QUIZ No. 1 - BU

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1 - BU

1. Brief History of Electricity

According to dictionary, electricity is an energy where there is a charged
like electrons and protons. Aside from this, electricity can also found in nature
such as the
lightning, water, or wind. With the help of technology, this can make electricity
happen. Ele-
ctricity allow us to do more of our daily activities easily. However, how was the
discovered? What happened for the past decades/centuries after the discoveries of
With our curiousity as a human being, we are able to discovered many things
that allow
us to know more about our nature or about the earth that we live in, such us
In 600 BC, electricity was discovered by rubbing the amber on animal fur. Since
electricity was being studied deeply by our scientist / inventors. Like Stephen
Gray who
distinguished or recognised the "vitreous and resinous" of the electricity, before
Franklin and Ebenezer Kinnersley named it as positive and negative. And because of
, it gave them many ideas to invent many devices. Like Otto von Guericke who
invented a crude
machine, a device that produces static electricity in the year 1660 AD. Peiter van
Musschenbroek who invented Leyden jar a device for storing static electricity in
the year 1745
AD. And in the year 1747 AD, Leyden Jar was discharged through the circuit by
William Watson.
And with this, batteries was invented. By the year 1819 AD, it was discovered that
and magnetism are connected by Hans Christian Oersted. By the year 1821 AD, some of
the laws
of electromagnetism was established by Andre-Marie Ampere. Ampere was also named
before him,
it is a unit of electrical current in SI. After the discoveries of the
electromagnetism, in
the year 1831 AD Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry invented the electric generator,
converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. By the year 1879, Direct Current
(DC) was
advocated by Thomas Alva Edison. And he completed the first commercial central
power plant in
USA called Pearl Street Plant in the year 1882 AD. This station was producing a
direct current.
Hydroelectric power station was also invented and designed by Nikola Tesla which
rely or uses
water to generate electricity in the year 1893 AD. In 1900 AD, one of the most used
fuel to
produce electricity was coal. And by 1950 AD, A product of petroleum which the
fuels a natural gas was being used mostly to generate electricity.
With this inventions and discoveries, makes our world change. As the
electricity being
studied deeply, it become important role in some areas such as in building houses,
cars, tele-
visions, etc.
2. Describe the Industrial Revolution
Industrial revolution

3. What happened prior to/what ended up in the white city?

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