Express - Unit 4-1

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aco ad Talk about work experience Dee aad Been there, done that. »D Jacob goes to book a vacation. Listen ‘sation and mark sob has vist ‘ > Listen again and iin the blanks jacob vase me Do you hive any Mens fora Jacob have vised Orlando thre tin Present perfect tense BP 100% st Excise 2 and underine bio sentences which ak about prous experiences 1 Do you know when they happened? 2 Been and visited are the past particiole forms of which verbs? 3 Which auxiliary verb is used? eS ee ee Think of several tourist destinations i ween Jacob and the trai Il in the blanks with the participles. You can use some of ther Jake has nore thar 8. fone: A He has been climbed — do B Se Broad ke ha n : ae NENNG fonnatteguarentraeihesie: | 2 h mn Broadway @ tabl J 7 tea dtiee gular forms of the past [Il h h ! : those thi i 5 1e Eiffel Tower. LANGUAGE 7 the Sistine Chapel Lesson 2 What's the weirdest food you’ve eaten? Find people in you who have done these thing in the column on the right A Have you ever met a famous person? B Yes, N lied to someone you love? gone skateboarding? taken a cold shower? fallen asleep in class? broken a mirror? written an article for a newspaper? been in a car ac n tele ridden a motorcycle? seen a ghost? gotten sunburned at the beach experienced déja vu? eaten banana eR RS Put the words in the correct order to form questions. 1 (you /ever / have ) eaten yakisoba? 2 (you/ever/have) _ been to india? Answer the questions in Exercise 2 in the short form. 1 Yes, 1 -1No,1 2 Yes,1 _—.1'No, I Negatives are formed using not or never before the main verb. Use the cues to write negative sentences. 1. my friend / eat / insects, — 2 my teacher / visit / bet Paul and Sue are talking about their past YOURSELF experiences. Listen and practice the Not l conversation. Really? H No way! ' sue What's the weirdest food you've eaten, [doit believe f Faull You're kidding! f Paul don't know. What do you mean? You're joking! ; Sue Well, have you ever eaten frogs’ legs, You're pulling my leg! l for example? That's incredible! Paul No, L haven't, but I have eaten snails That's unbelievable! Sue That's weird! Paul Have you ever eaten snails? No, haven't! And I've never eaten Dp Make a list of five strange things that you frogs’ legs, either. have done. They can be true or not. Then tell your partner about them. Can your partner guess if you are telling the truth? I've done just about everything in restaurants. Dd Look at the first draft of the cover letter below. Work in pairs to discuss the questions 1 What is a cover letter? nat kind of information do you include in a cover letter? BD ok at the cover letter again identify the following parts. 3 with A natur and name 4A losing paragraph thanking Mr, 5 ‘The da 6 ‘The name, title and of th n Anita is writ A paragraph rn An introduc ing why she is wrt and Listen to Anita's job intervi nplete the blanks. 1 How many restaurants has Anita work | Write a cove n you 3 How many kitchens has she worked in? 4 What does she think of the foo 5. Why hasn't she tried it? Ee In pairs, practice @ job interview using your own information. Use the expressions in the Express Yourself box. YOURSELF 0 W letter applying for a job a of work. Use the letter in cise 1 as a model Pronunciation Bits forms of has and have. @ , 2 sentences. always wanted to travel to N ve h 2 They've eaten cavia f 3 He's v e strange pla it 4 It's been a wonderful exper AB When there i «double consonant the vowel in frnt ofthe double consonant hes @ short Vocabulary Log D compete ntences with the correct pa: participle. 4 Ton sush! many time 5 Ive never an aricle fora newspaper 6 Sue len ha in thee restaurants, Bist the adventurous things you have done and have never \ done. Use the past participles below and a dictionary to add more ideas. ridden gone traveled eaten drunk s with the correct form of the auxiliary verb have. love traveling. I (1) been to many ountries in Europe, My w traveling and she (2) isted most of the capital cities in South America, Between us, we red more than twenty different countries. My wife's mom and dad like traveling in luxury. They (4) been on more than a nks with the verb in the 4a Rel aa=ie) a Dd Write questions with ever to complete the conversation Richard Texas? Yes, I've been Houston every year for Richard Of course. That's my job. | ride horses in the rodeos, Interviewer (3) Richard Me? Fall off a horse? I do it all th time, I just have to stay on for eight seconds. Then I get off any way I car Interviewer (4 Richard Yeah, I broke so many bones las that my wife wanted me to stop riding, db Imagine you are being interviewed. Use the short forms to answer the questions in Exercise 1 B) Use the cues to write about yourself (eatsushiy | have eaten sushi (drink sake) have. never drunk. sake, (meet the president) (visit Russia) 4. (see The Lord of the Rings) bike) 7 (fall asleep in an English class) Razed Ar a dD Number the parts of a cover letter in the fb) January 12,2008 orrect order: —_—" Dear Ms. Foster @ _—— (@ Jane Foster Director of Human Resources West Country Club 12552 N.W.3: Clearwater, FL. 31098 Thanking you vand consideration: ——— for your time Wok forcward to meeting YOUT aan inter® erely ost since ay sam rt ora (@)_— Tm anenthusasi outgoing instructor with extensive experience, Ihave worked in 0 ald. todays Mia! ‘many private gyms. [think ™ i Tean contribute a ot to your _ is — Look at the ad for a job. Write a cover letter applying for the job. Use the letter in Exercise 1 as a model cea Have you ever considered working as an au pair? D Alexis is talking to a travel to the conv alternatives in the order the agent mentions them. BD Listen again and ma GF Exercise 1 with the benefits they offe b 0 do different thing c be able to live with a French 4 practice your French a lo Role play the c tion between Alexis A Have you ev If you work with a F B Ye £1 wo care of children! an au pai, I'l have to tak that might happen if the jobs. dD Talk about t Alexis get if the family likes her, they may take s around the countr Alexis is telling her friend Cole about her decision. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present perfect. Then listen and check your answers. Alexis Cole, 1 (1) (find) a perfect job for me in Europe! cole Really? What is it? Alexis I'll work ata hotel cole So tell me, Alexis, @) (vou ‘ever - work) at a hotel? Alexis Well, (3) (work) at a restaurant, but 1a) (never - work) at a hotel. cole You worked at the restaurant for only one week, And you hate housework! 6 (you ever - clean) your own house? Alexis No, 1 (6) 4 but. cole And (7) (you - ever - cook) your own meals? Alexis No, 1(8) . but Cole So | guess you should start looking at other options right away, because a job at a hotel may not really be the thing for you! D Role play the rest of the conversation. Ask about Dd Discuss these questions in small the things that Alexis has done and then give a groups. suggestion. Follow the example, 1 Have you ever lived abroad? visit Europe / read about it 2 Have you ever considered working, ‘A. Ate you sure you're ready to live abroad for along time? abroad fora period of time? Where? Have you ever visited Europe? 3. What job might be good for you if you B_ No, I haven't, but I've read a lot about it. decide to live abroad? ‘A. Well, maybe you could go to Europe on vacation before you 4 What could you do to find more decide to move there. information about jobs in other countries? Take t 4 e quiz and then check your sco 6, e on pa Complete the conversation with the sentences: below. Write a, b,c or d. a. I'lldrive a company car and have my own secretary b I'l start next week Pl have to move to the headquarters in Spain they'll promote me Sarah How was the interview? Bob OK. If get the job, (1) Sarah Monday? Well, does the work seem good? Bob The salary is good and if finish my MBA, (2) Sarah A better position. That's excellent Bob And if become a manager. Sarah Those are good things! Why don’t you seem excite Bob The problem is, ifthey select me, (4) Sarah Well, then | you to stay ti e they don't sele here with n you. I want Use the cues to complete the sentences Arthur I'm trav ing to Paris. (1) vou / ever / be / there) Peter Yes, have. I (2) (be / there / twice) Arthur When? Peter Once in 2002 and once in Arthur 2 (what / you / do / there) Peter 1 (4) (visit /a lot of museums) Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. 1 If my MBA,1___ aig promotion, (finish / get) 21 my job immediately if a proposal to work abroad. (leave / receive 3 if a scholarship to study abroad, working. (get / stop) 4 WeMary pregnant, she Circle the correct alternative Ann Stephen and Sarah ate moving to France. Pat Really? I'm not sure, but Sarah (1) will /might have problems finding a jo. Ann Why do you say’ that? Pat Wel, French isn't easy. I don’t know. She (2) may oval have problems learning it. Ann Nonsense! She (3) may’ not / won't have any problems. And she (4)might / will find a job, no problem. her job. Choose the correct alternative. 1 a Have you eaten sushi? b Have you eat sushi? 