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Bwemba Charles et al.

/ International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)


YAOUNDE, Centre Region, Cameroon,
Phone number : (237) 99 95 88 41, Email:

YAOUNDE, Centre Region, Cameroon,
Phone number: (237) 77 86 33 28, E-mail:

YAOUNDE, Centre Region, Cameroon,
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YAOUNDE, Centre Region, Cameroon,
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YAOUNDE, Centre Region, Cameroon,
Phone number : (237) 77 77 93 99, E-mail:

(*) : University of Yaoundé I, National Advanced School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering PO
Box 8390

Abstract :

This article examines the contribution of traffic to earth road degradation. This study leads to
degradation evolution laws based on the traffic factor.
The Nkol-Afamba-Dzeng (earth road) section of Divisional road 46 (D46) of the priority national road
network was chosen as case study. Traffic and degradation census forms were designed and their exploitation on
the field over a period of nine (9) months enabled the plotting of Degradation/Traffic curves.
Various findings were interpreted, leading to the establishment of degradation laws.
This study would be a useful tool for decision-makers who, in order to ensure timely maintenance,
must consider the evolution of degradation and traffic on any given stretch of road.

Key words : Earth road; degradation; traffic; measurement; evolution law.

1. Introduction

The severe economic crisis that Cameroon suffered right up to the middle of the last decade dealt a heavy
blow on its capacity to maintain and develop road infrastructure. On the other hand, the annual traffic growth
rate of about 5% is a sign that traffic may double over the next 15 years [Road Master Plan, (2006)]. Meanwhile,
the scarcity of resources due to budgetary constraints on the one hand, and traffic increase, coupled with
inadequate road maintenance on the other hand, have led to severe degradation of the national road network,
comprised mainly (about 91%) of earth roads.
Factors playing a prominent role in the destruction of earth roads include intrinsic characteristics, viz :
traffic, geotechnical characteristics of materials, geometric characteristics of the road; and extrinsic causes,
namely: workmanship, relief, the hydrology of the region and traffic.
Of the factors mentioned above, only three have a major impact on earth roads [Bourgeois, (1995)]. These
include traffic, characteristics of materials used and climate.

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Materials used
An impermeable clayey material allows water to stagnate, leading to the creation of weak points prone
to the development of potholes, whereas a water-sensitive material is conducive to the development of gullies.
Thus, the quality of materials used in the construction of a carriageway is fundamental to its longevity.
With regard to execution, another non-negligible element is the thickness of the material put in place,
and its compactive effort, since pressure at point x depends both on the quality of material and on its thickness at
that point [Huschek, ( 2001)].


Rainfall is one of the factors with an impact on the behavior of road materials. Soil erosion is a
phenomenon that is directly related to rainfall [MCD, (1991-b)]. All soils with hardly any exception are
sensitive to water, i.e. their bearing capacity decreases as their water content increases.
Water can reach the soil from above, through rainfall infiltration, from below where there exists an
expanse of spring water or from water stagnating in blocked ditches infiltrating through the sides.
On the carriageway, the same weight leaves much more deformation on humid soil than on dry soil.


Indeed, a carriageway is basically meant to bear the mechanical actions of vehicles and to transfer same
to the underlying subgrade, without permanent deformations developing either on the subgrade or on the
carriageway itself.
It has been demonstrated that for traffic of 140 Veh/d, the annual loss is between 10 and 30 mm
inclusive. [OCDE, (1990-b)] ; [Bourgeois, (1995)]. It may also create defects capable of starting erosion. Such
defects increase with traffic and vehicle aggressiveness. The figure 2.5 cm per annum is often quoted, but
without specifying the traffic intensity and other conditions applicable, the study is uncertain on this.
Meanwhile, a loss of 5 cm per annum per 100 vehicles is indicated for latiritic gravel roads (which
constitute the bulk of Cameroon’s earth roads). This magnitude which has been confirmed by a Japanese report
seems to be lower for Africa [Millard, (1962)]. Table 1 presents magnitudes that have been established by
aggregation from field activities [MCD, (1972)].

Table 1. Loss of material as a function of traffic intensity

Number or vehicles per day Loss of carriageway materials /annum (cm)

Less than 10 1.0
10 to 50 1.5
50 to 100 2.5
100 to 200 3.0
200 to 400 4.0
400 to 600 5.0

Of these three causes, however, traffic remains the most aggressive and most determinant [Bourgeois,
In a specific region, materials and climate can be considered as constants since they may be fix, making it
possible for us to evaluate solely the impact of traffic. Moreover, materials can be selected.

