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of its actual birth, he called it alumium; but for the

A.D. 387, been divided between Persia and Byzantium, the

president of the British Association for the Advancement of

C.C. Calumniae causa, Causa cognita, Conjugi carissimae, Consilium

(most of whom are found in the department of Oran), 33,153

for the needs of Abyssinia, but there is little surplus water

the back end, first into a large dust-chamber (m.) and

ACADIE, or ACADIA, a name given by the French in 1603 to

of the action of his masterpiece, Don Quixote, takes place

into the computations, and accordingly he addressed himself

into the Present Manner of Tilling and Manuring the Ground in

artificially. Aluminium silicate is the chemical body of

was connected by land with Madagascar and Southern Africa, all

section 6 of the act of 1875 a defendant could be convicted,

from the Pacific coast, which lick up the snow in a few

must be let stand till it come to a full and dead ripeness, and

United States shell-heaps, quarries, workshops and camp sites

of the two former laws are uncertain, but it is probable that

the senior naval lord as his ``first naval adviser.''

Cambridge, where he was principal of a public school until

where Napoleon defeated the Austrians in 1796. (W. A. B. C.)

Davy --Produced at the Lyceum (1866). His most successful

articles. Much more frequent and much more difficult to deal

namely, a certain magnitude; it being desirable for a

Grimsby. Fish trains are despatched to London daily. Most

which we know that Aristotle (and others) compiled catalogues;

later. Just as the ancients hung their offerings on trees,

districts. Between May and September the sirocco, or hot

Dynamical Theories of the Aether.---The analytical equations

hand, is somewhat at the mercy of too enthusiastic agents

pulmonary troubles, and a number of sanitariums have been

Metamorphoses, i., tells the story with different names).

between the Oil Rivers Protectorate (now Southern Nigeria) and

punishment for their offences they were bound back to back with

subsequently. As an accident of pregnancy, it is far fram

of the navy --the only navy of any nation that has not full

the examination of such measures as at each one of these epochs

forced the line of the Iser and in the battle of Gitchin. The

Poe in significance since he used symbolism for effects of

America. Here occurs the earliest mention of Vinland, and here

powder and fitted with a fuze; on explosion the head burst

present only possible by substituting for beauty another

one egg; it is white, with a few spots, and is about 4 in.

(London, 1863); Martin Archer Shee, The Life of Sir M. A.

defaced. Hymns were then addressed to Amen-re, which are


The relation of the Congo basin to the neighbouring river

AGRICULTURE (from Lat. ager, field, and colere, to

source is in some small lakes near the head of the Fraele

and Missouri for fruit experiments. Excluding all branch

afterwards appointed master of the Trinity House. In June

important, and embrace iron rolling, the manufacture of fine

well-marked physical divisions--a region of mountains to

represented the first specific improvement in the solar tables

Guatemala, of which he was subsequently appointed governor

priests. There is no doubt that, had Alexander's many

authors, which, while bitterly lamenting the frequency of this

of the name of Abbot, by J. T. Abbot, Esq., F.S.A., Darlington;

Paris, 1824, 3rd ed., Brussels, 1825); R. A. Davenport,

subsequent elimination of carbon dioxide, and on dehydration

engineering skill which has guided the construction of the

and in the case of company directors, a substitute is sometimes

native Egyptians Alexander appeared as a deliverer from the

projectile. The powder gas pressure expanded the rim of

heart, &c.), as it is found in Man; and this is followed by

Diatomaceae, Peridiniaceae and Protococcaceae are best

walls of the rift-valley are close to the lake,the waterin

edition, Epistolae aevi Carolini, vol. ii. pp. 1-481, in the

of the common phrase ``hermetically sealed.'' Another legend,

carbon dioxide, potash and hydrogen; in a similar manner,

directly under his control, they took care that the plan should

m. The greatest length of the province is about 85 m. from

black-ash. This ``alkali-waste,'' also called tank-waste or

in Is. xxix. 22). The route along the banks of the Euphrates

to premature explosion. The obus a couronnes de balles

successful that the enemy had to send up reinforcements from

reclamation of desert lands is arid farming--that is, the

of Geologists and Naturalists), which publishes its proceedings

contact with the Germans on the Rhine before the beginning

usual lowest night temperature being 85 deg. . Yet people of

compromise, however, was arranged, and the restoration of his

are nearly all collected here; it is called ``mother-alkali.''

result of this, however, has not so far established more than

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