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The Debate over Childhood Vaccination

Independent Student Activity: Analyzing Multiple Perspectives

In this activity, you will watch a video to better understand the different views of doctors,
parents, and public health officials concerning childhood vaccinations. You will then use
that information to determine your own view.

Essential Question: Should the decision to vaccinate children be a personal

choice, or should citizens follow the guidelines of public health officials?

Step 1: Watch the videos in The Debate over Childhood Vaccination.

Step 2: Fill in the chart below based on the views expressed in the video. You may
rewatch the video or use the transcript as needed.

Position on
vaccinations Arguments made in Evidence presented to
(for or support of their position support their position




Step 3: Write a 5-7 sentences in response to the question: Should the decision to
vaccinate children be a personal choice, or should citizens follow the guidelines
of public health officials?

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