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Jenny Mae C.

Children’s Literature

1. What Is the Difference Between Fiction and Nonfiction?

 Fiction is made up and based on the author's imagination. Short stories, novels,
myths, legends, and fairy tales are all examples of fiction. While locales, story
ideas, and characters in fiction are occasionally based on real-life events or
individuals, writers utilize them as starting points for their novels.
 Nonfiction, on the other hand, is factual and reports on genuine occurrences.
Nonfiction includes biographies, histories, journalism, and essays. Nonfiction is
typically held to a higher level than fiction. A few smatterings of fact in a work of
fiction do not make it true, yet a few fabrications in a nonfiction work can cause
that tale to lose all credibility.
 In general, fiction refers to stories based on imagined plots, locations, and
characters, whereas nonfiction refers to stories based on actual events and

2. Differentiate Biography, Autobiography, and Memoir.

 A biography, often known as a bio, is nonfiction literature that provides an
objective account of a person's life. A biography might be about someone alive
today or about someone who lived many years ago. Biographies feature
information about the subject's birthplace, education, career, and relationships,
as well as data about major events in their lives. A biography's purpose is to take
the reader through the person's life narrative, from childhood through
adolescence and teenage years, and then from early adulthood to the remainder
of their years. The biography describes how the individual learned life's lessons
and how they navigated the world.
 An autobiography is a written account of a person's life. Autobiographies are
written in the first person since the author is also the primary character. An
autobiography is often the author's life narrative, with the topic ranging from
religious to a personal account to be passed on to offspring. The goal of an
autobiography is to depict the author's life experiences and achievements. As a
result, most autobiographies are written later in a person's life. Because it is
written from the author's point of view, it frequently employs first-person
narratives to explain the story.
 Memoir is derived from the French word mémoire, which means remembrance or
reminiscence. A memoir, like an autobiography, is a chronicle of a person's life
written by that person. The author uses personal expertise to present a personal
and emotional tale about private or public events in their life. The author might be
the person in the narrative or a close family member or acquaintance who knew
the subject person well. The theme is purposefully narrow, and no biographical or
chronological details of the author's life are included unless they are important
and pertinent to the storyline.
 A biography is a narrative of a person's life written by someone other than the
subject, generally depending on several sources for factual accuracy. Similarly,
an autobiography is a book published by an individual chronicling major events
in their life. Finally, the subject may write a memoir, which concentrates on the
emotional components of their life experience rather than the events themselves.


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