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ej 2 pag 46

a)how fast is your internet connection

b)how much did you pay for internet access last month
c)how long do you live in this town
d)how often do you format tour pc

ej3 pag 46
a)why are u carying?
b)where are u staying at london?
c)when finnish the film?
d)What do you do when u are sad?
e)where were u when i called u?
f)what should i do?
g)what are u buying next mont?
h)for how long has u had ur mobile phone?

ej5 pag 47
a)who invented the internet?
b)who told you that story?
c)what makes u laugh?
d)what does she studing?
e)who did the police arrested?
f)what happens last night
g)what did he stole?

ej7 pag 47
a)i was wondering why u move to england
b)do you have any idea if Steve has ever sudied abroad
c)i'd like to know how much cost ur clock
d)could u tell me if ur parents are coming tomorrow
e)do you know when the shop close
f)i was wondering if u speak english
g)could you tell me why u leave that job

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