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Presented by: Group 02

6903-Ahsan Zubair
6907-Laiba Mubeen
6912-Komal Shahid
6914-Isra Jabbar
6922-Muhammad Salman
6942-Fatima Shahzad
6953-Esha Nasir
6964-Sunaina Arif
 Cancer is a disease in which some of
the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and
spread to other parts of the body.
 Cancer can start almost anywhere in
the human body. Normally, human cells
grow and multiply(cell division) to form
new cells as the body needs them.
When cells grow old or become
damaged, they die, and new cells take
their place. Sometimes, abnormal or
damaged cells grow and multiply when
they shouldn’t. These cells may form
tumors,(lumps of tissue).
 Tumors can be :
cancerous ( malignant)
not cancerous (benign).
 Cancerous tumors spread into, or invade, nearby
tissues and can travel to distant places in the body to
form new tumors ( Metastasis).
 Benign tumors do not spread into, or invade, nearby
tissues. When Removed, Benign tumors usually
don’t grow back, whereas Cancerous tumors
sometimes do. Benign tumors can sometimes
(large),(life threat) such as brain tumor.
 Ignore signals that normally tell cells to stop dividing or
to die (a process known as programmed cell death, or
 Tell blood vessels to grow toward tumors for supplying
oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products
from tumors.
 Hide from the immune system. Trick the immune
system into helping cancer cells stay alive and grow.
For instance, some cancer cells convince immune cells
to protect the tumor instead of attacking it.
 Accumulate multiple changes in their chromosomes,
such as duplications and deletions of chromosome.
 Rely on different kinds of nutrients than normal cells. In
addition, some cancer cells make energy from nutrients
in a different way than most normal cells. This lets
cancer cells grow more quickly.
 it is caused by changes to genes .
°) Proto-oncogenes: (normal cell growth and
division). genes are altered (more active than normal)
they may become cancer-causing genes (or
oncogenes), allowing cells to grow and survive when
they should not.
°)Tumor suppressor genes: (controlling cell growth
and division).
Alterations in tumor suppressor genes may divide in
an uncontrolled manner.
°) DNA repair genes: are involved in fixing damaged
DNA. Cells with mutations in these genes tend to
develop additional mutations in other genes and
changes in their chromosomes Together, these
mutations may cause the cells to become cancerous.
 Major 5 types Of cancer:
 Carcinoma :(is cancer that forms in epithelial tissue.
lining of your organs, the internal passageways in
body (esophagus), skin. Carcinoma affecting your
skin, breasts, kidney, liver, lungs, pancreas.
 Sarcoma: begin in the bones and in the soft
connective tissues (soft tissue sarcoma). Soft tissues
that connect, support and surround other body
 Malanoma: serious type of skin cancer, develops in
the cells (melanocytes)-melanin — the pigment that
gives your skin its color. Melanoma can also form in
your eyes and, rarely, inside your body, such as in your
nose or throat.
 Lymphoma: begin in the lymphatic system( lymph glands
around the body) when abnormal white blood cells grow (
most common form).
 Leukemia: cancers of the blood cells. The type of leukemia
depends on the type of blood cell that becomes cancer and
whether it grows quickly or slowly. Leukemia occurs most
often in adults older than 55, but it is also the most
common cancer in children younger than 15.
 Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the
large intestine (colon).The colon is the final part of the
digestive tract.
 It usually begins as small, noncancerous (benign)
clumps of cells called polyps that form on the inside of
the colon. Over time some of these polyps can become
colon cancers.
 Colon cancer is sometimes called colorectal cancer,
which is a term that combines colon cancer and rectal
cancer, which begins in the rectum
 It is one of the most common types of cancer in the
world and is the second leading cause of cancer-
related death in the United States.
1. Abdominal pain
2. Blood in the stool
3. Unexplained weight loss
4. Fatigue
5. Unexplained changes in bowel
6. Constipation or diarrhea
7. A feeling of fullness or bloating
8. Nausea or vomiting
9. Unexplained anemia
10. An abnormal lump in the
1. Family history: Having a first-degree relative such as a
parent, sibling, or child with colon cancer increases your
2. Age: Colon cancer is more common in people over the
age of 50.
3. Diet: Eating a diet high in red and processed meats, as
well as low in fruits and vegetables, is linked to an
increased risk of colon cancer.
4. Physical inactivity: Being inactive increases your risk of
colon cancer.
5. Smoking: Smoking increases your risk of colon cancer.
6. Alcohol: Regularly consuming large amounts of alcohol
has been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer.
7. Obesity: Being overweight or obese increases your risk
of colon cancer.
8. Inflammatory bowel disease: Having certain types of
inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s disease or
ulcerative colitis, increases your risk of colon cancer.
9. Radiation therapy: People who have had radiation
therapy for another cancer may be at an increased risk for
colon cancer.
 Cardamom is a spice found in the form of tiny pods with
dark seeds
 The seeds have strongly sweet and aromatic tastes
 Both the seed and the pod have a wealthy smell and are
often used in desserts, hot and spicy plates, as well as
aromatic beverages, coffees and teas
 It is considered as the king of spices and is one of the most
luxurious spices, ranking third, with the first and second
being saffron and vanilla
The active compounds present in cardamom;
 Cardamonin