2. Equipment and method

2.1. Equipment used

We used very simple equipment, namely:

• A meter, to measure the degradations proper ;
• A decameter, to measure noteworthy distances such as cross-sections, or the length of a given
• A rigid ruler, for taking quick and accurate measurements ;
• A water level, to ensure that our measurements are horizontal and accurate;

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

• 10-cm iron rods, which served as markers, especially for the measurement of materials loss ;
• A camera, to take a snapshot of the degradation evolution where possible.

2.2. Method used

The traffic census was taken from 6 am to 8 pm, over a period of 9 months. This was recorded on a
census form (Annex 1).

Three axle types were taken into consideration: single axles, twin axles and triple axles. The number
and spacing of axles are factors for weight transmission to the carriageway. With the same weight, a single axle
causes more damage than a twin axle. In the same way, a triple axle causes less damage than a twin axle.
An examination of the AASHO1 test results reveals that a good approximation of equivalence
coefficients may be obtained through the following formula:
 P 
Ki =  i  [E1]
 Pref 
 
With :
Ki = equivalence coefficients (number of standard axles equivalent to the load Pi.) without unit
Pi = axle i load in tones.
Pref = standard reference axle load in tones, the reference axle used in Cameroon is 13 tones
α = load coefficient or « power »
If one adopts 2 to 3 as equivalence coefficient for paved roads with good characteristics, it seems one
has to envisage significantly higher values for unpaved roads. Within the framework of our work, let us admit
that k = 3 to 4. [Joneaux, (1975)].
For a traffic composition comprising X% of heavy vehicles, the traffic expressed in PVU1 should be
divided by:

(1 – X%) + k x X% [E2]

Aggregate traffic

Owing to the short period of study, we decided to overlook increase in Cameroon’s car fleet, which
grows at an average yearly rate of 5%.
If traffic within week No 1 (i.e. the first week of census) stands at X, then the aggregate traffic by week
No 2 would be 2X, and so on.
We thus obtain our x-axes which represents aggregate traffic, and which is converted into Private
Vehicle Units (PVU) in order to take into account the percentage of heavy vehicles which use the road in
Degradation was measured following the characterization of parameters [Tamo et al., (2008)] in table 2.

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Table 2. Characterization of degradation parameters

Degradations Parameters Units

Corrugation Amplitude (h) mm
Period (dc) mm
Length (L) %
Rutting Depth (p) mm
Width (l) mm
Length (L) %
Potholes Depth (p) mm
Area (s) mm²
Number (n) number
Gullies Depth (p) mm
Width (l) mm
Length (L) %
Loss of camber Height (h)* mm
Length (L) %
Loss of material Height (h)** mm
Length (L) %

* Camber loss is characterized by height (h) expressed in mm taken as an appraisal of the camber slope
** Loss of material is characterized as the difference between the initial thickness (it) in mm and the final
thickness (ft) indicated in mm.

A special protocol was used to measure the loss of material because the measurement of the loss of material
used in the above method is not exact; it supposes that the losses are uniform over the entire width, which is not
the case. To that end, we used the principle of measurement illustrated by figure 1.
La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf

Spirit level
H2 H3 H4
H1 H5

Wheel tracks

Figure 1: Principle for measuring loss of material

The lengths La, Lb, Lc and Ld remained constant throughout the measuring period, to ensure that the
loss was always measured at the same vertical point. The piece of string was also stretched up to the same marks
on the iron rod, and the values H1, H2, H3 were to be measured. The resulting material loss since the last
measurement would be as formula :

H1 + H 2 + H 3
3 [E3]

Where H is the average of material loss on a cross-section.

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Parameters were measured in two stages : traffic count degradation measurement. Degradations were
measured early in the morning, about two or three times per week, over a period of nine (9) weeks, and recorded
on the degradations form (Annex 2).

Choice of road section

Certain hypotheses were made before choosing a given stretch of road:

Hypothesis 1 : Quality of materials : materials to be used must be as close to the site as possible; this
may be lateritic gravel or not, or clayey sands; D952 must be below 50%, the CBR above 30, and the Atterberg
limits suitable.

Hypothesis 2 : Gravity of degradations: the condition of the road should be such that even existing
degradations are not critical to the point of being able to pass onto another (normal level of service).

Hypothesis 3 : Drainage conditions : existence of ditches, outlets, presence of wearing course in

quality materials in order to multiply possibilities for virtually permanent traffic.

Hypothesis 4 : Implementation : as per the standard code of practice, the slopes of the red line must not
exceed 3 to 4%. The roadway must be over 30 cm thick at least.

