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Basics of Ship Construction

MAR 202 Assignment (1)

Semester :Second 2022-2023 Level : One

Technology of Ship Operation and Maintain Program

A. Goals and Aims

1. Types of supports.
2. Types and idealization of loads.
3. Static equilibrium

1. Types of support
2. Types and idealization of loads

2.1. Point load ( Concentrated load);

2.2. Uniform Distributed load:

2.3. Triangular distributed load:

3. Static Equilibrium
Technically, a body (or structure) is in static equilibrium if it:
 not accelerating(at a constant speed), or
 it is static (not moving)
 forces in x direction = 0.0
 forces in Y direction = 0.0
 momenta at any point = 0.0

B. Applications

1. Find the reactions values at the supports ???

∑ ∑

2. Find the reactions values at the supports???

∑ ∑ (1)

3. Calculate reactions for the following simply supported beam?

4. For the cantilever beam and loading shown, determine the reactions at the support ?
We begin the solution by using the equilibrium of moments with point A as the
moment center. We choose point A as it would eliminate the contributions of the two
unknown reaction forces.


Negative sign indicates the direction of QA is opposite to that shown in the free-body
diagram. Now we proceed with solving the two reaction forces. Using the equilibrium
of forces in the x direction gives


The horizontal reaction force at A is zero as there is no other horizontal force acting on
the beam.


Eng. Ashraf Attia

Eng. Nouran Yasser Dr. Eng. /Hussien El-masry
Eng. Abdullah El-Baz

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