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Review Jurnal International

Nama Peringkas Muhammad Isnanda Ibnurizq – D071211079

Judul Jurnal Descriptive Statistics
Volume 4
Nama Jurnal International Journal of Academic Medicine
Penulis Parampreet Kaur, Jill Stoltzfus, Vikas Yellapu
Tahun Terbit 2018

Latar Quantitative research provides important statistical information to

Belakang health-care decision-makers that enable them to accomplish tasks
Permasalahan such as budget justification, departmental and network needs
assessments, and allocation of medical resources. In addition,
healthcare statistics are critical to both quality improvement and
product development. Various hospitals measure their performance
outcomes using the results of statistical analysis, as well as
implement quality improvement programs to improve their
efficiency. Health-care statistics are also helpful for pharmaceutical
and technology companies in developing new products and
conducting market research analysis of their products.
Rumusan Masalah Various hospitals measure their performance outcomes using the
results of statistical analysis, as well as implement quality
improvement programs to improve their efficiency. Descriptive
statistics include types of variables (nominal, ordinal, interval, and
ratio) as well as measures of frequency, central tendency,
dispersion/variation, and position. Since descriptive statistics
condense data into a simpler summary, they enable health-care
decision-makers to assess specific populations in a more
manageable form.
Tujuan Penelitian To summarize data in an organized manner by describing the
relationship between variables in a sample or population.
Metode Penelitian Quantitative research
Hasil Penilitian Descriptive statistics are a critical part of initial data analysis and
provide the foundation for comparing variables with inferential
statistical tests. Therefore, as part of good research practice, it is
essential that one report the most appropriate descriptive statistics
using a systematic approach to reduce the likelihood of presenting
misleading results. Since the results of statistical analysis are
fundamental in influencing the future of public health and health
sciences, the appropriate use of descriptive statistics allow health-
care administrators and providers to more effectively weigh the
impact of health policies and programs.

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