This study seeks to establish the impact of traffic on the degradation of earth roads. To that end, we had
to select a stretch of road where all the other parameters likely to influence degradation either do not exist, or are
the lowest possible.
In keeping with all the above hypotheses, therefore, we chosed road D46 of the priority network, a 33.6
km earth road linking Nkol-Afamba rural council to Dzeng. This council is 15 km from Yaounde and is found in
the Mefou-Afamba division. The road was recently rehabilitated (2006) but the rather intense traffic still reveals
some degradations.

3. Results and interpretation

Traffic on this road is dominated by private vehicles. However, there is also a significant number of
triple axle trucks. We decided firstly, to convert various traffic types into PVU and then determine the number
of equivalent axles following the [E2] equation and finally, the aggrgate traffic.
Thus, the weekly table below was obtained, representing traffic evolution each week throughout the
period of traffic census, in PVU.
Given that traffic comprises various vehicles, it is necessary to convert heavy duty traffic into PVU
through an equivalence coefficient. If one takes 2 to 3 as equivalence coefficient for paved roads with good
characteristics, it seems one would need significantly higher values for unpaved roads. Under this study, it
should be admitted that k= 3 to 4. [Joneaux, (1975)].
For traffic composition comprising X heavy vehicles, and Y light vehicles, we obtain traffic expressed
in PVU3 which is Y+4X (with the equivalence coefficient k=4)
This gives the following table representing the weekly evolution of traffic during the counting period,
in PVU.

Table 3. Example of a census week (Weekly traffic) in PVU

Day Number of heavy vehicles Number of light vehicles Traffic in PVU

Monday 0 251 251
Tuesday 17 291 359
Wednesday 8 278 310
Thursday 14 304 360
Friday 10 313 353
Saturday 25 335 435
Sunday 31 May 2009 11 311 355

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

While highlighting various measurements of the degradation parameters, this gives us the traffic
accumulated day after day during the census period. We then plotted various curves and obtained the evolution
of each type of degradation as a function of the aggrerate traffic.

3.1. Evolution of a pothole as a function of traffic

Potholes are characterized by their depth (d) in mm, their average surface area (s) in mm² and their
number (n) per section of 100 m. The general parameter to be varied for the pothole is volume, because it
combines both parameters mentioned above.
A pothole is like a half-ellipsoid of a revolution and its volume formula is
V = Π abc [E4]
a as the widest diameter of the pothole
b as the smallest diameter of the pothole
c as the depth of the pothole

Table 4 presents the evolution of the parameters of the pothole during the period of measurement.

Table 4. Evolution of the pothole as a function of traffic

Wide Small
Depth (c) in Traffic during the
Day diameter (a) diameter (b) Volume (dm3)
cm3 measurement
in cm3 in cm3
Sunday 5 April 2009 25 17 10 2.225294796 251
Wednesday 8 April 2009 25 17.1 10 2.238384766 1280
Sunday 12 April 2009 25.1 17.2 10 2.260480634 2674
Wednesday 15 April 2009 25.2 17.2 10.1 2.292181398 3703
Sunday 19 April 2009 25.2 17.2 10.1 2.292181398 5097
Wednesday 22 April 2009 25.2 17.2 10.1 2.292181398 6126
Sunday 26 April 2009 25.3 17.2 10.2 2.324062281 7520
Wednesday 29 April 2009 25.3 17.3 10.2 2.337574271 8549
Sunday 3 May 2009 25.5 17.5 10.2 2.383290727 9943
Wednesday 13 May 2009 25.5 17.5 10.3 2.406656322 13395
Sunday 17 May 2009 25.6 17.6 10.3 2.429900443 14789
Sunday 24 May 2009 25.7 17.6 10.3 2.439392241 17212
Wednesday 27 May 2009 25.7 17.6 10.4 2.463075661 18241
Sunday 31 May 2009 25.7 17.6 10.4 2.463075661 19635
Wednesday 3 June 2009 25.8 17.7 10.4 2.486708815 20664
Sunday 7 June 2009 25.9 17.7 10.5 2.52035056 22058
Wednesday 10 June 2009 25.9 17.8 10.5 2.534589829 23087
Sunday 14 June 2009 25.9 17.8 10.5 2.534589829 24481
Wednesday 17 June 2009 25.9 17.9 10.5 2.548829098 25510
Sunday 21 June 2009 26 18 10.6 2.597468806 26904
Wednesday 24 June 2009 26 18.1 10.6 2.611899188 27933
Sunday 28 June 2009 26.1 18.1 10.7 2.646680284 29327