 Pinene

 Myrcene

 Methyl eugenol

 1,8-cineole

 Terpinyl acetate

 Terpinene

 Limonene

 Geraniol
 Formula: C16H14O4
 Cardamonin's name comes from the fact that it can be
found abundantly in cardamom spice.
 It belongs to chalcones (flavonoid family , Polyphenols)
name comes from the classic Greek word chalkos,
which means copper/bronze and is often responsible for
the yellow pigmentation of plants.
 Cardamonin is a natural compound with anti-
proliferative effects ,antibacterial potential, antioxidant
and chemo-preventive properties on several cancer
types such as colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer
 The food sources of this
bioactive compound

 Green cardamom
 Black cardamom
 Violet cardamom seeds
 A study determined that cardamonin present in the
cardamom suppresses existing colon cancer stem
cells (CSC) after chemotherapeutic drug treatments

 It also enhances the efficacy of chemotherapeutic

drugs by reducing tumor burden

 In another study, the cardamom and black pepper

aqueous extracts were found to remarkably improve
the cytotoxic effect of natural killer cells against
tumor cells
 Cardamom also displayed antioxidative effects and
increases the immune-action by inhibiting the NF-κB
(nuclear factor kappa B) signaling pathway by
reducing inflammation and ultimately tumorigenesis

 Cardamonin inhibits cell proliferation and promotes


accumulates ROS in cancer cells

ROS mediated cell death



TRAIL death receptors 4 and 5 mRNA ROS

and protein

activity of death receptors

cell death
 Ellagic acid (EA), a natural phenolic constituent, displays various
biological activities, including anticancer effects
 It is abundantly present in woody plants, berries, grapes and nuts
 EA has been found to exert both preventive and therapeutic effects
against numerous human types of cancer, including colon, skin,
prostate, breast and esophageal cancer
 A number of studies have investigated the mechanisms of EA in
the inhibition of carcinogenesis
Formula: C14H6O8

 Ellagic acid was first discovered by French

chemist Henri Braconnot in 1831
 It is named ellagique, from the word galle spelled
backwards because it was obtained from noix de
galle (galls), and also to distinguish it from (gallic acid).
 Plants produce ellagic acid from hydrolysis
of tannins (type of polyphenols, secondary metabolites
of plants)such as ellagitannin.
 It possesses antioxidant, anti-mutagenic, anticancer
,antiproliferative, and anti-atherogenic properties.
 Ellagic acid is used for treatment of cancer,
dark skin patches on the face (melasma), memory and
thinking skills (cognitive function), diabetes, and many
other purposes.
 Some of the richest food sources of ellagic acid include
 Pomegranate
 Apples
 Grapes
 Strawberries
 Raspberries
 Cranberries
 Walnuts
 Pistachios
 Cashews
 Pecans
 Green tea
Recent research has demonstrated that it suppresses
cancer cell proliferation and migration by;

 Downregulation of VEGF-(vascular endothelial growth

factor) induced angiogenesis

 VEGF-2 tyrosine kinase activity

 Downstream MAPK (Mitogen activated protein kinase)

signaling pathways
 EA also inhibits the invasive potential of tumors through
its effects on the activity of proteases, such as
collagenase/gelatinase and collagenase IV
 It enhances the action of chemotherapeutic drugs to
the site of tumor
 EA can reduce the cancer cell number and growth by
increasing the caspase-3 activity that will ultimately
induces apoptosis within tumor cells
 The cytotoxic and anti-proliferative activities of EA
against cancer cells do not affect normal cell viability.
That is, EA is selectively cytotoxic to carcinoma cells
but not to normal cells.
 EA as a chemo-preventive agent inhibits carcinogen
bio-activation, carcinogen-to-DNA binding, and cancer
cell growth.
Ellagic Acid

inhibit the growth of

HCT-116 colon cancer cells
Ellagic Acid

activates p53 expression

cell cycle arrest apoptosis

The appropriate amount of ellagic acid depends upon
several factors such as the user's age, health, and several
other conditions.
• At this time there is not enough scientific information to
determine the appropriate range of doses for ellagic acid
• Although there are no official dosage recommendations
for ellagic acid, some studies estimate that ellagic acid
may be most effective at doses ranging from 30–850 mg.
1 cup of pomegranate per day meet the requirements
of ellagic acid
 There is no established dosage for taking cardamom
as a supplement. Many cardamom capsules or tablets
list a dosage of 400–500 mg of dried herb per pill.
Before taking cardamom pills or any other natural
supplements, a person should talk to a healthcare
All the information provided is just for educational
purpose and should not be taken as a substitute for
direct medical advice.

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