SODSOD Module 4

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DECEMBER 2, 2021


Social Issues is an undesirable state which opposes society or a certain part of society. It refers
to an unwanted situation that frequently results in problems and continues to harm society. Social
issues can cause a lot of problems that can be beyond the control of just one person.Poverty, lack of
education, drug or substance abuse, vice, crime and unemployment are among the many problems that
continue to batter them. Likewis:e, recent issues on the rising number of street children in urban
centers, child abuse, forced-labor and pedophilia are quite alarming, aggravating the plight of the youth.

Discrimination is a social menace that creates division. We stop being together and stand
together to tackle our problems. This social stigma has been creeping in the underbelly of all the society
for many centuries. This has also been witnessed in gender-based cases. Gender inequality is the thing
of the past as both men and women are creating history in all segments together.

In this century, women and men enjoy the same privileges. The perception is changing slowly
but steadily. People are now becoming more aware of their rights and what they can do in a free
society. It has been found that when women and men hold the same position and participate equally,
society progresses exclusively and creates a landmark. When a community reaches gender equality,
everyone enjoys the same privileges and gets similar scopes in education, health, occupation, and
political aspect. Even in the family, when both male and female members are treated in the same way, it
is the best place to grow, learn, and add great values.

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) face many challenges that put as at risk for mental health
problems. Upon arrival in a foreign country, we are already battling unfamiliarity – the environment,
food, housing, culture. There are also cases of marginalization, racism or discrimination, and physical
and emotional abuse.

Employment conditions abroad are relevant to the individual worker and their families as well as
for the sending country and its economic growth and well-being. Poor working conditions for Filipinos
hired abroad include long hours, low wages and few chances to visit family.

Political corruption is the use of powers by government officials or their network contacts for
illegitimate private gain. Forms of corruption vary, but can include bribery, lobbying, extortion,
cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.
Corruption undermines the fairness of institutions and processes and distorts policies and
priorities. As a result, corruption damages the legitimacy of regimes leading to a loss of public support
and trust for state and government institutions.

Then several key types of social theory - action theory, systems theory/ functionalism,
psychoanalytic theory, symbolic interactionism, rational choice theory, and phenomenology - are placed
within the typology.

Social Science is a major category of academic disciplines that study human society and social
relationships. Social Science disciplines include Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology,
Anthropology, History, and Linguistics, among others.

Studying social sciences gives students an understanding of the real world around them.
Students learn about places, cultures, and events around the world, what conspired to make them the
way they are, and can make inferences about how the rest of the world works.

Put simply, the social sciences are important because they create better institutions and systems
that affect people's lives every day. ... Thus, social sciences help people understand how to interact with
the social world—how to influence policy, develop networks, increase government accountability, and
promote democracy.

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