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Wide Small
Depth (c) in Traffic during the
Day diameter (a) diameter (b) Volume (dm3)
cm3 measurement
in cm3 in cm3
Wednesday 7 July 2009 26.1 18.1 10.7 2.646680284 30356
Sunday12 July 2009 26.1 18.1 10.8 2.671415614 31750
Wednesday 15 July 2009 26.1 18.1 10.9 2.696150944 32779
Sunday 19 July 2009 26.1 18.2 10.9 2.711046805 34173
Wednesday 22 July 2009 26.2 18.2 11 2.746401242 35202
Sunday 26 July 2009 26.2 18.3 11 2.761491358 36596
Wednesday 29 July 2009 26.2 18.3 11.1 2.786595825 37625
Sunday 2 August 2009 26.2 18.4 11.1 2.801823125 39019
Wednesday 5 August 2009 26.2 18.4 11.2 2.827064775 40048
Sunday 9 August 2009 26.3 18.4 11.2 2.837855098 41442
Wednesday 12 August 2009 26.4 18.4 11.2 2.848645422 42471
Sunday 16 August 2009 26.4 18.4 11.2 2.848645422 43865
Wednesday 19 August 2009 26.5 18.4 11.2 2.859435745 44894
Sunday 23 August 2009 26.5 18.5 11.3 2.900645587 46288
Wednesday 26 August 2009 26.5 18.5 11.3 2.900645587 47317
Sunday 30 August 2009 26.6 18.5 11.4 2.937357715 48711
Wednesday 2 September 2009 26.6 18.6 11.4 2.953235324 49740
Sunday 6 September 2009 26.6 18.6 11.4 2.953235324 51134
Wednesday 9 September 2009 26.6 18.6 11.4 2.953235324 52163
Sunday 13 September 2009 26.7 18.7 11.5 3.006417776 53557
Wednesday 16 September 2009 26.7 18.7 11.5 3.006417776 54586
Sunday 20 September 2009 26.7 18.8 11.5 3.022494876 55980
Wednesday 23 September 2009 26.7 18.9 11.6 3.064994342 57009
Sunday 27 September 2009 26.8 18.9 11.6 3.076473721 58403
Wednesday 30 September 2009 26.8 18.9 11.7 3.102995046 59432
Sunday 4 October 2009 26.8 18.9 11.7 3.102995046 60826
Wednesday 7 October 2009 26.8 18.9 11.7 3.102995046 61855
Sunday 11 October 2009 26.8 18.9 11.8 3.129516371 63249
Wednesday 14 October 2009 26.8 19 11.8 3.146074659 64278
Sunday 18 October 2009 26.9 19 11.9 3.184574877 65672
Wednesday 21 October 2009 26.9 19.1 11.9 3.201335797 66701
Sunday 25 October 2009 26.9 19.1 11.9 3.201335797 68095
Wednesday 28 October 2009 26.9 19.1 11.9 3.201335797 69124
Sunday 1 November 2009 27 19.1 12 3.240238663 70518
Wednesday 4 November 2009 27 19.1 12 3.240238663 71547
Sunday 8 November 2009 27 19.2 12.1 3.284346624 72941

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Wide Small
Depth (c) in Traffic during the
Day diameter (a) diameter (b) Volume (dm3)
cm3 measurement
in cm3 in cm3
Wednesday 11 November 2009 27 19.2 12.1 3.284346624 73970
Sunday 15 November 2009 27 19.3 12.1 3.301452596 75364
Wednesday 18 November 2009 27.1 19.3 12.1 3.313680198 76393
Sunday 22 November 2009 27.1 19.3 12.2 3.341065985 77787
Wednesday 25 November 2009 27.1 19.3 12.2 3.341065985 78816
Sunday 29 November 2009 27.1 19.3 12.3 3.368451771 80210
Wednesday 2 December 2009 27.2 19.4 12.3 3.398399003 81239
Sunday 6 December 2009 27.2 19.4 12.3 3.398399003 82633

Following is the resulting curve :

Fig. 2. Evolution of the pothole as a function of traffic2

The curve obtained may be described as lively, because it grows non-stop as traffic evolves, stressing
the powerful impact of traffic on this type of degradation.
We modeled the pothole evolution phenomenon by a curve (in black on Figure 2), which is quite
similar to our experimental curve. To that end, we used a polymial regression of the 6th order. Mindful of the
correlation coefficient we obtained, which is close to 1, this model curve can be considered as reliable.

