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Read the questions and select the most appropriate answer from the options given below

1. ……………………………….project launched in 1997 on a pilot basis in 12 Districts (out of a

total of 110) and three Regional Offices was to improve the collection, processing and

analysis of educational data in order to make reliable information available for decision

making at all levels of the education system.

A. Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS)

B. Education Management Information System (EMIS)

C. Education Data System (EDS)

D. Education Electronic Management System (EEMS)

2. Which system supports management of public sector budgetary, financial, and accounting
operations and promote better public financial management (PFM) with a centralized
registry of public sector revenues and expenditures?
A. Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS)

B. Education Management Information System (EMIS)

C. Ghana Financial Management Systems for Education (GFMSE)

D. Education Electronic Management System (EEMS)
3. At the Education Directorate, maternity and paternity leaves are prepared by

A. Budget Officer

B. Welfare Officer

C. Guidance and Counseling Coordinator

D. Girl-Child Officer
4. The following explain why Teacher Management is important except

A. Teachers are the main resource of any education system and require
specific management
B. Teachers have a strong influence on the quality of education

C. Poor management of Teachers can lead to Teachers moving to the rural areas

D. Teacher management also plays a key role in achieving the qualitative goals of

Education 2030 agenda, as underlined by the Incheon declaration.

5. ………………………………………………are paid to an employee who is required by the

Supervising Officer to undertake duties of a special nature requiring additional
A. Extra duty allowances

B. Professional allowances

C. Overtime allowance

D. Secondment allowances

6. ……………………………………. refers to allocation of allowance of any hours worked by

an employee that exceed their normally scheduled working hours.

A. Extra duty allowances
B. Professional allowances

C. Overtime allowance

D. Secondment allowances

7. Government of Ghana is introducing a ………………………………………….. of GH¢1,200

per year for professional teachers and GH¢600 per year for non-professional teachers to
deepen their commitment and spur professional growth.
8. At what stage does Ghana Education Service work in collaboration with the Ghana Health


A. Issuance or Renewal of NHIS cards

B. Utilization of GNAT Cancer Fund

C. Immunization/Vaccination of pupils against sicknesses and diseases

D. Provision of First Aid Boxes to schools

9. GIFMIS is an IT based system for budget management and accounting that is being
implemented by the Government of Ghana to improve Public Expenditure Management
processes, enhance greater accountability and transparency across Ministries and
Departments. What is GIFMIS?
A. Government Integral Financial Management Information System

B. Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System

C. Government Integrated Fiscal Management Information System

D. Government Integrated Financial Management Information Software

10. The Government of Ghana is currently providing Free Wireless Fidelity (Wifi) to
all………………………….of the Pre-tertiary education.

A. Primary and Junior High Schools

B. Primary, Junior High Schools, Senior High Schools Regional and District Offices

C. Senior High Schools/TVETs, Regional and District Offices

D. Junior High Schools, Senior High Schools/TVETs and District Offices

11. The National School Feeding Programme creates the opportunity to bring both girls and
boys into school by ensuring that they are free from hunger, enabling them to concentrate
and focus on learning. The goal of the programme is to

A. ensure that all children of school going age are fed adequately well to eliminate
hunger in the school
B. deliver a well-organised, decentralised intervention that provides disadvantaged

school children with nutritionally adequate, locally produced food.

C. introduce school children to a balanced diet
D. expose school children to local dishes and how they are prepared

12. The Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme is a cash transfer
programme which has reached over 200,000 extremely poor and vulnerable households. It

is a GOG programme in partnership with the UK Department for International

Development (DFID), UNICEF, and the World Bank. Who are the main target groups?

A. Party Sympathizers

B. Households with orphaned and vulnerable children

C. Individual who have lost their monies at unlicensed financial institutions

D. Families with special needs

13. …………………………………….. is a fraudulent investing scam promising high rates of

return with little risk to investors.
A. Scamming scheme

B. Duping

C. Ponzi scheme

D. Risky investment

14. The following are roles and responsibilities of the Teacher in the Covid-19 era in the
exception of
A. Ensure regular cleaning and disinfection of toilet facilities, surfaces, classrooms,
laboratories for practical, workstations, canteens, common facilities, and all points
of human contacts such as door handles, switches of fans, lights, air conditioners,
remote controls, and computers. Preferably every 1-2 hours depending on the rate
of utilization.

