CBSE Class 3 EVS Worksheet PDF

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CBSE Class 3 EVS Worksheet

1. State True or False: A family is a group of people living together in one home.
A) true
B) false

2. What does our family teach us?

3. State True or False: A large family has 10 members.

A) true
B) false

4. State True or False: Mothers are helped in the kitchen.

A) true
B) false

5. State True or False: Family is an integral part of all of us.

A) true
B) false

6. What are family mostly full of?

7. Fill in the blanks: A _______ is a group of people living together in one home.
A) Family
B) Society
C) Father
D) Uncle

8. State True or False: Fathers brother is an uncle.

A) true
B) false

9. Name different types of relationships in the family.

10. State True or False: Grandmother tells us nice stories every night.
A) true
B) false

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11. How does family help in the development of the child?

12. State True or False: A positive family provides lots of benefits to its all members.
A) true
B) false

13. State True or False: Grandfather is also called as Dadaji by kids.

A) true
B) false

14. How are family members attached to each other?

15. State True or False: A joint family has only four people.
A) true
B) false

16. How is country effective due to a good family?

17. How do we welcome a new born baby?

18. State True or False: We must hate our brothers and sisters.
A) true
B) false

19. How do family members provide support to each other?

20. Fill in the blanks: We must _____ elders in the family.

A) Disrespect
B) Hate
C) Respect
D) Salute

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CBSE Class 3 EVS Worksheet


1. Option A

2. Family teaches from our childhood to love and respect elders and help needy people on the way.

3. Option B

4. Option A

5. Option A

6. Families are full of love, care, peace, prosperity, and discipline.

7. Option A

8. Option A

9. There are many relationships in the family such as grandparents, parents, wife, husband, brother, sister,
cousin, uncle, aunt, etc.

10. Option A

11. A family plays a great role in preparing the new generation child for whole life in the community.

12. Option A

13. Option A

14. Every member of the family emotionally attaches to each other in their happiness and sadness.

15. Option B

16. A good and healthy family makes a good society and ultimately a good society involves in making a good

17. A newcomer baby requires positive family relationships for his/her overall development and well-being in the

18. Option B

19. A family provides love, warmth and security to its all members throughout the life.

20. Option C

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