Exam 1 Review

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Exam 1 Review

Question 1
All the following are contingencies to be addressed in the
Contingency Perspective EXCEPT:
A: strengths and weaknesses present in external environment

Question 2
Which is considered contribution of bureaucracy?
A: Promotes efficient performance of routine organizational

Question 3
As a manager at Getaway Travel, Catherine Davis spends much
of her time coaching young managers and making sure that
information reaches the units that need it to be successful.
-Catherine would best be described as a
A: tactical manager.

Question 4
Ed Catmull was rewarded in his career w/an unusual decision:
A: to decline an offer from Steve Jobs to build a company, thus
giving up his dream of making computer-animated movies.

Question 5
Which of the following is one of the fundamental success
drivers for managing competitive advantage?
A: Innovation, Quality, Speed, and Cost competitiveness
Question 6
Technical skills are important for
A: getting a good start early in your career.

Question 7
XYZ Corporation hired a consultant to help them with
organizational decision making. The 1st meeting is set up to
describe to the mgrs of XYZ Corp. the models of organizational
decision processes. Each mgr seem to prefer 1 model over the
-The President of XYZ Corp. responds positively to the
most cautious. He explains the budget process is the easiest
decision for him b/c you break it into smaller pieces & build
decisions as you go. The President seems to prefer which?
A: incremental model

Question 8
Which provides a common path to career success in business
A: synthesis of various specialized functions into general mgt.

Question 9
Top mgt at Media Blitz, Inc. recognized a lack of employee
interaction and consequently developed methods to tap into
employee ideas. The overall process of how the agency
operated was altered by incorporating employee input. The
ability to ID this problem and resolve it is an effective use of
A: conceptual and decision skills.
Question 10
When a goal and accompanying plans are selected, the other
plans which were previously under consideration may be
A: used as contingency plans for various scenarios that develop.

Question 11
You and your colleagues are having an enthusiastic debate over
how best to manage your business. Colleague 1 says that you
should find "the best way" to do every job in the company and
teach every employee how to do their job accordingly.
Colleague 2 believes that you should consider the employees'
feelings and needs in their jobs. Colleague 2 suggests that you
should come up with ways to acknowledge employees' needs
so that they will be more productive. Colleague 3 disagrees with
the others and suggests that you should use proven statistical
methods to "crunch the numbers" to get the answers to your
management questions. You, on the other hand, tell your
colleagues that they all have legitimate theoretical approaches,
but that, in fact, there is no "one best way" to manage and that
you must consider the situation before making this important
decision regarding your theoretical approach to managing your
-Which theoretical approach does Colleague 1 favor?
A: scientific management

Question 12
Which of the following principles states that each employee
should be assigned to only one supervisor?
A: unity of command
Question 13
_______ planning translates broad strategic goals and plans into
specific goals and plans that are relevant to a definite portion of
the organization.
A: Tactical

Question 14
Organizing includes all the following activities EXCEPT:
A:: motivating employees to achieve their job's goals.

Question 15
The Chem-Free Natural Pharmaceutical Company has
completed a SWOT analysis as part of their ongoing strategic
planning process. They have formulated the following info:
1. New regulations have been passed limiting their ability to sell
certain formulations over the counter.
2. As compared to their competitors, their management team is
by far the best in the industry.
3. They have fallen behind in research and development in the
last few years.
4. More people are becoming interested in natural alternatives
to traditional chemical pharmaceuticals; this trend is expected
to continue over the next decade.
5. The company has adequate financial resources to invest in
their operations.
-Which of the above would be weakness for Chem-Free?
A: 3 only
Question 16
The targets or ends the manager wants to reach are called:
A: goals

Question 17
The 4 basic mgt functions are: planning, leading, organizing, &
A: controlling.

Question 18
______________ studies and identifies management activities
that promote employee effectiveness.
A: Organizational behavior

Question 19
The initial step in the decision-making process is to
A: identify the problem.

Question 20
The basic philosophy behind group decision making is that "two
heads are better than one." But does this statement hold true?
A: Yes, potentially

Question 21
In the Business Week feature, "An Entrepreneur Gets Advice,"
all included in the advice given to an entrepreneur EXCEPT:
A: Stay in the shadows; don't let many ppl know who you are.
Question 22
________________ level of mgrs are typically concerned w/ the
interaction bet. the organization and external environment.
A: Top-Level

Question 23
Opposing pressures from different sources is:
A: conflict.

Question 24
The set of skills composed of understanding yourself, managing
yourself, and dealing effectively with others is called
A: emotional intelligence

Question 25
Developing a competitive advantage depends upon
A: identifying core competencies.