B. Provide adequate ventilation, i.e. open windows to allow for the maximum
circulation of fresh air
C. Make classroom seating arrangements such that students or chairs are at least 1
meter away from each other

D. Notify GES Management when there is a suspected case

15. ………………………….. exists when a person who occupies a position and he/she is not
sure/consistent of his functions.
A. Role incompatibility

B. Role ambiguity

C. Role conflict

D. Role setting

16. …………………………are principles that govern the behaviour of a person or group in a

business environment.

A. Professional conducts

B. Professional traits
C. Professional values
D. Professional ethics
17. Which of the following is not a feature of an organised profession?

A. Registered association

B. Ethical standards

C. Certification

D. Examination

18. ……………………….refers to the knowledge, skills and practices that teachers must have
in order to be effective educators and to impact positively on the educands and the
general public.
A. Code of ethics

B. Teacher professionalism

C. Teacher development

D. Personal development
19. …………………………. regulates the relationship between the employer and employees.

A. Professional codes of conduct

B. Professional development

C. Teacher development

D. Code of ethics

20. A teacher survived a serious accident but became deaf and dumb and as a result, He left
the service. Under which condition can his situation be classified?
A. Retirement

B. Resignation

C. Removal from service

D. Incapacitation


21. Currently, the education sector promotes the inclusion of children with disabilities through
special schools and inclusion in mainstream schools.

A. True
B. False
22. The proportion of trained teachers in special schools is higher than in regular schools
A. True
B. False
23. Reliability tests the degree to which the test measures what is intended to measure.
A. True
B. False (Validity)
24. Performance Monitoring Test and Criterion Reference Test are examples of Assessments.
A. True
B. False
25. Decolonisation ensures freeing all States under colonial rule in Africa. This is an

objective of the Organisation of African Union.

A. True
B. False
26. One of the main roles of the District Assembly is to ensure that all Business ventures are

levied and taxes, rates, duties and fees are collected.

A. True
B. False

27. The District Chief Executive is nominated by the President and approved by at least

3/4 of all members of the assembly present, and voting at a meeting.

A. True
B. False (2/3)
28. Under the Divestiture Programme, there exists an objective to raise enough revenue

by levying Private businesses.

A. True
B. False
29. The economic recovery programme was officially launched in 1989 by the erstwhile

PNDC Government.

A. True
B. False (1983)
30. The economic recovery programme involves measure to correct imperfection in the

country’s economy and to ensure increasing productivity out of which the needs of

the citizenry could be adequately met.

A. True
B. False
31. Criterion-Referenced Assessment measures students against pre-

established standard or goal.

A. True
B. False
32. Curricular activities, Co-curricular activities form part of Educational
outcomes except personality development.
A. True
B. False
33. Preparation of Report Cards is an indirect responsibility of a Headteacher in a Basic


A. True
B. False
34. In the course of the C.S.S.P.S model, students who desire to go the Polytechnic right from

JHS without passing through SHS or TVET are catered for.

A. True
B. False
35. Upon the letter of appointment, the Basic School Headteacher has the legitimate power to

operate the school on behalf of the District Director.

A. True
B. False
36. The only Power that is given to a Headteacher of a Basic

School is Coercive Power.

A. True
B. False
37. Ghana Education Service formulates National Educational Policies

at all levels as director by the Director General through the Regional

A. True
B. False
38. At the school level, the head of the institution provides day-to-day administration of the
processes of teaching and learning while teachers are supposed to provide learners with skills
for the job market.
A. True
B. False
39. The National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE) established by an Act of Parliament,

to recommend and advise the Minister for Education on all matters relating to the delivery
of tertiary education in Ghana.
A. True
B. False
40. The National Teacher Council (NTC) established by an Act of Parliament is mandated to
among other responsibilities; (i) undertake the inspection of schools; (ii) evaluate
periodically the first and second cycle institutions and (iii) set and enforce standards to be
observed at both the public and private pre-tertiary institutions.
A. True
B. False (National Schools Inspectorate Authority)
41. The school head should ensure that paid vouchers are numbered sequentially and
entered same in the log book and properly filled.

(a) True (b) False

42. Climate change, Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable
Development have become major tools for protecting the environment and ensuring
sustainable development.
(a) True (b) False
43. Even though Homework is important in the instructional system and teachers must
therefore give homework as part of the instructional process, it is NOT scored as part of the
School-Based Assessment in Ghana.

(a) True (b) False

44. A teacher must test his or her students when assessing them.

(a) True (b) False

45. Objective type tests cannot be used to assess higher-order thinking abilities.

(a) True (b) False

46. Within the GES structure, decision-making takes place only within the GES Council.

(a) True (b) False

47. Transfers within the GES is an external exercise.

(a) True (b) False

48. The GES Act 1995 [Act 506] and the Education Act 2008 [Act 778] are statutes that
are directly related to the functions of GES.

