The Gift

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The Gift

The Gift

This is the true account of the period in my life in which I received from the hand of GOD a Gift of healing. I now freely offer this
Gift to all without any commitments whatsoever. Instructions for how to receive the Gift through audio and non-audio methods are
explained on the last page of this document.

The stories you will read are as accurate as my memory allows. I will refrain from too much embellishment or the dramatic
reactions of those that received this spiritual synchronization. Suffice it to say that there was a great deal of amazement over the
happenings which occurred or there was no reaction whatsoever. It is as if some of those who received the Gift considered the
spiritual alignment as a normal event and never questioned me about it.

I need to give a friend and massage therapist the credit for the writing of these events. It was her insistence that something
incredulous was happening and that my recording of it was as much of a responsibility as having the Gift itself.

Let me say how grateful I am to be a recipient of this ability. I pray to GOD and His Son, the greatest healing master to ever walk
the Earth, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I am on bended knee so often over the happenings of this gift that my knees are sore and even
this is nowhere close to enough praise and gratitude that I owe to the Father and His Son.

My commitment is to help as many people as I can, as long as I can, anyway I can, anywhere I can, for the remainder of this
incarnation and as many incarnations thereafter in which I have the wherewithal, awareness and a single breath left in me to do so.

What exactly is the Gift?

I do not know. I do have a theory. It is my contention that we are free of pain and suffering on every level in precise accordance to
the amount of our total alignment with our eternal SOUL. This is a fundamental premise of Holographic Health. It underlies all of
my thinking and is based on the subatomic possibilities found within the concept of quantum potentials as was first described by
the renowned physicist David Bohm, a contemporary of Einstein. Another possibility is that it is some kind of acceleration of
energy emitting from Pericardium 8. (Chinese Medicine). However, this does not explain about the breath or the ability to emit
these healing bullets from about any point in my body. In fact, I have even dreamed (lucid state) in which I emitted them to entire
groups of people that I have never physically seen.

Why and How the Gift came about.

I do not know why the gift came to me. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that I have had three heart attacks and three
surgeries to save my life from genetic problems I could not control. If this is the case, I do not recommend opening up the
“feeling” and compassion in your heart by this method.

This is how it came about. I was in Waynesville, North Carolina asleep in my bed in April 2003. I had very potent dream, which I
call a Stage 1 experience. It was definitely pre-lucid. In this experience, I found myself standing in a large, beautiful field of tall
wheat. It was all around me in an extensive array over slightly rolling hills. The sun was shining brightly and I felt the dew against
my skin.

A man appeared beside me. I never got his name. He was white-skinned but I had the distinct impression that he was Middle
Eastern. His dress was more of a medieval nature with clothes made primarily leather fitted tightly against his body. He stood
about 74 inches in height, and was of medium build. He had close cropped beard and mustache. He had a powerful presence and
my attention was immediately riveted to him.

He said “ I have come to give you a Gift. This is what you must do. You must memorize this phrase of words and repeat them each
time you wish to use this gift”. He then proceeded to repeat this phrase three times and made me repeat with him insisting that I
must not forget it. I asked him what the Gift was. He said, “Watch my hands”. He held out both hands with the arms extended and
the palms open facing outward and away from him overlooking the vast field of waist-high wheat. He repeated the phrase. At this
point I saw two things occur. (1 of 5)9/21/2007 12:03:18 PM

The Gift

First, something that I can only call a bullet about 2 inches long and white-yellow in color emitted from his hands. It was very
quick. Next, I saw the vast wheat field suddenly waver all at once as though a great gust of wind had blown over its surface and
then return to its previous stillness.

He said, “ Now you do it.” I proceeded to say the phrase and hold my right hand facing palm outward over the silent field.
Immediately, I felt something surge through my body and watched in fascination as the field of wheat responded by leaning over
acting as though a heavy gust of wind had come out of nowhere and swept across it just as the man had done.

I asked, “What does this mean?” He replied, “ You must wake up now and remember the phrase. You must tell no one this phrase
until we tell you it is time to pass this on. We will tell you when. Until then you must use this ability with no thought of any
compensation or it will disappear as surely as it came”.

I asked, “What am I supposed to do? I don’t understand.” He said, “ You will wake up now.” And I awoke. It was dark and
sometime around 2 or 3 A.M. I was so deeply in my slumber that all I could do was repeat the phrase several times and then I
passed back into a profound slumber. I awoke again about 8 A.M. In my mind the entire experience opened to me again like a
panorama. Yet I had no idea what I was supposed to do with this ability or even if I truly possessed anything other than a dramatic
Stage 1 memory. I called my future wife, Sharon, who was in Tennessee at the time and told her about the Stage 1 pre-lucid dream.

