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Laboratory Experiment No.

Name: Chelsie Nicole R. Calata
Section: NUR22D

Qualitative Desi Ghee Vegetable Ghee Refined Oil Conclusion

Solubility Test- Immiscible in Immiscible in Immiscible in Due to the
Distilled Water water indicating water indicating water indicating presence of oil or
the presence of the presence of the presence of fat, the water
oil or fat in the oil or fat in the oil or fat in the sank and failed to
samples samples samples combine with the
desi ghee sample.
Solubility Test- Immiscible in Immiscible in Immiscible in As the alcohol
Alcohol water indicating water indicating water indicating floats, the sample
the presence of the presence of the presence of darkens. When
oil or fat in the oil or fat in the oil or fat in the the test tube was
samples samples samples shook after being
heated on a
Bunsen burner, it
became a
translucent tint,
signifying that it
had been
dissolved and
revealing the
presence of oil or
Solubility Test- The samples are The samples are The samples are When chloroform
Chloroform miscible in miscible in miscible in is dropped into a
chloroform chloroform chloroform sample, it turns
indicating the indicating the indicating the transparent, and
presence of oil or presence of oil or presence of oil or when it is shaken,
fat in the samples fat in the samples fat in the samples the material is
combined with
the chloroform.
Spot test The light is partly The light is not The light is not Translucent spots
visible formed by partly visible partly visible on the sample's
the samples due formed by the formed by the surface indicate
to the diffraction samples samples that lipids are
of light present. It should
be noted that the
existence of fats
is proven if a
transparent area
is present.
Acrolein test A pungent A pungent A pungent The creation of
irritating odour of irritating odour of irritating odour of acrolein, which is
acrolein acrolein acrolein physically
defined by the
discharge of the
strong odor, is
the outcome of
the reaction
between glycerol
and potassium
Bauduin test No such color is A rose red color (No Test Done) used to identify
seen in Desi is seen in between
Ghee sample vegetable ghee vanaspati ghee
sample and desi ghee.
Sesame oil is
absent from pure
ghee. 5ml of
hydrochloric acid
and 2% furfural
solution in
alcohol are used
to cure fats and
oils. Sesame oil
is visible in the
supplied sample
after 5–10
minutes as a rose-
red color
Huble’s test The violet color The violet color (No Test Done) The results of this
of iodine in the of iodine in the test are used to
reagent did not reagent fades determine the
fade away away sample's level of
unsaturation. Oils
are either
saturated or
depending on
how Huble's
reagent reacts
with them. If the
iodine violet
color fades away,
the oil is
unsaturated. If
the color stays,
the oil is

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