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Types of Reading

Reading Skill
Reading is an active process of constructing
meanings from words

Reading skill is a cognitive process that

involves comprehending, interpreting and
decoding symbols to arrive at meaning.
The Andhra Pradesh coast, the second longest coastline in India with a length of 975 kilometres,
will see the return of seasonal aggregation of the world’s largest fish, the whale sharks. This
slow-moving, plankton-eating fish is a complete contrast to the brutal image of sharks and contrary
to popular belief, they are no threat to humans. However, the whale sharks, also known as the gentle
giants of the sea, have been the subject of rampant hunting and human brutality for years.

In Andhra Pradesh, the coasts of Visakhapatnam, Kakinada and Machilipatnam are among the major
shark landing areas. With very limited information available on the congregation sites of the marine
species in the coastal belt, several incidences of beaching of the whale sharks go unreported.

Listed as endangered in the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s list and protected
under Schedule I of the Wild Life Protection Act, whale sharks have been hunted for years for the
oil extracted from their livers to polish wooden boats and make them waterproof. Additionally, the
demand for shark fins has risen in several countries leading to the rampant killing of this threatened
species. In order to address this issue ahead of the seasonal aggregation season that begins in
October and goes on till March, the Andhra Pradesh Forest Department plans to keep a monitoring
system with an app.
The Andhra Pradesh coast, the second longest coastline in India with a length of 975 kilometres,
will see the return of seasonal aggregation of the world’s largest fish, the whale sharks. This
slow-moving, plankton-eating fish is a complete contrast to the brutal image of sharks and contrary
to popular belief, they are no threat to humans. However, the whale sharks, also known as the gentle
giants of the sea, have been the subject of rampant hunting and human brutality for years.

In Andhra Pradesh, the coasts of Visakhapatnam, Kakinada and Machilipatnam are among the major
shark landing areas. With very limited information available on the congregation sites of the marine
species in the coastal belt, several incidences of beaching of the whale sharks go unreported.

Listed as endangered in the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s list and protected
under Schedule I of the Wild Life Protection Act, whale sharks have been hunted for years for the
oil extracted from their livers to polish wooden boats and make them waterproof. Additionally, the
demand for shark fins has risen in several countries leading to the rampant killing of this threatened
species. In order to address this issue ahead of the seasonal aggregation season that begins in
October and goes on till March, the Andhra Pradesh Forest Department plans to keep a monitoring
system with an app.
Skimming can be understood as the
technique of speedy reading wherein the
reader pays attention to the main point or
essence within the passage
We would like to invite you to help us encourage our young generation by attending the
youth program organized by the student body on 15th of October 2022

This program is organized by our committee to better the mental and physical condition of
our young ones. Our main objective is the overall improvement of our members through this

All members are allowed between the age of 10-20. There will be various types of programs
and workshops for the benefit of the participants, such as mental health sessions, self-care
workshops and outdoor games. We are planning to present meals for our guests and
participants to help them participate with full enthusiasm.

Time: 9 AM - 6 PM

Venue: YMCA Stadium

Hope you will support and encourage us to fulfill our desired goal with the help of your
meaningful presence.
We would like to invite you to help us encourage our young generation by attending the
youth program organized by the student body on 15th of October 2022

This program is organized by our committee to better the mental and physical condition of
our young ones. Our main objective is the overall improvement of our members through this

All members are allowed between the age of 10-20. There will be various types of programs
and workshops for the benefit of the participants, such as mental health sessions, self-care
workshops and outdoor games. We are planning to present meals for our guests and
participants to help them participate with full enthusiasm.

Time: 9 AM - 6 PM

Venue: YMCA Stadium

Hope you will support and encourage us to fulfill our desired goal with the help of your
meaningful presence.
Scanning refers to a selective reading method
generally used by the reader when he/she is in
search of some specific information or text,
contained in the passage, without reading the
text thoroughly
Extensive Reading
Extensive Reading
● The meaning of extensive reading is reading widely but not necessarily
focusing on only one text. You can read from different sources to develop
your reading skills. It’s not about finding layers of meaning andcritical
aspects of a text.
● Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject
and includes reading longer texts for pleasure.

Advantages Of Extensive Reading

1. Develop An Interest In Reading

2. Improve Reading Comprehension
3. Improve Vocabulary
Intensive Reading
Intensive Reading
Intensive reading is used on shorter texts in order to extract specific
information. It includes very close accurate reading for detail.

Intensive reading refers to reading short texts thoroughly and with

clear goals

The four learning goals for intensive reading are:

1. Focusing on language skills such as vocabulary and grammar
2. Focusing on ideas such as themes and topics
3. Learning new skills such as making inferences and identifying main
4. Paying attention to text features such as structure and cohesion
Extensive Vs Intensive

Meaning Long text and a large amount of learners read the short text
material are read by the students carefully and deeply so as to gain
for general understanding. maximum understanding.

Nature Supplementary Comprehensive

Purpose For acquiring information or for For understanding the literal

pleasure. meaning of the text.

Material Selection Reading material is selected by Reading material is decided and

the individual himself. recommended by the teachers.

Involves Reading of a number of books on Reading of a book again and

a similar concept or subject. again to extract its literal meaning.
Skimming Vs Scanning

Meaning Skimming is a way of Scanning means to look

reading something in a fast carefully and quickly at the
manner so as to grasp the written material so as to
main points. locate something.

Method of Reading Quick Selective

Involves Reading out the maximum Finding out the required

content in minimum time. data.

Objective To take a birds-eye view of To spot and cast specific

the text. facts.

Familiarity The reader is not familiar The reader knows what he

with the text. is searching for.
Types of Reading Skills
1. Skimming - used to understand the "gist" or
main idea
2. Scanning - used to find a particular piece of
3. Extensive reading - used for pleasure and
general understanding
4. Intensive reading - accurate reading for
detailed understanding
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