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Present Perfect with FOR and SINCE

Read the sentences carefully and choose the correct answer

1. Rose ____ as a secretary ____ 2. My family and I ____ in this 3. I ____ very well _____ yesterday.
two years ago. She loves her job. house ____ about 30 years. My Mom is taking care of me.

a) has work/ since a) has lived/since a) haven’t feel/for

b) has worked/ for b) have lived/for b) hasn’t felt/since
c) has worked/ since c) have live/for c) haven’t felt/since

4. Nobody ____ this trash can___ 5. These are my pets. They _____ 6. Charles is a builder. He ____
many days. It smells awful! with us ___ 2009. They are so cute! houses _____ he was 20 years old.

a) has cleaned/ for a) has been/for a) have build/since

b) have cleaned/ for b) have been/since b) have built/for
c) has cleaned/since c) has been/since c) has built/ since

7. Victor ___ up early ____ many 8. My friends ___ any soda ___ two 9. Roy ______ karate ____ he was 5
years. He loves to be arrive on years. They drink only water. years old.
a) Hasn’t drunk/since a) have done/for
a) has wake/since b) haven’t drank/since b) has done/for
b) have woken/for c) haven’t drunk/for c) has done/since
c) has woken/for

10. This computer ____ very well 11. Joe and Linda ___ to this 12. Tom ___ surfing ___ more than
___ the last three days. I’ll have to school ____ 2007. ten years. She really loves this
buy a new one. outdoor activity.
a) has come/since
a) hasn’t work/since b) has come/for a) has gone/for
b) hasn’t worked/for c) have come/since b) has gone/since
c) hasn’t work/for c) have gone/for

13. Carl runs very fast. He ___ 14. ___ you ___ tennis ____ you 15. Dr. Martin ___ many animals
several competitions ____ two were a kid? “Yes, I have” ___ many years ago.
years ago.
a) have-play/since a) have helped/since
a) has won/ since b) has-played/for b) has helped/since
b) has won/for c) have-played/since c) has helped/for
c) have win/since

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