For this curve and even those to follow, it should be noted that the zero of the x-axis does not correspond to the
moment when there was no traffic on the road, but, rather, that from which we started the census and the
measurements on this road. There is no gainsaying that this road has already sustained some traffic, and
consequently suffered degradations before we arrived.

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Following is the equation of the model curve :

Y=7x10-11 X2+10-05 X+2,224 [E5]

R² = 0,998

Equation 1: Model formula of the evolution of a pothole

With :

y as the volume of the pothole ripped off, in dm3

x as the aggregate traffic in PVU.
The marked growth of this degradation may be due to the fact that before these potholes reach a high
degree of criticality (hypothesis 2), vehicles hardly avoid them, which makes them to grow the more.
Moreover, this marked evolution makes one believe that water stagnating in the already existing
potholes compounded the impact of traffic to aggravate their degradation.

3.2. Gully evolution as a function of traffic

Gullies are known for their depth (d) in mm, their length (l) in m, and their width (w) in mm. As with
potholes, we can also consider the volume of gullies as a variant parameter.
A gully is like a flattened half cylinder, the surface area of the base of which would be :
S b = pl [E6]
The volume of the gully would therefore be roughly equal to :
V = plL [E7]

Table 5 presents the evolution of gully parameters during the measuring period.

Table 5. Evolution of the gully

Depth (d) in Width (w) in Aggregate traffic
Day Length (l) in m Volume (dm3)
cm cm in PVU
Sunday 5 April 2009 22.5 55.1 3.72 482.953897 251
Wednesday 8 April 2009 22.5 55.1 3.72 482.953897 1280
Sunday 12 April 2009 22.5 55.1 3.72 482.953897 2674
Wednesday 15 April 2009 22.5 55.1 3.72 482.953897 3703
Sunday 19 April 2009 22.5 55.2 3.72 483.8304014 5097
Wednesday 22 April 2009 22.5 55.2 3.72 483.8304014 6126
Sunday 26 April 2009 22.5 55.2 3.72 483.8304014 7520
Wednesday 29 April 2009 22.5 55.2 3.72 483.8304014 8549
Sunday 3 May 2009 22.5 55.2 3.72 483.8304014 9943
Wednesday 13 May 2009 22.5 55.3 3.72 484.7069057 13395
Sunday 17 May 2009 22.5 55.3 3.72 484.7069057 14789
Sunday 24 May 2009 22.5 55.3 3.72 484.7069057 17212
Wednesday 27 May 2009 22.5 55.3 3.72 484.7069057 18241
Sunday 31 May 2009 22.6 55.3 3.72 486.8611587 19635
Wednesday 3 June 2009 22.6 55.3 3.72 486.8611587 20664
Sunday 7 June 2009 22.6 55.3 3.72 486.8611587 22058

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011 7850

Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Depth (d) in Width (w) in Aggregate traffic
Day Length (l) in m Volume (dm3)
cm cm in PVU
Wednesday 10 June 2009 22.6 55.3 3.72 486.8611587 23087
Sunday 14 June 2009 22.6 55.3 3.72 486.8611587 24481
Wednesday 17 June 2009 22.6 55.3 3.72 486.8611587 25510
Sunday 21 June 2009 22.6 55.3 3.72 486.8611587 26904
Wednesday 24 June 2009 22.6 55.3 3.72 486.8611587 27933
Sunday 28 June 2009 22.6 55.3 3.72 486.8611587 29327
Wednesday 7 July 2009 22.7 55.4 3.73 491.2166418 30356
Sunday12 July 2009 22.7 55.4 3.73 491.2166418 31750
Wednesday 15 July 2009 22.7 55.4 3.73 491.2166418 32779
Sunday 19 July 2009 22.7 55.4 3.73 491.2166418 34173
Wednesday 22 July 2009 22.7 55.4 3.73 491.2166418 35202
Sunday 26 July 2009 22.7 55.4 3.73 491.2166418 36596
Wednesday 29 July 2009 22.8 55.4 3.73 493.3805917 37625
Sunday 2 August 2009 22.8 55.4 3.73 493.3805917 39019
Wednesday 5 August 2009 22.8 55.4 3.73 493.3805917 40048
Sunday 9 August 2009 22.8 55.4 3.73 493.3805917 41442
Wednesday 12 August 2009 22.8 55.4 3.73 493.3805917 42471
Sunday 16 August 2009 22.9 55.4 3.73 495.5445417 43865
Wednesday 19 August 2009 22.9 55.5 3.73 496.4390264 44894
Sunday 23 August 2009 23 55.5 3.73 498.6068824 46288
Wednesday 26 August 2009 23 55.5 3.73 498.6068824 47317
Sunday 30 August 2009 23 55.5 3.73 498.6068824 48711
Wednesday 2 September 2009 23 55.5 3.73 498.6068824 49740
Sunday 6 September 2009 23 55.5 3.73 498.6068824 51134
Wednesday 9 September 2009 23 55.6 3.73 499.5052732 52163
Sunday 13 September 2009 23 55.6 3.73 499.5052732 53557
Wednesday 16 September 2009 23.1 55.6 3.73 501.6770353 54586
Sunday 20 September 2009 23.1 55.6 3.73 501.6770353 55980
Wednesday 23 September 2009 23.1 55.6 3.73 501.6770353 57009
Sunday 27 September 2009 23.1 55.6 3.73 501.6770353 58403
Wednesday 30 September 2009 23.1 55.6 3.73 501.6770353 59432
Sunday 4 October 2009 23.2 55.6 3.73 503.8487973 60826
Wednesday 7 October 2009 23.2 55.6 3.73 503.8487973 61855
Sunday 11 October 2009 23.2 55.6 3.73 503.8487973 63249
Wednesday 14 October 2009 23.2 55.6 3.73 503.8487973 64278
Sunday 18 October 2009 23.2 55.6 3.73 503.8487973 65672
Wednesday 21 October 2009 23.2 55.6 3.73 503.8487973 66701