(a) True (b) False

49. In 1974, the new structure and content of education was introduced which brought about
the JSS concept implemented on pilot basis from 1976 to 1987.

(a) True (b) False

50. The Ministry of Education’s main mandate is to formulate education policies. A

legal incident in this mandate is monitoring and evaluating their performance.

(a) True (b) False

51. Legitimate Power of a school head is conferred by virtue of his or her appointment to
the position and therefore can exert administrative authority.
(a) True (b) False

52. The many benefits of teaching aids include helping learners improve reading
comprehension skills, illustrating or reinforcing a skill or concept, differentiating instruction
and relieving anxiety or boredom by presenting information in a new and exciting way.
(a) True (b) False

53. A typical example of a gender gap in our society is certain jobs are considered to be the
preserves of men.

(a) True (b) False

54. Some features of Monarchial rule include Freedom of Expression, Separation of Powers,
Rule of Law, Multi-party system among others.

(a) True (b) False

55. Laxity in the enforcement of bonds by GES is a major reason for some beneficiaries
defaulting bonds they sigh with impunity.

(a) True (b) False

56. A brief account of a person's education, qualifications, and previous occupations,

typically sent with a job application is termed………Curriculum Vitae……………

57. Which methods of teaching at the Kindergarten level of Education develop the ability of children to speak

……………… Rhymes and Songs ………………………

58. The four corners of a Kindergarten classroom are:

I…………Sandy corner……….. II…………Shopping corner……………

III………Make - Belief corner………….. IV…………Nature Corner…………..

59. ………Education…………….is the process of receiving or giving systematic

instruction especially at school to enable a child/pupil/student acquire a body of knowledge or

specific skills.

60. What is the role of Curriculum prescriptive?

………………………. It specifies what topics must be understood and to what level to achieve a
particular grade or standard……………………….

61. They refer to school non-examinable disciplines or subjects that are taught outside the main official

time table. What are they?

……………………Co-curricular activities………………………………
62. ……The shift system…… practiced in communities where there are not enough

classroom accommodation to make it possible for classes to be held for all pupils enrolled in the

school at the same time of the day. That is 8:00am to 2:00pm

63. In a community, who are the implementers of the Complementary Basic Education CBE?

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………… The Chief, Five Community Members and the Facilitator …………….

64. The double track system was introduced by the government in order to

………… enable various senior high schools to take in more students and ensure that all students
have access to a senior high school education .……………..

65. Assessment cuts across all the pillars. Student teachers need to become assessment literate. This is

described under cross- cutting issues. Assessment within subjects sits within the context of Subject and

Curriculum Studies – in English language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and ICT. This includes

such things as subject specific assessment strategies, common misconceptions in subjects, and……………

progress in learning in subjects …..…………….

66. ………Pedagogic knowledge…………. refers to the specialised cognitive knowledge

of teachers for creating effective teaching and learning environments for all learners

Guerriero, S. (2017).

67. A partnership of the College with local schools, Ghana Education Service (GES) and community is very

important for the development and preparation of student teachers and ensuring they achieve the

expectations and………… meet the Teachers’ Standards ………………..

68. In 1966, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

(UNESCO) and International Labour Organisation (ILO) produced a seminal document, the

Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers, aimed at improving the status of teachers.

The recommendations provide guidelines for countries to follow with regard to the professional

preparation, employment and……conditions of the service of teachers……

69. ……Follow-up inspection……. normally take place some few weeks after the

intensive inspection. The purpose is to find out if the suggestions made at the end
of the intensive inspection had been carried out.

70. ………Brief visit…….. has the aim of collecting data on either staff or pupil

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enrolment or check on some information.

71. ………Social dialogue……….. is a tool for negotiation, consultation or sometimes exchange of

information between, or among, representatives of governments, employers and teachers, on issues of

common interest regarding issues of economic and social importance to the teacher.

72. The teacher’s responsibility towards his or her students and regarding the whole teaching and learning

processes as a medium of tenureship to support performance of students under his or her care can be

termed as………Teacher accountability……………

73. Management tools are devices used by Heads of Schools to ……… monitor and evaluate performance
of teaching and learning outcomes.………………
74. ……Terminal report cards……serve as the medium of communication between the

school and the parents to let the parents know how their wards fared in school during the term.

75. The rules or foundations followed when teaching a new topic is………Principles of

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