My first experience with shooting out a bullet occurred on myself. I turned my right palm over and looked at it and at the same
time said the phrase. A white-yellow bullet came out of my hand and hit me in the nose. This caused a simultaneous reaction. The
first part was that I felt the bullet charge through my body. The second part was that I felt it hit my nose and a warm tingling
feeling spread through my face. From this, I began to “grok” what was happening and what I was supposed to do. So I starting
asking everybody if they had a pain. I would then shoot a bullet into the area and ask again what they felt. They reported a
reduction in the pain to a complete alleviation of the symptoms. They would often report a warm sensation that occurred in the
area where the bullet was fired. I have shot bullets into almost every condition imaginable. I have shot thousands by the time of
this writing. Most were done over the phone. Interestingly, they can take all kinds of shapes and colors. To date, I have also seen
fireballs, spirals, spears and solid looking geometric forms resembling hexagons, octagons, and dodecahedrons. They appear
mostly in white, yellow, green, blue, purple or combinations of these.

An example of just how profound the bullets can be is the case of my good friend, Tommy. He had very serious surgery on both
legs for blood circulation problems that were going to cost him his legs if it could not be corrected. The right leg surgery went fine
but the left leg was a failure. The plastic tube that went from his groin to his ankles was not working and he suffered almost
unbearable pain 24/7. He was on heavy pain medication that did not help any. I did not realize he was in this level of pain. They
were going to amputate his leg. I called several months after his surgery as soon as I heard he was still having trouble. I told him
about the gift. I was in Miami at the time. I shot him three bullets in different places on his leg where I felt they needed to go in. As
soon as I shot the last one in the top of the foot, the phone went dead and I was unable to contact him for several hours. When I did
get him on the phone again, he told me excitedly that the pain was totally gone and he felt the blood going down his leg into his
foot. It has been three months since I shot that bullet and he is still reporting no pain and no more pain pills. His wife says he is out
doing things again and seems to be pain-free.

A doctor and student of mine in the theory of Holographic Health called one day. She will contact me if she runs up on a problem
that is puzzling and we sort through it together. She told me in a very worried tone, that she had a man in her office who was in
terrible shape. He had been to every doctor imaginable and they had said they did not know what was his problem and could do
nothing for him. She described him to me as being almost unable to breathe with a lot of emphysemic distress. He was practically
blue she said, yet his hands were jaundiced. She said he was suffering immensely and she was considering calling 911. He had an
abdominal distention of some sort and he had not slept in ages. It appeared to her and everyone in her packed waiting room that he
was one step from the morgue. She asked me to send him a bullet. I sent one in the forehead, and one in the stomach. She said his
color immediately started changing to a rosy red, his breathing deepened and he felt dizzy. She went to get his wife and by that
time he was up walking around with zero distress anywhere and saying that he “had his life back”. She said the witnesses to this
were beyond amazed and he continued to jump around and report that he felt great. She said that by the time he left, in no way did
he look like the same person who came in.

There does not seem to be a distance or space-time barrier that the healing bullets cannot cross instantly. One day, an employee
named Lori, was chatting on the internet with her brother, Eric, who was stationed in Iraq during the fighting there. I had worked
on his back before when he was in the U.S.A. on leave. He told Lori that his back was hurting again and he wished I was there to
help him with the pain. I happened to be standing beside the computer while she was emailing him back and forth and saw his
request. I told Lori to tell him that I thought I could help and to put his hand over the area that hurt. As I pondered how to go about
getting the bullet to him, I was not prepared for what happened next. (2 of 5)9/21/2007 12:03:18 PM

The Gift

The bullet surged through my body, out of my palms and into the keyboard where Lori was typing to him. I watched it literally
disappear between the keys! I asked her to ask him how the pain in the area felt. His response was that it “tingles”. I knew then that
the bullet had instantly crossed 7,000 miles and entered into the painful area. I shot another bullet in another area and he reported
the same tingling sensation. He wrote Lori that the all the pain was gone.

Unless there was a tumor involved or some type of serious structural derangement that might also have a visceral component, relief
has been immediate for everyone. I suspect that if I could continue to shoot the healing bullets into these stubborn cases of any and
all ailments that they would eventually respond. Even tumors are just solid accumulations of energy. There is no energetic reason
that they cannot be broken up too.

What I think the healing bullet is doing is moving out a great deal of energy that is stagnant in the afflicted area, which is causing
pain, all at one time. This re-establishes the presence of the SOUL in that area and synchronizes the previously affected area with
the rest of our being. It moves like a wind through the body, much as I saw in my dream.