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Depth (d) in Width (w) in Aggregate traffic
Day Length (l) in m Volume (dm3)
cm cm in PVU
Sunday 25 October 2009 23.2 55.6 3.73 503.8487973 68095
Wednesday 28 October 2009 23.2 55.6 3.73 503.8487973 69124
Sunday 1 November 2009 23.2 55.6 3.73 503.8487973 70518
Wednesday 4 November 2009 23.3 55.6 3.73 506.0205594 71547
Sunday 8 November 2009 23.3 55.6 3.73 506.0205594 72941
Wednesday 11 November 2009 23.3 55.6 3.73 506.0205594 73970
Sunday 15 November 2009 23.3 55.6 3.73 506.0205594 75364
Wednesday 18 November 2009 23.3 56.7 3.73 516.0317575 76393
Sunday 22 November 2009 23.3 56.7 3.73 516.0317575 77787
Wednesday 25 November 2009 23.3 56.7 3.73 516.0317575 78816
Sunday 29 November 2009 23.3 56.7 3.73 516.0317575 80210
Wednesday 2 December 2009 23.3 56.7 3.73 516.0317575 81239
Sunday 6 December 2009 23.3 56.7 3.73 516.0317575 82633

Following is the resulting curve :

Fig. 3. Evolution of a gully

The first remark concerning the experimental curve is that it is in the form of a staircase. It does not
grow steadily like traffic as in the case of the pothole.
A thorough interpretation of this result has revealed that every two ‘steps’ of the curve were very often
separated by a major rainfall, which leads us to the conclusion that the evolution that we measured here resulted
much more from the rain. Gullies are modeled as per the following formula:

Y = -6.10-13X3 +4.10-8X2 + 484,4 [E8]

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011 7852

Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

R² = 0,974

Equation 2: Model formula of gully evolution

Its correlation coefficient is rather average.


y as volume of the ripped gully, in dm3

x as aggregate traffic in PVU.

3.3. Evolution of corrugation as a function of traffic

Corrugations are characterized by their amplitude (h) in mm, their period (dc) in mm (i.e. the distance
between two ridges) and their length (L).

Fig. 4 illustrates such characterization

Fig. 4. Corrugation measurement diagram

It should be noted that simple elements of corrugation may be assimilated to tiny gullies with h depth,
dc width and L length. According to evolutionary theory, such miniature « gullies » can disappear (in which case
the corrugation would have metamorphosed into material loss), or develop into real potholes (an extended
deformation thus transforming into localized degradations).
The average volume of the mini-gullies constituting corrugation was then chosen as a representative
measurement of the corrugation.
A gully can be compared with a flattened half-cylinder with the following basic surface area:
S b = hd c [E 9]
The volume will then be markedly equal to:
V = h × dc × L [E 10]
Table 6 presents the evolution of corrugation parameters during the measuring period.

