The Lesson of Elmer Wang (Passive) : Environment

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The lesson of Elmer Wang (passive)


PASSIVE: be + Ved-V3
Many daily activities cause environment pollution

The environment pollution is caused by many daily activities
 environment pollution/ contamination/ degradation the ecological imbalance and
environment destruction
 be caused by  be mainly/truly caused by
 many daily activities  very basic human activities
The ecological imbalance and the environment destruction are truly caused by industrial
operation and very basic human activities

The online learning is applied to replace the traditional method

 The online learning/ the e-learning/ the distance learning/ m-learning/ blended learning
 Be extensively/popularly applied (used)
 Traditional/ conventional method
 Completely = absolutely
The e-learning is extensively applied to completely replace the conventional method as well as
increase the efficiency and productivity of the study process

The outbound tourism should be directly invested and developed with the ultimate aim of
making the economic movements, increasing the big revenue of related services and
generating employment opportunities for the indigenous peoples

The green planet/ the pollution-free environment/ the low-carbon environment  the
biodiversity and eco-balance
Protect the environment  keep the environment wellbeing/sustainability/stability
Damage/ destroy the environment/ general habitat/ marine life/ waterways (water in use)
Preserve/conserve (energy)
Fossil fuel (natural resource) # national resource (financial resource # human resource)
State budget = national budget = state-owned budget= public purse
Renewable (obtainable) energy: solar, hydro, wave, tidal, wind energy the profuse source of
Consume less and recycle more
Green/ eco-friendly/ environment-friendly product
Biodegradable # disposable (nylon) product
The policy of protecting the environment The environment-protecting policy enact new
laws of protecting the environment
Heighten/raise the human awareness of green (healthy) lifestyle
Natural disaster (calamity/catastrophe): earthquake/ tsunami/ storm/cyclone/ flood/drought/
storm surge

Learn/ study/ research/ further (acquire/absorb)
Schooling environment/ academic condition/ curriculum (syllabus)
School-based learning/ home-based learning
Broaden the mind/ widen the horizon
Knowledge/ skill/experience updated/up-to-minute knowledge/// needful skills///
hands-on/practical experience
The wealth of experience
Widen the circle of friends and ample relationships
Pursue the higher (further) education
Earn a degree/ Bachelor’s degree
Improve (skill/ language)/better (…)/ameliorate (formal) /boost (tech) /enhance
(knowledge) /advance (economy, individual, job)/promote (job/economy)
Why the government encourage the citizen to limit the use of plasic ? How do they should do?

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