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him authority and directions.

It is said that the quarrel

runs:--``In order to consolidate the intimate tie which unites

Milk is naturally almost white with a tint of cream colour.

made some discovery in natural science. Della Porta was

order (of which there are nine), and possibly the shortest


the Teubner series of Greek and Latin texts. A Fabularum

was defective, as it allowed, as in the old smooth-bore guns,

coarse and somewhat rough; the colour being generally rufous

being thrice repeated, the maxim of the Twelve Tables took

which there is a large number in the Verospi, now Torlonia

Livingston, and, for negroes, at Montgomery, Tuskegee and Normal.

now moved in the form of a single resolution, thanking the

natural razor strops, and the expressed juice of the leaves

good mechanical support to the spongy masses, and does away

have originally been pronounced, so much is certain,---that

in 1609, was dissolved in 1796, and the present Bank of the

friends, but published nothing further except a prose volume, the

weeds which in the three previous years have received little

adopted wise and resolute measures for the defence of his

designated their Rabbis; thus Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (better

the Ships (1839); On the Theoretical Explanation of an

and one of the principal seaports of the country. Pop. (1900)

dramatic, as the Palace Theatre in Bridge Place is of variety

races: (1) The Berbers (q.v.) constitute 75% of the entire

accepted as security by creditors. This kind of occupation,

AFFINITY (Lat. affinitas, relationship by marriage, from

for a short time. This halt in the cooling, due to the heat

(q.v..) The south bank of the river is bordered by a long

regarded as the symbol of inexhaustible riches and plenty,

and the cause of emancipation, tended to this end, the American

subjects, in addition to subsidizing the agricultural department

(Althiburus), the rich villa of the Laberii at Wadna (Uthina),

was found impossible, after many interviews, to obtain from

Shee, P.R.A. (London, 1860); C. R. Leslie, R.A., and Tom

conceived, and the allotment law that came into force in October

sought to be eliminated, the selection of which is justified by

ii. (1876-1893); . E. Herzog, Galliae Narbonensis Historia

conditions seems as yet to be of little service when we

or Franciscan Friars, the church followed the ordinary type in

friendship with Guizot, and not least to his own conciliatory

AEnesideme, Pascal, Kant; Ritter and Preller, sec. sec. 364-87O.

Indian Coins (in Grundriss d. ind.-ar. Phil.), Plate I.

the Netherlands in May 1794. There was little for him to do

the title of Alphonso XII.; for although no king of united

Waterloo was followed by vigorous efforts on the part of

on the 10th of February 1525. The estates of the land then

the Danubian principalities, and held that office till early

1784. It was experimented on by the brothers Robert, who

and Fell, afterwards respectively archbishop of York and

John Albert in 1501. His extreme impecuniosity made him

with myriads of tormenting insects. A few miserable groups

after the birth of five children, and the king then returned

for the slave traffic, declared illegal for British subjects

ix. 11 Abaddon ((Abaddon) is used of hell personified,

territories between Angola and Mozambique, and she succeeded

of Spain. The puff-adder (Bitis s. Echidna arietans) of

Aidan, king of the Dalriad Scots, at Daegsastan, defeating

Abyssinians inflicted a crushing defeat on the Italian

bar. From an early age he developed the habit of writing

presence (about 2%) of Meckel's diverticulum already referred

Foillan (founded in the 12th century, but twice rebuilt,

of the small diameter of the bore in relation to the length.

name. In the cantar de gesta of the Cid he plays the part

the purchaser be made of the addition, and it is notorious

Conseil Executif. Later it was given to the Comite de

north on the Mackenzie river, has decided indications of

with the Oxford movement, but is famous as the author of

as the seat of the brain and special senses. The Acephala,

most useful writing from his pen falls into prose resembling

to one and a half amperes during the running intervals.

which this principle indiscerned is an internal sense which is

fashion. There are three classes of chiefs who form the council

have already collected. In order that space may be found

in the 4th century we find reference to stone altars in the

doctrine, for his students. His De Conscientia, ejus Jure

there be added the words ``guaranteed pure'' it is a sufficient

God, who hath pity and nourisheth us from our infancy, who

instruunent-maker. Reference should he made to the articles

ALBANY, a municipal town in the county of Plantagenet, West

1874, and in the most memorable of all exploring expeditions

ALRERTITE, a variety of asphalt found in Albert county, New

if its upper waters had not found contact with the Orinoco,
2 Walter of Henley mentions six bushels per acre as a satisfactory crop.

and it has been suggested that their action was ``running

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