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Translated By: The Middle East Library For Economic Services

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Official Journal – Issue No. 6 Bis (C), Dated 14th of February, 2023

Prime Minister's Decree No. 10 of the year 2023

The Prime Minister,

After Reviewing …………………………………………………………;
Prime Minister’s Decree no. 56 of the year 2022, determining the terms of
considering the investment project strategic or national in the field of applying the
provision of article (20) of the investment law;


Article: 1

The following shall be added to the fields mentioned in sector (12) (Health
Sector) of article (2) of Prime Minister decree no. 56 of the year 2022, referred
“(B) Projects for the manufacture, and packing of human and veterinary vaccines
and serums of different types biological, diagnostic, biotechnology products
and their accessories”.

Article: 2

The following shall be added to the sectors stated in article (2) of Prime Minister
decree no. 56 of the year 2022, referred to:

“13- Supply and Internal Trade Sector:

a) Projects for the construction, management and operation of depots, strategic
warehouses and storage silos.
b) Projects for the establishment, management, operation and maintenance of
the centers related to the transport, storage and exchange of goods and the
logistics areas”.

Article: 3

The present decree shall be published in the Official Journal.

Issued at the Cabinet Premiership Headquarters on 23 Ragab, 1444 (Islamic

Calendar), corresponding to 14 February, 2023 (Gregorian Calendar).
Prime Minister
Dr. / Mostafa Kamal Madbouli For subscription, contact: 33351141

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