2. a Marta’s experience deja vu only once bb Marta's experienced deja vu only once. 3 a Ive fallen asleep in cass i've fell asleep in class. 4. a Paul's work in many restaurants and cafés. b Paul's worked in many restaurants and cafés. 6 Rewrite the sentences using ever or never. 1 Have you eaten snails? 2. She hasn't ridden a motorcycle 3. He hasn't wr na report for a magazin 4 Have you fallen asleep in a meeting’ 7 Write the verbs below in their past participle form and put them in the correct box stop drive study bring discuss put give eat let think cut speak buy __-ed “en ought contribute fight bet No change Se == 8 Complete the sentences with the words below. pregnant wedding debutante marriage 1 didn’t have a ball when I tumed 2. Maggie doesn't have a happy Her hhusband doesn't love hi 3 Jenny is ing to have 4 Kim is going to wear a beautiful white dress on the day of her 3 Complete the sentences with the past participles of the words below. see be eat drink to the United States. The Phantom of the 1 John has: 2. Mark and Julie have Opera twice 3 We have vodka in Poland 4. David and Suzanne have snails in France. Check your score for each exercise to see how well you can do these things. 4 points - Excellent 3 points - Good (0-2 points - You need to review this material. Us below to see which lessons you need to study more. the links fore) 1 Talk about future possibilities (US, L1) 2 Talk about past experiences (U4, 12) mmm '3 First conditional (U3, L1) 4 May and méghe for possibilities (US, L2) 5 Present perfect (U4, LI / U4, L2) 6 Ever and never (12) 7 Past participle of verbs (U4, L1 / U4, L2) __ Soe 8 Milestones (U 9 Vacations (U4, L1) First conditional ‘The frst condtional is formed by two clauses: the conditan and the resut. | a isareeneae fare with wl Witaine, ut ony eit, Use the first conditional to talk about real possibilities in the present or future, ifthe trafic i bad, Jeff wil arrive lave. ifthe weather is nice this weekend, we'll go to the beach. ‘1 What wil happen if there is a power falune? Completa the sentences using the correct tense ofthe verb in 1 there be a power flue al the lights 2 Afallthe Highs (go) out, we (bey inthe dark. 3. itwe he im the dat, the cen rc) scared 4 They (not fet) scared if we (ting) candles 5 twe light) candles. we (have) tobe very cael © Thehouse caret (catchy on fie if we {not be) { Present perfect ‘The present perfect tense is formed using the aurilary have ‘and the past particple of the man verb, oT form of the verb ‘WouWe/They ‘have (ve fesien 0 Pvirmstve TNegarve SL eroastve Vstonta) aa he i te Heit iestel YoReart stint | WorTrey howe (vel We/Thoy hve rot aye vay aad? | Use the present perfect tense to tak about actions at an indeterminate time in the past. The tine is ether unknown, or ot important and nat stated I have talked to John, They have seen this movie, | Bil has been to Chicago. Have you ever been to Detrot? ‘No, Ive never been there. Tip The past participle form of regular verbs is the same as the simple past form (+ ed), Chack the ireguiar verb list on page 1127 for the past participle form of regular verbs. J PP aor Reernce May and might for possibilities Use the modal ausiaries may and might for present or future Possiiiies. Might indicates that something = slighty less probable than may. They can be used in conditional sentences. Instead of vn John may be stuck in trafic. | may go to the theater on Friday | might see that movie tonight IW you vst Alaska, you might see 9 bear Tip Always use the infinite of the main verb without to with {modal ans tke may ané might Make up a chain of events using the information below. Folow the example ives get dey o> fish die p> many people have no food they pt weak gr sch ff gel wring cnr. rears igh ge cy 1 vers set 2 wish 3 If people: or ((We can alsa form short answers using yas or no Yes. have. "No hvent. No, Fv nt Yes he as, No be ase. / No, he not. | Tip Dont contise the contracted frm inthe third person with the vero tobe He's been to Alaska. = He has been to Alaska \ Eire been mn Aieeie. = I ea ben ee 1 Complete these conversations using the present perfect form of these verbs, A. More whiskey? B_ No, thanks. (1) have) enough ‘A. My’son wants to move tothe Antarctic B What? @) hve) his mina? Ae (voweverthe) tothe United tate BB Yes, once when | was 12 years oi A. Do you like Beethoven? 1B Toeellyou the tnt, () (nevertnean any of he symphonies, AL Where (3) (youre) all morning? B_Lowentto the alpor to meet frend 115

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