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Laboratory: Session 13

Lesson Review:
What is the rationale (reason) why we put antiseptic solution (like povidone iodine) in an
injury? Elaborate your answer.
Since wound is open to internal organ bacteria are freely to move in that may
cause the wound to become severe. Antiseptic prevent and treat the infection to stop
growing and spreading the germs. Hence, it will increase the rate of healing process.
Check for understanding
I. What are the functions of Integumentary System?
1. Vitamin D production
2. Sensation
3. Temperature regulation
4. Excretion
5. Protection
II. Label the structure
1. Hair
2. Epidermis
3. Dermis
4. Nerve
5. Adipose tissue
AL Activity
1. True
2. False
3. False
1. What is the difference of epidermis and dermis?
The epidermis is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. in its
deepest layers, new cells are produced by mitosis. Dermis is the second layer, deeper
part of the skin, composed of dense irregular connective tissue containing collagen and
elastic fibers.
2. What is the role of collagen in the skin?
Collagen and elastic fibers are responsible for the structural strength of the
1. What is the importance of knowing the functions of the skin?
It is important to know the function of the skin in a way that it gives us knowledge
on how we must keep our skin healthy as possible to avoid problems.

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