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IGCSE Global Perspective (2069) -Series

Individual Report
[Component 2]






RESEARCH QUESTION: To what extent disability affects child


Disability: According to the CRPD, children with disabilities “include those
who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which
in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective
participation in society on an equal basis. A disability is any condition of the
body or mind that makes it more difficult for the person to do certain activities
and interact with the world around them. There are different types of disabilities
such as intellectual, physical, sensory, and mental illness. A child can be
considered to be disabled if he or she has significant problems with
communication, comprehension, vision, hearing or physical functioning.

Child development: Child development refers to the physical, emotional and

social growth that occurs throughout a child and young person's life. Children's
mental health their behavioral and social wellbeing is affected by this

These both are highly related disabled children are not able to be treated well by
their parents it is widely believed that disabled children are not able to attend
school, no access to healthcare and not well focused by their parent who affect
their development in future and need to be resolved.

Importance: It is very important to discuss about the disabled child

development it is the opportunity to provide them rights of their life and
development which would decide their future. Although their best interest to
participate in society would be considered.

Reason: The main reason to choose this topic is to inform and aware people
about disability effects on child development which is not considered in many
countries and they do not get success in their life. Disability awareness will help
in collapsing the ordinary mindset of the society, hence providing vast
opportunities for everyone to get involved in creating a positive, inclusive
society for all and work for it.

More than a billion people nearly 15 percent of the world’s population is

suffering from disability (World Health Organization [WHO], 2011) including
sensory disabilities (such as blindness and deafness), intellectual disabilities,
developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and psychosocial disabilities.
● Disability:
● Child development:
● Importance:
● Definition:
● Definition from UNICEF Last update: February 2022 :

● Book Learning Disabilities Screening and Evaluation Guide for Low- and Middle-Income Countries
page 1 statistics:

The main issue caused by disability is the child development many families
used to ignore the needs of that child and focus on their other children
which is completely WRONG!
Causes and Consequences:
The main cause of child disability is poverty because these families are the one who
live at unsafe area and even don’t have money to be treated by doctors and there is
poor access to health care which causes disability in a child. When they grow up there
is increased risk of developing mental health problems as well as placing significant
stress on familial and social relationships which results in depression and anxiety that
they may face suicide (1). Government does not focus on the families having disable
child and do not provide them free treatment or other free resources such as food,
medicine, and health care facilities. Governments do not build and invest on schools
for disable children so they are not able to get knowledge which will reduce expert
students (2). This result into major problem as when they grow up and their
development is poor it can result in low labor which can affect the economy of the
country because the country will become less productive which will lead to weaken
the country GDP (3). Similarly families will not earn income his family will lead to
enter poverty and will nearly face starvation. In many countries disabled children are
used for begging which create negative impact on the country and childlabour is
increased (4). Environment can also damage child’s health such as the countries with
more pollution rate can be affected during birth as their mother living in a country can
be ill due to a disease caused by the pollution and when the baby is born, his physical
or inner organs can be disabled. Many people cannot afford the treatment and it leads
the disability disease to inherit to his future generation which will cause an increase in
disable children and led to shortage of many resources such as food, jobs, medicines
affect the economy of the whole world (5). That would consequentially result in the
rise of major instabilities around the globe such as employment instability family
instability; residential instability and economic instability negatively affect the
economy of whole world. Shortage of many resources such as food, jobs, medicines
affect the economy of the whole world (6). Similarly, the weapons and bombs such as
neutral bombs side effects include disability in a child in 1945 when the Japan was
attacked by atomic bombs it had killed many people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki many
of the survivors would face chronic disease, cancer or other terrible side effects from
the radiation and even now due to these disease and radiation many children in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki are born with disability.

Comparison of cause and consequences:

All the causes and consequences play important role in result disability which is
mostly found in new born babies many on local, national and global level I had
mentioned are important. Poverty which can be in every developing country
could be the reason of child disability. Similarly the role of government is also
very important because the country is in control of the leader such as Prime
minister who needs to use their skills in forming a stable country implementing
the solutions for the problem and for disability they need to provide education,
health facilities and family program to aware people. Then on major level
disability can be inherited from mother or father to their baby and cause
increase in disable children. Although wars and military attacks can also result
in disability and further result in unemployment in the country. I think most
important cause of disability is inherited disability from their family because if
it is not controlled health facilities for parents are not provided everything can
go worse and soon disability would not be controlled in any way.

Different Perspectives

Global perspectives:

According to the latest report from United Nations Children's Fund in

every 10 children 1 is disable and face several problems , including health,
education and protection. From NEW YORK, 10 November 2021 – The
number of children with disabilities globally is estimated at almost 240 million,
according to a new UNICEF report.