In mid-august of 2003, I was in Mexico staying in a nice place on the beach just above Tulum. I again had a very powerful Stage 1
dream experience. In this experience, I was confronted by a large red demon with horns and a nasty disposition. I held my hand,
palm facing him and said the phrase. A silver bullet about 3 inches long shot out of my palm and hit him in the chest. He flew back
against a wall and his size reduced by one-half. He proceeded to get up and threaten me again and I shot him another bullet. This
time it came out looking like a three-pronged trident which was still silver in color. It hit him in the chest again and he flew back
against the wall once more. This time however, he shrunk to nothingness and was gone. I woke up profusely sweating and visibly
shaken. This particular demon was very powerful and dangerous. He had frightened me as well as put up quite an energetic fight. I
woke up my wife and told her about it. But I felt something different inside of myself. The Gift had been enhanced somehow by
that struggle. I knew that a new facet of it had emerged. I had the ability to blow out fire from a burn.

I thought about this for some time and on my return from Mexico I asked my friends to let me try out this new facet if they got
burned on a stove or something of that nature. In fact, I told them that I needed guinea pigs and that I expected them to cooperate.
Needless to say, they did not appreciate my sense of humor.

My first burn case came one week later. A man who was working for me burned the inside of his palm on the side of the thumb
when he picked up a trailer that had been in the sun all day. He came over to me as I was leaving and asked me if I had anything
for burns. Since I was already late for an appointment, I took his hand and blew on it for about ten seconds. He said the pain
completely disappeared and that it was kind of stiff feeling now. Later that evening I called to see how he was doing. He said the
pain was just starting back. I blew over the phone on the burn and the rest of the pain disappeared and did not return.

In September of 2003, GOD sent me my second burn case. My friend called and told me she had a man there at her business that
had just burned himself the day before. She put him on the phone. He said that the burn was the size of a silver dollar on his wrist.
It was a deep burn and my friend said it looked bad. The man said it still gave him a lot of pain. I told him to hold the receiver of
the phone over the burn. I blew through the sender portion on my end. After 15 seconds, he reported that it felt much better. The
pain was gone but a stiffness and itching was starting. I knew that this was part of the healing, so I blew on it for another 15
seconds. At this point, the stiffness and itching disappeared. Two days later he reported to my friend that not only did he have no
more pain, the hair was already growing back through the wound.

An interesting note about this case is that I had to stop after the first 15 seconds and run to the toilet. My eyes and sinuses were
burning and running. After I washed myself up, I went back to the phone and asked him if he had put anything on the burn. He said
neosporin or something of that nature. It appears that I had to blow off the topical medicine before I could actually get to the burn.
I have found this to be true over and over. I now ask the person to wash off the ointment if they can before I blow on it. The
amazing thing to me is that the topical ointment had an energy signature which affected me through the phone! Such occurrences
make me marvel about the interrelated complexity of all existence.

The next burn case happened to my friend. It seems that she did indeed volunteer to be a guinea pig, although I do not think she
feels that way. She burned herself in the kitchen. It was on her wrist as well. It was a deep burn that began to quickly blister. She
called me almost immediately. I blew on it through the phone. The burn stopped 100% except for one area that she had put some
kind of ointment on before she called me. She got as much of the ointment off as she could and I blew on it again. The pain at that
site disappeared. However, the blister remained there. She showed the burn to me one day later. It was completely healed except
for the one spot but even that did not hurt and quickly healed in another day or two.

Another case happened at the gym to which I belong. The manager burnt herself very badly in a tanning bed. She said she had a
terrible night. I convinced her to let me try and help her. She was burnt all over the front and the back although you could not see (3 of 5)9/21/2007 12:03:18 PM

The Gift

much redness, only a streak or two. I blew over the front and back for about two minutes. She reported immediate relief. In a few
minutes I saw her scratching her back against the door. She said it was itching and tight. I knew then there was more to do but she
would not let me again. She said that night was terrible. I talked her into it again the next day. By this time all of the heat had come
to the surface and she was red all over. You could feel the heat coming off the skin three feet away.

I blew over the front and back again for about three minutes this time. Again she reported immediate relief . She said she slept well
that night and that there no more pain whatsoever after I blew on it the second time. This taught me a lesson about burns as well as
tanning beds. The burn had penetrated very deep. Apparently, it was a deep second degree burn. I had only blown away the top
level the first day. I needed to listen more to the symptom patterns and try harder to convince her that I needed to do more.
Tanning beds can create a very deep penetration into the skin in a very short period of time. She had only been in there for fifteen

In a local restaurant in which I often eat breakfast, the owner burnt her thumb cooking. I told her to me see if I could help. Of
course, she was skeptical but she held out her thumb and right there with an audience of eight other people sitting at the bar, I blew
on her thumb. The pain disappeared. She even put the thumb back over a hot steaming grill to see if the pain would return while
her husband shouted at her not the test it such a manner. But she is not one to listen to him too much from my observation, and so
she gave it a superb test for my research. She said the thumb no longer burned no matter what she did. I asked her about it a week
later and she said that the pain never returned.

