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Dell's Revival PCs, and sell directly to customers over

the phone or online, cutting out the

Strategy Runs middleman.

Into Trouble When he left Dell in 2004, it sold more

PCs in the U.S. than its four closest
By Justin Scheck
Nov. 28, 2008 12:01 am ET
rivals combined, according to the
analysis firm Gartner. Back then, H-P
was struggling in second place.
Michael Dell's plan to fix the
company he founded, Dell Inc. once Now the tables are turned. Dell's core
the biggest personal-computer maker in business of selling desktop PCs directly
the world -- is stalling. to companies keeps slowing, and it has
lagged behind H-P and others in
Dell reported falling revenue and adapting to the growing popularity of
shrinking profits last week for its most consumer laptops -- which people
recent quarter. And while profit would rather buy in stores, where they
margins grew, the gains resulted from can try them out.
painful cost cuts, including massive
layoffs and decisions not to invest in Dell's challenges are testament to the
launching products like portable music rapidly changing global gadget
players and cellphones -- the kinds of business. The rise of notebooks, tiny
gadgets Mr. Dell had described "netbooks" and smartphones such as
previously as building "brand lust." Apple's iPhone is forcing PC makers to
rethink the very definition of a
By contrast, Dell's main
"personal computer."
rival, Hewlett-
Packard Co. HPQ 1.69% , on
Monday announced increased At the same time, Dell has lost its
quarterly sales and a 10% jump in low-cost edge as its rivals shifted to
PC revenue from last year. using Asian factories-for-hire to
build their wares. Today, many of
Dell's own factories, such as one in
Mr. Dell, who famously founded his
North Carolina that's only about
company in a University of Texas dorm
three years old, can no longer
room, once ruled the PC market with a
compete on cost.
simple strategy: Build reliable desktop
Dell is trying to sell off some plants. Dell shares have bounced back in
But in October, tech-industry recent days, but are still trading at
analysis firm iSuppli suggested that about $11, down from a 52-week high
Dell may actually have to pay other of more than $28.
companies to take them.
A Dell spokesman referred questions
In an interview earlier this year, Mr. about its turnaround plan to statements
Dell acknowledged the frustration with made during last week's earnings
the slow pace of his turnaround. conference call. During that call, Mr.
"Everything takes longer than I've Dell and the company's chief finance
expected, than I'd like it to take," he officer, Brian Gladden, pointed out that
said. Dell has succeeded in making
international sales, as well as higher-
Mr. Dell has made some significant
profit items like corporate server
progress. Despite recent weak sales, the
computers, a bigger part of revenue.
company's operating profit is up thanks
to a nearly two-year cost-cutting effort. The two also blamed sales declines on
That resulted in higher profit margins the weak economy, which is slamming
than last year, beating analysts' the entire tech industry. In recent
earnings predictions. Dell has almost weeks, H-P and Cisco
10,000 fewer employees than a year Systems Inc. CSCO 1.89% have
ago. announced cost cuts.

Dell has also released more new

Mr. Dell, 43, returned to the
products this year than in past years,
company as chief executive in early
and has boosted sales and profits in its
2007 with a two-pronged rescue
consumer division -- the fastest-
plan: Cut costs in the thin-profit PC
growing segment of the PC market, and
business, and invest in new areas,
historically a Dell weak spot.
including not only music players
Its quarterly earnings per share of 37 and new portable devices, but also
cents beat analysts' estimate of 31 "business services" such as running
cents. The company's expenses were corporate in-house networks.
down 11% from last year.
Now, Mr. Dell's dual aims -- cutting at
the low end, while pushing new high-
end gear and services -- are in conflict. consider the phone business, but has no
Dell's slim profit margins make it tough imminent plans to enter it.
to invest heavily in R&D even in good
In its heyday, Dell boasted industry-
leading profit margins and assembly
A Dell spokesman says that investing system so efficient that it was the
in new products and slashing costs subject of scholarly papers. Dell today
"aren't mutually exclusive." is in a "squeeze play," says Paul
Argenti, a professor at Dartmouth
The impact of the economic downturn
College's Tuck School of Business who
is particularly clear in corporate sales,
has studied the company.
Dell's single biggest business, which
generated about 80% percent of On one side are low-cost Asian PC
revenue the past year. After posting makers, while at the other is Apple,
annual unit increases of 12% or more which commands premium prices that
each quarter for the past year, help fund R&D. But while the
commercial shipments dropped 5% in challenges are formidable, Mr. Dell is
the most recent quarter, and revenue "enormously talented" and is capable of
declined 6%. For years, commercial formulating a new strategy, Mr.
PCs had been a reliable growth source Argenti said.
for the industry.
Mr. Dell, who remained chairman
Partly due to the weakening tech during his three years away from the
market, Dell this fall killed plans to sell CEO's office, stays closely connected
a portable music player, even though it with product development. He fires off
was already testing prototypes, say late-night e-mails asking about
people familiar with the matter. It's also individual components in new PCs,
backing away from tentative plans to colleagues say. And Mr. Dell says he
design a mobile phone, say people routinely dismantles rivals' PCs in a
briefed on the business. room in his Austin, Texas, home.