According to a Joint Statement by the International Labor Organization

(ILO) and the International Disability Alliance (IDA) from 2019 families
may restrict participation or even hide children from the rest of the community
for protecting them, reducing the child’s access to support, education and other
services. Children with disabilities are almost four times more likely to
experience violence and up to 17 times more likely to enter institutional care
than their peers without disabilities, particularly owing to insufficient support
for families, a lack of inclusive education and poverty. However, there are also
reports of positive developments, such as in the case of Poland (ESPN Synthesis
Report, 2017), where there is the provision of a one-off grant to a family who
gives birth to a child with a disability: European commission.

According to The Liliane Foundation report equal rights and opportunities for
should be provided for children with a disability as 80% of all children with a
disability live in the poorest parts of the world. Poverty is the primary cause of
disability, and conversely, disability leads to more extreme poverty. It is a
vicious circle. The Liliane Foundation breaks this vicious circle by empowering
children with a disability and their parents. Together with our local partner
organizations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, we make these children’s
living, playing, and learning environment more accessible so they can
participate in their communities to the best of their abilities.

National perspectives:

A report from Early Childhood Development and Disability a discussion

paper say that: Children’s development is influenced by a wide range of
biological and environmental factors, some of which protect and enhance their
development while others compromise their developmental outcomes. Children
who experience disability early in life can face many negative factors such as
poverty; stigma and discrimination; violence, abuse and neglect; and limited
access to programs and services, all of which can have a significant effect on
their survival and development.

Many people with intellectual disabilities rely on social care provision, though
little research has looked at how access to such provision is distributed
nationally. Evidence from children's services suggests that there are large
discrepancies between local authorities (LAs) in terms of the resources
expended on interventions with children and families: abstract by Deborah
Chinking’s College, Tony Leviton Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation
Trust, and Trevor Murrells King's College London.

Similarly a report from India states that about 2.41 per cent of India’s male
population and 2.01 per cent of its female population reports having a disability.
As many as 18 million persons with disabilities (69 per cent of the disabled
population) live in rural India, and about eight million (31 per cent) live in
urban areas.

Local perspectives:

Young people with complex Special Educational Needs often need to stay in
education for a longer period to be able to consolidate their learning and prepare
for adulthood. This is recognized by the Children and Families Act 2014, which
provides for Education Health Care Plans to be maintained up to age 25. A child
who has suffered a brain injury at birth may have lifelong developmental delay
and complex and interrelated educational, health and social care needs. For
children with severe and complex disabilities, it is unlikely that their needs can
be met in a mainstream school. They may require a specialist placement capable
of providing integrated therapies. Local Authority maintained special schools
are often not sufficiently specialized to meet such complex needs. A more
suitable option may be an independent special school which Local Authorities
are usually reluctant to fund. Local report Posted on 27/06/2019 by Sara

LAHORE – there is 3.1% disable population in Punjab from the total

population of Pakistan. Punjab Assembly has enacted the Empowerment of
Persons with Disabilities Act 2021 to protect differently-abled persons in the
country’s most populous region. The Disabilities Act guarantees safeguards for
disabled persons as anyone who ridicules them will face jail time of at least two
years and a fine of Rs1 lac.

Graph shows the unemployment rate with and without disability!

● Causes:
● Results;
● Global causes and results:
● Report:
● Worldhealthorganizationreport:
● EUROPEAN COMMISSION:file:///C:/Users/Crescent/Downloads/KE-02-20-556-EN-N.pdf
● BLS: Bureau of labor statistics by the US department of labor:
● Local report by Sara Clark:
● Japan neutral attack:
● Report from India:
● Daily Pakistan:
● Courses of action:
In order to reduce the Issue of child development that is very
poor due to disability here are some solutions that could be
Parents and disable child:
First and foremost the closest person to a child is their parents so they are
supposed to focus on his development. Disable child have many strengths
parents only need to point it out and focus on it and use his skills for other
activities. They should be given the equal rights and opportunities same as they
gave it to the normal child.

Government should work for them:

Government should focus on the families with disable child and provide them
free treatment and medicines. Government should subsidize the medicines and
also imports some special medicines for them. They should open school for
disable children so they can also get knowledge and secure their future. They
should provide the facilities to the families and start clean and green
organization to reduce the infections and disease from many cities. Government
should help the poor by providing secure houses.

Another important implement can be the awareness program to aware people
from the cause sand consequence of disability. More organization should be
start such as UNICEF for children development. In this modern era online
funding can be start for collecting donations and held the child development.

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