Another interesting facet of the ability to blow out heat is its effect on bug bites and sore throats. My wife and I went to an outdoor
presentation at Natural Bridge, Virginia. When we returned to the hotel room, she ripped off her shoe in a hurry and started
scratching madly. She told me to do something, anything to help her. She was in agony. She had at least 20 mosquito bites on her
foot that were beginning to erupt into bumps. They were red, so I surmised that blowing on them would help. I said the phrase as
always and began blowing. After just a few seconds she began to breathe a sigh of relief. I blew on them for about ninety seconds.
All of the itching disappeared and did not return, even when she took a hot shower only minutes later. This amazed me and I began
to think of other applications for this gift.

I did not have to wait long. A friend had a sore throat and could barely swallow. I blew on the throat and the soreness disappeared,
not returning. I have blown the fire out of many bug bites since then and alleviated many sore throats. It is a lot of fun.

I have programmed and sealed these healing bullets into the Holographic Health logo which is at the top of this story. All you need
to do is to touch the logo and then touch the area that is in distress. Many incredible stories have been reported as a result of this
alone. The charge does not dissipate and seems to get stronger with use. I shall report one such story. An elderly neighbor was
having a terrible time swallowing with some kind of undiagnosed lump in the left side of her throat. She had been to several
doctors and the final conclusion was to operate to see what it was. Her best friend took the potentized symbol to her and had her to
touch it without any explanation. The lady immediately swallowed and the mass was gone and has not returned after weeks. You
can even print off the page with the symbol and get the same effect!

The person being treated does not even have to know beforehand what is happening. All kinds suffering seems to be helped. I have
seen examples of people in depressed and confused states being lifted up. Many people are using this method on their animals as

The Gift is for all, regardless of religion. I have great respect for all GOD-centered beliefs. Even though I was raised as a Christian,
a portion of my family are Moslems and so I have immense reverence for Islam. I send these non-judgemental healing bullets on a
regular basis to members of every faith and denomination. Suffering is suffering. It has no particular face. GOD wants to let all
know HE is present with us every moment of our lives and hears our pleas for help.

In conclusion, whatever this Gift is, I am sure it is from GOD and was meant to be used for all living beings. It is too important not
to share it in as many ways as I can. This website is constructed so that people can access “the Gift” through an audio voice
message giving the transmission of the healing bullets and healing breath in this manner if they wish. In this way, “the Gift” can
further help people of all faiths in all places.

May GOD’s Will be done and all peoples live together in peace, joy and superior health.

Theodore A. Baroody----------- 2004


The Gift

Hello friends around the world. As I have previously stated, the Gift is for anyone in any type of pain. Whether the condition is
recent or long-term makes no difference. It seems to help animals as well as humans. This audio portion is in two parts. The first
part will last about 30 seconds. In that time I will be sending two healing bullets. You will only hear the music during this interval.
Put one hand on your computer speaker and the other on the area of pain. If the painful area is out of your reach, get the speaker as
close to your body as possible. The healing bullet will enter the correct energy pathway and make its way around to the painful
site. If the illness is a mucous-forming disease of long-standing like pnemonia or tuberculosis, I suggest you also use part two.

Part two deals with burns of all types. It will last for about one minute and you will hear the music as well as something that
sounds like wind. As before, put the speaker close to the painful site. The person seems to feel a cool wind blowing over the
painful area and the pain lets off. If the illness is cold, deep and mucous-forming, the breeze will feel warm, even hot. This is a
drying up of the energy that holds the illness in place in your body. The healing bullets will also provide a warming sensation that
dispels energy blocks which interfere with the normal flow of our own life energy through the body.

It may only take one session to solve your problem. It may take many. There are no side-effects and you can use either this audio
portion or the symbol displayed above as often as you wish. There is no cost, no obligations and all peoples of all nationalities and
beliefs worldwide are encouraged to freely utilize the Gift.

The Gift is from GOD. I am only following the instructions I have been given about how to share it with everyone. God is doing
the work. We are only his instruments.

This has been a difficult and expensive project for me to complete. I hope and unceasingly pray that at least one person, other than
the thousands I have personally sent bullets and breath to with great results, will receive some relief. If this happens, it will all have
been worth it.

May GOD, whatever name you use for HIM, hold you in the palm of HIS hand. Know that GOD LOVES you more than you
LOVE yourself. This healing Gift is to let you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that this is so.

[Holographic Health]
NOTE: The information given here is strictly for educational purposes. Dr. Baroody does not prescribe, treat, diagnose, or recommend for any health
condition, and assumes no responsibility. In no way should this information be considered a substitute for competent health care.
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