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011 7853

Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Table 6. Evolution of corrugation

Amplitude h (in Distance between ridges dc Width W Volume Aggregate traffic
cm) (in cm) (in m) (dm3) in PVU
Sunday 5 April 2009 5.3 23.7 5.12 134.70 251

Wednesday 8 April 2009 5.3 23.7 5.12 134.70 1280

Sunday 12 April 2009 5.3 23.8 5.12 135.26 2674

Wednesday 15 April 2009 5.3 23.8 5.12 135.26 3703

Sunday 19 April 2009 5.3 23.8 5.12 135.26 5097

Wednesday 22 April 2009 5.2 23.8 5.12 132.71 6126

Sunday 26 April 2009 5.2 23.8 5.12 132.71 7520

Wednesday 29 April 2009 5.2 23.9 5.12 133.27 8549

Sunday 3 May 2009 5.2 23.9 5.12 133.27 9943

Wednesday 13 May 2009 5.2 23.9 5.12 133.27 13395

Sunday 17 May 2009 5.2 23.9 5.12 133.27 14789

Sunday 24 May 2009 5.2 23.9 5.12 133.27 17212

Wednesday 27 May 2009 5.2 23.9 5.12 133.27 18241

Sunday 31 May 2009 5.2 23.9 5.12 133.27 19635

Wednesday 3 June 2009 5.2 23.9 5.12 133.27 20664

Sunday 7 June 2009 5.2 23.9 5.12 133.27 22058

Wednesday 10 June 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 23087

Sunday 14 June 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 24481

Wednesday 17 June 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 25510

Sunday 21 June 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 26904

Wednesday 24 June 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 27933

Sunday 28 June 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 29327

Wednesday 7 July 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 30356

Sunday12 July 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 31750

Wednesday 15 July 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 32779

Sunday 19 July 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 34173

Wednesday 22 July 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 35202

Sunday 26 July 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 36596

Wednesday 29 July 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 37625

Sunday 2 August 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 39019

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Amplitude h (in Distance between ridges dc Width W Volume Aggregate traffic
cm) (in cm) (in m) (dm3) in PVU
Wednesday 5 August 2009 5.1 24.0 5.12 131.25 40048

Sunday 9 August 2009 5 24.0 5.12 128.68 41442

Wednesday 12 August 2009 5 24.0 5.12 128.68 42471

Sunday 16 August 2009 5 24.0 5.12 128.68 43865

Wednesday 19 August 2009 5 24.0 5.12 128.68 44894

Sunday 23 August 2009 5 24.1 5.12 129.22 46288

Wednesday 26 August 2009 5 24.1 5.12 129.22 47317

Sunday 30 August 2009 5 24.1 5.12 129.22 48711

Wednesday 2 September 2009 4.9 24.1 5.12 126.63 49740

Sunday 6 September 2009 4.9 24.1 5.13 126.88 51134

Wednesday 9 September 2009 4.9 24.1 5.13 126.88 52163

Sunday 13 September 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 53557

Wednesday 16 September 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 54586

Sunday 20 September 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 55980

Wednesday 23 September 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 57009

Sunday 27 September 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 58403

Wednesday 30 September 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 59432

Sunday 4 October 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 60826

Wednesday 7 Oct. 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 61855

Sunday 11 Oct. 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 63249

Wednesday 14 Oct. 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 64278

Sunday 18 Oct. 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 65672

Wednesday 21 Oct. 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 66701

Sunday 25 Oct. 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 68095

Wednesday 28 Oct. 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 69124

Sunday 1 November 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 70518

Wednesday 4 November 2009 4.9 24.2 5.13 127.41 71547

Sunday 8 November 2009 4.9 24.3 5.13 127.93 72941

Wednesday 11 November 2009 4.9 24.3 5.13 127.93 73970

Sunday 15 November 2009 4.9 24.3 5.13 127.93 75364

Wednesday 18 November 2009 4.9 24.3 5.13 127.93 76393

Sunday 22 November 2009 4.9 24.3 5.13 127.93 77787

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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Amplitude h (in Distance between ridges dc Width W Volume Aggregate traffic
cm) (in cm) (in m) (dm3) in PVU
Wednesday 25 November 2009 4.8 24.3 5.14 125.57 78816

Sunday 29 November 2009 4.8 24.3 5.14 125.57 80210

Wednesday 2 December 2009 4.8 24.3 5.14 125.57 81239

Sunday 6 December 2009 4.8 24.3 5.14 125.57 82633

The following are the resulting curves

Figure 5. Evolution of the corrugation volume

Y = 3.10-13X3 -8.10-9X2 + 3. 10-5X+134,3 [E 11]

R² = 0,915

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011 7856

Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Fig. 6. Evolution of the distance from one ridge to another

Fig. 7. Evolution of the amplitude

Table 6 shows that a curve generated by a combination of 3 parameters enabling the characterization of
corrugation would be unexploitable, the various parameters not increasing at the same rate. In fact, while the
amplitude is decreasing, the distance between ridges increases. From the two hypotheses envisaged with respect
to corrugation evolution, we can conclude that the evolution of corrugation on the road under study is
characterized by loss of material rather than by the development of potholes.
Consequently, we were compelled to consider the curves one at a time, namely evolution of the
distance between ridges and of the amplitude. The length invariability indicates that its evolution was too slow
to be perceived during this work.