A spokesman declined to comment on H-P has a significant advantage over

Dell's phone plans. Earlier this year, Dell. Its highly profitable printer
Mr. Dell said the company continues to business and business-services division
are far bigger than Dell's. This has
helped insulate H-P from PC-market A big factor: H-P found Dell's weak
weakness. PCs are about 35% of H-P's spot by focusing its sales on retail
revenue; they're about 60% of Dell's. stores, where Dell had no presence.

H-P has continued to beat Dell in PC Mr. Dell took back the reins from then-
sales. Last month, analysis firm IDC CEO Kevin Rollins in early 2007,
reported that H-P remained the world's pronouncing his old business model
largest PC maker in this year's third dead. After his return, he announced
quarter. Its shipments increased 14.9% the company would start selling in
compared to the year-earlier period. stores.
Dell increased shipments only 11.4%.
Today, Dell needs to worry about retail
On Monday, H-P announced a gain in sales cannibalizing its higher-profit
quarterly revenue. direct sales. An executive at Best
Buy Co. BBY 1.92% said recently in
Dell's disadvantage is magnified by
an interview that it expects its sales of
falling PC prices. For the quarter ended
Dell PCs to take away from Dell's
Aug. 1, it reported a 17% annual drop
direct sales.
in profits largely because a European
Dell doesn't report retail profits, but
division cut prices to chase large
profit margins there remain slim,
corporate deals, said a person familiar
analysts say.
with the matter.
A Dell spokesman said that "retail has
In the recent earnings call, Mr. Dell
actually enhanced the online business,"
said the company has decided to keep
since it has raised Dell's profile with
profit margins up, rather than lower
prices to spur growth.
Mr. Dell also focused on the consumer-
Dell's fortunes looked much better four
laptop business, which by that time
years ago, when Mr. Dell left the CEO
suffered from a troubled reputation. For
post. The low-cost business model of
instance, tech blogs had a field day
selling PCs directly to customers had
after Dell and a few other
propelled 2004 sales above $40 billion.
manufacturers' notebooks caught fire
But growth stalled in 2006.
due to battery problems. Dell recalled
the faulty batteries, which it hadn't interview earlier this year. "Michael
manufactured. knows no boundaries."

Mr. Dell hired top executives from Early this year, Dell executives
outside the company to push into new discussed entering the phone market in
markets and cut costs. Mobile 2009, said people briefed on the matter.
technology was also to be a promising But it has held back due to cost and the
new foray, since smartphones have uncertain market, they say.
recently been a sweet spot of computer
A Dell spokesman declined to
comment on the company's phone
Mr. Dell brought in Motorola Inc. plans.
veteran Ron Garriques to run the new
Dell has pushed into the hot market for
consumer division. "The phone is a
netbooks -- small, low-power laptops
very different animal for us," said Tim
designed mainly for internet access.
Mattox, Dell's strategy chief, in an
However, netbooks have thin profit
interview earlier this year. "It's one of
margins and sell for as little as $350.
the reasons we brought in Ron."
Meanwhile, H-P this year introduced a
Mr. Garriques set up a Chicago office,
line of two consumer-oriented
hiring ex-Motorola employees to
smartphones in Europe. It also beat
develop portable devices, including
Dell into the netbook market.
mini-notebook PCs. In August 2007,
Dell acquired Zing Inc., a company Dell's biggest transformation may be in
founded by an Apple veteran that manufacturing, which was narrowly
develops portable music players and tailored to its original direct-sales
software. Dell said it planned to release strategy. The company eschewed
a Zing music player this year, along inventory, and its famously efficient
with Zing software. factories quickly assembled build-to-
order PCs. Plants were often located in
Mr. Dell paid close attention to the
local markets to speed up delivery
consumer division. "I'll come down
from a meeting, and he'll be in my
cubicle," Mr. Garriques said in an But Dell stuck to that approach too
long, opening new plants in the U.S.
while rivals like Apple and H-P shifted
to Asia.

At a conference in Switzerland early

last year, Mr. Dell approached Mike
Cannon, a former CEO of a contract
manufacturer. On a plane back to the
U.S., Mr. Dell told Mr. Cannon that
Dell "needs a lot of help," Mr. Cannon
recalled earlier this year. Shortly after,
he was hired as Dell's operations chief.

Mr. Cannon soon began efforts to

outsource Dell's manufacturing to Asia
and to start the process of selling off

On a conference call with analysts

Thursday, Mr. Dell said his leadership
team has laid "important foundations
that position us to be a stronger and
more nimble company."

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