What are your personal thoughts on having a meaningful life? How can you say that you have lived a meaningful


Directions: Reflect your own thoughts about the lesson. Write down your answer on the space provided below.

1. How will you show having empathy and concerned to one’s happiness and suffering may that help to calm the
mind-set of a certain person’s experienced?


2. “You only live once’ reminder that you should just enjoy your present life and live your life to the fullest. How will
you appreciate and prove that you should live a meaningful life?


Module 8: Human Person are Oriented Towards Impending Death

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person



Dear Someone,

Directions: Write a letter that tells your story about your suffering during lockdown that brought up happiness





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Module 8: Human Person are Oriented Towards Impending Death

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person



Directions: The link of documentary on the box that explores death, dying, and the meaning of life. Analyze and
answer the following questions below to supplement your own thoughts about the lesson.


South China Morning Post, AP/Carlo Navarro, March 25, 2020, Fighting COVID-19


Carlo Navarro, a Filipino tax lawyer tested positive for COVID-19 in early March 2020 after travelling to Japan with his
family. After his recovery, the 48-yr old decided to share his experiences fighting the disease caused by the deadly
coronavirus. Navarro says he was aware of the others dying from disease in the same hospital isolation ward where
he was tested and wants others to take efforts to slow the outbreak seriously.


1. Make personal plan to implement changes in your life or embark on activities or projects that will make your life
more meaningful?


2. Apart from death, what other losses have you experienced in in your life? Describe how you dealt with them.



3. What defines death according to the documentary?


4. Believe in after life is highly significant in religion and philosophy, how does the two perceived in the documentary?


Module 8: Human Person are Oriented Towards Impending Death

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person




◎ Philosophical views in happiness and happy life and identifies the factors that determines a person’s satisfaction
in life. The students are encourage to reflect on their experiences and discuss their own views regarding happiness.

◎Explores the nature of human suffering and imposed Coping for the people who suffer.

◎ Man’s ultimate fate and presents viewpoints on death and how it provides relevance to human existence.


Due to this pandemic crisis we experienced, there are a lot of people loss their family members and relatives. The
essence of discussing Death is to reflect one’s life value. Learners are challenged to evaluate their experiences and
make commitment to explore life. Make a quotation that may uplift the life of those people who suffer with this crisis.

Directions: Write down a quotation that may motivate and cheer up those people who suffer from this COVID-19

Module 8: Human Person are Oriented Towards Impending Death

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person


AT#4: Future Self

Directions: Imagine yourself 5 years from now, write a letter that may motivate your future self and your vision in



◎Google classroom

Web Sources:

◎ - AP/Carlo Navarro, March 25, 2020, Fighting COVID-19

Text Book

◎ Abella, Roberto D. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Quezon City: C & E Publishing

Module 8: Human Person are Oriented Towards Impending Death

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