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011 7857

Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

As indicated by figures 6 and 7, we obtained curves modeling the ridge-to-ridge and amplitude
distances respectively, thanks to polynomial correlations in the range of 6 and 4. Following are the model
equations drawn from these curves:


Y = -2. 10-10X2 – 3.10-6X + 5,283 [E 12]

R² = 0,942

Equation 3: Model formula for the evolution of amplitude and corrugation


y as corrugation amplitude in cm

x as aggregate traffic in PVU.

Ridge-to-ridge distance:

Y = - 9.10-11X2 + 10-5X + 23,75 [E 13]

R² = 0,950

Equation 4: Model formula for corrugation ridge-to-ridge distance evolution


y as corrugation ridge-to-ridge distance in cm

x as aggregate traffic in PVU
Considering these three curves, the experimental amplitude curve can also be said to closely resemble
that generated by the volume. Hence, it can be said that more than the ridge-to-ridge distance, the corrugation
amplitude better characterizes the latter’s evolution. It can increase (leading to the pothole) or diminish (heading
towards loss of material).

3.4. Evolution of ruts resulting from traffic

Ruts are characterized by their depth (d) in mm, their length (l) in mm and their width (w) in mm,
likewise gullies.
Rather than two, we measured only one rut, assuming that vehicle loads are evenly distributed between
left and right axles.

Fig. 8. Ruts diagram

Unfortunately, the evolution of ruts was not perceptible under any of the three parameters during the
period of measurement, owing to the fact that not only was the measurement time relatively short, but this
degradation occurs on roads highly frequented by heavy vehicles such as logging trucks (forest roads for
instance), which was not the case with the road under study.

3.5. Evolution of material loss as a function of traffic

Material loss is the difference between the initial thickness (it) in mm and the final thickness (ft) in mm
which is recorded as h in mm, and L corresponding to the portion (percentage) of the road degraded.

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 10 October 2011 7858

Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Its evolution was never perceived during the work period either, due to the measurement protocol
implementation and execution difficulties and also to the fact that this degradation is one of the slowest in terms
of evolution. Even under the heaviest traffic, it does not exceed 50 mm in a whole year.


The objective of our work is to identify the impact of traffic on the degradation of earth roads. The
choice of traffic amongst the parameters with an impact on the degradation of earth roads is justified more by its
capacity to appraise the level of service of these roads.
The method used required the characterization of degradations, which we developed while explaining
various measurement procedures.
It clearly stood out during the study that traffic plays a significant role in the degradation of earth roads,
particularly in the development of potholes. Now we understand better why these particular degradations are
most recurrent. We found a reliable modeling for the evolution of the volume of potholes, gullies and
corrugation as a function of traffic in PVU.
We also found confirmation that certain degradations are really not affected by traffic, but much more
by rainfall.
Moreover, though affected by traffic, certain degradations like loss of material are very slow.
All the same, it should be noted that the models developed are not yet adaptable to all roads and to all
regions. That is why other measurements are needed for other roads, in regions with a different climate, with
different levels of degradation. This will lead to the generation of several curves which can then be compared in
order to better fine-tune the perception of traffic impact on the degradation of earth roads.


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Bwemba Charles et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Index 2


Date survey : ________________________________________________________________
Survy post : km ________________________in (town) ____________________________
Time of survey : from _______________________to_______________________________
Departure time : _______________________o’clock
Arrival time : ____________________________
Distance covered____________________________________________________________
Investigators name and qualification ____________________________________________

Degradations Parameters Number of vehicles Remarks

Light Heavy duty
Corrugation L Dc h

Ruts l L p

Gullies L l p

Potholes s p n

Dc : average period or distance between two successive ridges (in mm)

h : average amplitude or depth of degradation (in mm)
L : length of degradation (in %)
p : average depth of the depression, settling or deflection (in mm)
l : average width of the degradation (in mm)
s : average surface area of the degradation (in mm²)
n : number of potholes (number per 100 m)
Light vehicles : any four-wheel vehicle of less than 3.5 tones
Heavy duty vehicle : any vehicle of over 3.5 tones with more than four wheels

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