Question 26
You and your colleagues are having enthusiastic debate over
how best to manage business. C 1 says that you should find "the
best way" to do every job in the company and teach every
employee how to do their job accordingly. C 2 believes you
should consider employees' feelings and needs in their jobs. C 2
suggests that you should come up with ways to acknowledge
employees' needs so that they will be more productive. C 3
disagrees with the others and suggests to use proven statistical
methods to "crunch the numbers" to get the answers to your
mgt questions. You tell your colleagues that they all have
legitimate theoretical approaches, but, in fact, there is no "one
best way" to manage and that you must consider the situation
b/f making this important decision regarding your theoretical
approach to managing your company.
-Which theoretical approach do you (in scenario) favor?
A: contingency perspective

Question 27
The ______________ model of decision making arises when ppl
disagree on goals or compete w/ 1 another for resources.
A: coalitional

Question 28
Fast and timely execution, response, and delivery of results is:
A: speed

Question 29
The level of planning involving the longest time frames and the
largest portion of an organization is
A: strategic planning.

Question 30
_____________, developed during ____________, emphasizes
the app of quantitative analysis to mgt decisions and problems.
A: Quantitative management, World War II
Question 31
The Chem-Free Natural Pharmaceutical Company has
completed a SWOT analysis as part of their ongoing strategic
planning process. They formulated the following information:
1. New regulations have been passed limiting their ability to sell
certain formulations over the counter.
2. As compared to their competitors, their management team is
by far the best in the industry.
3. They have fallen behind in research and development in the
last few years.
4. More people are becoming interested in natural alternatives
to traditional chemical pharmaceuticals; this trend is expected
to continue over the next decade.
5. The company has adequate financial resources to invest in
their operations.
-Which of the above would be opportunity for Chem-Free?
A: 4 only

Question 32
"To be the world's best quick service restaurant experience" is
an example of a:
A: mission statement

Question 33
Managers' faulty thought processes can lead companies to
failure include:
A: My forecasts are conservative.
Question 34
Discounting the future refers to
A: valuing short-term benefits at the cost of long-term benefits.

Question 35
Which is NOT a step in the strategy implementation process?
A: Assess industry capabilities.

Question 36
Which theory refutes universal principles of mgt by stating that
a variety of factors, internal and external to the firm, may affect
the organization's performance?
A: Contingency perspective

Question 37
You are visiting a local company in your university's city to
"shadow" a manager for a day. At the end, there are 3 events
that really caught your attention. 1st at an early meeting with
the mgrs employees, the mgr notified the employees of
pending lay-offs. This news was met with a great deal of anxiety
on part of the employees. 1 employee reacted very angrily and
became so disruptive that the mgr had to call the company's
security to have them escorted out of the building. Later in the
day, the mgr made a call to a supplier to find out if anything
"new and interesting" was going on in the industry. Finally, after
work, the mgr was going to attend an employee's wedding.
-When the mgr notifies the employees of pending layoffs
at a meeting, which of the roles described by Mintzberg in Table
1.3 is illustrated?
A: disseminator

Question 38
All are ways mgrs can encourage creativity EXCEPT:
A: Keep your employees isolated from customers to avoid
conflicting information.

Question 39
The _____________ approach introduced time-and-motion
studies to determine the most efficient way to complete a task.
A: scientific management

Question 40
The _______ model of decision making occurs when decision
makers make small decisions and move in piece-meal fashion
toward a bigger solution.
A: incremental

Question 41
When the President of a company attends the Opening
Ceremony for a supplier's new office complex, this is ex: of
which of Mintzberg's roles?
A: figurehead

Question 42
A noted contributor to the field of human relations was
____________ , he suggested humans have 5 levels of need.
A: Abraham Maslow

Question 43
The most constructive type of conflict is ______________
A: cognitive conflict

Question 44
Always Beautiful is a newly-formed multinat’l cosmetics
company. The primary aim of organization is to provide nat’l
cosmetics for woman of all ethnic backgrounds and nat’lities.
The company's leaders hired you to assist in setting up their
-The leadership at AB wants to maintain a strong
competitive advantage in their industry. When they decide to
consistently introduce new g/s to the market, which of the
fundamental success drivers are they using?
A: innovation

Question 45
Which principle states that an organization should keep
communications within the chain of command?
A: scalar chain

Question 46
Strategic goals evolve from an organization's
A: mission.
Question 47
A condition occurs when a decision-making group loses sight of
its original goal and a new, less important, goal emerges is:
A: goal displacement.

Question 48
Once a problem is identified and properly diagnosed, the next
stage in the decision-making process involves:
A: generating alternative solutions.

Question 49
Typical Operational planning might focus on
A: production scheduling, training of personnel, accounting
procedures, updating equipment used.

Question 50
Advantages in using a group for decision making include
A: a higher level of understanding the decision.

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