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Agriculture is also known as farming, in the production of food, fiber, animal feed, and other goods
using growing and harvesting plants and animals.

Similarities of agriculture comparing to each era all have using techniques and methods to make their
task easier and the farmers working on the farm to maintain the demand of people in their society to
survive on their daily needs. All era have developed an excellent way to increase the amount of food
supply and other products

The difference is what they use tools and equipment at that time, in Middle ages they introduced the
use of machines, the use of the water-raising machine, dams, and reservoirs to help them to their crops
and to make faster their job while in the ancient era the farmers developed agricultural techniques
including organized irrigation, large scale intensive cultivation of land and mono-cropping, In the
modern era it started animal exportation, In 1950-1960 they developer irrigation processes, cultivation
methods and the beginning of selective breeding of plants led to an increase in the amount of food
produced around the world.

In conclusion, there are more differences than similarities at that period because of a lack of knowledge
about technologies and the farmers cant handle the machines properly before but now they are using
tools different tools like the ripper, tractors, and so on. Crop production will be easier for them because
of the equipment invented.

2.The advantage of this modern agriculture are assisted farmers for productive farming, the farmers
save their time and effort. Modern agriculture is forcing increasingly to use practices that lead farmers
to improve their production cost, avoid losses of products, and ensure. Further, Improve the fertility of
the soil, fertilizers keep the prices down. The advantage of society is they are reaching the demand for
the supply of food and products to distribute to their society and it will be easier for the farmer while
the advantage of the environment is to decrease the use of water so that modern machines can supply
water to the crops while machines are useful in sowing transportation.

The disadvantage of this modern agriculture is the overusing of machines may lead to environmental
damage, it may cause damage to the soil and this may lead to crop yield and increase air pollution.
Resources depletion is another disadvantage of technology on the environment. It refers to the
consumption of a resource faster than it can be filled. The disadvantage of society is the more machine
invented the less laborer because it requires different skilled labor, decreasing the work opportunity to
the laborer. Yet again with more and more machines replacing labor is impacting the labors depending
on farm work for a livelihood that can be considered a disadvantage.

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